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Public Poor Little Soldier

Tegan Farron

Attire: Casual and comfortable
Tags: Open


Downtime. It was the hardest, most frustrating time. While most people covetted their free time, used it to see friends and loved ones, or do whatever else they wanted to do in time that was their own? Tegan hated it. Not so much the idea of free time itself, but more the fact that she had nothing to fill her free time with. And while that wasn't literally true, to her? It felt every bit true. With absolutely no recollection of family, friends, or loved ones, it made downtime very, very frustrating. Time that was meant to be enjoyed was instead usually spent alone while Tee racked her brain in some ridiculous attempt to jar her memory. Sure, the hope that some errant thought would help rekindle lost time was a ridiculous notion, but honestly what else did she have to do?

Naturally there were people around her who knew who she was, and claimed to have ties to her, which was great. The fact that people knew her had been comforting when all of this had started, but now? That was frustrating too. Seeing the looks on their faces when she couldn't remember who they were, or how they were connected, even though she could remember herself (mostly) clearly? Or seeing and hearing them become frustrated when they would tell her the same stories again and again, and she wouldn't pipe in to pick up the dialog. It was disheartening, for everyone involved, and it was starting to make the blonde a little bitter honestly. Which is why she had stopped hanging around most places that were heavily populated by other Dauntless members, it was just easier for everyone involved if she wasn't in the epicenter of all that.

So instead, she found little mom and pop type places to frequent. Places where the food was good and the coffee was usually bad - though had it's hit and miss days. Where she could walk in and be greeted with familiarity that she recognized in return due to forging a semi-bond with these new people. Was it sad? Maybe, but Tegan had stopped looking at it like that for her own sanity.

This was a place where she could sit in her little booth next to one of the large windows, sip her coffee, and watch the world go on by with it's day to day while she herself attempted to fully remember how she fit into it. Having a fractured memory was most definitely difficult to live with, but here she was, getting by even if she would rather be back doings drills to keep herself busy.
The place was comfortable... compared to other restaurants she had been in.. where everyone wanted to show off... have the grandest dishes... the most expensive glasses of wine or alcohol... no here it wasn't simple... a lot more complex then that but it was warm... friendly. The waitress had welcomed her when she came in not just looked her over and when finally realizing who she was start to act friendly. She had even dressed casually, instead of the ornate kimono form fitted pants with a partial sweater over her shirt that revealed her midriff. She looked at the cup of iced tea that had been offered and it was exceptionally sweet... like they might have used more sugar and just put the tea in there for color.

"So how is it?" She looked up at the waitress and offered a smile while chewing her lower lip. "I it very... sweet. What is this called again?" She was wondering. "Sweet Tea." Junko nodded and she would ask the ones on the anshin if they had a way to make it... they might have a different version that wasn't so sweet on her teeth... the food though that was surprising as they had bacon with everything.. they had potatos and eggs and.... her toast was spread with the jellies on both sides of it. She noticed that there was someone here and the woman seemed different from the others but Junko didn't know who Tegan Farron was.

Zidol Khukhi

Sy walked in to the small mom and pop type restaurant. She looked fairly tired and walked with a fairly light step as she opened the door inside, setting off a small bell to alert that the door was open. She was dressed in her usual attire; a simple gamblers hat covered her head and was pulled low, seeming to hide her face and keep her hair in check. She wore a long brown coat, with a simple top that was once white, but now is a yellowy brown too from a long time spent travelling and not getting new clothes. Her pants appeared the colour and look of jeans but were a little more durable, with knee pads sewn in and extra pockets for who knows what, clear they had cleared seen some wear and tear. Finally a pair of rough boots, a dirty brown colour too with plenty of scuff marks over them.

Walking up to the counter she leaned heavily on it and awaited to be served. With a quiet voice she spoke to the waitress, asking for a simple coffee for now. As it was being poured and she paid for the drink, and to those with a keen eye, a little bit extra. Leaning in she spoke quietly to the woman, as she tilted her head and looked around the bar. Though it seemed after a moment or two of talking she didn't seem overly satisfied. Instead she simply offered a brief smile and tipped her hat.

