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Podrace PODRACE: Celebration on Ossus (Open to Spectators and Gamblers!)

Podracer: The Wheelhouse
OOC Roll, Leg 4: 11 (Scar Worlds Discord)

It had been a good race.

Slider had enjoyed his racing high for as long as he could, but eventually, his pod's age and slap-dashed design made itself obvious once more. The whole thing began to shake underneath him, and Slider had to drag his attention away from his euphoria of the moment to wrestle control back from the machine.

The racer gunned his pod as fast as it would go, taking it over the final, large jump. Slider felt a sensation of weightlessness that left his heart somewhere up his long neck as his pod soared through the sky. He gave himself one last glance around, to revel in the speed of the moment.

And like that, he was over the finish line. But where did he place?

Valery: Appearance
Support: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Roll: Roll | GA discord (2. 6 after reroll) | Total of 54
Thus far, Valery had been keeping up with all the racers — they were all close together and going into the final leg to determine the outcome of the race. But as fortunate as she had been, Valery was still new to podracing. The Force had allowed her to still perform really well, guiding her through turns and helping her with reaction speed.
But after a particularly tight bend in the fourth leg, she felt her control slipping away. She tried everything she could to regain control of her racer, but she was potentially going to crash at this rate. With the immense speeds of a podrace, that was without a doubt going to end in disaster.
"Valery, be calm."
She heard his voice inside her mind and felt his presence reaching out to her, calming her down and offering her the clarity to at least finish the race in one piece. Guided by him and their bond, she regained control over the vehicle and joined with the other racers for the final sprint towards the finish line.
There was no way she'd win the race and maybe she wouldn't even make the scoreboard, but she didn't really care. This had been a much-needed break from the war, and hopefully, she had given her family a fun and exciting race to watch.
Jerek's Podracer

Total Roll: 55
Current Roll:


Last leg. Last chance.

More turns were ahead, Jerek knew. He clenched and re-clenched the grip of his controls. An unnecessary measure, the gloves of his suit were meant to grip securely and the man had never had issues with them in a dogfight. Still, somehow here in this podrace, the little things wound up having bigger impacts.

He careened his podracer toward the incline, pushing a burst of speed as he approached. The Jedi Ace in him knew that this was his chance. The sky was his domain, and here he could reclaim his superiority. He pulled back for a split second as the podracer hit the incline, opening the throttle up completely once the craft had shifted its angle to a launching degree.


Jerek flew up, scaling heights that the podracer was never meant to climb. He had only a few seconds to gain the speed, then a few more in the air, before the ungainly vehicle angled back down towards the track. If he hit with his engines too steep, they would simply dash against the grade of the track instead of being repulsed into a hover again.

He pulled the brakes a split second before touchdown, the momentum driving his pod forward toward the engine couplings. It was only a split second, enough to tip the front of the engines back so the repulsors could activate against the ground, and send him forward instead of into a crash. Gasping breath followed the Jedi through his maneuver, unable to take the moment to catch up.

Surroundings blurred as he cut through turn after turn, even once passing a spot of color to the side of him. Was that Valery Noble Valery Noble in her podracer? He had little time to consider it, in the next instant Jerek was racing under the incline he'd leapfrogged from, dashing towards the finish line.

He didn't check to see if anyone had passed him in the last few moments. He simply pulled back on the thrust as he guided the vehicle into the dusty sidelines where he could slow and maneuver back into the pit where Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha could eventually point out how much he'd mangled the racer on its maiden tour.

The race was over. For a minute, the man just sat back, letting his breath and emotions catch up to him. Then he climbed up and out of his pod, surveying the results and looking around to spot the punk. If Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin had survived the race, they had a bet to settle.
Supporting Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu
RE-ROLL FOR JEREK ZENDUU: 17 [ Scar Worlds Discord ] [ screenshot ]
The young Anzat just blinked.

The podracer had actually crossed the finish line. IN ONE PIECE no less!

"Well... chit," the tow-headed boy uttered flatly, as he reached into his pocket. Withdrawing the credit chip he'd won off the pit droid earlier, the boy passed it back the diminutive droid -- who made quite a smug sounding chirp as he did.
That was what she needed. The straight was helpful, and she saw herself overtake … who was it? Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu , not that she was paying attention. All she knew was that when you were in the last spot? You had no where to go but forward. And she was closing the gap on a few others here. She could see them. Pushing the pod forward, she was happy with what she was doing, but this was her last trek. Last chance.

For a new pod it wasn't so bad, but she was hoping to keep the threat up.

But the pod had other thoughts for her, as she barely snuck ahead of Jerek, she was moving and the thing was just not… working for her. She really preferred her street racing landspeeder or fighter, but she was going to make this work. Still, as she came in to the finish line, she saw everyone ahead of her.

Feth. Last, but still surviving. She'd have to reach out to her sponsor, and see what she could do for the next race.

Where was Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos ?


44+9 =53

Total: 64

Podracing wasn't like running or swimming. Sure, if you looked behind you, you COULD die. But it wouldn't slow you down unless you let up, and Leith had no intention of letting up. He kept giving and giving, but he was still curious. It looked like he was pulling ahead as they came in for the final leg. He could hear it, the rumble of his engine, the cheers from the crowds.

This. Was. Stormin'. Wizard.


Location: Ossus, Jax's Podracer
Equipment: Racing Gear, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Ki'Ranna Ki'Ranna

(OOC: Rolled a 16)

They say the true victory in Podracing is surviving, even though more rules were implemented to ensure racer's safety, it still had a damn high mortality rate. Many legends throughout Podracing history such as "Bullseye" Navior, Fud Sang, and Toy Dampner didn't win races but were popular in spite of it. Whether it was because of their charisma, flashy moves, or just plain boldness. Podracing was a fight for survival, fit only for the most daredevlish of people.

Oh what the fuck was Jax thinking?! This was just trying to butter him up after performing worse in another Podrace. With more people in the galaxy paying attention to Podracing, Jax is lagging behind. He may have worked hard to organize events, but his skills have been atrophying. Of course with the war going on, he didn't have time to practice but still it stung that he wasn't going to get a top three finish. Once again, Jax had a terrible start and had to cut into his auxiliary power just to catch up. While he did pass a few racers, it wasn't enough as Jax could feel his engines starting to sputter.

Navigating over the hills, Jax crossed the bridge and zipped past the finish line. "Fuck me," Jax mumbled as he slowed his Podracer to a stop, another disappointing ending to a race. However, he felt that there was a presence watching over Jax, whoever that was, they did give his Podracer an extra boost. The Jedi Master will have to seek them out some other time.

The announcer—

"Stunningly close! It's Tris Tris by a hair! Slider Slider and Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu close behind, too close to resolve! Did you see that? The judges — they're saying second is a tie, repeat, second is a tie! Damn close to a three-way tie for third, but Valery Noble Valery Noble edges ahead. That's the Pamarthen speedboat racer in first, the Bereth-Aku and the Jedi in second, and another Jedi in third!"

Elsewhere, Jorus spat and drained half a can of cheap lum. He commed Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin

"Sorry about that, kid. Shavvit. Next time."

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