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The Kainate

A hermetic shadow state led by Darth Carnifex and Darth Prazutis, Dark Lords of the Sith.

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Prazutis Workshop


  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon location? If yes, link to the original wiki article here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers’ content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]

  • Name: Vain Hollow
  • Classification: [ The types of classification are, but are not limited to: Army Base, Naval Station, Outpost, Fort, Camp, etc. ]
  • Location: Iron Mountains, Panatha
  • Affiliation: [ Who owns/rules this base? A person? A faction? A government? Link any relevant characters, faction pages, or groups. ]
  • Population: Crowded
  • Demographics: [ Please describe the general assortment of inhabitants. Specific species percentages are welcome but not required. Any uncommon species or custom species should be linked. If no population exists put N/A. ]
  • Accessibility: [ Describe logistical information on how easy it is to find/access this location. Is it hidden? Is it isolated from society or is it in the middle of civilization? Is it guarded? Open to the public or private access only? ]
  • Description: [ Provide a description of this base at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest. ]

[ What areas within the base are significant? Give a description of each point listed. ]


[ Provide a Security Rating (choose from: None, Low, Medium, High, Maximum) and any specific security assets in list format. What defenses does this location have, including internal and perimeter defenses? Please note that the rating is relative to the type of location this is. Military troops and hardware are appropriate for all levels of the security rating for Military Bases. Please link rare or uncommon tech/equipment to the SW wiki article or Factory-approved submission. Common canon items do not need to be linked. ]


[ Include a description on the base's history here. Detail how it came to be constructed and why. Talk about the people/factions involved in this base's creation; and what role it plays. For historical bases, if you so desire, you can include historical events from the Chaos Canon timeline or board history where appropriate. ]
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  • Intent: To channel vampiric themes to create a new formidable npc lieutenant for future stories.
  • Image Credit: Blizzard Entertainment
  • Role: Lord of Dominion, King of the Noctis, Commander of the Bloodied Legion
  • Permissions:
  • Links: N/A

  • Age: Ancient
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Sangnir Highblood
  • Appearance: Looks can be deceiving. Rasvan Iacobescu looks more akin to a towering demon of nightmare than anything else. This mysterious figure is the very apex of the immortal sangnir with his age being traced so far back that his epithet of the first seems to ring true in his very appearance alone. Rasvan stands head and shoulders above all others of his kind, his skin is a pale gray and his long hair a pale white. The top of his head hold a pair of wicked horns and his hands bear a set of wicked claws. While terrifying he is also wonderous, majestic even with the regal bearing of a ruling monarch. A wonderous being adorned in runic plate, ancient jewelry and clothing from a forgotten time. Rasvan wields a gigantic, ornate sith sword in battle.

  • Name: Rasvan Iacobescu the First
  • Loyalties: The Kainate
  • Wealth: The byproduct of living countless millenia Rasvan has amassed a staggering mountain of wealth that puts the most lucrative businesses and affluent kings to shame.
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills:
    • Possesses an unparalleled mastery over the Sangnir's powers over blood.
    • Physical
  • Personality:

  • Weapon of Choice: Dark Side of the Force
  • Combat Function:



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  • Intent: Codify the Epicanthix that remained loyal to the Zambranos
  • Image Credit:
  • Canon: Epicanthix
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Ilam Bsaak
  • Classification: Cultural Group
  • Origins: Panatha
  • Affiliation: The Kainate
  • Symbol: The Ilam Sdol or Iron Star is the primary cultural symbol. The sphere within it represents the source of the Wess ah Ilam or Will of Iron and each of the rays are seen as the will itself emanating from it toward its vessels in the Epicanthix.