Leaning on the counter she took a sip of coffee as she looked around the place, there was a woman not to far from her. Though she didn't seem overly remarkable from first glance, dressed fairly casually Sy figured she was probably a local. Naturally there were afew other locals darted around, some in booths, some at the counter. Still, to Sy non seemed particularly interesting just yet. She took another sip of the bitter coffee, despite it not being the best it was something she appreciated. These simple establishments were great for killing time, at least in her mind. What did catch her eye was the girl sat in a booth alone, just peering out the window. She was fairly pretty, which is what caught her eye. That and she was alone, was to her was more particular. With a final sip of coffee she decided to approach, the woman may be more interesting than some of the locals and with abit of luck she may get a good conversation going.

Getting a quick refill for the bitter liquid and offering a smile in thanks, she approached the booth the lone woman was at. As she walked she gently pushed the back of her hat so more of her face was exposed, it was only polite after all. Once she came to the side of the table, the woman may have picked up on the pair of blasters strapped to her hips, one on each side which were normally decently concealed unless looking for them. ''Excuse me, Miss? Do you mind some company.. You're looking awfully lonely.'' She spoke with a soft, warm voice coupled with a flash of a smile. After all, this was the best chance she had to strike up a conversation. Why wouldn't she try to be nice.

Tegan Farron

There was only a time or two that Tegan had looked away from the window to assess her surroundings. It was out of habit, just to know who was where, and to check and see if anything significant had changed since the last time she had shift her gaze. The only difference from one time to another was another woman seated on her own, though Tee couldn't tell what it was she was drinking, the woman seemed up in the air about whether she truly enjoyed the beverage or not. A fact that the blond herself could agree with once she heard the waitress remind the other woman of what it was she was drinking. Normally, sweet tea was Tee's favorite, but here? Nope, she knew better. But that was the extent of her involvement before her gaze wandered back out the window once again.

She had been debating on leaving. Her meal was mostly finished and her cup was empty, leaving her with the debate to go ahead and go, or get a refill and sit a while longer. So the approach of another body to her table threw her off a bit. Tegan's brow creased and her head turned so that she could look at this other woman. The weapons were identified first; that was instinct and training at it's finest. Next was the state of this other's attire, followed by the way she presented herself. Friendly enough so far, but how quickly could that change if all hell broke loose?

Still, Tee curled her fingers around her cup and sank back against the support of the booth seat as her gaze reached the other woman's face. Those fingers drummed against the mug once or twice, and then her head bobbed in confirmation before her mouth opened to speak. "Sure, I don't mind some company." she assured, then even loosed a hand from her mug so that she could gesture to the seat across from her. After all, this stranger wasn't wrong; Tegan was most definitely lonely.

Tags: | Zidol Khukhi | Junko Ike Junko Ike | Open

Zidol Khukhi

Sy offered the woman a warm smile as she was allowed to sit, with another quick tip of her hat she carefully moved into the booth on the opposite side. After setting her mug on the table she shuffles over close to the window to have a quick peer out into the streets outside, seeming content she removes her hat which only reveals the jungle that is her hair. To say it could do with a good brush would be an understatement. She sets the hat on the seat next to herself before finally looking back to the other woman and spoke with the same, friendly voice as before. ‘’You had anything to eat yet?’’

Without awaiting a response she raises her hand towards the same waitress that served her earlier and gestured over with a finger before she rested her arm on the back of the booth. ‘’If you have, let me know what’s good. First time here.’’ She said with a more playful smirk coupled with a wink, she was aware of how strange this situation would seem. A random armed woman comes to sit down next to you, without reason it seemed. So she might as well try to make Tegan Farron more comfortable.

‘’Oh shit! Im sorry, I forgot to introduce myself!’’ She tried to seem more flustered, though there was a playfulness behind her eyes which showed she was more trying to use it as a conversation starter. ‘’Im Zidol, you can just call me Sy though! Can I ask your name?’’ She offered over a hand to the woman, her own seemed fairly tough perhaps indicating to a life of rougher work? It was hard to tell.

