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Poisonous blades, faster blasters [Black Sun Domination of Nar Bo Sholla]


Dead Men End All Tales.
He looked over at Tricia calmly. Someone as cold and non-plussed as him. She looked just as old and jaded in her eyes, too. Go figure. "Pleased to meet you Tricia. This is the Dawn's Change clan of Assassins. I am Mr. Ash," he mused calmly, "of the Black Suns. So tell me," he said calmly as he looked towards her, "what skills do you bring to the table?"

The other assassins didn't interrupt the conversation, although a few of them reeled at being called vermin. He sighed. "Well, even the weakest can grow strong, in the right environment," he mused thoughtfully. "Power isn't a simple birthright. It's an artform," he said with a weak flourish of his hands. Regardless, he wondered at the womans approach. "Lady Domino," he chimed on his internal comm-link, "What needs doing, now that the order is under our control?"
"Have we got a crooked doctor to dissect the Fething thing?" What? Did he think they took their people to veterinarians whenever they were hurt? "Of course we have doctors. I even have one in particular in mind already." Domino commed back down to Ash and ordered a pair of dropships down to his location. "Time for you to go meet the elected government and tell them the good news, I'll see about leveraging you some more muscle for it in case they don't see us as liberators from the thread of death as they should." Someone who was fast turning themselves into a reliable and valued asset. But the Sun's leader needed to turn her attention elsewhere. A computer malfunction of some sort had glitched through her ship's communication suite and the Twi'lek was just now getting a swarm of communiques from the arriving Sith reinforcements. @Mr. Ash @ Tricia Kalamack

"Orbalisk, this is BSN Feed Me Your Gods," a comms-tech officer aboard the Panther-class carrier replied to @[member="Talon Vosra"] 's droid. "I'm routing you through to the Vigo now, go ahead." Next to him, his buddy was like-wise responding to @[member="Gregor Gideon"] 's queries and requests for instructions, they'd both receive a mission outline and current objectives, chief among them, lean on the Council of Governors now that these 'Dawn Assassins' were taken care of and not whispering in their ear anymore. @[member="TK-6417 Janenham"]

Finally Domino was free to turn her attention to her apprentice in the short amount of time it would take for the Sith to be put through to her comm. Just enough time for a quick word. "Trust in the force La Fey, let it guide and empower you. Confidence leads to success." Not much of a pep-talk, but she was pressed for time. Hopefully her words would prove to be useful.
@[member="Wendy La Fey"]

  • Dawn's Change Objective COMPLETE!
  • New Objective: Negotiate/Intimidate/Kill the Council of Governors into compliance. (Try in that order please.)


Kraxon floated along behind @[member="Blitz"] and his party hovering silently as he watched them work. Eventually the smoke coming off the deathsticks beckoned him to float directly above them thinned out over a large current of air. He was curious as to why they were here in the outskirts in the first place, so it did serve a dual purpose. Of course his presence was given away if any of Blitz's people heard the soft pads of the darkwolf stalking behind them. Of course even a fog casts out the sun so it was possible they did notice that a moving cloud was over their head, but this never occurred to Kraxon as he slowly brought in the smoke off their deathsticks floating lower and lower.

((OOC: Its rough sorry... no muse for this guy atm.... but wanted to keep Blitz moving))
Tracks were made through the forest, having already doubled the party heading towards the cliff's bluff. Not only was his faithful brother Zabrak close to his quarter, but now he had an enigmatic cloud of gaseous sentience and it's semi-hostile companion trailing the two. Pushing through the brush and drawing leaves out of his way, Blitz continued to retrace the vision he had of this place while inside his vessel only a few hours earlier. Light puffs taken on the deathstick while he moved further through the jungle towards the cliff that jutted out of the landscape and curled to the right before dropping off in a shear rock ledge that went straight down about three hundred yards to a large rock quarry below. Pausing at the edge of the cliff, Amaul took to a knee and glanced down, looking for an open spot. After some searching he finally found the location of the nest he had seen.

