Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pray-to-Play [Rebel Alliance/Selectivists]

The Rebel Alliance had long been established on Praesitlyn, a world rather untouched but vital to the faction. The monument of paramount importance--nicknamed Songstress, being one of the galaxy's most far-reaching Holonet relay towers--loomed over the small but developing city that was now officially known as Krasni Gorod. Men and women of all races were beginning to fill the streets each month, a new society in the works.

Geneviève had not returned to Praesitlyn for quite some time, troubles with the Republic and the galaxy at large, and her duties as the leader of the nation preventing her from interacting much with her gradually-progressing project. She had been able to afford time to finally venture this far in all the confusion, and Intangible finally had penetrated the dry and sunny atmosphere of the grassy world once more. Now, as she peered across the open fields that would soon see large structures take their place, Lasedri knew she was seeing the true fruits of her persistence come to bear.

But she knew she did not have much longer to marvel at them. Her path had taken an unexpected--though welcome--turn in recent history. Her Rebellion was stirring; awakening; rising. And she was not longer to be fit to control its destiny.

From her place underneath the massive Holonet tower, the Benefactor simply stood and watched as progress was made. They would soon be arranging for the final touches in political strengthening before she departed, she and the Council of Generals arranging a new system to provide for a more powerful and vibrant development of the planet that would see people emigrate to the world for ages to come.

But, for now, she was just here--that stolid figure in the black trenchcoat, her days as such numbered. She had become something more, and now it was the Alliance's turn to do so.

  • Solidify political standing with the Praesitlyn population and instigate Selectivist policies
  • Develop the base - hangars, planetary ion defense guns, and shield generators
  • Prepare plans for a new shipyards
[member="Solan Charr"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"], [member="Vassara Raxis"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="DasGeneral"], [member="Armand Temi"], [member="Alena"], [member="Roth Tillian"]
Objective: Solidify political standing with the Praesitlyn population and instigate Selectivist policies

The Hapan Field Captain's first order of business on Praesitlyn was to establish medical facilities on the outskirts of Krasni Gorod. He wanted to start with a free urgent care clinic and then see how he could expand it to eventually include a search and rescue team as well as a triage unit for this burgeoning planet. This was essentially a charity mission for the citizens of Krasni Gorod and of Praesitlyn as the medical center needed to be not only a commercial zone but a neutral one as well. Therefore it wouldn't be situated close to the Rebel Base as it may likely become a target.

On his datapad, Dr. Temi checked what supplies were being shipped in today to start the initial construction. The supplies and personnel used in the creation of this medical facility would be provided by The Healer's Guild and would be traveling with a Crusader class Corvette with a crew of nearly 200 personnel, mostly volunteers. Good the ship would be arriving at the closest docking bay any minute now, he thought checking the itinerary. He looked up and shielded his eyes from the sun. The Mayor of Krasni Good was also supposed to meet him on this inauguarl day to help him break ground. It was a positive political move for both the Mayor and for the Rebel Alliance on the windy but otherwise pleasant day.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
-Solidify political standing with the Praesitlyn population and instigate Selectivist policies

Admiral Brightsky stood on the surface of Praesitlyn, just under an awning in the capitol building, admiring the workmanship of the local architects. The planet itself had one of the largest Holonet transceivers in the galaxy and the broadcasting strength to reach half of the Outer Rim. Moreover, it had been one of the secret bases of the Rebel Alliance for quite a while and had some well known supporters in the government. She knew that getting their support politically was absolutely critical, as was getting their support for the construction of new shipyards. Min watched as a group of local officials walked up to her to begin negotiations.

"Admiral Brightsky, I'm Urik Harna, speaker of the Praesitlyn Senate, it's a pleasure to meet you," he said as he extended his hand. Min reached over and shook it firmly.

"Speaker Harna, the pleasure is all mine. I hate to skip right to the formalities, but please let's go to your office to begin discussions. I've had a long flight and I'm eager to begin," Min said resolutely. She and the speaker made their way to his chambers.

