Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Her eyes opened to the brightness of the lamps above and for only a small fraction of a minute did the girl’s eyes refuse to set themselves anywhere else but the bright fluorescent lights in the ceiling above her. A blurry figure remained hunched over her mumbling something about pilots. It had to be Kaia, she always did go full-fear once the news about Kaili’s curse had been revealed. Solely to her, of course.

“They should offer class in this...”

“They do.” Kaili tried to sit up. Her hand waved towards the nearby first-aid kit. “The patches are the ones poking out of the small container in the lower left corner. A small plastic container with a lid.”

Dr. Kaili Talith MD was in the house. This was part of the courses she had picked from those available to her in the LAA. Medicine wasn’t as fancy as Aela’s techniques with the force, but it worked in situations such as these. Kaili’s hand traced along the sides of her face until they drag themselves across her face. She let out a pained yelp, her hand spread itself in front of her. Blood, burn, cut, owie.

“I have something on my face?” She was very confused. “I think I have something on my face.”

Her fingers began prodding away at the cut on her cheek.

“I definitely have something on my face.”

[member="Kaia Starchaser"], [member="Vexen"], [member="Micah Talith"]
Another grimace broke across Micah's face as he would stumble to his feet. A sharp pain jolted across his ribs with sharp movements, and he would slow to catch his breath. He heard Janis -- was that Vex?

His hand went extending forward, palm out. He didn't have his gear on him, that was in a satchel by his bed. Which was two corridors down. The rush at getting to the emergency seating left grabbing any gear a fleeting thought. Right now, however, he wanted to get a grip on just what was the situation. Bleeding trickles of red down his face, twin citrine eyes went flaring bright as the Force went waterfalling down his arm and out of his palm. A bright light would illuminate his surroundings; the sight that beheld him was grime.

Jahel sat frozen, a steel shaft lanced through her body, impaling her on her seat. Life and death would flare and snuff around him; some life signs faint. Others strong. His lips drew to a thin line.

They had to see who had survived.

And who had not.
Once Vexen managed to convince the rodian to close the door to just a few inches open - enough that she wasn't blinded whilst allowing the others to see - she managed to get to the first aid kits. Shanere helped her to administer some treatment under Janis' instruction. In reality all they did was apply bacta gel, wrap the shattered remnants of the outer digits and strap them to the rest of his hand.

Vexen had needed to complete the job, given that Shanere chose that moment to heave up the contents of her stomach for some reason. It was only blood.

They decided to make their way back to the survivors at the bridge. It seemed a more sensible course than venturing out of the remains of the ship for now. Vexen's breathing became quite laboured as she clambered back up the slope. She silently chastised herself for becoming such a sloth. Having lived off scraps for so long, she had allowed Micah to dote on her. With a ready supply of all kinds of foods, she had certainly over indulged. Having too many treats available was a problem she had never had to find a solution for.

Vexen would never have been this out of breath a few months ago. Her physique had changed too, becoming a little soft and squishy, particularly around the middle. It seemed a new regime would be in order if they survived this. Sliding open the next door manually, she walked right into the path of Micah's light. Bringing up her arms to shield her eyes reflexively, she slipped and slammed her injured right shoulder into a bulkhead. Whilst her vocabulary was limited, living in an undercity had given her a dictionary of curses that would put a soldier to shame, and was wholly inappropriate for a twelve year old girl. She uttered a string of colourful obscenities before righting herself.

"Micah, she said in relief. "Back half of ship all gone. My goggles were back there," she explained, focusing on the practical, rather than the reality of how many souls had already been lost in the crash.

Janis didn't scoff, but he paid little attention to the defel's problems. He strode past her to face Micah. "We need to get to the bridge," he said curtly. "Work out what power cells we have, and see if the beacon is on."
Kaia wasn’t sure what to do. She had the rest of her friends, yeah, she could call them friends –she was a part of that brat pack now, wasn’t she? – in the back of the ship, but the pilot, or wannabe pilot and forever-restricted-to-the-galley Talith girl was up front alone. And she was probably the one Kaia knew best, being at the Astro Academy together and what not. Plus that whole unknown connection the pair had. Right, they could recognize like souls, right? People who liked space?

