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Pre-Factory Archives

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Travis Caalgen



  • Intent: To create the first in the line of Imperial repulsorlift tanks, moving away from vulnerable walkers.
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source:
    2-M Saber-class repulsor tank


  • Manufacturer: The Galactic Empire
  • Model: MAVr A9 Broadsword-class Repulsortank
  • Affiliation: The Galactic Empire, Closed Market
  • Modularity: Different missile types can be used in the all-purpose launcher
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
    Quadanium-lined Durasteel Hull
  • Titanium-reinforced Alusteel Frame
  • Transparisteel Viewports


  • Classification: Tank
  • Role: Medium Assault Vehicle
  • Size: approx. 8 meters in length, 5 meters in width, 3 meters in height
  • Weight: approx. 35 metric tonnes
  • Minimum Crew: 2
    1 pilot
  • 1 gunner

[*]Optimal Crew: 5
  • 1 pilot
  • 1 co-pilot/navigator
  • 2 gunners
  • 1 commander

[*]Propulsion: Repulsorlift
[*]Speed: Low, 70 km/h
[*]Maneuverability: High
[*]Armaments: Average
  • x1 Twin Light-Repeating Laser Cannon
  • x1 Heavy Laser Canon
  • x1 All-Purpose Missile Launcher (20 tubes)

[*]Defenses: Low
  • Light Tank Deflector Shields

[*]Squadron Count: 4
[*]Passenger Capacity: 0
[*]Cargo Capacity: Small space for extra munitions and emergency supplies.

  • Tank Repulsorlifts
  • Tank Hazard and Damage Control Systems
  • Tank Life Support Systems
  • Tank Navigational Systems
  • Tank Sensors and Targeting Systems
  • Tank Communications Systems
  • Tank Environmental Control Systems

  • High Maneuverability - Designed with mostly urban operations in mind; the Broadsword has an exceptional degree of maneuverability when it involves turning on the spot, able to address multiple threats from all directions effortlessly. This is further enhanced by its primary weapon's ability to swivel to either side.
  • Repulsorlift - A significant advantage compared to walkers and tracked tanks, the Broadsword hovers at most several meters off of the ground, meaning the tank can just fly over most obstacles that would stop an AT-ST or a Juggernaut.
  • Shielded - A small generator has been installed inside of the Imperial tank model, creating a light deflector shield that envelopes the tank and can withstand up to light laser cannon fire and moderate explosive. Anything stronger would overload the shield.

  • Low Speed - A tank is a tank, and the Broadsword is no exception to this rule. The vehicle's maximum speed is a poor 70 km/h, which doesn't exactly mean well if you're trying to pursue an opponent over long distances.
  • Repulsorlift - Even with the advantages over walkers or tracked vehicles that repulsorlift technology has, a specialized jammer can easily render the devices null; stranding the tanks. Furthermore, certain planets (I.E. Jabiim) render the tanks unusable.
  • Weak Armor - Durasteel and alusteel have gone into the construction of these tanks, but they had to be made almost paper-thin in order to allow more room for the systems and the crew themselves.

Noting the overuse of walker-tripping methods by inferior militaries, the Imperial Army requested that the Imperial Department of Military Research design and manufacture a new tank model that could replace the ancient Empire-era models such as the TX-130, the TX-130T, and the infamous 2-M. Realizing the applications of a repulsorlift tank on both combat and peacekeeping operations, the Military Research Department came out with the MAVr A9 Broadsword-class Repulsortank.

A compact model made out of durasteel and alusteel for ease of storage, the Broadsword exemplifies the two pillars of the Imperial War Machine; mass production and mass destruction. While it does not have the devastating light-turbolasers of an AT-AT, the tank features a handful of anti-infantry/tank armaments that can absolutely shred through unprotected enemy lines.

On top of the main tank is a swiveling turret mount which two gunners control, sensors giving them an accurate depiction of the battle outside without having to expose them to reprisal. The first of the weapons, a twin light repeating laser cannon added as its main anti-infantry weapon, capable of downing squads of soldiers. The second and most important weapon is its heavy laser cannon, a dedicated anti-armor/structure device with decent piercing capabilities.

The most interesting feature, though, has to be the side-mounted modular rocket launcher with twenty missile tubes integrated into it. Many conventional munitions (Basic canister, Firecracker, Phosphorus, HE, HEAT) can be loaded into this launcher, and a small compartment has been allocated to storage of these types inside the tank of easy access.

For the better part, this tank is designed primarily for urban combat in mind; where the hulking masses of walkers cannot operate at peak efficiency. The repulsorlift drive installed has been tuned to give the tank an amazing degree of maneuverability in tight quarters, this does come at the cost of almost halving its maximum km/h.