  • Domain: Unknown.
  • Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary
  • Demographics: All members of the Ilam Bsaak are Epicanthix.
  • Description: The Ilam Bsaak, Epicant for Iron Blood, are an Epicanthix cultural group that retained their loyalty to the Zambrano family. They constitute the largest group of Epicanthix in the galaxy, with many of them sequestered on Malsheem and relocated to a hidden Homeworld during the Agony, the intense periods of civil unrest and ecological devastation wrought on the Epicanthix homeworld of Panatha following the Mandalorian sack. Because of their close proximity to the Zambranos, the Ilam Bsaak openly revere the Dark Side of the Force; though they do not consider themselves Sith, but an order wholly separate and dedicated only to their people.
  • Distinctions: Members of the Ilam Bsaak are separated first and foremost from other Epicanthix by a set of highly distinctive, ritualistic tattoos that cover their body. No two of which are alike.
  • Force Sensitivity: High
  • Membership: Only Epicanthix are permitted to join the Ilam Bsaak, and only after a lengthy period of grueling trials known as the Tempering once a youth comes of age. However they can be started by any Epicanthix willing to tread the path. A set of trials influenced by the life of the older Zambrano, Braxus Zambrano who endured unimaginable agony throughout his life that would've killed or broken lesser men. Despite all of this he endured with what was believed is the Wess ah Ilam or Will of Iron and is quoted as saying: "As long as there is breath in your body, so long as your heart still beats your life is your own. There is nothing this world can inflict upon you that you cannot fight through. Only in death does the fight end." The Will of Iron was passed down to his nephew Kaine Zambrano and in turn they passed it down together to the Ilam Bsaak.

    The first of these trials is known as the Bloodletting, the testing of what lies within the heart of an aspirant and if they are ready to endure the life of hardship and have what it takes. They are put before another unknown person and given the instructions to kill. Its an easy thing to pull a trigger from afar or wield an instrument of war, but another entirely to kill with bare hands when looking into the eyes of their victim. Those who show mercy or remorse for the plight of their victim, express concerns for who or why or require reasoning are all seen as signs of weakness and are always killed. Those who kill are barely given time to process before they are thrust headlong into the next trials. Immolation is the next step of their journey where aspirants are subject to unimaginable torments in both mind, body and soul all at once to see if they will break. It overwhelms the aspirants akin to one being lit on fire with pain striking from everywhere. It is the beginning of the agonies they will suffer that will take what was and forge them into what they will become as inheritors of the Wess ah Ilam.

    The next major step is the
    Path of Torment where aspirants are taken to a starless, harsh world of devastation and eternal darkness and dropped onto the harsh plains. They are stripped and given nothing but the corpses of the fallen who didn't survive the descent to the surface as a resource. It is their responsibility to utilize what they have at their disposal, dig in and endure the pain using their resolve and determination to survive and fight their way to the landing zone of a ship far away. It is to represent the imparting of many values upon the aspirants such as resourcefulness in utilizing what little is around them, forcing them to fight through the horror and hopelessness of their surroundings. This is a pivotal point in their tests and one of the largest areas of failure. Out of a hundred aspirants often only one successfully make the journey. Behind the recruits is the past and a life of weakness and in front of them is salvation, the future itself. The Zambrano Lords both endured unimaginable sacrifices and pain beyond counting in order to achieve the successes they enjoy. It is the duty of the aspirants to walk in the shoes of those who came before, both those who failed in their own path of torment and by extension others.

    Those who were willing to sacrifice absolutely everything in order to achieve true power. It forces upon them absolute desperation in a way few ever experience. But it is in this desperation they find themselves; their true potential is unlocked. Those who reach the finish line are then taken on for the final stages of the trials known as the Shaping. They are harshly trained in a regiment including many different varied aspects to forge their sharp edges into finely honed weapons of the future. Once they complete this stage they are lastly put through the painful inking of their flesh with a special form of ritualistic tattoos. It is a unique process bordering on the scientific and magical that cannot be replicated. As each aspirant endures a journey wholly unique to themselves, each set of tattoos quite literally tells their story of what they endured to become vessels of the Wess ah Ilam. These tattoos are worn proudly by all and are welcomed into the fold as kin, true brothers and sisters.