She wasn’t even thinking about that aspect of herself as a potential for Kaili, because the other girl had to get positions on another ship, and not fly her own. But also because she was looking for the first aid kid. Seeing where the other was pointing, Kaia limped over and grabbed it. Opening it, she looked and fumbled with the bacta patches.

“Just a little cut… Stop touching it.” Yeah, Kaia had zero maternal instinct, weren’t you supposed to shush people? That’s what Token would do, be all ‘shh, shh, its okay.’ Not Kaia though, she looked up and bit her lip. Back to fumbling open some bacta. “This might sting?” She wasn’t sure, but she reached up slowly, waiting for Kaili to be ready. Otherwise, yeah it’d probably sting.

[member="Micah Talith"]
[member="Kaili Talith"]
Kaili gritted her teeth as a sharp inhale would bring proof of the sting that the patch brought her. A stray fist smacked itself against the metal floors and with it came a small pained grunt both from the smack to the floor and the sting on the cheek. Some would argue Kaili wasn’t the smartest of kids for doing such a thing, but hey, she was just that; a kid.

“Thanks, Kaia.” She muttered under her breath as she fought against the continued stinging of the bacta patch. “You’ve done did good.”

The same hand that had just smacked against the floor rose once more to grab a hold of the pilot’s seat and with a meager tug Kaili was up on her feet again. Things were spinning, sure, but she was a hardy kid. She could take this beating, no problem. Just needed some help walking still was all. There was nothing wrong with that!

“Where are the others?” She squinted as the lights made themselves reminded. “Is Micah still on-board?”

[member="Kaia Starchaser"]
[member="Micah Talith"]
Micah wasn’t one for words when it came to those he was concerned about. The blue streak streaming from @Vexen’s mouth was on par to some of his own when things got a bit tight. Or when he was edging along the line of potential death. His mother would smart his mouth, but then again, his mother was never the sort to use colorful words.

Either way, he only half heard Janis’ terse observation -- or was it more command? It wasn’t at his forefront. He understood what she meant with the loss of half of the ship. His lips would thin to a line. Instead, his slightly bloodied hands dropped the glow of light. He moved towards the Defel, palms rising to cup her furry face between his hands.

“I heard you yelp.” he said, welcoming the Force through his hands to discern Vexen’s injuries. Inari the Reviver was his aunt, and there were notable healing abilities she had imparted upon the Talith children. One of them was to accelerate healing.

Warmth went seeping from the soft glow of his hands onto Vex, his hands moving over her to locate her most grievous injuries.

Janis was not happy to be ignored, and was apt to make the rather frustrated snip. “Didn’t you hear me?! We need to get to the bridge!”

“Find the entrance, I’m sure you remember it well. “ Micah said without turning to Janis, “Maybe step over the bodies of our closest companions that need medical care in your search.” it was blunt, but he wasn’t feeling to cheery right now.

“The bridge crew will do what they can. We can do the same here. “

And Nohei and Kaia are alive.

Perhaps that was a rather cold thing to think; to be concerned over family and friends first. But it was what Micah reverted to.
[member="Kaia Starchaser"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Micah Talith"]

Vexen let out a long sigh as Micah’s gentle touch started to melt the pain from her shoulder. However, she clenched her jaw tight and pulled away after a few moments. She desperately wanted to curl up in his arms, let him tell her everything was alright. She knew that right now she needed to be the old version of herself: the survivor.

“I’m not too bad, but it’s really bright outside,” she said, testing the range of movement in her right shoulder. Janis meanwhile had already literally turned his nose up at being spoken to in that manner, and headed for the bridge. Shanere, the human girl and Keedon, the rodian boy, stayed with them. “Are you ok? Where have we landed?” she asked Micah.

