Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pragmatism (Oorn Tchis Aftermath)

@ Aeron Tosh [member="Ganio Vynte"] [member="Iturizu Yuvie"]

"That," Veino replied icily, picking his way into the freighter, "was uncalled for." Blaster bolts had bounced off the Force barrier and scored marks on ground and buildings, but missed him. He stepped over the fallen Trandoshan and paused for a moment to kneel. "May the Scorekeeper welcome you."

With that he strode onto the ship, watching behind them. Their tail no longer pursued them, indeed, he had run off somewhere else. Odd. He wasn't sure what to make of that, but they needed to get to hyperspace and away from the planet.

As the boarding ramp sealed behind him, he strode up to the cockpit, giving the man a cold look.

"If you want to oppose the Sith, you better make sure that you're better for civilians than they are. Don't make the title of terrorist rightfully apply to you." He rolled his shoulders and looked out the viewports before sliding into one of the seats. It was rank with a rotted stench, but it would have to do for now. This was why he needed to get his own ship again.

His hands paused for a moment as he studied the controls. They were different than what he had flown before, but it would have to do.

"Either of you know how to fly a freighter better than me, be my guest. But we have minutes to get out." The engine rumbled beneath his feet as the systems came online. "Someone get on comms and play interference for traffic control."

He was focused as the ship started to rise from the ground. Already, a ship was appearing on the scanners. Sith markings, yet it hung back and didn't open fire. Their twi'lek friend, no doubt. "Bogey on our six. See if this thing has any guns worth mentioning."

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
Yuive was more than ready to choke slam the freighter owner into the ground as things where heating up, blowing her cover would be worth the risk if they could get off word fast enough, and taking a ship by force was no new concept to her. However, things took a sudden and untimely surprising change of mood as the man quickly drew his blaster, putting the ship’s captain to the stun, a sombre and sad look in his eyes, that of necessity, though also disgust at his own action.

She had been like that before, when among the imperial inquisitors, doing inhuman things to people to keep the peace and seek out insurgents, though saving people’s lives, putting so many other to death. Yuvie shook her head, clearing her mind of distracting memorizes, now was not the time for a guilt trip, even more so as more blaster bolts pinged into the side of the ship’s hull. Using the force ever so slight the Mirialan dogged several more bolts, making it look like they almost hit her before scrambling further into the ship’s cargo bay, sighing in honest contentment as the landing ramp closed.

That was the easy part though, that hard part was getting off this rock alive, making her way to the cock last Yuvie arrived just in time to hear the rouge? Jedi ask for a more, experienced person at the wheel of the ship. Though not an ace, early merchant life and standard inquisitor training made it possible for her to fly most common ship, least you are stuck for transport or capture an enemy ship of some sort. Combined with lack of knowledge about if mister stun gun could fly or not, and know how on imperial flight doctrine and TIE capabilities she decided to take the wheel, "I can fly us, just don't expect any fancy manoeuvres, just keep that bogey you mentioned off our tail please".

Hopefully the Jedi could shoot or use some power to halt the TIE, if not she was certain the other one would be able to a lest get some gun working and take a few pot shots as the enemy fighter. Taking the wheel of the Jedi, for now ignoring the bits and pieces on the seat Yuvie stated to take the freighter into the aim running through her head the most likely place for enemy aircraft to come from and which way to go, moving the lumbering freighter between the city buildings with care. "Someone get Hyperspace coordinates in, we need to be ready to jump the moment we get into space and have a clear shot".

[member="Veino Garn"] l [member="Ganio Vynte"] l [member="Aeron Tosh"]
Ganio raised an eyebrow at the other human's criticism. "Scorekeeper won't welcome him for a while yet. That was a stun setting." Still, the lecture cut him more deeply than he showed. He was well aware that his actions were against what he'd always stood for, contrary to the way he had taught young people to behave. Stealing this ship wasn't some grand strike for the cause of freedom; it was the action of a desperate man, terrified and friendless, doing everything he could to avoid a slow and painful death at the hands of the Sith.

He wasn't proud of it, but he wouldn't have done it differently given a second chance. And yet he doubted he would sleep well in the coming days, if indeed he ever did again.