"I know, Mister Speaker, that Praesitlyn has been without effective representation in the Republic for quite some time. Your planet has been sandwiched between competing powers for an equally long amount of time. The Rebel Alliance is willing to help you out. But, you understand that we have some ideological necessities for helping. We usually don't do this, most of the time when we discuss Selectivism we do so in a theoretical context. But this time we want to do so in the real world. We believe that Praesitlyn would be the best location to begin," Min explained.

Harna nodded his head. "Yes, I've read the 'Little Black Book' and agree with many of its standpoints. I too have argued for a more controlled approach to our economy for years now. Selectivism would be the best model for our planet to adopt in this context. With the galaxy in such turmoil, I believe that this kind of experiment would bear fruit," Harna said.

"What do you have in mind?" Min asked.

"I'll be approaching the leaders of my party, the 'Praesitlyn People's Economic Front, the 'Praesitlyn Labor Movement,' and our allies in the 'Praesitlyn Workers' and Settlers' Party' to form a united front in the Parliament this week. If we can form a solid voting bloc then we will control both the Lower Chamber and the Senate. We can then formally announce the government's decision to begin implementation of Selectivism on a planetary scale," Harna stated.

"I understand that you will be running into some opposition, though. I was under the impression that the 'Galactic Commerce Guild Party' and the 'Praesitlyn Development Coalition' had a political front in the Senate that controls most of the bills that come to committee," Min asked.

"The Lower Chamber is evenly divided between the Development Coalition backers, my party, and the Workers' and Settlers' Party. The wild card has been Labor Movement. Once we get them on board, then the People's Economic Front can lead the way. Labor has fallen on the side of the Development Coalition more often than not the last few years because of fears that the galactic turmoil would lead to stagnant wages and a return to lowered living standards. Miss Brightsky, we need you to make a public statement in the Lower Chamber in favor of this. It's the only way to get their support," Harna said.

" you sure? I'm not much of a public speaker," Min tentatively replied.

"It will help swing the votes, I promise you. Please, if the military head of the Rebel Alliance comes out in favor of this then we can move forward," Harna stated. Min merely nodded her head in agreement. She was nervous, but it had to be done.

A few hours later, Min stood on the speakers' podium in the Praesitlyn Lower Chamber. The raucous banter around her was unnerving, especially as a few of the Development Coalition backers openly heckled her. She cleared her voice and tried to speak as authoritatively as possible.

"Ladies and gentlemen and gentlebeings, I come to you as a representative of the Rebel Alliance by the invitation of Speaker Harna in the Senate. The people of Praesitlyn have been for too long divided on the issue of economics and politics. The galaxy has spiraled out of control, our galactic economy is in free fall, and the Republic is divided and weakened. Dark forces prowl the galaxy seeking to destroy our democratic heritage and subjugate the people under the jackboot of oppression. They see galactic progress as a hindrance to their quest for power. The people of the galaxy need a new symbol, a model of economics and politics that will change the way that we view the role of government forever, and one that will serve as the savior of our common democratic institutions."

"I am not speaking of the controlled economy and dictatorship of Palpatine's 'New Order,' COMPNOR or the human-centric politics that they preached. I speak instead of a new political movement, one dedicated to the ideals of strict government involvement in the economy. Palpatine's New Order preached government involvement but to benefit the Moffs and heads of major corporations. The New Order was Corporatism and nothing less than the merger of large corporations into the government. I speak instead of a new economic order, one that will benefit the lives of all sentient beings on not just Praesitlyn, but all planets."

"Selectivism is the ideological movement that the Rebel Alliance has preached since its formation. We believe in the creation of new national corporations that all people can work for, that no sentient being should be deprived of their right to seek a decent livelihood for themselves and their families. We believe that government's function is not just to represent the will of the people, but to ensure that they have a decent standard of living that is protected by government guarantee."