Tegan Farron

Again Tegan's fingers drummed against the ceramic caged between her hands once again, and her brown-eyed gaze went back to studying the woman seated across from her. Perhaps it wasn't so uncommon for people to come along and request to join her? Honestly, Tee couldn't say because she couldn't remember if those sorts of things had always happened to her or not. Did she seem approachable, or just sad - or both? It was hard to say, impossible really for her. Anyone who had known her before could say as such for sure.

But her blinked from her reverie and her gaze hardened just a little with focus as she caught up with what was said to her. "Oh um..." she watched as the waitress was signaled for, and a soft noise was made in the back of her throat. "I've eaten, yes." she answered. "But if you've never been here, I'd order the breakfast sampler. It gets you a little bit of everything, and it's all good." There was assurance in her words, and a nod to go along with it.

When introductions were passed along, the soldier seemed to debate for only a moment before she reached across the table and took the offered hand extended towards her. "I'm Tegan." she offered in return. Her own grip was firm and steady, and while calloused from work of her own, her skin remained soft for the most part meaning she was meticulously well maintained.

Tags: | Zidol Khukhi | Open

Zidol Khukhi

Sy offered the woman a cheeky smirk as she shook her hand back firmly, giving it a quick squeeze too before she let go and took up her coffee for a sip again. ‘’So long as its better than the coffee I won’t complain.’’ She let out a brief laugh as the waitress from before arrived, taking Tegan Farron 's advice she ordered the breakfast sampler, whilst talking to her Zidol would seem fairly polite. Keeping her please and thank you’s ever present.

It wasn’t until the waitress left that she looked back to Tegan, as the cheeky smirk once again crawled onto her face. ‘’Well Tegan. It’s a pleasure. If I may ask, what brings you to a place like this?... You a local?’’ Zidol leaned back further into the booth chairs as under the table she folded one leg over the other, getting more comfortable and relaxed. This also allowed her coat to open more on the sides, revealing the blaster pistols and what seemed like cuffs that she kept on the left side. Zidol didn’t seem overly bothered that her weaponry was on display and maintained the same friendly appearance.

Truth be told she wasn’t really here for work, it was a simple lay-over to search for a new lead. She could do with buying a ship too, her last was ‘misplaced’ as she liked to put it. It was why she approached the woman in the first place, purely for conversation thus far. If it wasn’t this place, it would probably be in some seedy bar but she wasn’t quite in the drinking mood. At least not yet..

Tegan Farron

"Oh it's loads better than the coffee." Tegan assured, "Though I've grown kind of fond of that as well." Hey she could admit that fact. It may not be the best in the galaxy - by a long shot - but it was certainly better than nothing. And hearing that her advice was adhered to? That brought a faint little smirk of amusement to Tee's expression as well before she hid it briefly with a turn of her head and a polite request for more coffee as well.

Once it was just the two of them left in the booth again, Tegan shifted a bit in her seat so that she was sat up more and less slouched. She didn't want to seem any more off putting than what came naturally to her as of late. Especially due to the expression of confusion that washed over her when Sy posed her question. "I...I'm not sure." she settled on the simple answer of it. "I just know that this is where I come when I have down time now. Less people, less stares." she shrugged a shoulder.

"What about you?" she questioned in return, lofting a brow now. "What brings you here?" Hell to be honest? Tegan didn't even remember where here was. She was only just recently allowed to take her down time away from medical, after all.

Tags: | Zidol Khukhi | Open

Zidol Khukhi

Sy seemed to catch the smirk Tegan had, though she didn’t comment or push it further. She was speaking true as well, whilst food in these sort of places wasn’t amazing, they could usually be counted on to be decent. Her attention seemed to be caught though once Tegan said she wasn’t sure, this would be an interesting conversation after all, which only caused Sy’s smile to grow.