Travis Caalgen



  • Intent: To create a dedicated multi-role escort cruiser to serve as a building block of the Imperial Navy and as a favorable ship for commanders.
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source:
    Vindicator-class Heavy Cruiser


  • Manufacturer: The Galactic Empire, Imperial Department of Military Research
  • Model: Vindicator IV-class Escort Cruiser
  • Affiliation: The Galactic Empire, Closed-Market
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
    Quadanium-lined Durasteel Hull
  • Titanium-reinforced Alusteel Frame
  • Transparisteel Viewports
  • Turadium Blast Doors/Shutters


  • Classification: Escort Cruiser
  • Length: 700 meters
  • Width: 250 meters
  • Height: 175 meters
  • Armament: Low
    x11 Quad Heavy Turbolasers
    1 fore
  • 2 port
  • 2 starboard
  • 2 dorsal
  • 2 ventral
  • 2 aft

[*]x2 Long Range Heavy Ion Cannons
  • 1 fore
  • 1 dorsal

[*]x40 Fast-Tracking Mount Light Turbolasers
  • 5 fore
  • 10 port
  • 10 starboard
  • 5 dorsal
  • 5 ventral
  • 5 aft

[*]x120 Fast-Tracking Quad Laser Cannons
  • 30 fore
  • 30 port
  • 30 starboard
  • 30 aft

[*]x80 Flak Guns
  • 20 fore
  • 20 port
  • 20 starboard
  • 20 aft

[*]Defenses: Average
  • Standard Warship Deflector Shields
  • Reinforced Hull
  • E-War

[*]Hangar: Low

[*]Various Non-Combat Starships

[*]Maneuverability Rating: High
[*]Speed Rating: Average
[*]Hyperdrive Class: 2.0 | Back-up 8.0

  • Warship Ion Drives
  • Warship Hazard and Damage Control Systems
  • Warship Life Support Systems
  • Warship Navigational Systems
  • Warship Sensors and Targeting Systems
  • Warship Communications Systems
  • Warship Environmental Control Systems
  • Warship Tractor Beams
  • Warship Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver and Encryption/Decryption Networks

  • Escort Cruiser - The Vindicator IV-class is a cruiser specially designed in order to act as escorts for their larger star destroyer cousins against other escort cruisers, frigates, and starfighters. A grouping of these cruisers can, with ease, effectively screen against multitudes of frigates and squadrons.
  • Maneuverability - Advanced Imperial sub-light thrusters have been installed in order to grant the escort cruiser a significant amount of maneuverability in order to combat threats in all directions without any cost of to the vessel's speed.

  • Lightly Armed - While particularly effective against ships of the same role and smaller, the Vindicator suffers in direct combat against heavy cruisers and in no way can take down ships larger than cruisers, as it itself will be destroyed in the process.
  • Low Complement - Crew, cargo, and spacial requirements forced the vessel designed to shrink the attack hangarbay of the Vindicator, dropping its squadron count from two to a measly one, a tough decision for an escort cruiser.

As much of the Imperial Navy's pool of star destroyers were directed to the ever-continuing expansion of the Empire's territories or to the mighty task forces representing Imperial ideology in all corners of the galaxy, the regional governors noted a need for an inexpensive, compact, but powerful vessel for combating the swift marauding forces of Wild Space.

While the original Vindicator-class model was still in service to the Imperial Starfleet; commanders, captains, commodores, and admirals alike deemed the weaponry present to be outdated and yearned for a much more potent escort cruiser to serve as their command or as a symbiotic counterpart to their larger cruisers and star destroyers.

Thus, in line with the Department of Military Research's overhaul of the old Empire's ship classes: The Vindicator IV-class escort cruiser was given life, another addition to the prestigious line of dagger-shaped vessels, the likes of which include the Victory or Allegiance lines.

For the Vindicator, less was more in the eyes of the residing technicians; culminating in the addition of a small number of powerful turbolasers and ion cannons for use against other escort cruisers and frigates. This was not the case, though, when the subject of starfighter or corvette defense was brought up, as the ship features over two hundred individual light weaponry turrets such as point defense cannons, flak guns, and light turbolasers.

This, along with the average but still rather powerful deflector shielding, grant the Vindicator significant advantages against smaller ship classes that would be used both by pirates and sophisticated navies alike. Another fantastic feat of the ship is its high maneuverability, allowing it to change direction at a whim for a multitude of reasons.

Unfortunately, the escort cruiser is not fit to fight against heavier cruisers or ships larger than itself; meaning in a direct engagement it will without a doubt be outgunned and destroyed. When it comes to patrolling hyperlanes, defending settlements, and escorting fleets; the Vindicator is the undefeated champion.