"Most importantly of all: We believe in the protection and promotion of democracy for all beings no matter their place of origin. Democracy is our basic inheritance. It has been our mode of government throughout history. Those who sought its destruction have always served the forces of evil. Every sentient life form has the right to vote and the right to be heard. Selectivism is at its heart the democratic ideal that government should never be coercive, that every being has the right to a voice and a vote, that every citizen has the right to a guaranteed basic standard of living. We argue that everyone has the right to private property and privacy and no one, not even government ministers or intelligence agencies, has the right to infringe or violate it in any way, shape, or form."

"And so I call on this august body to form a coalition that will implement the ideals of Selectivism and serve as a symbol for the rest of the galaxy. Let them look to Praesitlyn as the first, but certainly not the last, planet to implement the ideals of Selectivism. In taking this first monumental step, you will lead us to a brighter future," Min said. She looked around as the senators and representatives stood quietly watching. It seemed she had gotten through to them.

Within five minutes, the people of Praesitlyn's representatives passed a straight up-or-down vote. Selectivism was to be implemented thanks to a 730-690 vote. It was close, but the Alliance had its first ever true political victory.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Verd Skirata

Fancy flyin' and good fightin' make for a good day
Objective base development

Verd Skirata stood at the table manipulating the holographic images until the defenses were aligned in an order for maximum defense. he had anti aircraft cannons randomly strewn throughout the base, there were two giant 'observatories' that were disguised ion cannons. He had designed the underground hangar with 8 tunnels for fighters to exit from, evenly spreading out in an area of 50 kilometers, allowing multiple exits from the base in event of a major attack and the collapse of the main hanger entrence, which was the only entrance big enough to admit freighter and corvette class ships to land. He had designed fake walls with secret rooms and escape routes to the hangar, or to a small escape craft just outside the facility. He had to make sure his contingency plans had contingencies. he was glad he wasn't doing this alone. He just had to wait for his partner, or partners, to arrive. He couldn't do much with the interior, but what he did know was escape routes and defenses. All of the fore mentioned weapons and defenses were retractable, allowing for minimal detection. They couldn't be open about the project they were undertaking, and he knew this. The building had to look like it had been built for a purpose other than defense."Kriff!" he exclaimed. He had forgotten to add in shield generators. Those would be vital if the base was ever going to stand up to invasion of any kind. He went back to the drawing board to see where he could put some sheilding; even if he had to remove some of the weapons to add them, they were a necessity.
Objective - Develop a base

Corruck watched patiently out the front viewport of the Recalcitrant as the ship set down on Praesitlyn. It was good to be here again. Unfortunately his reason for visiting was business, otherwise he might have spent some time in the city near the ReCal Headquarters. He had been there once and if memory served there was a lovely little cafe that served a traditional Rylothian rycrit stew. He would have preferred the circumstances to be less strict, but the Rebel Alliance had a lot planned and seemed to be growing at an alarming rate. He had not expected such a group of basically terrorists and anarchists to have spread so quickly.

But he had to remember that it was difficult and for much time they had been short staffed, overwhelmed, and surrounded by enemies. It was just like the Rebellion from the Galactic Civil War, if he remembered the history he had picked up correctly. It was fascinating none the less how well this once handful of individuals became a massive organization capable of controlling an entire planet and leading assaults on others in such a short time.

As the ship finished landing he watched outside for a moment longer. The sight before him, the beginning of the first small hangar that would be placed above ground for the immediate future construction, was something that he had never witnessed before. It was something that gave him thoughts and feelings that were strange and alien to him. He hadn't felt the way he did about this group ever. In fact, he couldn't recall having these feelings in his past period.