  • Climate: You are a son/daughter of Panatha born to one of the greatest warrior races in history. Yours is a legacy of glory forged through battle both on your home and abroad. The galaxy descended upon you and did their best to wipe you from the pages of history and what did you do? You thrived. You walked through a crucible of your own making, suffered tragedies beyond counting that would've broken lesser beings and came out stronger. You carry the wess ah ilam, the will of iron within you and are an heir to the proud legacy of Angra & Daeva. You value and respect strength and you abhor weakness. Loyalty is everything. Loyalty to family, to your culture and your religion. Due to the atrocities perpetrated by the galaxy you are highly distrustful of Oydrekil, Outsiders.
  • Reputation: A rather complex subject to the galaxy at large. Views of the Ilam Bsaak vary widely and are mixed. One of these views identifies them because of their close association with House Zambrano, the ruling family of the Epicanthix and judges them one way. They are commonly seen as a proud, strong warrior culture that are admired for how they have managed to thrive despite the loss of their homeworld. While many admire them there are also those who fear them. They are a warrior culture that widely embraces a form of hyper violence, their brutality in war far outshines even the fiercest cultures in a way that can horrify many.
  • Curios: Beyond the ritualistic set of tattoos they are a rich people with a wide variety of items unique to their culture. Regardless of their occupation all are warriors at heart and each possesses their own arms and armor for war.
  • Philosophy: In terms of religion the faithful of Ilam Bsaak presently are split. As the remnants of those who survived the worlds annihilation flooded in, what was left of a species brought with them what was often called simply the Faith but is often called the Old Faith. It was the worship of three gods known as Nereus (Father), Nussyn (Mother), and lastly Neaos (Son). However due to the harshness of the period since the Mandalorian attack and the loss of their world many lost the faith. Instead, they follow a new religion worshipping the two beings who saved their race from extinction and to salvation. The New Faith is both polytheistic in the worship of two gods and monolatristic in their belief that they are superior and the only two gods superior enough to be worshipped. These gods are known to them as Angra (Prazutis) and Daeva (Carnifex), the Sozeals (Saviors) of the Epicanthix. Those of the New Faith believe that in their time of true need the Old Faith had failed them in their time of greatest need, costing them their home, and that they only survived because they walked the path of iron that both Angra and Daeva had showed them. It has of late been the source of much internal strife between the two faiths.
  • Outward Views: As a whole the Ilam Bsaak have a strong hatred of the Jedi Order. This is not due to an inherent allegiance to the Sith Order however, and due to the inherent cultural beliefs, that distinctly conflict with their philosophy. They openly embrace the force rather than turn from it and are far more aligned with the Dark Side of the Force and the Eternal Rule Sith. They are a heavily authoritarian people whose political views often conflict with more democratic regimes.
  • The Arts: The Epicanthix have always been a deeply passionate people throughout history, highly expressive of their emotions and this has often come out through their art. The Ilam Bsaak carry both this deep passion and a strong sense of pride in themselves as a culture, what they've gone through and accomplished. Art as a whole is embraced in its various forms and the dominant style has been expressionism. A widely popular form by artists has been one wholly unique to their culture born out of the great tragedies they've suffered, called tragic expressionism. It is a style where the artist attempts to capture the collective emotions felt by his people through the brutal Mandalorian attack, and later subsequent loss of their world. Throughout sculpture, architecture and various other forms there is a unique blend of heroic realism, romantic realism, that exemplifies the pride felt by a people who have come so far. There are undeniable, subtle Sith influences here born from many decades of rule by Dark Lords of the Sith.
