Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Poisonous blades, faster blasters [Black Sun Domination of Nar Bo Sholla]


Dead Men End All Tales.
Ash grinned as he was led to the chamber. Big, with a cave. "I guess the Mighty Lord Vesteric isn't fond of direct sunlight," Ash grumbled as they shut a door behind him. He heard a snarl...a monstrous Then he


"Ah, that explains the hiding form direct sunlight," he said with a laugh. "Your skin is almost as bad....AS MINE!" He bellowed, a hollow, tinny laugh as the eight-foot-tall monstrosity roared angrily.

Wonderful. A least his being a killer robot came in handy. He sent one last comm signal. "Assassin Ring-leader is pretty tough, this might take longer...." He pulled his laser-knife out of his pocket, staring down the big monster. "I just have all the fun...."

He check his new "friend" with his bio sensors.
It was a calculated risk - as only the sentient cloud was able to control or quell the darkwolf that now was even more rustled as before. It dark fur raised to artificially increase it's mass while the teeth shown with a threatening growl as it's tail bobbed back and forth looking for a place to strike. Thumbing off the strap that wound over his shoulder, Amaul pulled the tank around to face the canister in which Kraxon now dwelt as prisoner. Ofta already had his blaster pistol out and was keeping it trained on the darkwolf while Blitz dealt with their new gaseous friend. With his peripheral gaze keeping tabs on the darkwolf, leather digits tapped on the transparisteel canister to warrant Kraxon's full attention.

"See this, this here is transparisteel with a redundancy gasket to keep anything from getting in or out. It wasn't meant for you, but it'll do." Amaul explained before he turned the tank so that Kraxon could see his 'teeth' baring down on Blitz and Ofta. "Even if your teeth manage to have it's way with us, it won't be releasing you from this canister." Blitz didn't get bullied, he was the one that gave the intimidation, and he was very good at it. "You want to offer transcendence, we can talk about riding the cosmos all you want - just don't think you can offer show and tell without our willing consent, ya dig?" There were such a thing as manners, but he didn't expect a non-coperal cloud of gas to understand that natively. Thus the explanation, in a way he'd surely understand. "Now I've got no present beef with you, and I'd prefer it stay that way. So long as we have a solid understanding between us, you sheathe those teeth, and I'll introduce you to the atmosphere again."

If Kraxon gave the word, release would be granted within an instant, pumping him back out into the atmosphere and letting him roam free. Though Kraxon would now understand that these inferior fleshies weren't playing games, or being cavalier about who they dealt with. Blitz meant business, and as long as they came to reasonable terms, everyone would go home happy. If he didn't relent however, well there would be a new prize displayed in the deathstick's clarity room as a trophy of this planet aside from the Spor Crawlers he still intended to collect, and possibly the venom tail of a darkwolf to boot.



Kraxon mulled over the situation even as the container sealed him in. So this is what it was to be a fleshie, to be constantly retained by the physical. He would not forget it, and he would not be trapped like this again. How did these fleshies create their prisons and force one of their own numbers to spend the already brief period of their unenlightened lives locked in a cage.

Kraxon opened his eyes to look into Blitz's, he was still curious about this one but there were rules to be obeyed he supposed. “Of course, as I said you were not to be harmed. He's angry but obedient, and will remain that way. As to your consent I promise you no harm will come to you. Nor will I force my gifts upon you.”

Kraxon felt his the air moving as he was released and flowed with it in a hurry that spoke of his discomfort at the situation. Kraxon observed the group before him as he floated up and thinned his fog like being well beyond the reach of the vacuum. With his darkwolf below him he considered the scene and the series of events that had lead to this. “I see you seek enlightenment, and yet when I offer aid you would reject? Perhaps its my own fault for not learning the ways of your kind.” His voice was wispy in nature as the expansion of his form had caused him to lose power behind his voice.

Settling down below he reformed into his normal semblance, a thick hazy teal blue fog floating over the ground. His tendrils fell down among his teeth and instantly he was calmer though a low growl still sounded in the back of his throat. “So you would be big brother Blitz then I presume? You may not understand my ways any better then I understand yours so I shall explain. What I did for you I never do for any being. We are of a joined essence to my people.” His voice now had returned to that just above a whisper, but he could project it well into the distance. He was relaxed as he allowed his form to flow over his teeth. Perhaps the fleshie simply couldn't understand, but he would offer it the opportunity.

Leaning back in her plush body-conforming chair, Domino propped her boots up on her console as she watched the location indicators move about her map of the area. Shrugging her lekku over the back to hang free for a bit, she frowned as she realized a pair of the indicators had been still for awhile, stopped well short of their objectives. "Blitz, Wendy," she commed. "You aren't moving, what's your status, everything alright?" She'd like to believe everything was okay, but for all she knew up here one of them could have been stung by one of the very bugs they were sent out for or had slipped while trekking cross-country and broke a leg. Or they had stopped for a snack. Why she was checking in with them.