Marcus Tritum

7th Fleet Initiative
Imperial Vigil II-class Frigate


Image Gallery

  • Intent: Imperial Patrol Ship
  • Image Source: Vigil-class by FractalSponge, 7th Fleet Wookieepedia
  • Canon Link: Vigil-class
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Vigil-class
  • Manufacturer: Galactic Empire
  • Model: Vigil II-Class Frigate
  • Affiliation: Galactic Empire
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel, Starship Components
  • Classification: Frigate
  • Length: 255 meters
  • Width: 115 meters (at the largest point)
  • Height: 65 meters (at the highest point)
  • Armament: Average
    ​3 Twin Heavy Turbolasers
  • 3 Dorsal Twin Light Turbolasers
  • 2 Ventral Twin Light Turbolasers
  • Numerous Point-Defense Lasers

[*]Defenses: Average
[*]Hangar: Average: 1

[*]Maneuverability Rating: Low
[*]Speed Rating: High
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2

  • Sensor Dish: sporting an enormous dish and an EWAR suite, the Vigil II excels in long range sensor detection and jamming, making it ideal for scouting missions.
  • Alpha Strike: While each turbo laser on the Vigil is turreted, they are ideally situated for firing forward, enabling the small frigate to concentrate every single turret on a single point in an "alpha strike" to maximize firepower.
  • Firing Arc: Only two light turbo lasers lay on the belly of the Vigil, rendering the bottom of the ship somewhat soft. Only two light turbo lasers are mounted near the rear, but their limited firing arcs give them a poor aim on any ship directly to the Vigil's rear. Thus, rendering the ship very vulnerable to fire from its six o'clock.
  • Turning Radius: As with most imperial warships, it sacrifices mobility for speed.

The Vigil II is not a new design. Refurbished and updated for modern use, this small, hardy vessel barely squeezes into the frigate designation. Although primarily suited for solo patrol of Imperial trade routes hunting pirates, the Vigil II can also serve as an escort and a long-range reconnaissance vessel.

Seeking to preserve structural integrity, the Vigil II does not have a hangar. Instead, the frigate carries its sole troop shuttle and complement of TIEs on a ventral rack.

Crew: 200
Troops: 50
Consumables: 1 year

Marcus Tritum

7th Fleet Initiative
Imperial Fulgor II-class Pursuit Cruiser


Image Gallery

  • Intent: A pursuit cruiser
  • Image Source: FractalSponge, 7th Fleet Wookieepedia
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Galactic Empire
  • Model: Fulgor II-class Pursuit Cruiser
  • Affiliation: Galactic Empire
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Starship Components
  • Classification: Patrol Cruiser
  • Length: 620 meters
  • Width: 310 meters
  • Height: 205 meters
  • Armament: Average
    ​4 Long-Range Quad Ion Cannons (1 dorsal, 1 ventral, 1 starboard, 1 port)​
  • 10 Twin Light Turbolasers (5 forward, 2 port, 2 starboard, 1 aft)
  • 24 Assault Concussion Missile Tubes (12 starboard, 12 port)
  • 4 Tractor Beams

[*]Defenses: Moderate
[*]Hangar: Average: 3

[*]Maneuverability Rating: Low
[*]Speed Rating: High
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2

  • Pursuit: four high speed engines and long-range armament allows the Fulgor-class to rapidly overtake and overwhelm enemy ships.
  • ​Shields: sporting two large shield generator domes, the Fulgor is well-protected against attack.
  • Firing Arc: with only one rear situated turbo laser, the Fulgor is vulnerable to attack from the rear.
  • Consolidated Weaponry: the majority of the Fulgor's armament is consolidated into a few key emplacements, maximizing reactor efficiency, but rendering them vulnerable to a pinpoint strike.

The Fulgor II's purpose is simple: pursue and destroy. Fast, hard-hitting, and with a respectable squadron complement, a single Fulgor is a credible threat against other cruisers and a true menace to smaller ships.

Consolidated weaponry and limited firing arcs make the Fulgor a poor choice for large scale engagements, but ship-to-ship the Fulgor can prove devastating.

Crew: 1,000
Troops: 200
Consumables: 1 year

Marcus Tritum

7th Fleet Initiative
Imperial Kontos II-Class Frigate


Image Gallery

  • Intent: Balanced Frigate
  • Image Source: FractalSponge, 7th Fleet Wookieepedia
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Galactic Empire
  • Model: Imperial Kontos II-class Frigate
  • Affiliation: Galactic Empire
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Starship Components
  • Classification: Assault Frigate
  • Length: 450 meters
  • Width: 85 meters
  • Height: 95 meters
  • Armament: Moderate
    ​9 Turret-Mounted Quad Medium Turbolasers (1 forward, 4 port, 4 starboard)
  • 2 Aft Turret-Mounted Twin Medium Turbolasers
  • 13 Twin Light Turbolasers (4 aft, 3 starboard, 3 port, 2 forward, 1 dorsal midline)
  • 24 General Purpose Missile Tubes (12 starboard, 12 port)
  • Several Tractor Beams

[*]Defenses: Moderate
[*]Hangar: Average: 1

[*]Maneuverability Rating: Low
[*]Speed Rating: Low
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2

  • Coverage: a number of well-situated emplacements allow the Kontos a decent field of fire on all sides.
  • Sensor: sporting a large dish and a state of the art EWAR suite, the Kontos has excellent sensor and jamming capabilities.
  • Lag: poor mobility and speed leave the Kontos lagging behind other ships and capable of being out maneuvered.
  • Fighter Screen: most of the Kontos' fighter complement is devoted to running protection on the AT-AT barges and troop shuttles. Consequently, they often are not free to protect the ship itself from enemy fighters.