"Aces. We have product." Blitz said with a satisfied smirk before looking back at Ofta and offering a nod. The Zabrak shrugged off the pack he wore and went to work pulling out the necessary climbing gear they would need in order to safely extract the nest's occupants from the side of the cliff without plummeting to their death. A large metallic spike was pulled out with a pneumatic driver and two pairs of sturdy durasteel line and spacers leather harnesses. Slipping off his own jacket, and canister pack, Blitz took a seat and began to slide on the harness, clipping into it with the several redundancy clips and buckles. "The mist should knock the little buggers out long enough for me to get them sucked up in the canister. I'll need you to keep a close eye and make sure they don't come up and mess with our plans. We are invading them home, expect hostility." Blitz offered his brother while Ofta was busy preparing the anchor point. The large spike was setup several yards into the middle of the cliff's surface and then a pneumatic driver was then used to shoot the spike deep into the earthen soil and rock bed to safely secure the dual durasteel lines he clipped into.

"I brought along a fire trap that'll incinerate any of them that start up the line, but nothing's gonna keep you clear if they decide to descend." Ofta warned his big brother while he helped Blitz fit the backpack canister system over the harness and then secure the line to the harness with two thick clips. Good strong tugs were given to Blitz's harness to ensure the harness was set and the line was secure. Blitz also checked his own work, and then started towards the cliff face, kneeling down and taking a seated position on the edge before looking back over his shoulder.

"Then I suppose I'll have to be extra convincing." He offered a two fingered salute and then dropped out of sight to let the durasteel cable carry him and stop right at the juncture that he needed to be.

@[member="Domino"] @[member="Kraxon"]

Wendy heard Miss Domino and gave a small nod while she stared the creature down. The comlink in her ear chirped as it lunged towards her. With a roll Wendy went to the left bringing her blade up with a snap hiss to bisect it. Then she moved rising up holding the blade at a jedi ready stance. Here eyes darting back and forth looking for more as she spoke. "I got one." Her tone was excited and enjoyable but now was the time to keep the confidence but not become too full of herself. Quickly Wendy moved towards another one slicing it with a twirl of magenta and a force push. "If we can get someone over here with the others there are a few sliced."

Tricia Kalamack

Sleeps all day.... yawns all night
@Mr. Ash

Tricia looked at Mr. Ash... and amusing name to say the least and let her hands play holding the blade above it while she let it spin. "I am twenty six thousand six hundred and sixty six years old. One of the oldest force wielders in the galaxy and a Lady of sector one in the sith empire. My skills if need would be to take that table and smash all who oppose my masters with it." Her eyes then flicked around at the other assassins and she let their minds whisper to her. It was easier to pick up surface thought. Her eyes finally went back to the man-thing. "So where are we needed next?"


Dead Men End All Tales.
@[member="Domino"] @ Tricia Kalamack

He nodded to Tricia's comments. A telekinetic powerhouse. Lovely. They could probably use the might. He made a small show of tapping his dummy commlink--had to keep up appearances, even if the ancient Sith before him had certainly already deduced his being a robot, the assassin's new squat--and that'd work well for now. He smiled wickedly. "Yes, Ma'am. Understood, lady Domino," he transmitted before heading out.

He nodded to Tricia. "These folks were the power behind the ruling body of this planet. We will now bring two of them along to demonstrate the new order of things around here," he said calmly. He looked to the assassins. "Who hear usually speaks to the council of governors?" He said to the room. "Do not lie, the sith will sense it, and I will snap the neck of any liar," he said calmly. He didn't know if that was true, but he figured a little fear might keep any of the new blood from beign stupid.

One of them stepped forward. "I handle such affairs, my lord," she said calmly. Her heart rate was steady as he bowed. Eitehr she was the best liar on the planet, or she was being honest. Good enough for him.

"Good," he pointed to another one, a large, burly man. "You will come with us also. You will both attend, and you will both help us to inform the Council," he said calmly.

"My lady," he said to the Sith woman with a nod. "You may accompany me so that we can demonstrate the Black Sun's new hold over this territory."