Vexen didn’t quite grasp galactic scales, but Micah seemed to know a lot on the subject of space, navigation and planets. “We need to check the water supplies,” she said. From experience she knew anyone could go a long time without food. The same could not be said about water.
Right, Medic Kaia. Not something she was good at. She’d never roll really high on her medical checks. Sad for everyone else involved, but the girl could move, snipe and fly… those were her skills. This? It was something different, obviously. Bacta was a life saver for the people who didn’t specialize in medicine, especially field medicine. For her? It was taking shots at people and running back to a ship. This all was new work for her. She wasn’t… looking to become a full time medic, no sir.

Or ma’am.

Or, whoever.

Craning her head to the side until her neck made a small pop sound, she tried to make sure her spine was all straight, popping the vertebrae as she moved her body, looking at Kaili. Ouch. The crash hurt. As for the rest?

“Micah’s on board, Vex too. I just… the bridge, you were alone…” Kaia weighed people differently. And there were others in the back that could handle everyone else. Someone needed to get up here to help. “Are you okay to walk?”

[member="Micah Talith"]
[member="Kaili Talith"]
“Good.” Kaili coughed up as she lunged herself onto Kaia. “Then let us go.”

Well, the girl had some sort of concussion, a cut along her cheek that was patched up, most likely a body full of bruises. Needless to say that despite Kaili’s best efforts at shrugging the pain off she was forced to admit defeat and have someone else lead her. At least for a bit until they could find a more stable supply for bacta, if such a thing was even doable.

“After you, bud-bud.” Kaili feigned a smile. “Gonna need your help for a bit here.”

Arm raised, finger pointed.

“Onwards, oh glorious Starchaser! Find us my brother!”

[member="Kaia Starchaser"]
[member="Micah Talith"]

Liam Quez

Do you ever have the feeling that something you’re about to do is probably the worst idea you could have ever thought of? I had that feeling probably a few hours ago as I snuck on to the ship where everyone was climbing onto. That inner intuition was poking at my brain and telling me I should just go back to the peregrine and pester Ibaris some more. I would, but she had decided to get some sort of training that I wasn’t allowed to see or participate in. Groaning, I really wanted to see her mother in the flesh, that woman oh man - she’d have me speaking mando in all the wrong ways. Anyways, back to my bad feeling - I sat in the background and the other seemed to not have noticed me. Which was perfectly fine, I had my own personal mission here.

Her name of course was Kaia Starchaser. A little backstory to the girl and myself - no its not a Mira Gyndar thing. I met this girl on my home planet, she was staring at a map and of course being the gentleman I am I offered help. The way she spoke was weird and all my suspicions were played out as she continued to talk. She didn’t come from a planet, she came from a ship. Which only meant one thing in my mind. I’ve seen enough holo films about invading aliens, not like the aliens that we see all the time - no these are the scary ones that suck your brains out or something. There really isn’t a better disguise than a hot girl right?

These aliens were smart…very smart…

So yeah, I was kind of being a stalker, you could say that but really my plan was to expose her plan before she could realize it. In the end, I’d be a hero. Hero Liam Quez... Hero Captain Liam Quez of the Peregrine - sounds nice, sounds really nice. As I daydreamed of the awards and such that I would get for saving the galaxy, the trip became rough and there was screaming and yelling among other noises. It was in that moment I realized I should have trusted my gut instinct and followed Ibaris to see her mom. Internally crying, I wondered if I’d ever get to meet that angel - I mean I’ll miss Ibaris a lot if I die. Yeah. Totally.

The rest I really don’t remember, but soft voices echoed in the back of my head and my eyes fluttered open. I was under some parts of the ship and sparks were everywhere. Groaning it took me a moment to really get a handle of where I was again and who the voices belonged too. One I recognized quickly, it was the Alien girl the other I had only heard briefly before, but when I looked through the cracks I picked up blonde hair. “Ibby?” No, she wasn’t here. Racking my brain I remembered the other blonde and nodded the best I could under the rubble. Kaili Talith was one of the Talith kids, they were good at what they did, a bit stuffy for me - but Kaili was pretty so she could get away with it. I was groggy, but I began to collect myself a bit more, I had to get out from under this mess especially if we needed to get the others. Taking in a deep breath I focused all my energy into my back and my legs. If I was going to lift this crap off of me I would need to rely on those parts of my body. “One...Two...Three...GHGHGHNNGGGH” Growling from deep in my diaphragm, I lifted the rubble off my back and stood up. I reached back and used my metal staff as an extended limb so I could support myself as the rubble brushed down my back. There was a sharp pain in my side and I whined like a wounded animal and clutched my ribs.

