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Podrace PODRACE: Celebration on Ossus (Open to Spectators and Gamblers!)

Podracer: The Wheelhouse
OOC Roll, Leg 2: 17 (Scar Worlds Discord)

The race started suddenly, but Slider was prepared.

The racer thrust forward with a speed and vigor that didn't match his advanced age. He was a savant at the controls, pressing each button in choreographed movements, and the pod answered in kind, as if Slider were the conductor, and the speed of the Wheelhouse his symphony.

Following the metaphor, Slider set an allegro pace across the first two legs of the track.

The race began with a loop under, and then over, a bridge, and Slider negotiated it as if he had been doing it his whole life. The Wheelhouse angled itself severely as Slider turned the joysticks hard to the right, and flecks of mud peppered Slider's goggles.

The second leg went very much the same. Slider hit the left turn with an equal amount of ferocity, kicking up dirt all around the monobike's singular wheel. For three glorious seconds, Slider drifted across the field, ringed by a halo of flinging mud, with an expression of pure joy on his face. The perfect photo opportunity, if a cameraman were paying attention.

He had started well, as had many others. Hopefully, his luck would hold.

With a strong start, Leith rocked forth, hair whipping occasionally into his view over his orange goggles. Neck and neck with a Jedi? Not bad. But that twerp of a Twi'lek was-

And then they started to shoot past him. One by one.

"Karking schuttas, the lot of 'em." He muttered to himself. He tried to push his podracer to its limits as they flew through the second leg. He was falling behind!
Supporting Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu
The yellow colored podracer was off to the races.


"Huh," the young Anzat uttered, as though mildly surprised as Jerek's podracer leapt off the starting line in pursuit of the other racers as they flew off for the first leg of the course.

Turning, the boy bent down to peer into the round ocular sensor of one of the pit droids. "It DIDN'T blow up on start up," the boy commented wryly.

The droid gave a series of rude-sounding clicks and whistles, as one mechanical arm dipped into its chassis for a moment, then came up with a singular credit chip, which it slapped into the waiting hand of the boy.


Location: Ossus, Jax's Podracer
Equipment: Racing Gear, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Ki'Ranna Ki'Ranna

(OOC: Rolled an 8 )

"Ah fuck!" Jax tried to accelerate his Podracer to try to catch up to the other racers but as he did so, he came across a sharp turn causing his right Pod skid against the side. Jax's Podracer began to shake violently, his display pad showing that his Pod took a little damage. The Jedi Master pulled away from the wall checking his pod from the outside. It was mostly superficial but that mistake just slowed him down and created an even bigger gap between the leaders.

"I'm in deep chit," Jax muttered hastily entering some commands to transfer all power to his thrusters. He needed to make up for some lost miles, otherwise he might as well quit the race.

"Quit the race?" A smirk formed on Jax's face. "After working my ass off to build this stadium, I'd sooner jump naked into the one of the lava lakes of Mustafar then wave the white flag."

Still, if Jax wanted to be competitive then he needed to act fast.

Jerek's Podracer

Total Roll: 25
Current Roll:


Jerek didn't explode.

Small victories, that's what Master Beck had once taught him. Jerek celebrated one every time he emerged from a dogfight alive, and he celebrated one now as the podracer lurched from its starting position to join the racers. He whooped, as excited as any Jedi Knight would be to fly a barely-cohesive podracer in banana-yellow. Or maybe just a bit more.

Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha had given the podracer incredible amounts of speed. He assured Jerek that it had just as much maneuverability, yet the man was struggling to control it. Other racers whipped past him as he felt the pod drifting, weaving instead of staying straight, and taking the first turn too wide.

Not the best start to the race.

Not the worst, either. He hadn't seen that punk Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin pass him yet, and from what he could make out there were only 5 racers ahead of him.

The Jedi Ace was used to overwhelming odds. Those didn't faze him.

Jerek throttled the podracer forward as he cleared the last hairpin turn of the first leg. It seemed better now on the straightaways, and he used it to his full advantage, coming almost within spitting distance of Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris .

Skill was only going to get him so far, luck would need to show up if Jerek had any chance more than almost.
The announcer was really getting into it.