There wasn't much time to waste on self-recrimination, though. The Twi'lek had retreated, but no doubt the alarm was going out, and the jaws of the Empire would soon close on them. The Mirialan woman offered to fly, and Ganio slid over to clear the pilot's seat. "Go ahead," he told her, sitting himself in the copilot's chair and booting up the astrogation computer. "There's a belly quad gun," he told the other man, fingers flying over the keys as he started the calculations for their jump to hyperspace. If only they could actually make it that far...

Opening a communication channel, Ganio put his game face on. On a planet like Oorn Tchis, where there were more nerfs than people, plenty of jobs had to be automated, and the arrival and departure systems of the spaceport were among them. They were lucky; the Trandoshan had been about to leave, and the system accepted his departure code without question. That wouldn't buy them much time against the arrival of Imperial fleet elements, but it would keep local police craft from responding immediately to support the Sith. Every second counted.

"He's hanging back, probably waiting for backup," Ganio told the others, watching the pursuing TIE on his sensor screen. "Some covering fire might discourage him."

The stolen freighter shot past the few buildings near the spaceport and upward, toward the atmosphere. If they could just get enough distance from Oorn Tchis, they would be able to jump to hyperspace and vanish beyond the Empire's borders. Getting there, though, would be the hard part. "We've got two Imperial light cruisers coming in," Ganio reported, glancing at the sensors between inputting astrogation data. "Better punch it, or we won't get far." Against warships, the light cruisers would be toast. Against a lone freighter... This might not end well.

[member="Iturizu Yuvie"] | [member="Veino Garn"] | @Aeron Tosh
Just as Aeron expected two light cruisers came strolling in too aid him with the stolen freighter.

With no hesitation he began opening fire on the freighter. He knew if they could get into space they're going to immediately jump to lightspeed.

Only two of Aeron's four shots landed on the freighter, and then seven other shots went off from his buddies surrounding him with most of them missing. "Rookies can never aim I swear. What did they go to the imperial academy for?"

"Tx-67, fire your missiles!"

The missile landed and it rocked the ship, nearly making it lose control it seemed but the ship managed to stay on it's course.

[member="Ganio Vynte"] | [member="Iturizu Yuvie"] | [member="Veino Garn"]
@ Aeron Tosh [member="Ganio Vynte"] [member="Iturizu Yuvie"]

Veino nodded as the others took controls over the ship. He would handle the guns. That was something he was capable of, at least above competent. His last freighter had been cut down in a battle with the One Sith, but he paused for a moment in the bulkhead.

"May have been stun, but what do you think will happen when the authorities arrive? Last seen conversing with wanted fugitives and allowing them to escape from Sith territory? I should have brought him aboard."

But no matter, everyone made choices in the heat of the moment. Many of them did not go the way that they expected. The ship rocked as missiles exploded nearby. Then he was gone, running to the gun and sliding down the ladder to the belly gun.

It was not in good shape, to say the least, but it could work.

"Copy that," he said over the in-ship comms. "Stay well ahead of the cruisers. Can't catch us at full speed."

It was the fighters that worried him. Those were faster and designed for this. Fortunately, there was only one in his scopes. The targeting array came to life and Veino swung the gun around, tracking the course of the ship behind him.

With a beep, the targeting computer locked on and Veino squeezed a trigger, sending several red lasers screeching through the atmosphere towards the enemy ship.
Aeron saw an array of laser beams heading towards his ship and in the heat of the moment he instinctively rolled his ship over and dodged them. Aeron knew this wasn't going to be easy.

"JQ-06, fire your missiles!"

The pilot fired his missiles and they delivered a devastating blow to the ship once again.

Aeron fired his gun directly at the ship and hoped this would be the shot that takes them out the sky before they reach space.

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
Yuvie started to slip away from the almost helpless refugee and into professional inquisitor mode as the fighter came in closer, laser fire rocking the side of the freighter as it made way into the atmosphere, "Those cruises will chew us to pieces if we get to close, but at the same time the longer we take to get out of orbit the more damage those TIEs will do... try and see how many you can shoot down, make sure to keep and eye out for a following strafe run when the fire, the Sith and Empire love to have fighters in pairs when shooting at a ship".

Finishing her sentence a missiles hit the side of the ship, rocking the structure, those where no ordinary TIEs, where they interceptors? probably, such fighters would be perfect against a slow moving target like themselves, she would need to concentrate to get out of this one alive. Reaching out in the force Yuvie took not of the different pilots around, waiting for a indication them instigating an attack run. A small spike in the force was all she needed to jerk the yoke to the left, another missile whizzing past the ships starboard, exploding a few meters in front, sending a small tremble through the ship.