Probably broken. Looking towards the girls, I took a step forward and latched the staff to my thigh again. “Where. are. the. others?” My voice husky and strained as I clutched my side trying to breath, everything just hurt.

[member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"] [member="Vexen"] [ tagged you so you see me ;-;]

"We'll need to find you new ones," Micah would say quietly, contemplating when Shanere spoke.

"I'm fine...just a flesh wound." Okay, might be more than just a flesh wound, but he was more concerned with others. " How are you doing?" he gave the Defel a slight scratch of her jaw in comfort before turning the the human girl and the Rodian.

"You guys hurt?" Turning back to Vex, he gave a nod. "Think you can check those water supplies then?" it was something practical to do while he tended to the wounded. "Be careful... there's lots of loose wires out there."

A pause.

"See if you can find the emergency medpacks... we have emergency comms there we can use."
Vexen gave a firm nod before turning away from Micah. She was determined to be helpful in some way. The lucid dream she had experienced just before waking stuck in her mind. They all had to work hard now to hope to get out of this. There was only really one thing Vexen knew how to do well and that was to survive.

A pile of rubble shuddered off to one side, nearly making Vexen jump. Before she could investigate a tall lanky youth emerged from the pile. Pieces of plastic tiles rolling down his back. Now it seemed there were eight survivors. She knew this boy, but she didn’t recall him being on the ship to start with. Then again she was frequently oblivious to what the Covenant did around here, so that wasn’t entirely surprising to her.

Liam looked hurt, but Micah and the others were better placed to help. She had her mission. She skidded down the deck towards the rear of the ship again. It was almost becoming natural to clamber about on the sloped deck now. In the next room she entered the near-total darkness again. She speculatively tried a nearby tap. A few drops shook free, but nothing else.

Vexen knew where the water tank was; she could often hear it hiss and bubble when she tried to sleep. Fortunately it was located in this section of the ship. Unfortunately it meant crossing the room where Maisey’s body was still pinned to the chain by the length of pipe. Vexen cautiously crossed that room. The floor was even more sloped, indicating that the hull had buckled, and it was slick with blood.

The side room containing the water tank, as well as recycling and air-conditioning units was small. It also now had a foot of water on the floor that rushed out as Vexen forced the door open. With the ship partially on its side, most of the water stayed contained in the room. Vexen stepped into the ice-cold water to get a better look at the tank. There was a wide crack in its side, which was still dripping. Fortunately it was most of the way up the tank. Feeling the side of the tank and leaning her ear against it, she could tell it was still mostly full. There was a siphon part of the way up, that allowed her to pour some out. With the room partly flooded with what was now dirty water and the position of the syphon and crack, that meant they had a third of a tank for drinking. Good enough for now. Vexen knew standing water could soon become stagnant, but the room was sealed.

She grabbed a big two litre bottle and filled it. Making her way back to the rest of the party, she announced: “Water system ain’t workin’ but can still get half the water straight out of the tank. Got some here!”
Apparently Kaia was now The Royal Steed of The One Who Crashed. Sure, maybe even Kaia, or hell, Mara wouldn’t have been able to save the ship, but still, the first line of defense was a Talith at the controls? What would Skywalker say? Not that he was really real… Except for Brad Skywalker… Right, Kaia, we need to focus, girl. People are crying in pain, no need to worry about just how many sets Brad Skywalker did last week.

So, yeah, there was that in her head, but not really. What was really in her mind was that she should try to carry Kaili, and at least make being injured and people being hurt fun. But that wasn’t really appropriate, and Kaia did try to be that. Sometimes. Most times. The girl was a stick in the mud, lets get real here.

