Valiens Nantaris
Head Admin
Let's keep cheap shots and passive aggression out of here, please.
*Fistbumps [member="Darth Metus"]*Darth Metus said:Everyone's arguing about buffing Rebellions, but all I want for Christmas is for PvP to matter.
Anyone who's been around SWRP knows this isn't even a subject worth considering because it will be shut down before it begins.Ella Nova said:Permanent death mechanics will solve these issues.
If Faction A can invade Faction B's planet and wins to take the planet then why can't Character A kill Character B? Faction A probably put as much effort (if not more) into the Dominion, development and protection of that planet that was taken from them by Faction B than any character that was made on this board. Why is a character better protected than a planet on this board?Tefka said:Anyone who's been around SWRP knows this isn't even a subject worth considering because it will be shut down before it begins.
There's plenty of other stuff on the table to discuss.
Kek.Vazela said:Worth a point to mention that nobody in this thread (me included) have ever actually tried to create or organise a rebellion with anyone else on this board. I think the problem probably stems from the people rather than the rules.