Meant to provide a balanced assault frigate, capable of supplementing a strike group, the Kontos II sports numerous turreted weapons and a large troop complement. It can deploy these forces to the ground, or use them in boarding operations.

Crew: 600
Troops: 300
Consumables: 1 year

Marcus Tritum

7th Fleet Initiative
Aiwha-class Corvette


Image Gallery

  • Intent: Picket Corvette
  • Image Source: Aiwha-class by FractalSponge
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Galactic Empire
  • Model: Aiwha-class Corvette
  • Affiliation: Galactic Empire
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Starship Components
  • Classification: Picket Corvette
  • Length: 90 meters
  • Width: 45 meters
  • Height: 20 meters
  • Armament: Moderate
    ​2 Heavy Ion Cannons (Fixed Forward)
  • 1 Turreted Medium Twin Turbolaser (Dorsal)
  • 3 Turreted Light Twin Turbolasers (Dorsal)
  • 1 Turreted Light Twin Turbolaser (Ventral)
  • 2 Heavy Laser Cannons (Ventral)
  • 1 Tractor Beam

[*]Defenses: Average
[*]Hangar: Very Low: 0
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Average
[*]Speed Rating: Average
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: 2
  • Submersible
  • Alpha Strike: While each weapon on the Aiwha is turreted save the ion cannons, they are ideally situated for firing forward, enabling the small corvette to concentrate every single turret on a single point in an "alpha strike" to maximize firepower.
  • Atmospheric Capabilities: Due to the streamline design, the Aiwha performs better in atmosphere.
  • Blind Spot: Underneath the engines, the Aiwha is only defended by the two heavy laser cannons and even those have a slim firing arc if a fighter flies directly behind the engines.

The Aiwha-class is a picket ship, designed to be stationed along Imperial trade routes, at customs stops, and also capable of pulling atmospheric duties. It is fast and hard hitting, ideally suited for tackling pirate ships or immobilizing smugglers.

Travis Caalgen

  • Intent: To update the infamous TIE/IN Interceptor for the Starfighter Corps of the Empire's starfleet.
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link:
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: The Galactic Empire
  • Model: TIE/IN Mark IV Interceptor
  • Affiliation: The Galactic Empire
  • Production: Mass Produced
  • Material:
    Quadanium-lined Durasteel Hull
  • Titanium-reinforced Alusteel Frame
  • Transparisteel Viewports

  • Classification: Interceptor
  • Length: 9.6 meters
  • Width: 9 meters
  • Height: 5.7 meters
  • Armament: Average
    x2 Chin-mounted Laser Cannons
  • x4 Wingtip Light Laser Cannons
  • x1 Multipurpose Warhead Launchers
    3 warheads

[*]Defenses: Very Low
  • Reinforced Hull

[*]Squadron Count: 12
[*]Maneuverability Rating: High
[*]Speed Rating: Moderate
[*]Hyperdrive Class: N/A
  • Starfighter Twin Ion Engine
  • Starfighter Hazard and Damage Control Systems
  • Starfighter Life Support Systems
  • Starfighter Navigational Systems
  • Starfighter Sensors and Targeting Systems
    T-s9a Targeting Computer

[*]Starfighter Communications Systems
[*]Holonet Transceiver and Encryption/Decryption Networks
  • Advanced Targeting Suite - The improved TIE/IN Interceptor is equipped with a highly advanced targeting computer that allows the ship to perform complex maneuvers during dogfighting but still maintain an excellent degree of accuracy.
  • Pack Mentality - While a TIE Interceptor alone is rather weak, an entire squadron of these fighters can wreak havoc on other enemies. The fact that a standard Imperial star destroyer holds six squadrons (a total of 72 TIEs of different variants), should be clue enough that they are much deadlier in larger numbers.
  • Interceptor - With its focus mostly on speed, the TIE Interceptor is designed to, quite literally, intercept enemy bombers and warheads; their array of laser cannons and great maneuverability making for a deadly combination.
  • Near Defenseless -
  • Pack Mentality - A TIE alone is simply no match when facing similarly-armed adversaries, it works best in squadrons.
  • No Hyperdrive - The TIE/IN like its predecessor and most other TIE-series models, does not feature a hyperdrive; meaning that it requires a carrier ship to be deployed in battle most of the time, and that it would be stranded without one.
Description: (Describing your submission's history is optional. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc.. There is no requirement for amount of words here so long as you meet the minimum requirements for your special features.)