He turned to the hooded man who had mocked him earlier. "A doctor will come by to examine the remains of the fallen Lord. You will let him do so. Even the power of the fallen is of use to the truly wise," he said, "and thus, even if your moment of disgrace you will be allowed to grow stronger, and better. I shall return," he said calmly, walking outside to his land-speeder, signalling the two assassins and the Lovely Sith to follow. Couldn't hurt to have back-up, after all.

Tricia Kalamack

Sleeps all day.... yawns all night
@Mr. Ash

Tricia listened to Ash and then the assassins as their minds whispered such truths... They weren't lying or at least knew how to keep calm so unnaturally they might as well be machines. Her eyes flicked back around the room as the time came for them to leave. She waited several moments for Ash to finish talking and begin walking until she followed at his side then just a little behind. The sith presence were here to do as needed. His speeder was quite a sight while she stepped up with a grin to get on it. "I am ready to go when you are."
The heavily modified Helot Class medium space transport “Banshee” thrusted out of hyperspace after four days of travel from Tatooine. Nar Sho Bolla filled the banshee’s cockpit view with Khull at the helm of the ugly bird. The Corellian Cathar quickly plugged in the private comm codes to the black sun Leader Vigo Domino to announce their arrival though that be trivial since the banshee’s arrival they would have shown up on the Black Sun’s fleet sensors.

Which made that more obvious was the klaxon alarms pounded through the ship, surely waking those aboard that were not awake already as the ship was targeted. Khull took a deep breath, always nerve wrecking being painted as a target by multiple big ships with very big guns. With one press of a button he ceased the klaxons and continued to plug in the private com channels to hail Domino.

“Vigo Domino, yourrr grreatness” The Cathar smiled as he always loved flattering the empress of the syndicate….. Or how he looked at it anyways. “This is Captain Khull of Helot class transport Banshee. Reporting as contracted”

Now it was up to her and her fleet not to make the banshee and the crew with in into space dust.

@[member="Airal Thamne"]



@[member="Aella Cadeyrn"]

@[member="Lancer Damar"]

@[member="Mesani Okarae"]

Hearing the blaring alarms clang through the ship Aella awoke. She stretched still feeling a bit weary since she had collapsed earlier that week. She crawled out of her bunk and slipped into her green leather pants and brown lace up top. She strapped each dagger onto her inner thighs and one near the ankle in her boots. Her belt draped across her hips and she grabbed her long green trench coat, headed out of the sleeping quarters to see what was happening. She gripped the door. Food first. Time to go see @[member="Tattersong"] in the kitchen.



Dead Men End All Tales.
He revved up the speeder with smirk. "Hold on," he said with a nod as he drove forward smiling. It was a nice day. Warm, sunny. That being said, a large barricade outside the Grand Citadel of Governors was a problem as he stopped, a few hundred feet away. He parked and sighed. "Hmm, well, we can be subtle, shoot our way through, talk our way through, or just sneak past the morons," he mused calmly. "What do you guys think? Talk, sneak, break, light 'em on fire? Plenty of options....."

He smiled warmly. He had about forty different ways to do this, all effective. Still, he wanted to see how the Sith, and his new assassin pets, felts about the operation. Analyzing the thoughts of others was an excellent way to glean new information both for tactical and personal advantages.
The problem was that she was already on the surface, she giggled as she heard the comm chatter. It seems her ship was in trouble well not her problem. She began working yet again on more deeds. After all they needed to begin their enterprises here. Well they didn't set them selves up. She sighed as she slowly made her way through traffic. It was going to be a long long day. She really wasn't looking forward to the rest of it. Where was some action when one needed it.
Small tremors went through the length of durasteel cabling anchored fast into the cliff's top surface. The weight of Blitz as he descended and swung to find proper footing against the cliff's rocky edges sending quakes along the cord. Boots crept down the edge of the ravine created by the cliff and the bluff itself as he came down towards a passage that he had seen only hours prior in the hazy state of a chemical high. Various shrubs jutted out of the landscape forming minuscule trees topped with patches of green and blue leaves which rustled in the passing breeze. Occasionally the indigenous fowl would flutter past, but none held any nests in these small growths on the side of the cliff. For burrowed deep into the crags and cracks of the rock bed held a formidable force of dangerous and highly prized insects. Danging on the cord, Blitz fished out of his pocket a glow-rod, cracking it in both hands and shaking the substance within to further illuminate the darkened corridor. The soft neon green light bathing the cavernous walls until Amaul saw the enclave that pushed into the side of the rock as a home for the large nest he had seen earlier.