Soon he stood outside, letting men walk by, unloading his ship of the supplies and materials needed for construction. He looked forward to this. What would happen now, he did not know. What he did know was that the Rebels were growing, morphing, and would soon find a drive that would propel them forwards into the galactic scale... Or, or they would fall apart trying. He expected them to succeed, they hadn't failed so far. They had been through tough times, but they had not been crushed. They had been strong and resilient as a group of mobile fighters. Hopefully, they would be just as strong, if not stronger, as a government attached to stationary planet.
[member="Armand Temi"]

"Ground Hospital Command this is Admiral Jaster Awaud, Quartermaster of the Healer Guild," Jaster stood at the bridge of a Pelta-class frigate. His capital ship was defending the home station. "Requesting landing platforms to give supplies."

Jasters men were watching the senate brodcast and were entertained by the rebel leader. Jaster walked over to see then ending result of the broadcast. "Interesting, very interesting." Jaster continued to walk around the ship as the cargo was arranged into the needed positions. Jaster took a datapad from one of the cargo officers.

The cargo consisted of 3,000 metric liters of Bacta, 30 bacta tanks, 300 contruction drones, enough contruction component for 30 Healer class Clinic Centers, and 60 medical droids accompanied by 300 Medical Companions. This cost a pretty penny to Jaster and his benefactors, this transport had no escort as all ships were sent to command for other orders. All were in order and Jaster was satisfied, he now needed to speak with the 3,000 Security units about the position on the planet.

"All platoon leader, meeting in the briefing room now." Came over the intercom.

Jaster notified the bridge to follow the the landing cord given. He walked over to the briefing room, "After noon gentleman, we are here to speak of the ground posistions, each clinic center will hold 100 guards and protect the station from civil unrest. These centers are under Healer Guild Sanction and under neutral statuse, only injured people are to enter the clinics, keep eyes out for people who may try to destroy the clinics, briefing is over and relay message to your men."

Jaster walked to the loading block, he waited for them to land.
[member="Armand Temi"]

"Ground Hospital Command this is Admiral Jaster Awaud, Quartermaster of the Healer Guild," Jaster stood at the bridge of a Pelta-class frigate. His capital ship was defending the home station. "Requesting landing platforms to give supplies."

Jasters men were watching the senate brodcast and were entertained by the rebel leader. Jaster walked over to see then ending result of the broadcast. "Interesting, very interesting." Jaster continued to walk around the ship as the cargo was arranged into the needed positions. Jaster took a datapad from one of the cargo officers.

The cargo consisted of 3,000 metric liters of Bacta, 30 bacta tanks, 300 contruction drones, enough contruction component for 30 Healer class Clinic Centers, and 60 medical droids accompanied by 300 Medical Companions. This cost a pretty penny to Jaster and his benefactors, this transport had no escort as all ships were sent to command for other orders. All were in order and Jaster was satisfied, he now needed to speak with the 3,000 Security units about the position on the planet.

"All platoon leader, meeting in the briefing room now." Came over the intercom.

Jaster notified the bridge to follow the the landing cord given. He walked over to the briefing room, "After noon gentleman, we are here to speak of the ground posistions, each clinic center will hold 100 guards and protect the station from civil unrest. These centers are under Healer Guild Sanction and under neutral statuse, only injured people are to enter the clinics, keep eyes out for people who may try to destroy the clinics, briefing is over and relay message to your men."

Jaster walked to the loading block, he waited for them to land.
Develope Blueprints for Shipyard
[member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Taking a gulp from the old flask, Thane made his way to the conference room where he and the engineers would meet to start drawing up plans for the Shipyards. He felt it necessary to aid the engineers as he was a pilot and knew the ships they'd be making and what to put in the shipyard.

"Hey Boss, Wild Turkey on station with the engineers. How goes the plans on your end?" He sent a comm to Gen. His long time friend and ally, and leader of this band of rascals.

Focusing on the task at hand, he waited for reply and met the lead engineer.

"Pleasure, Mr. Drexel, we are beginning the meeting now."

