Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Plz Buff Rebellions


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
I like the idea of making rebellions matter more. I like it quite a lot.

The mindset that Minors don't matter is outdated and, frankly, annoying. Sure, most of them will come to nothing. Too many are either vanity projects that won't attract any members or their leaders lack the skill or charisma to attract a sizable following. Others were never meant to be anything more than a small group of friends looking to tell a neat story. Personally, I think we ought to figure out a way to weed out the first two, but that's wishful thinking.

What's not wishful thinking is the fact that every Major faction on the map started off as a promising Minor. Maybe your definition of promising doesn't include people you don't like doing things that annoy you, but even the most curmudgeonly of misanthropes has to at least concede that they've succeeded where the vast majority of others have tried and failed.

To hell with this whole Minors don't matter mindset. When you get right down to it, Minor factions matter more than Majors because they represent the future of the board. They give new players a chance to sink their teeth into the game and build their rep, and they give experienced hands a chance to start fresh and try something new.

With a few exceptions, Major Factions are, by definition, static. Once the course is charted, they can't deviate too heavily from it without alienating the playerbase that built it. They gobble up territory, knock themselves silly against other Majors, and eventually, burn out. The really successful ones will sow the seeds of the next generation, but most aren't that lucky.

Minors that go Major are doomed to that same fate, but for one brief, shining moment, they can be anything. Most will be failures, but a few will go on to become part of the fabric of Chaos history.

We should absolutely encourage and enable that potential, and if we can shake things up for the Majors already on the board while we're at it, I'm all for it.

Darth Metus said:
Everyone's arguing about buffing Rebellions, but all I want for Christmas is for PvP to matter.
*Fistbumps [member="Darth Metus"]*

I'm with you there, bro. But that's a rant for another time.
I'm cool with whatever changes the community wants, as long as we're sure the rules are the problem and not the community's unwillingness/laziness to participate in high speed pvp threads at this time.
I didn't read this thread but the basic premise of a Rebellion is to usurp a power from the control of something. When the current perimeters of achieving victory on this board is to have a good story and not take the actual outcomes of the battle into account then there really is no need to make one. The reason why Rebellions, PvP, Invasions, Skirmishes and everything in between do not work is because this website has a bad case of main character syndrome. It stems from the fact that people have been writing the same characters for five (going on six) years. Permanent death mechanics will solve these issues.
[member="Kaine Australis"]

Sure, I've seen it too. I've seen permanent death mechanics kill off a community elsewhere. But it would eradicate the main character syndrome rife on this website and main character syndrome is worse than having a forum that has permanent death mechanics involved. For the record I roleplay with permanent death mechanics in mind. Kill my character and she's dead. Makes for better roleplay.
Tefka said:
Anyone who's been around SWRP knows this isn't even a subject worth considering because it will be shut down before it begins.

There's plenty of other stuff on the table to discuss.
If Faction A can invade Faction B's planet and wins to take the planet then why can't Character A kill Character B? Faction A probably put as much effort (if not more) into the Dominion, development and protection of that planet that was taken from them by Faction B than any character that was made on this board. Why is a character better protected than a planet on this board?
[member="Ella Nova"] A planet/hex can be taken over, but not destroyed.

On a sidenote, as someone who has been consistently doing 3-5 doms a month for nearly 12 consecutively months at this point, no. I have put much more effort into [member="Scherezade deWinter"] and [member="Alwine Lechner"] each than all of the other doms combined.
[member="Scherezade deWinter"]

The reason why permanent death mechanics are not normally used in most roleplay communities is because the person behind the character doesn't want to lose the character development that they made for that specific character. They become attached because they spent a lot of time roleplaying that character. This is understandable. Consider then what happened to the Galactic Republic faction on this board. It was destroyed after roughly 17 (to my recollection) victories that were made in invasions. It is fair to say that the Galactic Republic was "killed" by the One Sith. Quite rightly so too. The One Sith had better writers, characters, were more motivated, and were the better faction.

Due to the Galactic Republic being destroyed a lot of people quit this board. It was akin to them losing a character that they were dedicated too for years. The GR was the oldest faction on the boards history prior to the One Sith spending a year destroying it. In my opinion there wasn't a difference between that faction being destroyed to that of a beloved character being destroyed. Staff let it happen because it was in rules. It was a good thing. It created a lot of good roleplay. It still creates good roleplay to this day. Tell me what you think of this comparison?


I'm not trolling. Permanent deaths were brought up in the debate about Rebellions as a means to facilitate more PvP. Why are you shutting down my discussion when it is contributing to the thread?
I just see a lot of Lazy Major Factions, that don't want anything to do with one another because of their delicate "Lore"

I miss the days when One Faction just invaded another. No discussion, no broken hearts.

And the other Faction just rolled with it, and wrote a story.
I don't understand why people are bringing the same complaint of "Majors don't wanna cooperate with each other" in here, lmfao.

Just proposing ideas to make rebellions more accessible so minor factions can interact with MFs on the map.
[member="Rusty"] | [member="Lok Munin"]

I'm 100% with you guys.

Two Hobbits beat Sauron.
The rebellion rabble beat the Empire.

Stop saying the lil guy doesn't matter. Numbers shouldn't quantify importance effort should.

And no, Major Factions and Effort are not synonyms.
Let's shake it up a lil.


OOC Writer Account
Worth a point to mention that nobody in this thread (me included) have ever actually tried to create or organise a rebellion with anyone else on this board. I think the problem probably stems from the people rather than the rules.
It's quite presumptive to state that no-one here tried to organize a rebellion. I've helped organize two, and participated in several. I know of several others here that can state the same. Lol
The Last Son
Vazela said:
Worth a point to mention that nobody in this thread (me included) have ever actually tried to create or organise a rebellion with anyone else on this board. I think the problem probably stems from the people rather than the rules.

Part of the reason people don't "organize" one of these rebellions, is because the limited time window of many of the dominions. If a faction wants to play safe, then they can very easily do just 2 dominions a month, and be done. No rebellion. No fighting. Its over. Then you have the Large factions that nobody would contest like the Sith Empire, and the CIS who do 3-5 dominions every month, in some cases speed dominions where they are done in a matter of a hours to days. They are so large and active, that attacking them is considered "stupid" for any faction that wants to do a rebellion.

Coming in here and saying we are making debates without information on how to start one, is a neglect of information of who is in the thread. Almost everyone within this thread has at one point lead a faction, created an invasion/rebellion thread, or is part of the staff team on some level, in some capacity, at some point in time, to know how this site works and functions. Myself included.

I doubt we really need to validate what we have done in the past in order for our "voice" to be heard, or at least factored into the situation. Just for chits and giggles, I have been a Factory Judge Twice, I was an Admin for the Moross Crusade Faction, Admin for the Iron Empire, Admin for the Commoner Systems Alliance, Moderator for the Silver Jedi, Admin of Numerous Minor factions, and have started 3 invasions, many skirmishes, Many dominions, and participated in almost every thread type(Conquests I have never done) that Chaos has had for almost 6+ years now.

I want to see this form of a Rebellion become a reality so that if I ever have a Minor faction that wants to go major, or if I am part of a Major Faction Admin team, I want to know about possible consequences, be good or bad, that I would have to deal with. I want to RP more on this site for fun, and the ability to write with others. Not just a Rule of Two, and forget about everyone else.

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