  • Architecture: The foundation of their architecture is from a style known as Paleo Panathan (Egyptian / Babylonian) which often represented a highly ornate style of luxury and richness. The Epicanthix possessed a long and storied history and were proud to display it to the world. After the events during the Agony and the harshness later on inflicted by the Annihilation. The Ilam Bsaak were a new cultural group to emergy from the ashes of absolute ruin with a new beginning. Their style is built upon the past blending it into what has become known as Neo Panathan (Brutalist / Art Deco). It is characterized by a less ornate and more of a harsh, rugged nature often showcasing the bare material, structural elements of design. In a short brutal period, their people, world, and history were swept away in one fell swoop. In the past the Epicanthix used richly decorative, sometimes overly ornate designs. Neo Panathan stripped much of this out, however it does include what is reminiscent of the richness of material, luxury and beauty. However, these influences bleed through in a far more subtle, subdued nature. The Ilam Bsaak endured unimaginable tragedy to come out of the other side of the nightmare, and their creations reflect a changed people.
  • Habits: For as long as anyone can remember the Epicanthix were known as a Warrior People. This is no exception to the Ilam Bsaak who regard war as part of their very culture. They take the beliefs of a warrior people further than even that of the Mandalorians. It is a deeply rooted habit burned into their subconscious that all regularly exercise but also train in the ways of war. The strong thrive and the weak are killed or enslaved. Regardless of their occupation every single member of the Ilam Bsaak are warriors. As such regardless of the individual the overall fitness level is extremely high, with less than two percent being what is considered to them as "sub-par". However, what they believe to be sub-par is often considered to be in the levels of excellent for other cultures.
  • Lifestyle: There is a strong militaristic influence that dominates most of their daily lives. Especially after the loss of Panatha it is as if their smooth edges had been sanded down harshly. They have given up some of how they lived and became a harder people. Their entire society carries influences teetering towards a militant nature, war being a deep part of their culture.
  • Laws: Due to what they go through in the Tempering they are forever changed. As such it is the believed duty of each man and woman to police one another in the maintaining of their physique and training. To maintain readiness for battle is absolutely critical and it is considered a fundamental law by all who "earned the ink". Regardless of what their occupation is all are expected to maintain a training regimen as well as regularly exercise.
  • Customs & Traditions: Beyond the universal cultural customs and traditions the Ilam Bsaak has further diversified customs carried from the regions and city-states on Panatha they lived. The mighty city-states of Canthar, Qocia, Cropis, Prethia, Khedal, and Gekha are prominently featured.
  • Education & Training: For an Ilam Balm or Iron Born their lives begin with a three-pronged approach to education. The first is traditional education followed up with religious schooling and practices. The last of these involves a rigorous athletic and combat training program that is designed exclusively to prepare the youth for the Tempering. All Ilam Bsaak are put through the same educational program that prepares them. This is also the reason why Iron born as a whole have a far higher success rate compared to outside Epicanthix when it comes to the Tempering. The quality of this education differs depending on the wealth and influence of the family. It is seen overall as excellent. This program runs all the way until the individual passes their tempering. Afterwards the whole of society is open to them and they are encouraged to find their own path. Whether its continuing education, taking up a trade, or specialized training that forges them into powerful warriors. Those with strength in the force find home in one of the specialized orders. Although free to pursue their interests, almost everything carries sometimes subtle, but overall very strong military influences.
  • Diet: The dominant diet is a distinctly traditional Panathan diet with a deeper focus on regional diets depending on where on the world the people were from.
  • Communication: The dominant language of the Ilam Bsaak is Epicant. Due to the development of the species on their former homeworld, there are various regional dialects spoken of it that survived.
  • Exceptionally Gifted Warriors
  • Enhanced Strength, Dexterity, and Endurance
  • Highly Disciplined
  • Above Average Force Sensitivity
  • Dark Side Affinity