"There's the rub." Blitz said with a smooth drawl and curl of his lips into a satisfied smile. Two digital smiling faces in red pixels blinked across the display of his shades as he came to lock his position on the reel on his belt. Dangling over the cliff and right in front of the nest, he took great care to make sure that nothing of his person was nearby enough for the poisonous little insects to reach. Inspecting from a fairly safe distance sweeping the glow rod back and forth to find the stirring of the nest's inhabitants. Crawling over each other in swarms, he could see the tails of these Spor crawlers twitching back and forth. They certainly knew they were being watched, and they were already poised to take out any intruder that ventured into their territory. "Quite the horde of you, isn't there? I can see why the assassins of this planet have no shortage of your venom." Amaul said before he shifted hands and positioned the exit hose nearby the top of the nest, and flipped the switch. The orange chemical in the right tank spewed out in a condensing fog. The oxygen first hitting the liquid turned it into a gaseous substance at first, letting it drown onto the insects. Moments later the paralyzing vapor started to do its job and still the crawlers from their agitated state.

After a few minutes, the entire nest seemed to have gone silent and dormant. The insects unable to do anything to escape the calming effects of the vapor were ripe fro the taking. The reverse switch was then flipped and the vacuum started. The hose was placed closer, gently sucking up the insects one to two at a time. Drawing them up the reinforced hose and into the canister. Suction noise ebbed and waned as the creatures succumbed to the air current and flowed directly into the canister. Dozens of them came in meeting the capacity in a very short time. The filtration system also sucking up the orange fog as well and separating insect from orange vapor into the two respective tanks.
Well then, it seemed her gunners were bored out of their minds. "Stand down," Domino orederd to the fleet, "That's a friendly dropping by to help," and then to the Banshee, "@[member="Khull"] you big kitty, nice of you to finally drop by. Most of the guys are already on the ground. Tell you what, get your tail over to @[member="Wendy La Fey"] at these coordinates," she sent them the location of the nest her apprentice was at, "and I'll still give yall full pay if you pull her her through eradicating that nest alive. Show her how its done and all, sound good?" She was having one of those feelings, like if she didn't send the human some help she'd never see her alive again. And that would be vexxing, she'd promised her training, not to be sent off to her death without a second thought. Maybe she was 'pulling the plug' on this test too soon, but Domino had faith the affable mercenary would show her an 'alternative' way to destroying the nest to standing out in the open and cutting down the crawlers one at a time.

Wendy moved after some time jumping over one of the crawlers, her blade arcing down while she breathed in deeply. Her plan of standing here to fight was working... Or at least until something better came along as an idea, yeah something better. Her focus was on the force as it pushed into her body to keep the muscles still. Relaxed and fresh, her breathing steadied before running onto a rock while she looked down and around. Several crawlers came at her from the hive, she tried to remember the numbers that would appear in a hive. It had been in a report somewhere... Ah, her mind raced while she slashed. Fifty and they at least didn't have any dead so far... Meant no eggs. Her blade slashed before kicking with the force to send one into the air so she could slash it in half.

Tricia Kalamack

Sleeps all day.... yawns all night
@Mr. Ash

Tricia felt the air on her face with the speeder until they got to the point of seeing the large place. A smile went on her face though with the options while she stood there and looked. They could easily bash through it all and take the easy way but her eyes looked up into the air and a smirk came across her face. "We could go over them and drop death from above, levitating a group is something could I could do as a child... now it is something I see little reason being difficult." The sith master held her hands to the side and slowly worked on the area making the air distort, pull telekinetic energy for a square at heir feet in a few minutes.