@[member="Blitz"] @[member="Wendy La Fey"]
Eradicate a Crawler nest encroaching on a settlement. Can be same nest samples are captured from.


Wendy was on the end of it, the settlement was priority and finding the nest would be easier... Maybe if they came out rather then fumbling around. Her hand tapped the saber looking until the comlink beeped. "Sorry Miss Domino, I'm ahh looking for the nest and." Her voice trailed off seeing one moving while she moved speaking. "And I have one, consider those samples yours master." The former padawan moved chasing after the crawler as it moved and the magenta blade sliced low into the legs. Her armor was taking some getting used to but she wasn't a jedi anymore and that meant she didn't have her robes, this wasn't the groups that kept popping up it was the Sun's and she had to honor her master. Even if she might be will to send her into combat. No matter she knew how to fight... kind of.. crap she was going to have to ask to learn something other then shii-cho.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra walked the trees as she followed this crawler thing, she was sent her by her master as per the need for aid and she was ready to repay the debt as fast as she could, her dark robes flowed with her movements, her mask blocking her face and hood concealing her features. At her side her two sabers knocked against her side as she walked and scanned the area for the crawler's nest, where ever it was that is because right now all she saw were tracks, and lots of nothing. She sighed and took out a ration bar, eating it as she ate, not like there was anything better to do while she followed this thing.
@[member='Wendy La Fey'], @[member='Domino'], @[member='Kraxon'], @[member='Blitz'], @[member='Mr. Ash'],

Talon Vosra

[SIZE=medium]The cold vacuum of space stretched briefly as the Sigma-class Transport dropped from hyperspace. The Imperial grey ship wasted no time activating it’s sub light thrusters and streaking toward the Black Sun fleet near the desperate little planet of Nar Bo Sholla(?). The young being sat quietly in the cockpit as a standard pilot droid acted as his co-pilot. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Open communications with the Black Sun fleet, ‘Seven’ and tell them I wish to speak with Lady Domino.” The young Zelosian said as he guided his ship in a intersecting course with the Black Sun ships. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]“Yes sir.” The pilot droid responded as it activated the encrypted communication system. “This is Sigma-class transport ‘The Orbalisk’ requesting to speak to Lady Domino, please respond.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Talon slowed his approach to help show he wasn’t aggressive, and waited for the response from the Dark queen of Black Sun. This mind carefully sifted through his options for assisting the syndicate, but he was at a loss as to the situation. He could feel her however somewhere among the congregated ships in the system but he would be useless in the frigid embrace of space. Perhaps he would just go down and start killing innocents and let Black Sun defeat him, or perhaps he could help with negotiations. He didn’t know, but he was here as promised and the new knight would put himself at her disposal. [/SIZE]

Gregor Gideon

Gregor Gideon traveled in a transport of similarly Imperial make, in tight formation with the Sigma-class transport carrying @[member="Talon Vosra"]. Gregor carried with him a small contingent of elite shock-troops, members of the Imperial Stormtrooper Legions. They had exchanged their distinctive white-shelled armor for various shades and hues of blast vest and civilian jumpsuits and street clothing.

His pilots, like Talon Vosra's, similarly transmitted friendly signals to @[member="Domino"] and her Black Sun associates of various degrees. The Sith Knight, and personal representative of the Emperor @[member="Tyrin Ardik"] on this endeavor, was here to ensure proper utilization of Imperial assets during whatever operations were necessary. He was here to ensure that the allies of the Empire were properly rewarded for their loyalty, and to return that loyalty in kind.

TK-6417 Janenham

The stormtrooper known colloquially as 'Janenham ', was regularly a storm-commando specialist amongst the 141st Stormtrooper Legion, serving at the behest of his grand Emperor, @[member="Tyrin Ardik"]. But today, he appeared intentionally as nothing more than another mercenary thug hired because of his itchy trigger finger.

Just a trigger puller. That wasn't how TK-6417 generally envisioned himself. He was more of a scalpel. An instrument of precision, rather than brute force. That was the way of the storm-commando. But today, he and his whole unit looked a different part.

But for this moment like many before while in his iconic stormtrooper armor, he simply remained silent amidst the undercurrent sounds of background spacecraft operation and checked, and re-checked, his blaster carbine's power cell, and the various spare power cells about his body. He remained curious as to what the nature of his upcoming mission for the Black Suns might be.