  • Insular Society Outsider Wary
  • Strong Survive, Weak Purged/Enslaved
  • Dark Side Corruption Susceptibility
  • Prone to Extreme Aggression

If it weren't for the swift actions of House Zambrano, the Epicanthix may have been dealt a blow they'd never recover from.

Through various efforts from farsight, advanced intelligence House Zambrano underneath Kaine & Braxus Zambrano became aware of the Eternal Empire's intentions to destroy Panatha. They acted quickly through the moblization of the entirety of their steller empire the Kainate, and came to Panatha. They professed the coming apocalypse to the people they ruled for many decades since their return during the conclusion of the Eighth Sith Empire. There was only one path forward and that was by leaving their homeworld behind to seek a new future. Many from every corner of their ancient homeworld answered the call to join the Exodus. The teeming masses came from all walks of life from the nobility, priesthood, to the common people all came at the call for evacuation.

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  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Role: [ Is she your character's daughter? Is he your squad's sniper, the man you trust on overwatch? Is she your longtime pilot and occasional lover? Are they the Force ghost who appears to give you cryptic guidance? Is he your mortal enemy? Did she put a bounty on your head? Explain the role this NPC will play. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Age: [ Please keep it sensible. ]
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Sarkhai
  • Appearance: The price of the dark side riddles the body of the once exalted King. A man standing six feet tall the once beautiful pale glow of his skin long since faded to a sickly pale like alabaster, it was as if the very life had drained from his body even the silver hair was now a bone white. Even the bright blue eyes of his people were replaced with a deep sulfuric yellow now riddled with corruption. Even his fingernails are replaced with long sharp black pointed claws. The only thing left from his former life is the tattoo pattern on his face unique to members of the royal family. Typically, Sethun wears long flowing dark robes of a sith magician.
  • Name: Sethun Aram
  • Loyalties: Kainate
  • Wealth: Despite his fallen status Sethun Aram possesses immense wealth as befitting a member of the royal family.
  • Notable Possessions: [ Describe or link any notable possessions they might own. Please link any relevant factory submissions or uncommon canon links. ]
    • Sith Lightsaber
    • Sith Robes
  • Skills: [ What skills does this NPC have? Are they a pilot, a farmer, a mechanic? Do they paint or knit in their free time? For Force users if they have any special abilities that are rare list them here. Be reasonable. ]
  • Languages: While he possesses a
  • Personality: [ Describe the NPC's personality. Acerbic? Friendly? Ditzy? Annoyingly calm and superior? What about mannerisms or habits? ]
  • Weapon of Choice: [ Military blaster rifle? Toy lightsaber? Bioweapons? Wits? Charm? The Force? Please provide links to any relevant factory submissions or uncommon canon links. ]
  • Combat Function: Sethun stands a powerful master of the dark side, a true sith lord and gifted magician. He never fights directly and instead utilizes the full range of his powers to decimate his opponents from a distance.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only): [If your NPC is a Force User, please list their Force abilities, especially unusual or rare ones.]
    • Sith Magic
    • Sith Alchemy
    • Drain Knowledge
    • Telepathy
    • Force Phantom
    • Force Sight
    • Force Drain
    • Comprehend Speech
  • [ Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
[ Include a description of the NPC's history here. ]

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  • Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ]
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
  • Role: Kas-Kissai of the Shikkari
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers’ content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Age: 56
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Sith Pureblood - Kissai Caste
  • Appearance: [ Describe the NPC. Height and build? Any distinguishing marks? Do they show their age? What do they usually wear? ]
  • Name: Avaroch Golgari; the Kas-Kissai
  • Loyalties: The Kainate
  • Wealth: [ How wealthy are they? Where does that wealth come from? Are they stakeholders in existing corporations? If so, link to them. ]
  • Notable Possessions: [ Describe or link any notable possessions they might own. Please link any relevant factory submissions or uncommon canon links. ]
  • Skills: [ What skills does this NPC have? Are they a pilot, a farmer, a mechanic? Do they paint or knit in their free time? For Force users if they have any special abilities that are rare list them here. Be reasonable. ]
  • Languages: [ What languages do they know? For example, it's very common to know Basic and Huttese, and many droids know binary droidspeak. Please provide links for any unusual languages. ]
  • Personality: [ Describe the NPC’s personality. Acerbic? Friendly? Ditzy? Annoyingly calm and superior? What about mannerisms or habits? ]
  • Weapon of Choice: [ Military blaster rifle? Toy lightsaber? Bioweapons? Wits? Charm? The Force? Please provide links to any relevant factory submissions or uncommon canon links. ]
  • Combat Function: [ Combat is difficult to avoid -- after all, this is Chaos. Should your NPC wind up in combat, what would they be good at? How would they work alongside you, or would they be a liability? Remember: An NPC is weaker than a PC of an equivalent level, and will not match them in power, skills, or abilities. ]
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only): [If your NPC is a Force User, please list their Force abilities, especially unusual or rare ones.]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
[ Include a description of the NPC's history here. ]