Helping her friend, the Handicappedcapable pilot to her feet, she wrapped an arm around the other’s waist. Walking through the ship wasn’t that challenging, but well, with two injured Wardens of the Sky? Yeah, their movement speed was no -5 from whatever they’d roll. And there were probably lizards outside the ship. She really hoped that someone was able to make things okay, like Micah or Vex…

[member="Kaili Talith"]
[member="Micah Talith"]
[member="Liam Quez"]
[member="Kaili Talith"]​
[member="Micah Talith"]​
[member="Liam Quez"]​
Location: Unknown Space, aboard the Gypsy Caravan

Dreams in the deep.... Vassara stirred in her rack as the Nightsister Witch began to descend upon her. So many things at once flashed through her mind. Morbid scenes of blood sacrifice, ancient ruins on a jungle planet, a lost cave. Every night was the same. when she took her rest the Nightsister that possessed half of her soul came to show her these things.

But suddenly the visions changed. A great wave of anguish washed out into the force, jolting her awake. Sweat dripped down her haggard face in beads, matting her black hair tightly to her scalp. Her pistol hand drew reflexively, aiming at the door. For several seconds she paused, contemplating what was going on.

What the kark was that?

Vassara leaned back on the cot, closing her eyes. The Glare Ice crystal from illum buzzed softly i her pocket, soothing her shattered nerves as she slipped into the currents of the force. The vision was gone but she could still feel trouble. An overwhelming surge of pain, emanating across the stars, absolute and certain.

With a grunt she rose, making her way to the cockpit of the Freighter and slipping into the seat. There was something amiss, and it was a nagging feeling. She had to find out what was going on. In the vision there had been a crash, a horrid event. Now with eyes closed she gripped the holo controls with spread gloved fingers and breathed deep.

Every point in space and time had six dimensions. Vassara had a unique ability of being able to locate an exact point where she wanted to go, and then find her way to it. When you don’t know precise coordinates to where your going, computers aren’t much help, but with the force, anything was possible.

The path began to calculate in her mind as she felt her way through the miasma of the voids, tiptoeing this way and that. Each point had a feeling attached to it, either good or bad on a sliding scale. Once she was satisfied she leaned back and those bright blue piercing orbs opened.

Her fingers tapped the final commands and the hyperspace drive began to spin up, countdown timer ticking.

"Frak, can never get any rest around here." The young spacer muttered, summoning a canteen of stim caf from the galley.

There was a lurch, her stomach dropped out of her body and with a flash she was gone.....
Limping, letting another person carry her. It was temporary, at least until Kaili could cope with the bruises on her arms, legs and waist. It was nothing new, not really. A life with Micah in your family meant you either learned to play rough or taught him to play rough. Kaili had already lost track of the amounts of times she had challenged her brother to a fight on the beach, it felt like a pretty regular thing.

“Hey, Liam.” Kaili offered the boy before letting in a sharp inhale from the pain. “I made sure the ship landed, did you notice?”

In reality she was of course well-aware that her landing had been less than optimal but having to live with the fact that a lot of people had died and that several more might follow them because of you wasn’t one of those things Kaili truly needed on her conscience. At least not now. Her mind pushed forward, acting on impulse and inappropriate jokes.

Coping was hard.

“We’re going to find Micah, he has to be on-board.”

He had to.

Kaili let go of Kaia and took her first step. Her legs cried out in pain as the weight added pressure to her wounds but as long as she wasn’t bleeding there was nothing to truly whine about. Hiss after hiss she staggered her way towards the signature of her brother. At least the part where she had last sensed it.

[member="Vassara Raxis"] // [member="Kaia Starchaser"] // [member="Vexen"] // [member="Liam Quez"] // [member="Micah Talith"]
[member="Vexen"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"] [member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Liam Quez"]

Some water is better than no water.

Micah’s head went swiveling towards Vex, and he gave a curt nod that also relayed his gratefulness. It was strange to see Vex like so; granted, she was fairly young, a few years younger than him, but she had an outlook that only came from having had to fend for herself for so long. It worried him as much as it made him realize that it also made her resourceful, stronger.

They needed that resourcefulness today.

“We need to get a body count on who is okay,” along with tallying who wasn’t and who was missing. He would turn around, “Also figure out where we are.”