Travis Caalgen


  • Intent: To begin a new line of more powerful, but rarer, Imperial vessels, the Mark-Vs.
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Manufacturer: The Galactic Empire
  • Model: Praetor Mark V-class Star Battlecruiser
  • Affiliation: The Galactic Empire
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material:
    Quadanium-lined Durasteel Hull
  • Titanium-reinforced Alusteel Frame
  • Transparisteel Viewports
  • Turadium Blast Doors/Shutters


  • Classification: Command Ship
  • Length: 3,000 meters
  • Width: 1,350 meters
  • Height: 550 meters
  • Armament: High
    x35 Quad Heavy Megamaser Batteries
    13 fore
  • 11 port
  • 11 starboard

[*]x24 Twin Long Range Megamaser Batteries
  • 8 fore
  • 8 port
  • 8 starboard

[*]x17 Twin Long Range Ion Cannon Batteries
  • 7 fore
  • 5 port
  • 5 starboard

[*]x30 Heavy Ion Cannons
  • 5 fore
  • 10 port
  • 10 starboard
  • 5 aft

[*]x40 Assault Concussion Missile Launchers
  • 10 fore
  • 15 port
  • 15 starboard

[*]x30 Heavy Proton Torpedo Launchers
  • 15 fore
  • 15 aft

[*]x120 Maser Cannons
  • 20 fore
  • 40 port
  • 40 starboard
  • 20 aft

[*]x60 Flak Guns
  • 20 fore
  • 15 port
  • 15 starboard
  • 10 aft

[*]Defenses: Very High
  • Reinforced Hull
  • Advanced Warship Deflector Shields
  • Redundant Warship Deflector Shields
  • E-WAR

[*]Hangar: High

[*]Various Non-Combat Starships

[*]Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
[*]Speed Rating: Very Low
[*]Hyperdrive Class: 2.0 | Back-up 8.0

  • Warship Ion Drives
  • Warship Hazard and Damage Control Systems
  • Warship Life Support Systems
  • Warship Navigational Systems
  • Warship Sensors and Targeting Systems
  • Warship Communications Systems
  • Warship Environmental Control Systems
  • Warship Tractor Beams
  • Warship Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver and Encryption/Decryption Networks

  • Superior Armament - Twice the firepower of the Allegiance IV-class Heavy Star Destroyer, the Praetor V boasts amazing ship-destroying capabilities; able to destroy multiple smaller vessels at once. A pairing of these with proper escorts would be devastating on the field of battle against other weaker fleets with vessels of the same class and size.
  • Nigh-Impenetrable Shielding - The one thing on this ship equally as powerful as the weaponry is its two layers of advanced deflector shielding, much like that of the INV Pellaeon. The double layered shielding can sustain an inordinate amount of damage from a number of ships before the reinforced hull is made accessible. Truly remarkable Imperial engineering is.
  • Command Vessel - Designed to oversee the invasion of entire regions of the galaxy as well as massive space battles, the Praetor V comes equipped with an astounding twelve squadrons of fighters as well as hundreds of landing crafts that make it the centerpiece of any admiral's fleet.


  • Vulnerable Aft Section - Ironically, on a destroyer that can obliterate smaller ships in seconds; the amount of weaponry on the aft section, where the large ion drives are located, is laughable. Only a few point defense weaponry are present, and are not capable of fending off corvettes or frigates, leaving the task to escort ships.
  • Slow Maneuverability - A trait that has become commonplace in most Imperial vessels; the Praetor V lacks maneuverability and speed, with a complete about-face taking up to an estimated two to five minutes. This can easily allow nimbler enemy ships to get behind the vessel, where there are barely any weapons.
  • Costly - The Praetor V is a very rare vessel, with only several having been constructed and launched into the service of the Imperial Starfleet due to the advanced technology involved. If one of these mighty star cruisers were to fall, it would cost the Empire hundreds of millions of credits just to consider replacing it.

The War was near its destructive end.

Even though it had only been a few months at best, the Silver Jedi Order was crumbling beneath the undisputed military might of the Galactic Empire and its fearsome starfleet. But it was not enough, because as more time passed by, the Empire's adversaries would be able to adapt to the Imperial Navy's technology. Already were the Jedi designing and constructing new machines of war meant to match or cripple Imperial star destroyers and turn the tide of the war.

Director Caalgen of Advanced Weapons Research was not amused by this prospect, and set out to reinvent recent designs away from combating the hit-and-run tactics of the deceased Rebellion to the face-to-face battles with the Silver Jedi, and soon the Galactic Alliance. At this, the Mark V line came into creation, with more powerful but rarer starships being its modus operandi.

The first of this category, the Praetor Mark V-class Star Battlecruiser, is to be the largest non-flagship vessel in the Imperial Navy, with several prototypes already under construction over Scarif, Kothlis, and Void Station. Unlike its predecessor, it has a broader profile with a more defined superstructure that was not present in the Mark IV variant as well as a taller command tower.

In an effort to confuse enemies that have the massive disadvantage of facing this vessel, Chiss-produced megamasers were installed instead of turbolasers in an exotic twist for an Imperial battlecruiser. Along with this is fantastic shielding and a large contingent of starfighters that truly make it the definitive command vessel for only the best flag officers.

Unfortunately, even as the pinnacle of technology, it still suffers from the same weaknesses that are the usual in Imperial designs; those being its vulnerable aft section, its slow speed and maneuverability, and quite frankly its cost.


