Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Planning a Terrorist Attack

The Hound

Most defineatley...Eventually as at the moment he is only planned to be coincidentally framed for one of the assassinations. Wrong place wrong time fingerprint deal. Doesn't help that he is chummy with known fugitives.
Well-Known Member
There were be multiple threads before it happens with me setting everything up, but the attack shall be on the 15th
Well-Known Member
Only unless you want to end up dead after serving me :) But we know that won't work with your plans.

More seriously, if you can find away... sure, why not. But you won't be working with me on a personal level. No one is :p

Darren Onyx

I don't care about that. I was actually hoping on sabotaging your plans to make even more damage. XD
Well-Known Member
You would have to figure out that the plans are happening in the first place, lol. Which unless I'm hiring you (just before you're untimely explosive death), you wouldn't know a thing about it, until all of Curoscant is on fire.

But sure, go ahead. Try as you might. You shall not succeed! The day of the Leech is coming, and no one can stop it now! Mwahahahaha! Well you might stop it, or at the very least minimize the damage a bit.
Well-Known Member
Okay, so today I played around a lot with my Shaper. Tomorrow I shall post the first thread to this grand attack of Terrorism. See you there ;)
Well-Known Member
Well the attack is yes, but setting up all the mayhem so I don't get instant advantage over all will be in a few threads before the 15th
Well-Known Member
lol, he's no target... yet.

anyway, I guess I'll pay you, the guy, whatever that 300,000 you said from before for a slicer. With stealth skills like these, I don't imagine it would be too hard to acquire without a Slicer.

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