Thane followed the engineer in and sat at the table with the others. A holo-image of a skeletal structure that was to be the Station appeared before them. The discussion would begin, and Thane, leaned in, listening intently began to include his perspective on the subject when his turn was alotted.
Objective: Solidify political standing with the Praesitlyn population and instigate Selectivist policies

Armand watched the Praesitlyn vote on a holocam with the rest of the volunteers and cheered when the Selectivist vote passed. He turned around to marvel at the spectacle of all of the young idealists who were helping him to plan out the medical clinic and could see the Mayor had finally arrived.

Dr. Temi greeted Mayor Ballesteros, a human female who looked to be in her fifties, with a warm handshake. After a few pleasantries he brought her over to where the architectural designs were. On a holounit they looked over the building layout. Armand narrated along the way: "Here is where the freestanding urgent care department will be. On the second floor will be diagnostic imaging and a lab. Eventually I see an emergency ward, an ambulatory surgery suite and a variety of physician practice specialties to support the local community.” The Mayor was effusive and kept thanking Armand. "Oh I'm just a bit player in all of this," he replied humbly. "I'll take you to meet the leader of the Alliance, Senator Lasedri."

"But first let's meet the Admiral and Quartermaster of the Healer's Guild who have been instrumental in providing not only supplies but security to this location."

@Jaster of clan Awaud
[member="Armand Temi"]

Jaster just returned from the space port, the supplies and material were not to leave the ship till his say so. He didn't trust many people, there was a war goin on and the healer guild had most of the medical supply lines covered. All that needed to be done was to get people moving, camps and hospitals set up. He walked into the meeting room where Armarnd and the city's mayor were chatting. He looked down at his data pad with all the information regarding the supplies given now and the supply line that would follow. His job wasn't hard, just tedious, not only that but he had to be polite. Jaster had horrible people skills and couldn't make eye contact.

He had a mission and he was strongly proponent of following orders. "Hello Mayor, my name is Jaster Awaud, quartermaster of the Healer Guild, I am here today to request permission to set up 30 free clinics and this hospital within the perimeter of the capital, each clinic would comprise of a single medical droid, 2 medical companion drones, and 5 security personal," Jaster looked up at the Mayor to see if she was following, she was, he went back to his data pad and continued, "this hospital will be a halfway point to the goverment building and any Alliance activity on your planet, it consist of 30 medical droids, 240 medical companions, along with 1,850 security officers, complentary medical staff and some of our finest medical professionals." Jaster was slightly done, but he wanted all that infermation to sink in.

The mayor and Armand seemed impressed with Jaster calculations and promises, some were kinda out there. This was one of the Guilds first goverment contracts, he did not spare a penny of the contract cost.

Jaster did have a counter argument though, "For all of these acomadations we will need something in return, an embassy will be on the same compound as this hospital and we ask for 0.25% of total net income of your capital taxes and en exception from all import tax from your planet, we will comply with regular checks and pay find for contraband, this is a reduction of 1.8 million credits that other medical organizations will offer."

Jaster did his homework, although the planet was out of the way. Many of the rich republic citizens trying to get away from the Sith lived on this planet. Could bring in a lot of needed money for the guild. He waited for the mayors responce.
Develop a Base of operations for the Rebel Alliance

"A little higher on the left!" Corruck shouted to the workers. He was looking at a hologram of the small hangar's design. It was nothing large, like what was planned to eventually be placed underground, however it was sufficiently large to house a few squadrons with space left to spare.

Unfortunately, the difficulty with building it was such that the men he had working on it were tiring quickly. To keep the roof from collapsing in large durasteel supports were placed in particular locations. While the ferrocrete pillars would hold most of the weight, the supports would spread it evenly. Corruck had found that without the supports and pillars, the roof was simply too large to be held up only by four corners of a building. Its length would have windows placed every five meters, ensuring that enough light would be allowed to enter during the day. The total length of the building was to be approximately 100 meters from front to back, the width was going to be 50 meters, and the height to be 14 meters. At either end of the hangar were large doors that would roll back and forth in an automated system. The doors were large enough to allow three starfighters to fly out side by side.

