Insane with laughter, Zambrano was blinded to his own vulnerabilities. His Sithspawn however, weren't. Loyal and mind-linked, one of the trusty creatures anticipated the lunging power of the Hand of the Dark Lord racing towards its Master's heart. In an instant, as if the
Vaapadspawn had simply materialized from nowhere, a shower of gore rained down upon Zambrano and [member="Darth Ferus"] both, as his Aspect of War vaporized the Sithspawn in Zambrano's place, prompting the Hutt who's only attention was transfixed upon Sage Bane and his acrobatics, to glance at the Sith Lord, and to subtly move his outstretched tendriled hand to point not at Sage, but at the Zabrack that had appeared directly next to him. In a shrieking mixture of pain and laughter, the Hutt roared as his biot hand suddenly exploded from enveloping the slowly growing skeletal hand beneath, to shoot out and grasp the nearby Lord with its acidic tendrils. These pain inducing, and slightly sense numbing, ravenously hungry tendrils would then in an instant attempt to pull the Lord closer to the maw of the biot as well as its enveloped skeletal hand where the force coursed through the Mad Hutt. Upon contact with that skeletal remnant of the beast, whatever pain the Sith felt would be amplified, and added to as he would inflict it upon him through the direct contact of the force... a skill he has been honing since his first inception with and without the force.
However, as he pulled the whip away from Sage Bane in a snap, the dark side manifested itself within the Sith Lord's hands as a threatening tendril. That malevolent shrieking power of the dark side, cut through the space between Sage Bane and his nemesis, and with incredible precision, penetrated through the rotten malleable flesh of the midnight slug, to wrap around that black beating heart... which was slaved to the task of moving the oily sludge like fluids to pass through it, and moved throughout the massive body of lard and decay. Quickly, almost instantly, the malignant cancerous force squeezed its hold upon that lethal organ, and lacerated it into a hundred different pieces of flesh, pulverized by his hate.
A shudder momentarily vibrated the flesh of the beast as the mortal wound was inflicted, and in that instant the personality of Zambrano the Hutt died... and those windows to the soul began to narrow and blacken, as his vision tunneled to see only Sage Bane in his spiteful passion... until all the dear Hutt could see was his face... and the surrounding darkness. Zambrano the Hutt had finally been killed, it would seem, as the life appeared to slip away. For an eternity, it would seem the innocent psychopath just sat there, looking at the singular face as time halted, so that he might admire that beautiful pale yet passionate face that he had defiled what did not seem to be so long ago.
A voice from within the darkness of his vision, whispered into his ear. It sounded familiar, and although cold as ice, comforting to the Hutt whose "life", as he should understand it as thus, slipped away from him slowly within his own perception. Looking around without moving, the deranged mind searched for that whispering.
"Go to sleep."
"Why for, should I sleep, friend? Am I not playing?" The personality asked in its naivety, not realizing the nature of his own perception in this strange twilight between death and life, were both at the same time slipped away from him as time was frozen to thrust him into this calm and peaceful dimension where the features of all things before him were examined for their brilliant beauty... only Zambrano could appreciate the beauty present in all things the universe had to offer one.
"You have played too roughly... now they push you away."
"But are we not friends?" His presence seemed to look backwards, peering at the many beautiful memories he had experienced in this singular life... and the lives of others before him... witnessing and analyzing the many beauties. He saw not in the fascinating and familiar light of one passing from life to death... but as memories experienced by one who was nostalgic, and looking upon a very old life of thrill and adventure and beauty and love. There was a perplexity within him, that inherently could not understand the whispers, as his eyes wandered away from the memories, and back upon the friend he saw in Sage Bane's contorted and twisted face.
"You are indeed... but they have forgotten... and I must remind them."
"And what shall I do?" So naive, already having forgotten the kind words of the chilling presence... that emanated from within and behind and without. Already, time began to race from eternity, and the eyes of his presence began to lull... as a tiredness and fatigue fell upon him... he may even have yawned in his exhaustion. When indeed was the last time he had ever slept? Something so mortal had never transpired over him until now, as the Other spoke kindly to him... gently... soothingly. Something cold and twisted transpired over him... and it gave him only the impression of stillness.
"You... shall sleep... young one."
As the eyes fell closed, great arachnid spears exploded through the imaginary flesh of Zambrano's personality, sending black blood and gore out into the sky like dark stars, glittering in the light of Sage Bane's face. Mandibles of unimaginable power emerged from the Hutt's sleeping mouth, and tore apart his flesh into a giant torn smile, and spiders and wasps punctured and cut through every boil and blister of the Hutt, seeping out of him like liquid as they began to fill the empty darkness. His body twisted and contoured with the brutalities upon his psyche, as the blizzard of vile ancient horror stepped from within Zambrano... upon the forefront of his mind. Riding upon a swarm of Eldritch Horrors, of serpents, arachnids, and other living nightmares, the strongest of the Hutts' life emerged from his fallen sleeping flesh. His featureless form stared daggers into the soul of Sage Bane, his hands raising to the air as the cacophony of maggots filled every crevice of the darkness, and slowly ate at the incoming light until all that remained was a single point of light, that let in only the image of his eye... to see if within it... lived...
Eyes black as the midnight, the shuttering body of the supposedly slain Hutt became rigid... and an eerie sense of cold, dark, fear and dread exploded from Zambrano as the final fragments of his heart died in an instant. A deep cackling leaked from the lips of the Hutt like cold air falling from a freezer. In that moment... yellow strings began to exit from the bodies of [member="Sage Bane"] and Darth Ferus, and found themselves attaching to the sickening Hutt, pouring that yellow essence into his heart as the Dark Side sustained him. Like needled threads, those yellow strings would cut through the fragments of his heart, and generate a bloody yellow-black glowing nest of strings, intertwined and threaded through every fragment of his heart, as it was slowly pulled back together through the power of the force.
An unearthly shriek escaped the lips of the horror terror, pronouncing one thing:
"Sage Bane, you have been very... bad."