  • Intent: To create a standardized Blaster Rifle for the Galactic Empire's ground forces.
  • Image Source: Shimmering-Sword
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Galactic Empire
  • Model: X-72 Blaster Rifle
  • Affiliation: Galactic Empire
  • Modularity: Removable stock as well as the capacity for scope, rail and underbarrel attachments.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Durasteel, Duraplast, Blaster components
  • Classification: Blaster Rifle
  • Size: Handheld
  • Length: 53cm(Stock Folded), 62cm (Unfolded Stock)
  • Weight: 2.5kg
  • Ammunition Type: Power Cell, Gas Canister
  • Ammunition Capacity: Power Cell capacity of 70 shots, Gas canister capacity of 400 shots.
  • Effective Range: 500 metres
  • Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
  • Charged Shots: The X-72 is able to charge up shots for far more stopping power, but limits the capacity to 10 shots using the Power Cell or 20 using the Gas Canister; it is also prone to overheating if charge shots are repeatedly used in quick succession.
  • Foldable Stock: The stock on the X-72 is able to be folded and unfolded, to make the weapon less wieldy in close quarters.
  • Recoil: Thanks to the rate of fire and the stability of the stock, the X-72 has recoil that can be more easily controlled by the user.
  • Rate of Fire: The X-72 is limited to only a Semi-Automatic rate of fire, and is only able to fire as fast as the operator can pull the trigger.
  • Close Quarters: The X-72 is less effective in close quarters than it is at mid to long range, especially in comparison to blasters made for CQB or with automatic rates of fire.
The X-72 Blaster Rifle is a standardized, mass-produced blaster rifle designed for the Galactic Empire's stormtroopers, army and other ground-based forces. It is designed with mid to long-range engagements in mind, with features and strengths that lean towards including its fire rate and overall damage output, allowing it to be used as a standard blaster rifle or as a Designated Marksman's weapon on the battlefield.

It is this focus that makes it weaker in CQC however, having a lower rate of fire that can make the difference between a shot landing or missing and simply not being designed with close quarters in mind. The foldable stock to make the weapon smaller and easier to handle in tighter areas is an attempt to counteract some of these issues, but they remain all the same. The stock can also be removed entirely.

The rifle can also be complimented with added features including scopes, rail attachment and underbarrel munitions such as grenade launchers or underbarrel shotguns.


  • Manufacturer: Galactic Empre
  • Model: ICBA-2 (Imperial Commando Battle Armour Mark 2)
  • Affiliation: Galactic Empire
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Limited

  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: 4kg
  • Resistances (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.)
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Low
- Kinetic: Average
- Lightsabers: None
- Environmental: Very High

  • N/A
  • Environmental Hardiness: Storm Commando armour is designed with deep, long-range reconnaissance in mind, and its systems are focused on accommodating this. The armour provides temperature regulation and comfortable wear along with mobility and flexibility to allow Storm Commandos to operate in all manner of environments.
  • Subtlety: Thanks to the materials used in the creation of the armour, it is invisible on heat and infared scanners as well as usual sensors; thanks to the Reflec and the dark black paint used, it's also very difficult to physically see.
  • Ion Vulnerability: Thanks to the sensitive equipment contained within the helmet and suit, ion weaponry could cause a shutdown of much of it, until extensive and proper repairs are done.
  • Light and Thin: Though the armour does allow mobility, it has very limited protection in comparison to other suits of armour; high-power blasters could do real damage if not punch right through, and a lightsaber could cleave through it like hot butter.

The ICBA-2 or Storm Commando Mark 2 Armour is designed for Infiltration, reconnaissance, stealth and sabotage. Military Research and Development within the Empire believed Scout Trooper armour was too noticeable to slip past enemy defenses and bring in intelligence on them to higher command before a battle even began. Designed with elite Storm Commando teams in mind, it is assumed anyone using this armour is going to avoid being shot at or even in any conflict at all.

Avoid it they should, as this armour provided little in the way of protection from an enemy combatant; though a glancing blow by an average or low power blaster could be shrugged off, direct hits would be far more of an issue. Higher-end blasters may even penetrate the armour and hit the wearer directly, and that point only luck and circumstance will save their life. Military designers have gone to great lengths to ensure combat is easier to avoid, with users of the armour being near-impossible to detect on usual scanners and difficult for the naked eye to see.

  • Military Base Name: Imperial Inquisitorus Headquarters
  • Classification: Military Base, Training Facility, Branch Headquarters
  • Location: Zenith Prime
  • Affiliation: Galactic Empire
  • Population: The facility contains not only a significant population of Inquisitors, Initiates and Prospects as well as training and instructing staff, but also a large number of military personnel from the Army and Navy. Some of the personnel are assigned to garrison the base, while some units are trained and raised here; various special forces classes are also handled at this facility, so there are dozens of special forces and Intelligence candidates present. Along with these, are various miscellanous and maintenance staff, some of which double as military personnel.
  • Accessibility: Although isolated from major population centers, the facility's location is not top-secret; various Imperial Personnel have travelled to and from the base. However, only Imperial personnel with the correct access codes are permitted entry to the base at all, and the more high-security sections are only permitted to Inquisitors, High-Ranking personnel, Imperial Intelligence and specifically assigned Stormtroopers.
  • Description: Built into a large mountain, the Inquisitorus Headquarters gives the impression of a fortress. Fortifications and mounted defenses are stationed across every opening and vantage point, with large hangar bays carved into the side of the mountain and guard posts at varying levels. There is no ground entrance for this facility, and it can only be accessed via shuttle or somehow scaling the incredibly steep mountain face.