Corruck had tried to incorporate an artistic touch to the hangar, but had found the results lacking. The pillars had had designs engraved into them. The images were supposed to be from some obscure world's history, though Corruck couldn't find any facts to agree with this. The walls had been decorated with insignias of famous squadrons from the Rebellion of the Galactic Civil War. He had facts to support that, thanks to the information fun on Coruscant. He had space left for squadrons of the current Rebel Alliance to add their insignias. His hope was that the pilots would find enough courage to show themselves that they were capable of accomplishing feats of extraordinary importance, just like the squadrons of old.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
Armand was worried that the Admiral would overwhelm Mayor Ballesteros with too much information but the Krasni Gorod bureaucrat was nodding her head in agreement.

"An excellent idea, Admiral Jaster. An embassy on the compound would be perfect. In my mind the embassy would be the ideal location for all manner of diplomats to facilitate peace talks between Praesitlyn and any rogue planets. But I hope I'm not misunderstanding its intent. What are your exact plans for the embassy, Admiral?" Mayor Ballesteros asked.

"Also would you allow Armand here to serve as the Head Ambassador? With his background and youthful looks he would be the perfect spokesperson for Krasni Good!" she said enthusiastically.

Dr. Temi was flattered and if the opportunity arose he would certainly consider it. Ambassador Temi had a really nice ring to it but he hoped such an important position wouldn't interfere with the plans for overseeing the medical facility.

@Jaster of clan Awaud
[member="Armand Temi"]

Jaster looked up from his data pad, "Intent? Ma'am I thought things were cleared up before hand, my apologies, these clinics and hospital are under sole ownership of the Healer Guild, that makes them neutral grounds from all party's, to protect those interest we have security sentries to insure that not only your local troops but any armed person may not enter our neutral designated propert," he was worried that Armand may not be up for the task of being the ambassador to all Alliance negotiations and talks. He and the Chief of Security sanctioned his appointment and was approved by the Head Healer. Best just to cross his fingers and hope for the best, "and command has already approved that our represenative in relations with your goverment be Armand Temi, he has the most exsperiance with both your goverment and the Alliance, plus I'm not one for politics ma'am," Jaster was horrible with jokes, but he tried none the less, "any more questions?"
Objective: Solidify political standing with the Praesitlyn population and instigate Selectivist policies

"No more questions, Admiral," said Mayor Ballesteros. "I'll let you get back to your good work. We thank you." She bowed her head to Jaster gratefully.

The Mayor turned to Dr. Temi and hooked her hand around his arm. She began walking with him around the bustling development site. "I'm serious about my offer. I would like for you to serve as Head Ambassador of this embassy. Would you accept that post?" she asked.

"I'm humbled and honored. I will certainly think about it," he replied. "I want to make sure I'm not overextended what with the clinic developments to oversee. Also I'm afraid I have no prior experience with politics."

"I understand but I don't see your inexperience as a barrier. This planet needs the kind of idealism that you embody if I may be so bold, Dr. Temi," she said. "Now if you're not too busy I would like to take you to the Praesitlyn Capitol Building and introduce you to some of our Representatives. I would also like to meet some of your colleagues especially Senator Lasedri and Admiral Brightsky. I heard that Ms. Brightsky in particular made an enormously good impression on our fair citizens."

She motioned to a waiting government speeder. It had tinted windows and an insignia that signaled it was the Mayor's private transport.

[member="DasGeneral"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
Wan Min made her way through the crowd of cheering representatives after the vote. She shook the hands of elected officials who she had never met before and who she would likely not remember after she returned to the fleet. Min was tired. She was not a political hack, no matter how much she tried to convince herself otherwise. Min and the rest of the entourage left the building to the clacking of cameras and small video recorders. She threw her shoulders back and made her way back to the waiting aerocar where she would be brought back to the Rebel base. The Rebels had won a victory that day, Min thought to herself. It was a close victory, but it was won without a single shot being fired. They had succeeded where others would have failed. The power of words that day had overcome.