"Second leg down and Juno Sabat Juno Sabat still has the lead, but there's a knot of strong racers coming up behind her. They're not just fighting for second prize here, folks. Slider Slider the Bereth-Aku has squeaked ahead of Valery Noble Valery Noble AND the Pamarthen Tris Tris . Steady he might be, but don't call this Bereth-Aku slow! And just remember, any one of these fine frontrunning racers could meet a firey death at any moment! The pack is far from out of the fight on this one, folks!"
Location: Arena Support, Ossus
Supporting: Jax Thio Jax Thio
Re-Roll for Leg 2: 16 [Enclave Discord][IMG]

Kira was still fuming when Jax's pod skid about and started to shake. This did not improve the Padawan's mood, but it did get her to begrudgingly consider whether she wanted Jax to be humiliated. A part of her did.

Yes, the Masters would be all besides themselves if they heard her confess it as well. Don't "give in" to anger. Just pretend everything in the galaxy was fine, and that even if it undeniably wasn't that it was all as it was meant to be. A supermassive blackhole could rapidly expand to consume everything and the Jedi would counsel acceptance. It was infuriating! Worse, they were completely blind to it. Kira had seen students try arguing it with a Master. It was no wonder why there were Sith in the galaxy.

Perhaps if the Sith today weren't maniacal, back-stabbing, blood-thirsty, galaxy-burning monsters they'd get even more recruits. Though that was mostly the Brotherhood's fault. The Empire hadn't been as galaxy-burning. They'd still been blood-thirsty, however.

With a deep sigh, Kira brought out her arm-mounted control console and tapped into Jax's pod. Her fingers danced over the controls to dump an accelerant into the mix to give him the much sought-after boost to try catching up with those in the lead. Wonder of wonders, the galaxy didn't feel like rebuking her for turning her nose up at the Sith. Jax's pod did not explode from a poor mixing or some overlooked weakness in the integrity of the engines.

If only the man knew. Somehow she'd need to get through to him.
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Okay, this was more like it. The blonde nodded as she help the white knuckle grip on the control yolks to her pod. Leg three was where she was really going to be able to open it up. She had no idea of any leaderboard, and how many were behind her, or really, how many weren't behind her. A Pod was loud, and she was solely focused on what was in front of her. "Lets hope you got this all set, Joker." She smirked as she called to her pit crew.

Coming out of the corner, she slammed on the accelerator, she thought she had a visual on the leader, but what she could see another two in front. "C'mon pod, lets get moving." She white knuckle gripped it as she pushed the throttle as fast as she could. She didn't worry yet on the inside or the outside, she wanted to catch.

Damnit, these other racers were fast.

Location: Ossus
Podracer: Yes, technically
Mechanic: Some guy I found at the end of Korriban's Race ( Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill )
Roll: 16
Total: 21

The podracer was shaking an awful lot.

The crowd roared as racer after racer rocketed ahead of him. Cassus' eyes scanned across the terminal indicators. Reading the outputs pointed to a dozen different places, but by observing the machine itself he had a pretty good idea of the common cause of the errors. The power-conversion frequency for the energy couplings was incredibly sub-standard, and the repulsor-lift attitude was... giving him attitude as a result.

"Fierfek," Cassus banged a fist against on the dashboard. He heard a pop that deeply concerned him as the Podracer rocked dangerously low to the track, before suddenly the engines pulled his pod in closer and began rocketing madly forward.

Glancing at the indicators while keeping his vehicle in check seemed to be suggesting a faulting suppressor blew just as he hit it. How fortune that his curse of breaking things had actually turned out positively for once... but now he was on a time limit.

"Why does this always happen?!" He lamented.

The Gand was well aware of the lucrative bounties offered on podracers. The Gand had this come with a specific target in mind, Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin . He was the most natural target, as he was, to the Gand's recollection, the only pod racer who had attended all three of the recent resurgence of races.

The Gand used a bit of Ucks to arrange for fans of different racers to be seated adjacent to other. He used a bit of alcohol to make them a bit more rowdy than usual. He used the force to ever so gently suggest that one of the racers was cheating, which was repeated, offended other fans, and ultimately resulted in a brawl of at least thirty sapients. The Gand used this distraction to begin assembling his TriTech GSS-11 Deluxe Sporting Rifle.

The Gand aimed to have a shot ready to meet the racer by the next leg.

As Cassus crossed through into the second leg at much higher speeds than before, a blaster bolt would have met his machine... except strangely, as the Gand pulled the trigger gas rapidly leaked out and the shot never left the barrel. A completely unexpected spontaneous misfire on an otherwise well maintained and designed weapon, uncharacteristic of both weapon and weilder.

