Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Planning a Terrorist Attack

Well-Known Member
So yeah, not under any particular circumstance's or for real reason's. I'm a sociopathic Reptile who worships himself as a God, and I am apparently a terrorist. I however, have not done anything yet as the Terrorist known as, the Leech.

So then, what faction would like to be terrorised? Don't worry, I'll play fair and set up threads prior to the event where I set up everything so I don't automatically get the upper hand. Also, it allows an IC investigation that allows you to attempt to stop it, before it happens, or at least figure out what it is, so you can stop it, as it happens.

Don't think he can't do it just because he's just a little old Dark Jedi Padawan? Wrong. He's an Assassin, who happens to use the force and wield a lightsaber. Although assassination is his specialty because of his keen nose and his ability to sense others in the force, he is very good at infiltration thanks to his training as an assassin, and because of his knowledge of Force cloak, and Doppleganger. Also, I'm hoping that before he actually commits to this mini-event that he becomes capped/promoted to Knight.

Good luck trying to track him down!

So who's up for it?

The Hound

This is actually great, because I was wanting to have my character wrongfully accused of some sort of attack on the republic. Wrong place wrong time...? ;D
Well-Known Member
I was actually thinking about the Republic as my attack, but I didn't want to make the Empire feel left out ;)

We could totally work something out
Well-Known Member
I don't know. We could have this finished in a week or this could be several weeks. Kinda however you guys want to roll with it.
Well-Known Member
I actually wondered the same thing, ha

It's okay CIA guys, it's only in Writing against a fictional Republic, that has mystical wizars with awesome swords
Well-Known Member
I actually didn't know about them really.

I found them searching for things about Darth Vader

I had this idea about making a cult that Worshipped him and wanted to destroy the Jedi, Sith, and all followers of the Force... including themselves once the job was done. It was their derranged way of bringing balance to the force. But it never picked up speed, so I wrote that it fell in on itself and had been disbanded. That meant Jhar was out of a job, and he slowly became insane and renoucned his worship of Vader, and then decided he would be a God.

That's why I'm terrorizing the Galaxy in the first place :D

The Hound

This is going to suck for the Republic haha a terrorist attack only a few months(or however long post-clockwork this is going to be)
Well-Known Member
Okay, so I'll give the Republic leadership a PM and see what they think of it, and then post the first thread.

Remember, nothing has happened yet, and no one knows the Leech. In fact, he's had very little contact at all with the Jedi. I might PM some other people to see if they could be hired some things to do for me.

Also, do you think that this is appropriately labeled as a Skirmish?
Well-Known Member
Alright! I gots some info for you guys.

If you guys are all aware of the Roche event, I plan to initiate my plot about a week after that. To give you an idea, lets say for the sake of agruement that the Terrorist event is going to detonate on the 15th. That's a monday, just before Tuesday, which is generally our biggest day.

This will all take place on Curoscant as well. In it, you shall see random murders/assassination's, suicide bombers who didn't know that they were going to blow up that day, Computer Virus's/worms causing Droid malfunction (yipee!) and security mayhem (a few people may get their IC identity stolen if they were willing), planned hover car accidents that end up into the side of the Senate building, Federal Buildings may find themselves blowing up, all around mayhem.

All the while, I'll be causing my own havoc seemingly in person, and it will be up to Republic force's to play a friendly game of cat and mouse.

Beware mortal's, the day of the Leech is coming, and the Republic shall only be the first of my play things!

Darren Onyx

A terrorist attack. YES. That is something I have wanted someone to do for awhile now. LUL.

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