"That was close... HEY, see if you can take out the fighters that have yet to fire their missiles, I don't want anymore close calls", 'or anyone putting two and two together and finding out I'm a Sith', though certain the two trusted her by this point, Yuvie did not want to risk throwing the whole escape attempt out the window, as such she was going to wait until they had jumped to hyper space to reveal her force alignment.

@Aeron Tosh l [member="Veino Garn"] l [member="Ganio Vynte"]
Ganio paused to consider the other human's words. Maybe he was right; maybe stunning the Trandoshan was as good as killing him, or would be once the Imperials were done with their interrogation. Maybe he should have hauled the lizard aboard the ship, given him a chance to escape as well, even though he'd been unwilling to take a chance on them. Maybe Ganio was going to have to live with the decision he'd made in the heat of that moment. "You're right," he murmured in reply. He couldn't think of anything else to say.

Missiles and cannon fire streaked in all around them, but the Mirialan woman seemed to see their trajectories moments before they struck. Although the freighter shook like a man sentenced to death by gundark, shuddering with the passage of each near miss, she seemed able to make maneuvers the ship's engines shouldn't have been able to handle on their own, as if something was giving her an extra push at the exact moment she needed it. Ganio narrowed his eyes; two Jedi? That seemed unlikely. Other possibilities seemed dangerous.

"Hyperspace calculations are done," he said, punching the last few numbers into the computer. "Just a little further and we'll be in range to jump toward neutral space." They were outrunning the cruisers for now, but a good missile hit might well slow them down enough that the Imperial ships could lock tractor beams on them. They couldn't let that happen, not when they'd come so far and gotten so close to escape. "Transferring all reserve power to engines," Ganio said, as he flicked several switches. "Punch it as hard as you can."

[member="Iturizu Yuvie"] | @ Aeron Tosh | [member="Veino Garn"]
Aeron knew the ship of runaways were nearing their escape, and Aeron knew he wouldn't be able to stop the freighter from jumping to hyperspace, so as his last desperate attempt he did something unorthodox and crazy. Something he's never heard about happening in the sith empire.

He drove his ship to the side of the freighter, just far back enough that they probably wouldn't be able to notice it was even there, and he placed a tracking beacon on the ship. It's a skill he picked up from his bounty hunter friends he use to mess around with.

Aeron slowed his ship down to a crawl. "Let them get away. It's alright, they won't be getting far", Aeron told his reinforcements across the comlink.

[member="Ganio Vynte"] | [member="Iturizu Yuvie"] | [member="Veino Garn"]

Iturizu Yuvie

Be carfule what you wish for
Yuvie gave a confirming nod to the man, it was close but she was sure the freighter would be able to make the last few miles before a clear jump, its shield managing to hold under the rain of laser fire, thankfully no new missiles coming their way, "We are almost home free just a little longer". Those last few second seemed to take forever but soon the ship was in the planets orbit, Yuvies hand quickly pulling on the hyperspace lever, the craft suddenly rocketing into ever so familiar streaking white line,caused by the million of star that dotted the expansive galaxy.

They were clear, for now anyways, the young Mirialan letting out a sigh of release, feeling like a 100kg weight had just been taken of her hands, "Well we are free from the Empire for now, but we cannot rest easy, not yet". Standing out of the pilots seat she approached the fugitive, taking her hood off in the process, letting her long black and slightly purple hair hang free, "First things first we will need to ditch this ship, one way or another the Sith will track up... lets just say I have some inside knowledge on how these Empires work". The Galatic Empire which she had worked under before defecting had a few different ways to track ships though hyper space, good old tracking devices, noting the radiation spikes from ships to the method that had been around 800 years ago but not used until the rise of the original First Order.

"In addition to that your action would be considered just in general a crime, stealing a freighter and all, as such an actual warrant for your arrest could come out that even the Galactic Alliance way get you for, even if so reluctantly", that as well as bounty hunter assassins or anyone looking to make quick buck and skills to kill. "But before all that, wee need to get to know each other a bit more, as it stand no one has any idea who each other is at the moment".

OOC:was waiting for [member="Veino Garn"] but decided to keep things going
[member="Aeron Tosh"] [member="Ganio Vynte"]

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