Dead Men End All Tales.
Mr. Ash gave a noncommittal grumble as the giant man-bug leaped at him, spiralling around Ash and darting multiple times with his...its tail. He dodged, twirling the laser-knife in on hand while finally grabbing the scorpion-like tail of the beast, grinning. Alright, now he could do this. He spun his torso with inhuman, mechanical precision, attempting to swing the beast against a rock.

The creature roared loudly, its extra legs catching itself as it landed against the rock, snarling as it circulated and crawled up to the ceiling..."you are strong for a human," it half-spoke, and half-hissed. "Kneel now, and I shall spare you," the "Lord" of the assassins said calmly.

Mr. Ash laughed. It sounded rather like marble cracking. He grinned calmly. "I kneel before the worthy. You have yet to prove any worth," he said calmly. He lunged up, taking a swing with his knife as the scorpion jumped down form the ceiling, putting a nasty gash in one of the beast's claw arms, but getting pinned.
@[member="Domino"] @[member="Lex Matako"]

"Of course, I was hoping so. I will get with lex, and proceed procuring an office and front. “ She commed over to the Domino. It was strange doing something so legal. She laughed as she commed over to Lex. “Meet me at the following coordinates if you want, but I won’t wait up” She said with a smile as she made her way via speeder towards a office building that would make a great embassy/office for the Black Suns. She just had to convince them to part with it.


Active Member
Trading post establishing job.

A freighter had started to descend from the inner rim of the planets ozone layer. Approaching at such a speed that it was flying, ironicily it's always flying.His reasons for being here were simple, money was the common playing field. Helping the black sun set up an trading post was something he was skilled in. So he decided to bring some of his merchandise to help with the start of the business.

The ship was flying closer to the settlement, where it looked like a regular merchant ship, expect for the strange logo of a Grimm Reaper on the side. The ship was rearing near the office that @[member="Airal Thamne"] was heading towards.

Tricia Kalamack

Sleeps all day.... yawns all night
"Who the hell are yo...."

Tricia stood there for a moment holding her finger up while the man choked letting her eyes briefly flash yellow in the flecks on her tri-colored eyes. "You can die." The Sith master clasped her hands behind her back and strolled letting her sabers float around her body, she wasn't flying so less energy and she hadn't found one here who could touch her mental shields. No at this moment it was all about doing as she was told. Aid the Suns in their taking the world for their wealth or whatever it didn't matter. She was here as one of Sector 1's fists to serve her master. The assassins on the world were talents sure but one good mental battering ram and soon... The one standing before her impaled himself like a lemming into the blade wanting it to kill him. He wanted to die for his better, granted she wasn't the master race but still his better.


Dead Men End All Tales.
Ash frowned as the scorpion creature leaped backwards, crushing his laser-knife with the other claw, destroying it. Mr. Ash looks a bit worse for the wear, his suit coat was shredded, as was a small portion of the synthskin, a cut showing on each wrist. He glared at the beast before him. He had liked that knife. It was a good knife. He gave a solid, angry stare. "One chance," he said coolly. "You get one. Fething. Chance. To surrender. That's it. Just one."

The beast laughed so loudly the whole building heard it. It's laugh was like a cacophonous roar of thunder that even people near outside the old building could hear. He laughed. Ash laughed back. Two men, near their end, laughing like idiots. Then, as quick as the mutual laughter began it ended. The scorpion beast ran forward, slamming his tail into Mr. Ash's abdomen, impaling him and tossing him around, sling him off the tail and pushing him to the ground, where he fell, unconscious.

The Scorpion-thing roared again, walking towards the door of the Arena-like room. "Gather, and witness my power! For I have slain this--"


Mr. Ash watched as the sound repeated. From his pistol. A good, sound, heavy pistol.


He watched as three holes appeared in the face of the former lord of the Dawn's Change, former from behind. He stood there, with a sizable hole in the synthskin of his abdomen. He watched as the Lord fell down, his head still smoking. "Master of a clan of assassins," he said with a glare. "And he couldn't bother to double-check that his target was dead. Pathetic," he said as he walked to the closed door, looking at the assassin's watching him. "I win," he said softly, a whisper like cracking marble.

Lex Matako

Smuggler and Infochant on the Side
@[member="Airal Thamne"]
Lex was propped up on his elbows, watching with a grumble all the rising Sith attention.
It made him feel sticky dirty, he really disliked Sith, too much chaos and destruction in them, and anger.
He was still an Omega at heart.

Receiving a call from Airal, he jumped up smiling
"Roger that, Lex here, coming over to your location now."
He swung his ship around in order to get to the location pinpointed by Airal, adding in in another transmission
"What do you need me for? Air support, raining fire on our enemies?"

Soon enough, he would be landing, and receiving the bad news of having to take part in another negotiations.