As the aerocar lifted off and she looked down at the gathered crowd in front of the capitol building, she wondered about whether or not this victory would resonate in the larger galaxy. Praesitlyn wasn't exactly a center of galactic commerce or political power, but she hoped that they would be able to send a message to the people of the inner core that they didn't need to follow the broken ideologies of the past any longer. The Republic, for all the good it had done, was teetering on its last legs. One swift push from the One Sith would break them once and for all. A new force would have to be gathered in the galaxy, one that could defend the rights of sentient beings and could draw on their collective power to overcome the evils of the Sith. They needed a figure who could bring them together for a common good. Min knew that she was not that figure, but she hoped that maybe someone else would find their way to the forefront and lead the Rebels and the Selectivists to a brighter tomorrow.

Her musings were broken as the aerocar landed and she saw Armand Temi down below. She threw open the door and ran out. "Armand! It's so good to see you again!" Min exclaimed as she ran out of the car and hugged him.

[member="Armand Temi"]
Objective: Making rounds - start at base construction, onward to meet the leaders at the capitol

The hangar had always been the foremost important facet of the base designs. The Alliance's staple had been the Starfighter Corps for years, and a base without a home for these beloved birds would be no good.

When she arrived in the weathered landspeeder--blue paint washed-out and peeling--Geneviève was impressed to see how far the construction was underway. The hangar looked nearly completed, though there was a bit of 'polish' remaining, by the looks of it. The building had a classic military demeanor about it, flags fluttering above the roof while minimal style had been integrated into its appearance. It was not an ugly building, but it was quite obvious in its purpose. She appreciated that. The military's presence must always be felt as a protective power against those who wished to destroy the sovereign rights of the nation's people.

Thus, it is proper for the nation to weaponize to any degree in the preservation of its people's rights.

"General," she greeted to her long-time and steadfast comrade, Corruck Kazen. Dark times had passed over the Rebel Alliance on multiple instances, with the faction's presence and composure waning. But he had plowed onward (thus earning his stripes as General) and arrived to see the results of the Rebels' fortitude. There was no other character more instrumental in the survival and vitality of Lasedri's Rebellion.

Her face was soft today--softer than it had been in ages. She could almost smile. "How do you like it: finally making it to this point?"

She loved it. Unfortunately, she was not to stay too long.

[member="Solan Charr"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"], [member="Vassara Raxis"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="DasGeneral"], [member="Armand Temi"], [member="Alena"], [member="Roth Tillian"], [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]
Corruck would have smiled, he would have been glad beyond belief to see his leader, Genevieve. But he couldn't, he didn't know why, but he felt that it was necessary that he not. The mood was light and she seemed pleased. He wasn't sure why his mind had suddenly built these barriers to the outside. He suspected himself, yet he couldn't place it. He told himself that it was because of a bad night of sleep and some rations... that had been off for at least three days.

That wasn't the truth, he wouldn't be willing to accept the truth. His thoughts had been dark of late, it saddened him deeply, yet he could not change that fact. He had a secret, one that was too much for him to even think of at this moment. His plans, the plans for the future. They would be against everything he was fighting for. He worked alongside these men and women of the Alliance and yet he schemed to do something so terrible that it was nothing less than a, no the, perfect betrayal. ReCal had made a new bomb, nuclear, very destructive and far too dangerous to be put to use. Yet he had had a ship built, one for the sole purpose of utilizing that weaponry. That ship, now dormant in the outer reaches of space, was they key to his plans.

Of course, he had to show some outward sign of joy at seeing Gen. He nodded, forcing his mouth to part in a smile. It took so much willpower to do so, then he had to speak, "Well I can say this, I didn't expect to see the day. I wish the place could have been finished before you arrived, I could have given you the tour." Good, he had injected the humor necessary to hide his current status, so he hoped.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
Armand warmly hugged Admiral Brightsky back. "How is Alena?" he asked her. Last they had seen each other they were in Wild Space on a salvaging mission and the Hapan doctor had saved her half-Chiss colleague from a rogue battle droid which had inadvertently gotten loose on the shipwreck. "I hope she's all patched up now."