Upper Echelon: Contained within the higher reaches of the mountain base, the Upper Echelon is only permitted for individuals with the much higher security clearance, and is where the most sensitive information is kept, such as those relevant to investigations or operations concerning the Inquisitorus. Here is also where chambers for personnel such as High Inquisitors, higher-ranking Intelligence personnel and the Grand Inquisitor can be found.

The Pit: In the very base of the Mountain is The Pit, nicknamed by the soldiers that have spent so much time there. Dimly lit and intentionally oppressive to keep the pressure up on prospective recruits, this area of the facility is used specifically for training potential Inquisitors, Initiates, and special forces candidates alike. It has rooms simulating various environs and threats, as well as areas for live-fire exercises and simulated interrogations.

Sector X-1: Used for training regular Infantry and Naval units as well as Officer candidates, X-1 is a top of the line training facility staffed by highly-valued instructors and veterans who pass on their experience and accumulated knowledge to the recruits brought there. The facility is purposefully placed above The Pit, with observation rooms to the training down below to increase morale and encourage hero worship of special forces personnel; X-1 produces some of the Empire's finest soldiers, and is second only to the cutting-edge facilities on Kamino.

The Big Stalk: An odd nickname for a large area that juts out from the side of the mountain due to its appearance like an alien eyestalk, this area is used for housing Royal Guardsmen and Special Forces units who garrison the base, and is also where the commander of military forces at the base resides.

Clawbird Memorial: Intended to only continue to cultivate the culture of Special Forces hero worship amongst the soldiers, this statue with a memorial of an Advanced Recon Commando team stands tall at the Hangar Bay where all new arrivals turn up, being the first thing they see of the base. At the base of the statue is a plaque dedicated to the Clone Troopers and all Imperial military personnel who have fallen in battle.


Reinforced Deflector Shield: Surrounding the mountain in a protective bubble, this shield is intended to protect from Naval or Orbital bombardment and attacks; it is highly durable and resistant, though will eventually fall if bombared with enough Ion attacks in quick succession. Although it can hold back all forms of fast-moving weapons and bombs, smaller vehicles such as Starfighters, speeders or tanks can pass through, as can any sentient who simply walks through. The shield can be temporarily opened in areas for incoming Imperial Ships.

Turbolaser Defense Cannons: Large turbolaser cannons designed as a last line of defense against attack from above if the shield is lost, these cannons are able to pack a significant punch even against relatively large vessels. Though there are several across the mountain, they cannot be moved from their position and are locked in place, causing there to be a couple of blind spots for them.

EWHB-12 Heavy Repeating Blasters: Emplaced at various chokepoints throughout the innards of the base and also at the outside defenses, these Repeating Blasters are not only manned by trained Stormtroopers, but can also be automated to fire at intruders and cover the retreat of security forces further into the base.

Originally found as a half-finished project, it isn't entirely known how long this base has existed within the Mountain. Imperial researchers currently speculate that it was a project of the Warrior-King of Zenith Prime before he was deposed by Imperial military action, but this cannot be confirmed. Finding it in such a state, Varik Ice saw potential in the unfinished fortress.

Shortly after being appointed Grand Inquisitor-Regent, Ice made the order to have the facility restored and repurposed, in order to properly organize the training and housing of not only the Inquisitorus, but Special Forces personnel and others within the Army and Navy alike. The base was rapidly expanded upon, with building work heading not only upwards, but downwards as well.

The Upper Echelons of the base were finished first, providing an area for overseers of the construction to not only keep the work organized and plan effectively, but begin using the facilities at hand in aid of the Inquisitorus and Imperial Intelligence. Soon after, training facilities in the lower areas were finished and proper defenses began to be created and placed around the sides of the mountain.

The 'Big Stalk' was last to be made, built once all other work was done to properly organize the garrisons stationed there. With the construction work finished, attention was turned to training a new generation of Inquisitors in particular, with training methods and doctrines being revamped and rewritten in accordance with the facilities now available to those who handled instruction.

  • Manufacturer: (Kuat Drive Yards, BlasTech Industries, [Insert Major Faction Name], [Insert Character Name], etc. You must link to any Chaos Company submissions. For Manufacturing limitations on who can make what, please see For more details see the Star Ship rules)
  • Model: Obliterator-Class Super Star Dreadnaught
  • Affiliation: Galactic Empire
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
  • Jet-black Quadanium-lined Durasteel Hull
  • Titanium-reinforced Alusteel Frame
  • Transparisteel Viewports
  • Turadium Blast Doors/Shutters
  • Classification: Dreadnaught
  • Length: 5000 m
  • Width: 3800
  • Height: 2000
  • Armament: Extreme