Dead Men End All Tales.
Ash walked out of the chamber. "It's over, I'm in charge," he mused calmly. He looked over at the suitcase. "Who's second in command?"

A woman stepped forward, the one who had spoke the challenge to him at first. Ash grinned as she spoke, his eyes appraising her cautiously. "My name is the Gilded one, my Lord."

"You are now the leader of the Dawn's Charge. You swear fealty to me, and to the Black Suns," he said cooly.

Another one of the assassins came in. "Someone is coming! They have killed two of our guardians!"

Mr. Ash sighed. "Stand down. Bow, and bring them to a seat. I will negotiate with whomever is available."

Silently, he sent another signal to Domino. "It's over, the assassins serve us now. If you sent someone to retrieve me, tell them they are welcome to come in," he said calmly. "Also, I would like a team to retrieve the body of my predecessor. I want to know what I killed, for future reference. Have we got a crooked doctor to dissect the Fething thing?"


Active Member
It wasn't much to do, once the ship had found a location to land. It slowly descended down and parked itself in place. The hanger door on the back of the ship had opened up and slowly Grimm had walked out of his ship. Looking around in his mask, he only smirked of course no one could see his face. He always had his poker face on, it was the way that he liked it. The droids that he had owned would start to bring the cargo out of the ship, placing it on a cart for movement.

Another figure had jumped out of the pilot seat, Grimm's pleasant Nagai business partner. His name was Kyou and he was more like his bodyguard with his assortment of knifes and blasters. The two of them, looked out into the town and wondered how this would go. Grimm knew that he had a job to do, so he started his first step into the town with a smirk to find something to secure a front, but where would be the perfect place.

" This is going to suck "
With the gaseous vapor released from the lock-and-key prison, Amaul was more confident that the specter shape of fog that hovered around the area would see him and his brother in a different light. Kraxon was a free-agent it seemed, and used to doing as he pleased, but he also recognized that there was certainly a cultural clash between the two. Those of flesh and blood were bound by certain limitations, even of the mind. Kraxon didn't have those physical barriers that prevented the 'fleshies' from understanding certain concepts. Shifting the canister to his back once more and giving a nod of silent command to Ofta, he shifted his gaze back towards Kraxon. Ofta lowered and sheathed his knife and blaster and resumed work in unlocking information about the race that Kraxon had uttered while locked in the canister moments prior.

"There is a bit of a learning curve." Blitz mentioned as he took another drag from the deathstick while he focused on the pale red eyes of this cloud form. "You've got a certain appeal though - and I wager with the right dose of flare you could really invest in the fear of others." Blitz offered before he heard a resounding chime in his ear that housed a commlink. He hadn't talked much to the Vigo personally, but he'd been invited to take part in this particular planet escapade, and find something that suited his needs. Turning his head, Blitz touched his ear and responded to Domino. :: Just a step or two down the rabbit hole I wager. Found a sight not on the map warranted a moment's pause. Should be heading back on track soon. :: Shifting his glasses gaze towards Kraxon before he offered a leather clad finger in the direction he was going.

"Got something else on the plate though, and time is an awfully cruel mistress." A small smirk rested across his face as he gave a curt nod to Ofta as they started in the direction of the cliff from his vision. They still had a job to do, and specimens to collect. "Speaking of mistresses - she's not mine, but you might do well in our circles. Talent like that aint' to be wasted, ya dig?" Blitz noted as he started towards the bluff. Kraxon was welcome to come along, even his teeth too so long as they didn't run a foul the game he had in mind. This was some high-prized venom he was planning to score. Lots of uses came to mind - none of them were benevolent.

@Domino @Kraxon​

Tricia Kalamack

Sleeps all day.... yawns all night
@Mr. Ash

Tricia felt another as she continued to walk around. There was much going on but the assassin's had stopped it seemed in their goal of fighting if you could call what they had been doing that. Fighting would imply it had been a fair or a challenge. No this... this was a slaughter to say the least and she came to stand before the thing. She didn't know its name but her eyes scanned Ash with boredom to say the least. "A shame they stopped fighting, vermin like these need to be put down and killed not just given from one master to another. I am Tricia and by the small treaty between our masters. Am here to -help-"
Wendy slashed into the creature and jumped away, there was more of them now but she knew how to evade... It was the whole do it while in the field that was messing her up. She wasn't used to the weight of the armor or the area having rocks and dirt mounds. No she honestly much preferred the training room and as her feet touched the ground she fell back. For a moment it didn't hurt then a solid pain in her back that exhaled the air from her lungs. Her head snapped back to hit a rock for a moment while she looked up into the sky and saw silver flashes while relearning how to breathe. "Ow" Wendy rolled over and stared at one of the creatures while she remained very still.

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