Dead Men End All Tales.
Mr. Ash simply nodded at the troublemaker. "That's quite a lot of energy, but if it's not trouble, then yeah. Let's drop in and have a little fun, shall we?" He then slowly stretched his shoulders. This was going to be fascinating, and he wanted to give flying a shot. He holstered his pistol and smirked as he loaded up a small slugthrower. Nothing fancy, just a medium shotgun. He smirked and got up slowly, grinning wickedly. This should be interesting, after all. He nodded. "Ready when you are. Be sure to cushion the landing for the assassins, they're probably not as..durable as I am."

@ Tricia Kalamack
An old Hutt model frigate exited hyperspace around Nar Bo Sholla, and in its cargo bay stood the massive form of Grundark. Standing around him were dozens of Hutt Legionnaire droids in standby mode awaiting orders in their silent way. Opening a channel to @[member="Domino"] the meaty hands of the Cragmoloid used a wrist link the size of most being's waist. ::Grundark is here, Domino, where am I needed?:: Awaiting the Vigo's answer the beast lifted up his trunk and sniffed the air, the pilots needed to bath more often.
A shadow fell over @Mr. Ash and @Tricia Kalamack as an enormous flapping, like thunder, came from above. Upon the skies rode Faenrovon, his yellow eyes glinting like the gold these Council Governors were rumored to have. It had taken almost three years, a mere blink in his lifetime, but he had at last found those who had paid the Hunters on Arkania, the ones who slaughtered his brood. These insects would rue the day they hunted the white denizens of Arkania. Cries of alarm came from below as guards saw his form glitter through the air, radiant and white.

Faenrovon's roar split the air. The acids in his stomach grew hot. He could tolerate the existence of these bugs no longer. He would turn them all to ash! Fire leapt from his mouth as he dived low. Barricades vanished in a storm of flames that consumed barriers and guards alike, their screams were nothing beside his raging inferno. Pathetic blaster fire came from the guards remaining, soaking his hide with their plasma. He laughed, baring teeth like swords. Fools! He was invincible! More fire belched from his maw and scorched the ground, turning permacrete to a charred black mess, sticky with the remains of burnt, melted corpses.

He rose back into the air, climbing higher and higher until the air grew cold around his wings. He reveled in the feel of being able to fly, free at last from fear of retaliation. For what had he now to lose? His kind were dead, killed on the orders of this Council, for wealth. So, he would bereave them of their wealth and take all their glittering hoards in fire and death!

Blasterfire flashed past him and he craned his long neck back, glimpsing two closed-top speeders chasing after him. Roaring, he turned, wheeling on his wings, king of the air, and rushed down at them. White-hot flames engulfed the first of the metal flyers, sending it spiraling aside, pilots blinded by the fire from his belly. He grabbed the second with his claws and tore, ripping the metal flyer in half! He tossed aside the pieces with triumph. None could challenge him. He alone was KING OF THE AIR!

Diving through clouds, Faenrovon came down like a comet, fire in his maw, headed straight for the citadel's main building, where dwelt this council of mortals. White flames, tipped in red and orange, sprayed across the building. Faenrovon continued to circle the citadel, flames leaping from his mouth in spurts. They would all burn!
More people, seemed you really could never have too many friends. " @[member="Grundark"] nice to have you around. Please assist @[member="Wendy La Fey"] with the spore crawlers, we need some samples and for the nest she's at to be eradicated after they're collected. I'll be going down to the surface and joining @Mr. Ash and the council shortly but Gods can reroute any transmissions to me without issue." There didn't seem to be much of anything requiring her attention on the carrier in orbit so she might as well go down and take in the sights. Besides, her presence might be useful to impress upon the planetary leaders just how interested they were in having them join the Black Sun's fold. Which was subtle speak for feeling out the political waters and then intimidating or killing the Grand Council into submission, or death. Little did she know that @[member="Faenrovon The Radiant"] had already skipped past the first step and was well into the second option of the second.

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