Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Planning a Terrorist Attack

The Hound

And there goes my career...Don't know which act I will be accused for yet. Probably an assasination.

The Hound

and when they find out its you they cry and beg to have me back! But I shall have my own vendetta...against a certain dark jedi padawan
Well-Known Member
Only a Padawan in the Force my friend, come near me, and I'll cut you! With a lightsaber, or perhaps my varius set of knives, or maybe I'll just blow you up. Or I'll kill you in your sleep, or lure you with a Doppleganger and get you from behind. Or I might even just screw the Doppleganger, and just cloak myself and just kill you in the front.

The fact of the matter is, I have options, and even though my skills in the force are limited and still growing, I'm a hardened killer with lots of toys to make sure you die. :D
Well-Known Member
It's fine. I just don't really know what would be acceptable, because there is no good way of figuring out the income of a character who isn't always doing business.

I think there should be legitimate IC bank accounts that new characters can start off with. As they progress through Role play and exchange money or gain access to profitable territory that amount in the account rises.

The Hound

You will be dealing with a half-trained Impirial Knight on a mission for redemption/revenge XD he will get his toys eventually...

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