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  • Organization Name: Koshûtaral Sentinels (Shadow Protectors), Red Guard (Informally), Crimson Cloaks(Informally)
  • Classification: Paramilitary Security Force
  • Affiliation:
  • Organization Symbol: The Koshûtaral Sentinels utilize the Eye of Solomon for their symbol due to the close ties with House Zambrano, they utilize a stylized version of the family symbol for themselves as representatives of the family.
  • Description: The Koshûtaral Sentinels serve as a highly skilled, paramilitary force that provides security for all Kainate Holdings across the galaxy that House Zambrano owns. They earned their name as a highly trained, well equipped, loyal security and garrison force commonly seen in their various holdings. Unlike the various forces serving the Kainate the Koshûtaral Sentinels are recruited from the children of loyal Sith Households of the Eternal Rule cultists who live aboard Malsheem, that are not force sensitive. These children are taken in from a young age, where they are indoctrinated and transformed into elite, supremely loyal troops.

  • Headquarters: Malsheem
  • Domain: The Koshûtaral Sentinels are often identified for their iconic look as a face of the Kainate, it seems like they are seen everywhere the banner of the state flies. They are an inclusive organization much like the Blackblade Guard, and the Crownguard. The Koshûtaral Sentinels exclusively serves House Zambrano as one of the family's major security apparatuses. Their headquarters is situated on the worldcraft of Malsheem, however the organization has forces stationed on just about every world, inside every fortress, laboratory, outpost, hidden vault, space station, and generally anywhere else House Zambrano has direct interests. They are by and large the public face most denizens of the galaxy see in places where the infamous family's power is greatest.
  • Notable Assets: While the interests of the Kainate are vast, the locations below are some of the most prominent locations the Koshûtaral Sentinels are stationed in large numbers:

  • Hierarchy:
    • Command Structure
      • [1] Watch Lord - Overall Leader
      • [6] Watch Commander - Command Watch Corps (2,500,000 Sentinels)
      • [30] Watch Captain - Command Watch Battalions (500,000 Sentinels)
      • [∞] Watch Lieutenant - Command Watch Company
      • [∞] Watch Leader - Command Watch Cohorts
      • [∞] Prefect - Command Vigils
      • [∞] Centurion - Command Centuries
      • [∞] Lieutenant - Command Platoons
      • [∞] Sergeant - Command Patrols
      • [∞] Corporal - Command Squads
    • Unit Organization
      • Watch Corps (2,500,000 Sentinels)
        • Watch Corps Adas
        • Watch Corps Ragnos
        • Watch Corps Sadow
        • Watch Corps Vitiate
        • Watch Corps Sidious
        • Watch Corps Krayt
      • Watch Battalion (500,000 Sentinels)
      • Watch Company (100,000 Sentinels)
      • Watch Cohort (10,000 Sentinels)
      • Vigil (1,000 Sentinels)
      • Century (100 Sentinels)
      • Platoon (50 Sentinels)
      • Patrol (20-30 Sentinels)
      • Squad (8-12 Sentinels)
    • Membership: The numbers of the Koshûtaral Sentinels have grown to a size comparable to a standing army. There are approximately 9.8 million on Malsheem, and 4.2 million spread throughout various holdings across the galaxy. There are only two ways to join the ranks of the Koshûtaral Sentinels. The primary method is through their avid recruitment of young children who test negative for the force, from the influential Eternal Rule cultist families aboard the Malsheem. These young children are in turn raised under the rigid training, and indoctrination regimen to transform them into highly trained, skilled men and women to provide superb security. The other way to join their ranks is through the Grand Army of the Kainate. Those strand cast troopers who faithfully serve the Kainate with valor, during their long service can retire from active duty and join the ranks of the Koshûtaral Sentinels. This has provided the organization with a supply of members highly experienced in warfare.
    • Climate: Due to various factors involving their recruitment standards the Koshûtaral Sentinels are extremely disciplined, and overwhelmingly ultra-religious. They are absolutely loyal, deeply indoctrinated in the ways of the Eternal Rule sith philosophy that permeates the Kainate. The men and women who serve the organization live rigid, disciplined lifestyles with a complete focus on training and constant evolution. There is a near complete focus on absolute perfection in performing their duties as enforcers of order, defending the interests of their dark masters throughout the galaxy. They venerate the Sith Dyarchy as living gods. Due to the mixed population from its two recruitment streams the predominant language spoken among members is Ghoulspeak. However a few individuals who have attained a 'Watch' rank in the organization are given permission to speak, and taught Ur-Kittât.
    • Reputation: As one of the largest organizations in direct support of House Zambrano, they are infamous for their ruthlessness. The Koshûtaral Sentinels are widely regarded for their extreme, fanatical loyalty in enforcing the will of House Zambrano. They regard their duties with a form of religious fervor, intruders into various holdings in association with the family or the Kainate will have to often kill them to a man in order to end the fighting. They are the ruthless enforcers of order in the locations under their charge, and they will not hesitate to do whatever it takes in order to achieve order.
    • Curios: All members who take up the oath and begin servitude within the Koshûtaral Sentinels are tattooed with the Eye of Solomon on their flesh. It is a symbol of their absolute loyalty to the Sith Dynasty they serve.
    • Rules: While the Koshûtaral Sentinels adhere to the edicts put forth in the Eternal Rule ideology, they have their own sets of internal rules and laws.
    • Goals:
      • Ensure the safety & security of all the interests of House Zambrano and by extension the Kainate.
      • Defend every deployed location to the death.
      • Enforce the Will of the Sith Dyarchy.


  • Watch Lord Nalassar Decius - Supreme Commander of the Koshûtaral Sentinels


The roots of this vast organization are buried deep in the past of the Gelian Sentinels.