If checked again, the Gand would find the repair to be rather quick and easy. It seemed like a total fluke, the next shot fired would be sure to find its mark. But would he keep focusing on the back of the pack or, perhaps, the front leader?

Gand Gand
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Roon Vindar


Surrounded by others in the densely stacked stands of the Ossus arena, the unlikely duo of Thrassk and Roon watched the racers shift round and round the course; no ridiculous bets to be thrown on the event, neither had the funds for such. Yet, that is. It hadn't saved the two of them from a small bet between themselves, however, as their most recent contract had come to an end on Ossus itself a mere few hours beforehand - smaller scaled in the bid to not attract the attention of the Jedi. Neither benefited from the intervention of authorities, let alone those that wielded the Force.

Roon first insisted on Slider to be the victor, and so had Thrassk moments afterwards. The Trandoshan had not been known to be flexible in his nature and after minutes of needless back and forth, Roon had been forced to cast his vote onto Leith Morayson instead; no use in a bet at all otherwise, the Mandalorian decided. But there was no short supply of bitterness as Slider remained ahead of Leith so far.

"Should have made a real bet," the man huffed, "I chose Slider because he's a tortoise. You no doubt bet on him because I did. To think he's in second and that close to the lead."

Thrassk Thrassk


The Relentless

Thrassk sat annoyed as he dipped his hand into a small bag of Gokob jerky that had been sold at the stands, shoveling into his mouth as he stewed. He'd hoped to go to a world for some great bounty but instead the Mandalorian saw fit to waste both their talents on smaller scale hunts, things that neither accumulated many points nor credits.

Still even in his frustration Thrassk was always keen for a bet and when Roon initially proposed a modest five credit bid on the races to add to the tension, the Trandoshan protested and demanded thirty credits; which combined to about a tenth of what they had gotten for wrangling that gambler hours prior. Thrassk was never very keen on pod-racing, but when he heard ones name was Slider, well, he just HAD to bet on them. Roon would simply have to find another racer, the Trandoshan always knew where the real money was.

So the two sat, Thrassk's anger slowly building instead of descending as the Slider was only in second; not first. "Faster. Faster. FASTER! I WILL KILL YOU SLIDER!" Boomed the Trandoshan, accidentally knocking his bag of jerky off his lap and in between the stands as he stood up to make his voice heard above the crowd. Suddenly however the Lizard's attention would be drawn away from the race as he heard the jealous moaning of his companion, Thrassk had a small grin on his face as he twisted to address him.

"Nooo. You're a fool." Thrassk pointed to himself proudly. "While you bet on him because he was a tortoise, I bet on him because his name was slider. As he is sliding through the air, obviously he would be the fastest. Any other bet only an idiot would make." Thrassk said in a taunting tone whilst beaming with confidence. "Weep harder, shell." He hissed before sitting back down, nerves clearly showing on his face as he watched Slider intently.

Roon Vindar
Podracer: The Wheelhouse
OOC Roll, Leg 3: 17 (Scar Worlds Discord) (someone get me a lottery ticket)

There was no stopping Slider.

After the harsh turn, the next section of the race was a straight dash across an open section of dirt. Slider straightened out quickly, barely even realizing he was at the front of the pack, so overjoyed by the race itself that he didn't bother with checking his place in it.

The Wheelhouse was purring like a kitten. Why it had decided for today of all days to overperform, Slider could only guess. Perhaps she liked the fair weather of Ossus, or maybe that kick he gave her engine before the race had knocked something into place. It was impossible to tell, but the Bereth-Aku was enjoying the speed for as long as it would last.

The racetrack straightened out after the harsh turn, and Slider gunned the motor, unleashing his monobike's full speed. The pod added it's voice to the sounds of cheering fans, roaring like a dragon as the singular wheel glowed blue, the repulsorlifts taking over, and propelling the turtle even further.

Another turn and a slight jump, and Slider was near the end. Soon, he would cross the finish line. Probably.

He looked around for some wood to knock on.