Leaning forward on the table, she shrugged lightly before taking a sip of her coffee. ‘’Well.. I’m here until I get a new lead.. Whether that be work, or a cheap ship for purchase.’’ She laughed light as her hazel eyes tried to peer directly into the other woman’s, she wasn’t trying to be intimidating or anything more that she was very curious. ‘’So nothing overly exciting.’’ She glanced around the room one last time, making sure that nobody was paying attention to their conversation, or at least looking for anyone that was. She didn’t particularly care if someone was, she wasn’t exactly revealing any deep, dark secrets. It was more to make sure that she could keep Tegan comfortable, by adjusting the volume of their conversation.

‘’What im more interested in..’’ She spoke with a slow, cautious voice that was also full of curiosity as her eyes gradually moved back to meet Tegan’s. ‘’Is you.’’ She purposefully spaced out her speech, wanting to give Tegan a chance to choose how much she wanted to divulge. ‘’So, if you don’t know why you’re here.. You either truly don’t know, which I’m more inclined to believe. Or, you’re fucking with me. So, what’s your story?’’ After her question was asked, Sy slowly sat back into a more comfortable position, wanting to seem less intimidating though her eyes were once again fully focused upon Tegan Farron .

Tegan Farron

And there it was, that spark of curiosity that Tegan recognized just as thoroughly as she did frustration, anguish, and giving up. It happened a lot with people who knew who she was, but that Tee didn't recognize anymore. People who tried and tried to jog her memory with reminiscing, images, stories, the works. But nothing, there was nothing. Very few people made it on the list of people she recognized, and even that was hit and miss. So these expressions were things she recognized very, very well.

"You're in need of a ship?" she asked curiously, though didn't ask why. That portion wasn't really any of her business. "Unfortunately, I don't have a direction to point you in there..." Hell, Tee didn't even recall any mechanics or pilots that she knew, or had known for that matter. So in the matter of a ship, the blond soldier was pretty useless. Yet that fact, and the fact that she knew what was coming still didn't soften the blow when the subject again returned to Tegan.

She sighed, looking down at her still currently empty cup, and her fingers tightened around it for a long moment as she seemed to consider whether or not she wanted to answer. Its not as if she owed this woman anything, right? As far as she was aware, she had never kept the company of bounty hunters - and yes, Tegan could figure that much out for herself - or had she..? Ugh, it was all so very, very infuriating at times.

"Well rest assured, if I'm fucking with you, it's elaborate and everyone around me is involved." Tee's head shook once and she frowned just a tad. "I'm a soldier in the Confederacy, and sometime back I got hurt pretty badly." She paused there, taking the time to rake her teeth against her lower lip roughly before she continued. "I was in a coma, and when I woke up?" One of her hands let go of the cup so that she could tap the side of her head with her fingers. "Nothing. I could remember who I was, and remember what I was to an extent. But other than that," Again her head shook, and this time more than once. "There was just nothing..."

Tags: | Zidol Khukhi | Open

Zidol Khukhi

Just as Tegan Farron finished speaking the waitress brought over the food for Sy, she smiled and thanked the woman and waited until she left like before until she spoke again. She quickly took a bite of bacon, while thinking over how exactly she would respond to that. It was a blessing and a curse she supposed, on one hand you had the opportunity to start anew, with no regrets or ties. On the other, precious memories and relationships were lost. Though this was something Sy would kill to have, a fresh start wasn’t easy to come by.

‘’Well unfortunate about a ship.. They’re always useful.’’ She pouted briefly and leant forward on the table for a brief moment, her once cheeky smirk now turning into a soft smile. It mustn’t be easy to speak about, especially if people asked all the time about it. With a heavy sigh she spoke yet again. ‘’Well.. Im sorry that you had to go through that, im sure its been tough.. But, if I may. Have you tried to explore.. What else you enjoy? Possibly move on from your… affliction?’’

Sy wasn’t exactly the best with words, which was evident enough as she spoke. She was clearly trying to be careful and not offend, but she wasn’t the best at choosing the right words or even seeming fully sympathetic. She was genuine, it just seemed quite forced. Though like before she was curious, this woman was a soldier so she had combat experience, perhaps she had returned to that life. If not.. a new friend wouldn’t be entirely unwelcome in this large galaxy.

