OOC Writer Account
I roleplay with multiple people. I'm more than happy to roleplay with you. It would seem that others have issues roleplaying with me because of the way that I am OOC. I don't like how some of you talk or think OOC either. I'm still happy to roleplay with you all because there is a difference between IC and OOC that I don't associate with.
I like to make broad statements about my opinions or expressions with the expectation that someone will either agree with me or disagree with me with reasons as to why. This is how I learn. This is how most people learn too. They explain their thoughts and then someone explains why they're right or wrong. I don't base my opinions on assumptions. I could have assumed what you just said to me in response but I didn't necessarily know. Educated guesses only go so far.
If we're talking accolades I have owned one major faction, administrated in three, and I have been running my own minor faction (emphasis on minor) for four years. I've also been writing on this board for as long as you have. We probably haven't met or spoken before because I deliberately choose not to include myself in the Discord groups unless I want too and not because I feel obligated to do so. I have no friends on this board out of choice. I've found having friends OOC affects my In Character portrayals and / or stories even if I try not to let them too.
If we're going to go back on topic now I would say that with your post in mind Rebellions do need to be changed if major factions are deliberately doing things to stop them from occurring. At the same time I maintain there is also likely a people problem. A lot of people on this board are lazy and like to change rules to accommodate their shortcomings as a writer and roleplayer. PvP has been brought up in this thread as it concerns Rebellions and if we can take lessons from how Invasions were changed to accommodate aforementioned shortcomings then you might find it easier to correct the mistakes with Rebellions. There is such a thing as 'bad roleplayers'. Don't be afraid to point them out when you see it. It's how people will improve.
[member="Krest"] gave me an excellent lesson recently for example.
I roleplay with multiple people. I'm more than happy to roleplay with you. It would seem that others have issues roleplaying with me because of the way that I am OOC. I don't like how some of you talk or think OOC either. I'm still happy to roleplay with you all because there is a difference between IC and OOC that I don't associate with.
I like to make broad statements about my opinions or expressions with the expectation that someone will either agree with me or disagree with me with reasons as to why. This is how I learn. This is how most people learn too. They explain their thoughts and then someone explains why they're right or wrong. I don't base my opinions on assumptions. I could have assumed what you just said to me in response but I didn't necessarily know. Educated guesses only go so far.
If we're talking accolades I have owned one major faction, administrated in three, and I have been running my own minor faction (emphasis on minor) for four years. I've also been writing on this board for as long as you have. We probably haven't met or spoken before because I deliberately choose not to include myself in the Discord groups unless I want too and not because I feel obligated to do so. I have no friends on this board out of choice. I've found having friends OOC affects my In Character portrayals and / or stories even if I try not to let them too.
If we're going to go back on topic now I would say that with your post in mind Rebellions do need to be changed if major factions are deliberately doing things to stop them from occurring. At the same time I maintain there is also likely a people problem. A lot of people on this board are lazy and like to change rules to accommodate their shortcomings as a writer and roleplayer. PvP has been brought up in this thread as it concerns Rebellions and if we can take lessons from how Invasions were changed to accommodate aforementioned shortcomings then you might find it easier to correct the mistakes with Rebellions. There is such a thing as 'bad roleplayers'. Don't be afraid to point them out when you see it. It's how people will improve.
[member="Krest"] gave me an excellent lesson recently for example.