Public finances can be a motivation behind someone's wanting to oust a planetary ruler. However I do not think public finances should be attempted on larger scale than a single planet, or maybe system, for a given character.
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] Even that wildly inconsistent treatment of economics in SW canon is better than Chaos'. In canon you see wars started for economic reasons (Bacta War, among others), you see embargoes launched by a faction against another...
While I agree, the canonical treatment isn't great by any stretch, it speaks volumes about why I want to write properly about public finances under that alt, and advice to do so. Maybe it will get other writers to properly write about public finances if they end up governing planets, if they see what proper writing about public finances is like.
[member="Lily Kuhn"] You do understand that the fortune of smaller planets (population-wise) fluctuate a lot more than that of larger planets: a change of 0.1% in unemployment rate just won't mean the same to Empress Teta than to Azure in absolute terms. Remember: IC financial publications WILL quote hard numbers without fail.
To me, hard numbers give me a way, way better sense of what and where the IC consequences will lie, and allow to write more consistenly about them. If Cathul learned Force-healing, even to apprentice level, she would save Azure 300k credits in healthcare expenditures: for a planet with just 1-2k in population at this time, it's a fortune, and as Azure's population grows, alongside her skill as a Force-healer, that 300k will become 1-2M (but the cost-effectiveness of Force-healers tapers off past a certain point).