  • x1 Front Mounted, Armor Shell Housed, Concave Proton Beam Cannon
  • x50 Quadruple Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
    10 fore​
  • 20 port
  • 20 starboard

[*]x410 Turbolaser Batteries
  • ​85 fore
  • 100 port
  • 100 starboard
  • 35 dorsal
  • 35 ventral
  • 45 aft

[*]x129 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
  • 25 fore
  • 33 port
  • 33 starboard
  • 11 dorsal
  • 11 ventral
  • 16 aft

[*]x125 Heavy Ion Cannon Batteries
  • 21 fore
  • 33 port
  • 33 starboard
  • 11 dorsal
  • 11 ventral
  • 16 aft

[*]x75 Concussion Missile Launchers
  • ​15 fore
  • 30 port
  • 30 starboard

[*]x50 Proton Torpedo Launchers
  • 10 fore
  • 20 port
  • 20 starboard

[*]x200 Point Defense Laser Cannons
  • ​36 fore
  • 48 port
  • 48 starboard
  • 24 dorsal
  • 24 ventral
  • 20 aft

[*]​x100 Anti-Missile Octets
  • ​18 fore
  • 24 port
  • 24 starboard
  • 12 dorsal
  • 12 ventral
  • 10 aft

[*]x5 B1-TM3 Countermeasure Packages
  • ​1 fore
  • 2 port
  • 2 starboard

[*]x6 Gravity Well Projectors
  • 3 port
  • 3 starboard

  • Defenses: Extreme

  • Advanced Star Dreadnought Deflector Shields
  • Redundant Star Dreadnought Deflector Shields
  • Redundant Star Dreadnought Deflector Shields
  • Reinforced Hull
  • E-WAR

  • Hangar: Very Low

  • Personnel Transport Only

  • Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
  • Speed Rating: Very Low
  • Hyperdrive Class: Class 4.0 | Backup: 10.0
  • Star Dreadnought Ion Drives
  • Star Dreadnought Hazard and Damage Control Systems
  • Star Dreadnought Life Support Systems
  • Star Dreadnought Navigational Systems
  • Star Dreadnought Sensors and Targeting Systems
  • Star Dreadnought Communications Systems
  • Star Dreadnought Environmental Control Systems
  • Star Dreadnought Tractor Beams
  • Star Dreadnought Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver and Encryption/Decryption Networks
  • Emergency Tactical Bridge
  • Two Hypermatter Annihilator Reactors
  • Four Standard Reactors
  • Destructive Arsenal: The first thing anyone observing the Obilterator would notice is the Proton Beam mounted at it's front tip. If that weren't enough, the ship is armed to the teeth with the ability to not only attack ships that come close to it, but also to defend itself.
  • Plentiful Shielding: Like it's compatriot the Admonitor, the Obliterator is well shielded. While it's shields are all but impregnable they can withstand the brunt of an assault from a ship of it's same size; and then some.
  • Multi-Reactor System: Due to the incorporation of a Proton Beam to adhere to the ship it was designed off of (the Eclipse Class Dreadnaught), the Obliterator operates on a system with numerous reactors. This makes it fully capable of firing it's Proton Beam without consideration for draining it's defenses or other weapons while the drained reactors recharge.
  • Interdiction Field: Adding to it's already impressive capabilities, the Obliterator also possesses gravity well technology. Though it is not used, often, to pull craft from hyperspace it is an easily utilized weapon to prevent craft from escaping it's escorting fleet.
  • Daunting Size: While the Obliterator's size may be daunting, the reality of it's size also brings with it the relief that it can not move at a reasonable pace. As such the Obliterator is restricted to either travelling in hyperspace (which is also slower than other vessels of it's size) or practically crawling through open space.
  • Personnel Craft Only: Another shortcoming of the intimidating craft is the lack of hangar space for any fighter craft of any kind. This forces the craft to rely on it's armament and the fighter support of accompanying escort craft. The only craft coming two and from this hulk are transports.
  • Priority to the Fore: Due to the core of it's deadly weaponry being positioned at the fore of the vessel, the Obliterator suffers two significant tandem weaknesses on this regard. It can neither maneuver from it's directed position without painstakingly lengthy re-positioning time nor can it properly defend it's aft section. The aft off the Obliterator is sorely under defended.
Description: Perhaps it had been a step out of key, or even a step far too forward, for the recently appointed Rear Admiral. However, something inclined the Chiss to present a new concept for a capital ship to the Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy. Long ago, during a time in which the Galactic Empire fought in their dying days against the New Republic, or so his people's records had shown, there had been a craft known as the Eclipse Star Dreadnaught utilized in the efforts to crush opposition.

While the concept felt excessive for a being such as himself, the Chiss felt it pertinent to present such a reasonably daunting concept to minds different from his own. It was following this gesture, in spite of the occasional frustrated, jealous or mocking regard, that the Chiss oversaw the construction of an all together daunting craft long since forgotten by the galaxy. The project had been overseen by all pertinent presences and undergone extreme testing for it's significant use of reactor power.

The end result, however, was that it was a complete success.

*This is a conceptualized piece, not a set in stone concept.
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