Eternal Father
I am making a suggestion. I cannot enforce anything. I cannot 'make' people not exhibit weaknesses in their submissions. Not in text format, not in PvP, nor even in their imagination. Whatever you are seeing is a fiction. My intent is writ bold in the very title of this thread itself. There is no hidden loophole or motive whereby JSC gets superpowers from discarding redundant factory regulations. Indeed. Given Tef's lastest string of threads and open letter to the community? One might wonder why you cannot first imagine that I am not somehow trying to help?Ignus said:when all I see is you trying to make it so people don't have to exhibit weaknesses for their submissions?
Let's switch gears then. Character profiles on CHAOS.Ignus said:opens the door for exploitation of the system.
No. However, at not point in my arguement have I debated this. We are in agreement. I'm not avoiding this question because it applies. I'm avoiding it because it does not. Just look again at the subs I have linked in my OP. Their are strengths and weaknesses there. AND they are as retarded as they are time wasting. That's not a slight to their authors either. It's a slight against my intelligence because Rule 14 is suffered to exist.Ignus said:And again I ask, is it really that hard to come up with 1 strength and 1 weakness?
Now. Let me put your heart at ease here.Ignus said:Like I said, will it be exploited? I can't say. Would someone inevitably try? Yes.
Just because we can report something does not mean we should make it so that is necessary.Jay Scott Clark said:Ignus. Should at any time another player abuse anything. Be it a factory item, a codex planet, or a pink rubber bikini during your wedding ceremoney. You are protected by this website's Top Rules. You can, at any time, report abuse using the Report Button or request a moderation by an RPJ. You are protected. And, any rules in the Factory that seek to protect you from this do so only in redundancy.
This is an opinion. Not, a fact. And I will not sit here and debate your opinion as it applies to the way Tefka has set up this website's Report System.Ignus said:Just because we can report something does not mean we should make it so that is necessary.
Great. Now. Go get your own suggestion thread. Because I don't want to talk about 'your' alternative in this one. This thread, is about removing Rule 14. Lulz.Ignus said:I would propose an alternative:
I think I fully understand the point of this thread. I also think the title of this thread is way off base. I also fully understand that we are raising awareness for "what can be a waste of time around here" and people will begin raising their opinions on what should stay/go, but there is nothing about this rule that says "this does not fit within the spirit of SWRP: Chaos."Jay Scott Clark said:"14. All submissions should reflect the strengths and weaknesses of their materials and components for transparency, balance, and fair play."
^ This is the technically that stands at the forefront of my suggestion, yes.Tefka said:This rule does not mandate that a submission should have a strength or a weakness, only that it should be reflected in the submission if there is one.
If a section of the template is non-applicable, it should be filled out with N/A. If a submission is potato salad and there's no strength to the submission, it should be N/A. There are weaknesses to foods (such as foodborne illness) and should be filled out appropriately.Jay Scott Clark said:Marking these sections N/A should be reasonable when they do not apply at all. See the subs above for more info
I distinctly remember you saying this line once before and being called out that it wasn't true. Sure it is optional if yoy don't want tech at all, but if you want that special snowflake tech then no, not optional.Jay Scott Clark said:[member="Tefka"] - The Factory remains an optional experience. We're good.