Tegan Farron

With the waitress returned, Tegan's coffee was refilled and she let out a thank you before she scooped up her cup and pulled it up close to her face. She hummed softly in appreciation for the liquid before she set it back down so that she could doctor it to her liking. A little bit of creamer, and a little sugar, and her gaze shifted back towards Sy while she stirred it all in. She nodded her head about the ship, but didn't have much more commentary about it than that. At one time maybe she had, had a ship? Honestly, she didn't know anymore.

But the subject seemed to filter back to Tee and her lack of memory, so with a sip of her coffee, and then a sigh following immediately after, the blonde steeled herself. Again she took a moment to wet her lips, and adjust in her seat before her brow pulled down a tad in the middle. "I haven't explored much of anything, to be honest." she answered, settling on getting right into the thick of it. "I was in treatment for a while, recovery, the works. I was demoted back to a Private, which means I'm working doubly hard to get back up the ranks, and on my downtime I just try to stay out of everyone's way."

A hand was lifted so that she could run her fingers through her hair and again she sighed. "So again, no...I haven't put much thought into anything else. I've more or less done nothing but sleep, eat, and breathe Dauntless life." And while that was alright with her in most cases, there was the ever present upset on having to start all over and being treated differently.

Tags: | Zidol Khukhi | Open

Zidol Khukhi

Sy ate away at the meal in front of her, it wasn’t bad like Tegan Farron had suggested. Sy even found herself nodding as she ate and humming in praise. There was nothing that beat a warm meal that tasted decent, especially in her line of work. Tegan may note too that Zidol wasn’t exactly the most ‘proper’ table guest, sure she used a knife and fork but she was clearly focused on eating her meal and listening to the other woman than trying to seem proper.

With a sip of black coffee to wash the food down she swallowed hard once more once Tegan was done eating before she rubbed her mouth with the back of her hand. ‘’Well.’’ She took yet another sip of coffee, seeming truly content as she had the conversation she desired upon entering and decent food. ‘’Is that what you want? I mean.. just because you were in Dauntless before doesn’t mean you have to be now?’’ She peered at the other woman curiously as she finished the last piece of bacon with a soft smile.

‘’What I wanna know, is have you retained the skills from you previous life? Muscle memory and that? It'd help you move on wherever you wanted really, talented fighters are welcome anywhere.’’ Sy seemed genuinely curious rather than trying to get at any specific point here, in that sense she was a very open book. Or at least she seemed to be. With mixing both her personal curiosity and want for the woman to be happy mixing together. Whether that was in her organization or whatever else the galaxy had in store for her.

Tegan Farron

There was quiet from Tegan for an overly long, drawn out moment. A moment in which she just stared into the contents of her cup, with her fingers idly brushing against the heated ceramic while she considered how to answer this question. "I don't know what I want," she settled on, for at least that part. "I know that I have a fierce loyalty and dedication to where I'm at now, but I also know that everything is very, very different now." At least she was aware of that fact.

"As for muscle memory? Yes, absolutely. My body remembers how to do things that I wouldn't have ever even considered." Now she looked up, and across the table at the other woman again. "As for moving on? I wouldn't know the first thing about where to start. I would have no place to go, wouldn't know if there was someone I was supposed to be looking for...It's a mess, I'm telling you." But at least she was aware of that fact. Though whether that was good, sad, or a mix of both was definitely up in the air.

