Just a quick note;
Have actually spoken with Tefka re territory, since this would be our main drive for merging IC and OOC.
As long as we do a Dom or two AWAY from the TU (expanding to the right) we would likely get to keep a fair chunk of our important planets. I can't get the precise names/numbers because no amount of bribery could get me that, but there is not 'no gain'.
As for what we can do and bring to the table..
Andrew, you just got our legit business front up to.. what? Tier 5?
And we have stygium, lightsaber crystals, force crystals, Isotope-5, some bizarre and hardly used lightsaber resistant metal that actually isn't restricted currently.. As well as the trade hubs of Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa.
Minor means our territory is open. The Hutt Cartel will be in there in a flash, and if you think I'm bad and uncivilized.. Plus it means my infrastructure is open to being razed. I'd rather see it put to work here.
Edit: Also I promise not to rob anymore of your banks now that we're allies >.>