Valery: Appearance
Support: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Roll: Roll | GA discord (17) | Total of 48
This race was a lot closer than she expected it to be.
With the other racers close around her, Valery accelerated and maneuvered down the long straight that marked the beginning of the third leg. She had no clue who was really leading the race or where exactly she stood in the ranking — she was far too focused on not crashing or hitting others.
Podracing may be deemed violent by some, but there was no way in her mind that she'd contribute to creating a dangerous environment for other participants.
Following the straight, Valery passed through the tight bends seemingly with ease, but in reality, the focus it required was quite draining. But once again, all the racers seemed to be packed together closely, making it difficult to see who was going to be coming out on top.
One thing was for sure though, Valery wasn't going to be giving up going into the fourth leg. It was all or nothing.
Location: Ossus
Podracer: Yes, technically
Mechanic: Some guy I found at the end of Korriban's Race ( Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill )
Roll: 16
Total: 37

The third leg was a straight away, so there wasn't anything tricky to maneuver except to accelerate. Luckily, at least temporarily, that's about all his podracer wanted to right now. Without the compressor in functional operation, he'd have to reroute some of the power to an auxiliary compressor or risk burning out his engines in rather short order. This was not exactly an easy task to adapt to while trying his damndest to pass that flying banana Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu . It looked to be in functional order, except the bit of superficial damage he'd caused accidentally at the start of the race.

He knew it was pointless to do so, but if he got close enough he would try shouting to the older man.

"About that 5k..."

As if two humans could hold a conversation at such ridiculous speeds.
Jerek's Podracer

Total Roll: 43
Current Roll:


At last, the straightaway.

With the Jedi Knight having finally grappled the podracer's controls into a manageable state, he approached the final curve of the second leg with apprehension. He lived for these next few moments, when he could finally open up the engines and see what the craft was capable of.

Jerek flew!

The barest of caution still tempered his speed, giving the engines free rein otherwise. They lept forward, closing fast toward the pack of racers ahead. Luck alone couldn't close the gap that had started with his slow pace out the gate, the Jedi Ace leaned into his experience.

By which he meant piloting experience, not the comms chatter that frequented space superiority missions.

"Your pod's on fire." Jerek shouted back at the punk, who had crept up close enough to shout across the hurtling void. It wasn't much of a conversation, but then again, Jerek wasn't known for being much of a conversationalist.

His Chatterbox call sign wasn't meant to be taken literally, after all.


Location: Ossus, Jax's Podracer
Equipment: Racing Gear, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Ki'Ranna Ki'Ranna

(OOC: Rolled a 13)

"What the....." Jax saw that his Pods were at full strength and were ready for another boost. He frowned, Jax didn't do anything, and he knew that BB-12 was too busy drinking and eating to be any help. "Who did that?" Jax felt a small tremor in the Force, a person was somewhere in this arena watching over him with great interest hoping that he survives this race.

Jax maintained control over his pod as he entered the third leg. Was it Jairdain Jairdain doing this? Doubtful, she was blind and would probably disapprove of Podracing. Jax didn't talk to Jair much about his love for Podracing which was something that he wanted to remedy by taking her to a Podracing event on Malastare. There were box sections that contained special accommodations for blind people such as rental artificial eyes. The Jedi Master looked at the Podracer display and then at the track. He was lagging even further behind the leaders, a top three finish seemed to be unlikely now.... frustrating.

"I'm not going down without a fight," Jax muttered. He'd have to thank the person who fixed his Pod after the race but for now.

"Let's finish this!" Jax accelerated at top speed trying to close the distance. It was a close race, but Jax was determined to make things interesting.


Total = 50
Racers: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill | Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin | Slider Slider | Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris
Spectators: Roon Vindar | Thrassk Thrassk

The second leg started rough for Leith, but as they turned into the third leg he pushed his podracer. On the straights was where he shined. He came in sharp and close to the turn around the bend, the durasteel catching and causing sparks.

"Salt and spray...." he muttered to himself, "That was too stormin' close." His turbines opened up, sucking in the air and shunting it through the hybrid engine, the ion engine kicked up a storm. It felt like he'd popped a sundrop, but he'd never cheat like that. Either way he shot past the competition and was quickly pulling up on that young upstart of a Twi'lek Juno Sabat Juno Sabat .

"You're all mine," he said before he licked his lips in anticipation.
The announcer—

"Oh what's this? We've got a swarm of...some kind coming out of the Ossus jungle. It's obscuring the leading racers. I can't tell if Juno Sabat Juno Sabat has held the lead or Slider Slider or Tris Tris has pulled ahead. Valery Noble Valery Noble 's in there too. We're down to the wire, folks. Final leg, anyone can crash, anyone could pull ahead. Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris , Jax Thio Jax Thio , Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu , Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin , anyone. Between the prize pot and the Vault's fortune, there's a life-changing purse in some fortune racer's immediate future. IM-MEED-EE-UT!"

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