Tags: | Zidol Khukhi | Open
(I feel bad now, I had to do work and missed all of the good bits)

She had enjoyed the food that was brought to her in silence... mostly. In truth she was rather surprised. The tea was sweet yes but the food was somehow... more then delicious. Perhaps this was what they meant when they said made with love... or some sort of charm. She bit into the strip of bacon and it was crispy but maintained that little chewiness so it didn't fall apart. The bread she used to absorb the juices from the meat she had cut into and the potatoes were... shredded... no hashed... like tiny tiny micro dicing then just almost burnt into a solid mass with the interior crispy but not dried... ingenious really she would have to have the chefs take notes... maybe. Her eyes drifted and raised a little at the two but decorum dictated she not push into their conversation.... or stare. She would be mortified to appear rude and vanity called to be the picture perfect.... when did she get grease on her sleeve. The atrisian tried to get rid of it and after she finished the waitress returned offering her dessert. "Ummm yes, something... something tasty for me and here get something for everyone else in here." Junko presented one of the more common currencies of an aurodium ingot which ten was worth three billion but she had forgotten to stop at the port and get whatever the local currency was converted.

Tegan Farron Zidol Khukhi

Zidol Khukhi

Sy went quiet again to give Tegan a chance to respond, so she took the opportunity to finish off the rest of her meal. After which she leaned back and let out a satisfied sigh, she then picked up her coffee to nurse away at while the pair would continue their conversation. She nodded along as she spoke, the same curiosity as before seemed to be satisfied, of course there was still a hint of it in her eyes but for the most part her questions and queries had been solved.

‘’I can help with a fresh start if you want?’’ She offered a brief smile and took a quick sip of coffee, taking the chance to eye up the rest of the small restaurant once more, her eyes caught the aurodium ingot for only a moment as it was passed on causing her eyebrow to perk curiously. Seems her initial assessment of this place and its patrons was wrong. Though for now she had more important matters. ‘’Bounty hunting.. It aint easy, but you can get by. Go wherever you want, choose whatever contracts you want. More freedom while doing good I guess.’’

With a light shrug she pushed her plate closer to the edge of their table, to make it easier for the waitress to pick up on her way past, it was the least she could do for quite a nice meal. Her attention though, was once again stuck on Tegan as her offer was proposed. Truth be told she wouldn’t mind more company, having someone to talk with would make time go past quicker. Never mind that it would also make her job alot safer for herself, and Tegan should she choose to come.

Tegan Farron Junko Ike Junko Ike

Tegan Farron

It wasn't so much the flash of ingot that caught Tegan's eye, as it was the flustered state of the waitress, and the way the poor woman was suddenly scrambling to please even more so than she had already been doing. For a time Tee was confused as to why, but the fact that said waitress had come from a table where another woman was seated, the blonde could take a guess or two. Good tips went a long way - though naturally Tee had no idea just how good said tip had been.

So her focus drift back to Zidol once she was being spoken to again, and she steeled her attention. There was a soft, 'Ah' from Tee, followed by a clacking of her tongue. "I somehow knew this was the direction the conversation was going." she let out. Her coffee cup was then let go of, and she instead laced her fingers together after laying her hands against the table. "Look, I would be lying if I said that the offer wasn't overly appealing. The thought of stepping away from the drama, the hushed whispers, the pitying or aggravated looks? To be free to start over where no one knows who the hell I am? You couldn't imagine how tempting that is."

Tee sighed, and her head lulled back against her shoulders. "But I'm a soldier," she let out. "I have a duty to uphold, a loyalty to maintain. I can't just cut and run, no matter how tempting it is." Her head righted slowly so that she could look across the table at Sy. "And it is tempting, I can't state that enough..." A chance to start over? It was ridiculously tempting, but Tegan had never been the sort to run from her problems and that seemed to be something that carried over despite her lack of memory.

Tags: | Zidol Khukhi | Junko Ike Junko Ike | Open

Zidol Khukhi

Sy followed the gaze of the other woman briefly, looking towards the now very flustered waitress though that wasn’t entirely unexpected after the generous tip she had just received. Before Tegan spoke she muttered a faint ‘’Generous tipper over there.’’ Clearly knowing that something of value had been passed over. Though she didn’t comment specifically on what as she allowed Tegan to speak to her hearts content.

Truthfully, Sy wasn’t all that surprised by the excuses. Here she was, a stranger offering a way out to a new life. That was scary in itself, even if Tegan didn’t really know or remember anyone, or anything for that matter in her previous life. Leaving a place that still felt somewhat familiar wouldn’t be an easy sell. Though she wasn’t too bothered by the refusal either, she had been alone for a good while now. It was something she found comfort in but at the same time wished to be free of, it was hard to explain her feelings on the matter and luckily she didn’t have to.

