Marcus Lund
Name: Marcus Lund
Current Faction Position(s) & Division(s): non currently, hopefully viceroy of Apatros in the further.
Name(s) of any CIS-affiliated alts: N/A
Are you interested in:
Fleeting/Piloting N
Military Y
Droid Army Maybe if i would ever make a alt.
Knights Obsidian N
Mandragora N
Viceroyalty/Politics Y
Current Faction Position(s) & Division(s): non currently, hopefully viceroy of Apatros in the further.
Name(s) of any CIS-affiliated alts: N/A
Are you interested in:
Fleeting/Piloting N
Military Y
Droid Army Maybe if i would ever make a alt.
Knights Obsidian N
Mandragora N
Viceroyalty/Politics Y