Once named after the ancient Epicanthix god Gelios, who was believed to have sacrificed his body for the world that would become their homeworld of Panatha. They were born out of a necessity to craft an organization that would provide security and defend the rapidly expanding interests of House Zambrano across the galaxy. For many years this change proved to be an incredible success. It relieved the Blackblade Guard & Crownguard of the burden of defending every single location, allowing them to refocus their efforts elsewhere, providing House Zambrano with a much-needed missing link to improve the efficiency of those under their command, and ensure their interests were well guarded. For a time, they stood on the top of the mountain as among the best security organizations, they served with honor and distinction.
But eventually while all things eventually evolve and grow, the first cracks would begin to form in the ranks of the Gelian Sentinels.
As the years passed, they enjoyed unprecedented success in their duties, they were afforded greater power and leniency while the Tenth Sith Empire began expanding throughout the galaxy. The very first cracks began to form during the New Imperial Crisis that would inevitably tear apart the Sith Empire. The Gelian Sentinels faithfully discharged their duties, working to ensure Zambrano secrets never fell into the hands of the enemy, when faced with real soldiers there were unprecedented reports of failures, losses, and mass retreats showing their inadequacy against battle hardened soldiers. It would ultimately come down to the intervention of the Blackblade Guard to ensure Zambrano secrets were safe.
After the fall of the Sith Empire it was determined that the entire organization would be punished for these failures. The Shadow Hand ordered that one out of every ten men were to be killed by his own comrades in a Harvest. Many changes were made within the organization, new changes in policy and updated arms and armor. It was believed to have solved the growing problems, but in reality. The cracks only grew deeper, expanding into the very foundation. Unbeknownst to either the Eternal Father or Shadow Hand, the influence of Darth Ophidia began burying its tendrils deep into the newly formed Kainate, and the Gelian Sentinels. This influence allowed discontent to fester unaddressed.
The Ouroboros Crisis.
When Darth Ophidia revealed herself during the height of the Kainite Civil War as a major contender in opposition to the Eternalists of Darth Empyrean, or the Kainites of Darth Carnifex & Darth Prazutis. The organization that would become known as the Tsis-Kaar revealed itself, emerging from within the ranks of both sides. The Gelian Sentinels were hard hit by this crisis, their members turning against one another as the problems that had festered for so long boiled over. Everywhere the Gelian Sentinels held dominion civil war erupted as brother and sister fought one another. The organization fell in violently upon itself, drawing other loyal forces into the crisis. It all quickly grew out of control until...
The Great Purge.
The Shadow Hand Darth Prazutis called the Blackblade Guard up to service and deployed the entire organization against the Kainate. For the very first time he conducted a mass genocide against his own forces. A vast purge took place across the whole of the newborn Kainate killing untold millions. The Gelian Sentinels were formally designated by the Shadow Hand as enemy combatants, it was determined that nothing could be salvaged from the crisis, and they needed to be replaced. Under the pretense of crushing the civil war, the Blackblade Guard were strategically deployed under the pretense of reinforcing loyalist elements. In reality? They boxed in all forces involved and began a horrific mass slaughter of traitor and loyalist alike. Similarly, the Shikkari were called upon to conduct assassinations of every current and former member of the Gelian Sentinels. Over the years slowly but surely the organization was purged in its entirety and erased from history.
They were replaced with something entirely new.
After the failures of the Gelian Sentinels the Shadow Hand carefully analyzed every lesson that could be learned from the horrific event. The Great Purge ensured the safety of the Kainate, but the Gelian Sentinels were a necessary component, and their absence posed a problem. It was decided that a new organization would rise from the ashes of their failure. The standards of this organization were stricter than that of the Gelian Sentinels. They were recruited directly from the countless millions of loyal Sith families living on Malsheem, these children who were raised in religious homes dedicated to the Eternal Rule and were not force sensitive. A strict training and conditioning regimen were created and adapted from the Blackblade Guard with the help of Director-General Arkoh Grevane.
But yet another set of problems posed its ugly head. Due to the use of such selective recruitment, it could pose a problem in future manpower efforts. In addition, the children of these families while fervently loyal and highly religious, were not combat experienced. This would in turn expose the same problems the Gelian Sentinels encountered when faced with combat experienced soldiers, leading to the Harvest. The Shadow Hand determined that the recruitment pool would be expanded to strand cast clones of the Grand Army who served for several years in combat zones. These individuals would be put through the same training and conditioning regimen as the others. This would ensure a stable supply of loyal recruits, reinforcing the organization with combat veterans.
This new organization was equipped with a new set of cutting-edge weapons, armor, and equipment to discharge their duties. They would be called in Ur-Kittât the Koshûtaral Sentinels, meaning Shadow Protector. Everywhere the Zambrano banner falls these men and women would stand watch. They would safeguard their secrets, maintain order, and defend their interests against all who would dare to meddle. They were closely tied with the philosophies of the Eternal Rule Sith. In honor of the ancient Dark Lords of the Sith each Watch Corps was given the name of a different Dark Lord. These forces were then deployed to all properties across the galaxy to take up their new duty. They have once more climbed the mountain top as one of the greatest, best trained, and most efficient security forces ever created.

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