After Mayor Ballesteros exited the official government speeder, Armand beckoned her over. "Mayor, I'd like for you to meet Admiral Brightsky, the leader of our fleet and quite the politician as of late," he said.

The Mayor shook the Admiral's hand and said, "It's an honor. Krasni Gorod and the whole of Praesitlyn stand for the type of democracy and sentient rights that the Selectivist Party is promoting. With your leadership and Ambassador Temi's here, we'll be able to rebuild our broken city and rise up stronger than ever."

The Hapan doctor raised his eyebrows as Wan Min when the Mayor said "Ambassador." Then he noticed how tired she looked and didn't blame her for being exhausted. They were all working beyond capacity on Praesitlyn. "Admiral, where are you off to now?" he asked. "Do you have time to sit down over a stimcaf and catch up?"

"Apologies for my interruption," said Mayor Ballesteros, "Armand if we hurry, Secretary of State Jweki Gjon has offered to swear you in as Ambassador of Krasni Gorod today. What do you say?"

"Another time then, Admiral Brightsky. I owe you a stimcaf," he said to Wan Min. The Mayor ushered Dr. Temi past a few stray protesters who stood on the capital building lawn, past tight security and into the great hall of the building. They waited until the Sluissi dignitary was through with his business and were taken to an outer office of the Secretary of State.

It was a quick ceremony: the Secretary of State had Armand place his hand on a datapad held by Mayor Ballesteros. On the datapad were the constitutional tenants of Praesitlyn. After he was sworn in as Ambassador, the Hapan doctor said a few words:

"While our ties of blood are different our common values are the same. As Ambassador of Krasni Gorod, I am convinced the greatest rewards for Praesitlyn and for the galaxy are yet to come. I will work tirelessly to build new friendships and expand existing ones with neighbors like Bpfassh and Queyta. Together, we will tighten our cooperation to expand the Selectivist agenda so that the this nation remains free and under no outside government rule. I would like Krasni Gorod to serve as an primary meeting ground for diplomacy, sentient rights and peaceful negotiations."

Some of what Armand strung together on the spot was political jargon that even he himself had a thin understanding of but the principles in his mind were clear and that which he had embodied as a child. Especially growing up on Hapes and seeing the inequality between genders, he could sympathize with populations which were enslaved and restrained from their true potential. He was pleased at where his future was heading and he smiled broadly as a holocam recorded the entire event. He couldn't help hoping the broadcast would make its way to HNN and finally his family would be as proud of him as they were of his three sisters.

[member="DasGeneral"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
"There's no need for tours," she responded, shaking her head. "I've had enough of those lately. Everyone can tour my tomb later." A smirk crept up the corner of her mouth. She was in good spirits--for Geneviève. Her loyal general seemed to not carry such a great demeanor, however. But maybe that had to do with this load of work going on. Krasni Gorod had come a long way in six years, and so much had been developed just in the last year alone.

"You know I like fighters. I like you, Kazen." How many times had she told someone that? Perhaps once or twice, but not many times more. "You're an invaluable asset to the Alliance, and I bet you have a grand future ahead of you. You've done a lot for this little corner of the galaxy. Hopefully our names will mean something in the long run." A little bit of her pride was slipping through, but this was an occasion. General Kazen deserved a little flattery as well.

Lasedri surveyed the mouth of the hangar. The structure was apparently being constructed above-ground to allow some polish and structural reinforcement techniques to be utilized before it would be rolled into the hole that was currently being bored into the side of a bluff, followed up by foundational lining of durinium impregnated durasteel coated in duracrete. "I hope you were able to acquire the biggest set of blast doors one can find."

[member="Solan Charr"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="DasGeneral"], [member="Armand Temi"], [member="Alena"], [member="Roth Tillian"], [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"], [member="Verd Skirata"]

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