Finishing the rest of her coffee before she spoke, and setting the mug next to her plate to make life easier for the staff she allowed Tegan to finish before she spoke. The whole while she kept her gaze on the other woman and coupled it with a soft smile. It was fairly hard to read into her true feelings on the matter, as for the most part she had held the same comfortable and friendly demeanor. ‘’Look, Tegan. I get it. Leaving everything behind isn’t easy.’’ Sy spoke with the same soft voice as before though now it did seem more sympathetic as she understood the gravity of her speech.

‘’Loyalty.. isn’t really something I’ve ever had. Neither duty.. But I can tell you this. Out there.’’ She gestured loosely with a hand towards the window, specifically towards the sky. ‘’Nobody judges you but on merit. At least from what I’ve found. You want to do your duty yeah? Why not put your skills to better use. Track down the meanest, nastiest motherfuckers that threaten what you consider good.’’ She smirked more and more as she spoke, as she let experience take over. Sure she didn’t always go after the worst of the galaxy for ‘pure’ means, but it sure as hell was a fun job. ‘’Plus it pays better if that’s your thing.’’ Ending her little speech with a friendly chuckle she leaned back comfortably into the booths seats and placed both arms on the back of the chair.

This movement caused the sides of her coat to fall in heavily towards Sy’s torso, as if there were heavy objects inside that she kept hidden with her hands, seeming to rest casually off of the booth but in reality was keeping the coat from spilling out to much. One could only guess what was inside, but it was more than likely more weapons in her arsenal.

Tegan Farron Junko Ike Junko Ike
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Junko could feel eyes on her and she was much to proud to shrink under theit gaze. Sitting up straighter in her seat while she maintained a neutral expression. Eyes flicking around and looking at the people who were curious about he waitresses reaction to it as she moved off with the order and was showing it. They looked over at her and she could tell they were checking it out to make sure it was real. Junko looked at them and then the one was bringing to her a plate with a slice of pie on it. Then they were bringing it out to all of the tables and saying "From the lady." Wide smiles as Junko looked at he pie and it seemed normal... it was supposed to be the best thing here... which was a high claim as she took a fork and slid it into the crust coming away with the apples. There was sweetness from it.. the crust flaking and having a nice crack to it as she nodded her head. Delicious. She thought it to herself when she was seeing some of the others and offered a bow of her head.

Zidol Khukhi Tegan Farron

Tegan Farron

"Very generous." Tegan agreed about the tipper, but then her focus was back on Sy and she gave the same amount of attention to the other woman as she had been given. Naturally everything that Zidol said made sense, all of it. Tee was skilled, very much so, and right now she was being put through her paces in training all over again because of an accident that she had, had absolutely no control over. It was humiliating in a variety of ways, and overly frustrating to boot. Things that were expected of her, expectations that she couldn't meet, people she couldn't seem to please because of whatever regard they held her in from before.

"Ugh," the disgusted sound left Tegan's lips before she could stop it, and her head dropped against her arms. She took a moment to breathe, to re-center herself, and then she finally lift her gaze again to look across the table at Sy. "You're not wrong," she admit to the other woman. "How will I ever know what I'm meant to be doing now, if I just stick with what I had always done before?" Her head shook, she sighed, and sank back against the booth support. "But I can't just quit, that's never been my style. I can at least remember that much..." Her gaze flicked back up to Sy and she loft a brow. "However...I do get Leave, and downtime...."

Anything else she could suggest with those words was cut off when there was suddenly pie set down in front of her. Tegan blinked a few times, then looked over towards the 'generous tipper' once the waitress had told her and Sy where said pie had come from. So, she leaned a little so that she could be seen better and waved a hand. "Thank you." she let out, then set back once again though didn't get into the pie just yet.

Tags: | Zidol Khukhi | Junko Ike Junko Ike | Open

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