Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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planning power armor

im planning on subbing power armor

Mynock flying armor

Kryat combat armor

I was wondering what the rules were regarding these?
[member="Kami Meran"]

I did a set of power armor (Link in sig) there were two sets of dev, I believe--One for the material and one for the armor itself. The total number of posts were 20, which is pretty good, all things considered.

Advice from me: Keep the back, belt, boots, and each wrist slot open. Make those spots modular. That way you can interchange them for anything you want--within reason. Be gentle with what you do with the wrist slots, if you over play that then, well, you will find yourself up a creek without a paddle with more "Nope" than a toddler could ever throw at you. Also, include scanners in the helmet, an Oxygen tank, rebreather, and air purification. My secret sauce: Add as many scanners to the helmet as you possibly can.


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