Location: Some...restaurant?
Attire: Casual and comfortable
Tags: Open
Downtime. It was the hardest, most frustrating time. While most people covetted their free time, used it to see friends and loved ones, or do whatever else they wanted to do in time that was their own? Tegan hated it. Not so much the idea of free time itself, but more the fact that she had nothing to fill her free time with. And while that wasn't literally true, to her? It felt every bit true. With absolutely no recollection of family, friends, or loved ones, it made downtime very, very frustrating. Time that was meant to be enjoyed was instead usually spent alone while Tee racked her brain in some ridiculous attempt to jar her memory. Sure, the hope that some errant thought would help rekindle lost time was a ridiculous notion, but honestly what else did she have to do?
Naturally there were people around her who knew who she was, and claimed to have ties to her, which was great. The fact that people knew her had been comforting when all of this had started, but now? That was frustrating too. Seeing the looks on their faces when she couldn't remember who they were, or how they were connected, even though she could remember herself (mostly) clearly? Or seeing and hearing them become frustrated when they would tell her the same stories again and again, and she wouldn't pipe in to pick up the dialog. It was disheartening, for everyone involved, and it was starting to make the blonde a little bitter honestly. Which is why she had stopped hanging around most places that were heavily populated by other Dauntless members, it was just easier for everyone involved if she wasn't in the epicenter of all that.
So instead, she found little mom and pop type places to frequent. Places where the food was good and the coffee was usually bad - though had it's hit and miss days. Where she could walk in and be greeted with familiarity that she recognized in return due to forging a semi-bond with these new people. Was it sad? Maybe, but Tegan had stopped looking at it like that for her own sanity.
This was a place where she could sit in her little booth next to one of the large windows, sip her coffee, and watch the world go on by with it's day to day while she herself attempted to fully remember how she fit into it. Having a fractured memory was most definitely difficult to live with, but here she was, getting by even if she would rather be back doings drills to keep herself busy.
Attire: Casual and comfortable
Tags: Open
Downtime. It was the hardest, most frustrating time. While most people covetted their free time, used it to see friends and loved ones, or do whatever else they wanted to do in time that was their own? Tegan hated it. Not so much the idea of free time itself, but more the fact that she had nothing to fill her free time with. And while that wasn't literally true, to her? It felt every bit true. With absolutely no recollection of family, friends, or loved ones, it made downtime very, very frustrating. Time that was meant to be enjoyed was instead usually spent alone while Tee racked her brain in some ridiculous attempt to jar her memory. Sure, the hope that some errant thought would help rekindle lost time was a ridiculous notion, but honestly what else did she have to do?
Naturally there were people around her who knew who she was, and claimed to have ties to her, which was great. The fact that people knew her had been comforting when all of this had started, but now? That was frustrating too. Seeing the looks on their faces when she couldn't remember who they were, or how they were connected, even though she could remember herself (mostly) clearly? Or seeing and hearing them become frustrated when they would tell her the same stories again and again, and she wouldn't pipe in to pick up the dialog. It was disheartening, for everyone involved, and it was starting to make the blonde a little bitter honestly. Which is why she had stopped hanging around most places that were heavily populated by other Dauntless members, it was just easier for everyone involved if she wasn't in the epicenter of all that.
So instead, she found little mom and pop type places to frequent. Places where the food was good and the coffee was usually bad - though had it's hit and miss days. Where she could walk in and be greeted with familiarity that she recognized in return due to forging a semi-bond with these new people. Was it sad? Maybe, but Tegan had stopped looking at it like that for her own sanity.
This was a place where she could sit in her little booth next to one of the large windows, sip her coffee, and watch the world go on by with it's day to day while she herself attempted to fully remember how she fit into it. Having a fractured memory was most definitely difficult to live with, but here she was, getting by even if she would rather be back doings drills to keep herself busy.