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Planet Creation Questions

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[member="The Gray Assassin"]

I wouldn't say it disables all electronics, but the way I used them in my custom planet sub was that they inhibited all outgoing communications. I figured that made it plausible that would make it difficult to locate while maintaining the practicality of space travel to and from the planet.


Does a Force nexus have to be light or dark? Is it possible for there to be a nexus that encompasses both?

Zagara Vao

Writer account. Check my characters out!
[member="Boethiah"] Hi, quick question!

I intend to do some heavy RP-ing with Ryloth, which is a planet that already exists there's little/none to scant data on it. Could I still make a submission to add some form and guideline for myself? I may also do the same for Shili - already existing planet, but not covered much in popular lore.
Is it possible to resub a planet already approved? For example when one adds something to it's land marks, has a more detailed explanation of it's history and culture and is adding in a link to species created for it?

Relina Zhan

Ducha of Gallinore, "Apollyon the Slayer"

Just FYI, Force Nexuses are either Dark or not. There is no Light side or Neutral side. those are all video game mechanics. The Force is either good and in balance or corrupted and out of balance. it is not a duality, like Yin and Yang. Bringing balance to the force entails eradicating the dark side in a given area... or, ideally to the Jedi, the entire galaxy.

So, the Force nexus is inherently "light" side for lack of a better word. It could be twisted into dark side, however...
[member="Relina Zhan"]

That is a singular view on a topic that has many variations in explanation and a world's worth of differing views and opinions. It is your place to create as you see fit, it is ours to judge the balance based on the entirety of the information available to us, not a singular narrow view.
Boethiah said:
It is strongly encouraged that you create a submission for any world you roleplay on which doesn't exist in canon or as a submission. Otherwise you may be asked to submit the planet if you wished to continue roleplaying on it.

If the planet is only in your character's background and not a world you're roleplaying on then there's no need. I as well as plenty of others have made vague mention of worlds that are not actually on the map just for story reasons.

Hope that helps!
So I'm making a character, which would currently be this one I am posting as. I want her to be *the* leader of that planet. I can just make it up as a place to put her and then if it becomes a more necessary planet, I could then create a planet of my own? In other words, nothing would have to be done right away in creating my own world?
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