“Vex, get Sassi to help you gather as much water as possible. Xaer, come with me.” considering how sensitive Vex was to bright light, he didn’t want her harming herself.

Two more teenagers came stumbling through, and after gettin patched up, were also delegated orders. Micah took charge. They needed to organize and regroup.

Moving out beyond the mangled mess of the corridor, Micah and Xaer went to follow the path Vex had taken. She had mentioned that one half of the ship was gone. Needing to see it in person, they went slugging a path to the rear of the ship. Natural sunlight would start to filter in from ripped and exposed wires that were crackling.

“Be careful,” he’d caution, frowning as bright shafts of light would suddenly reveal just how bad the damage was. His expression became grim.

A few more steps, and Xaer and Micah stepped onto a blast of arid heat and bright light that could rival the Twin Suns. A gust of wind went picking up sand and grit, his eyes dilating in the immense brightness. One hand rose up, attempting to block the glare in his eyes.


At least a version of what appeared to be an isolated desert mesa with nary a living soul in sight, the deep carved crevice that the ship’s emergency landing had created still smoking with burning debris… and bodies.
As soon as Vexen had explained to Sassi where the water tank was, Janis came storming in. "The transceiver is on, but it's not bouncing off a relay!" he shouted to no one in particular. We've got rocks and caves reaching up on either side of us. We're going to have to move it to higher ground."

Vexen stayed as still as she could. She didn't really know what the older youth was talking about, so she tried to stay out of sight. It worked. He carried on through the ship towards the rear, where Micah had just headed with Xaer.

She slipped through the shadows without making a sound, heading towards the bridge. There were always some medical kits up there and she hadn't forgotten Micah's earlier suggestion. So far she had only seen ten people still alive. There had been a crew of nearly forty.

In the next compartment she found Kaili and Kaia, or was it the other way around? Liam was still there. Vexen came closer. Vexen appeared as little more than a shadow, and was nearly invisible in the emergency lighting. She whispered so as not to startle anyone: "Are you ok Kaia?" she asked of the one with a limp, hoping she'd got them the right way around. She hadn't. "Micah is doing a headcount, how many survived on the bridge?"

Liam Quez

Everything hurt still and when the blonde Talith Kaili mentioned about bringing the ship down a surge of guilt washed over me. I should have been the one to step up, I should have taken the controls from her and brought it down. If people died, they would be on my shoulders and not hers. Looking at her, I didn’t say anything – I did my best to smile but even that hurt to do. She had the deaths on her hands and I had the guilt of not doing what I was trained to do. I was a pilot and I failed. Before I could say anything else, Vexan came in and mentioned Micah was doing a head count. Nodding, I moved my way closer to the others and held my hand against my rib.

Fingers pressed into my side as I felt along the bone structure of the ribs. I found the source of the pain and realized that two of my ribs were more than likely broken. Parts of me wished Ibaris was here, mostly so she could heal me and I wouldn’t have to take resources from the others. Though because of the crash and the situation we were in, I was happy Ibaris wasn’t here. The thought of her hurt because I didn’t take action made a whole new form of guilt enter my mind. I closed my eyes and inhaled soft quick breaths, it was all my body could handle for the time being. Looking towards Kaili, I smiled. “Kaili, you did well. We survived and you’re alive.” If thoughts lingered on the dead too long, none of us would get out of here. We could pay our respects once we’re okay.

Still, I thought quietly on how unheroic I was. I failed today.

Moving closer to Vexan, I nodded. “Anyone else with you and Micah? I think there was only three of us here.”

@Vexen @Kaili Talith [member="Kaia Starchaser"]
There was a lot going on. More and more starting to happen. That was a good sign. Kaia liked to see that people were moving around, and not moaning out in pain. She could hope, right? And when they saw Liam, Kaia smirked and rolled her eyes. If Liam was thinking he should’ve grabbed the controls, what did that mean about Kaia? Sure, for no one aside from her writer, the last name didn’t carry the clout of being some of the best pilot, but they were supposed to be. Guilt or not, she was on her rack shift, so when the ship went down, she was far from the bridge.

“I’m alright. I didn’t… I couldn’t feel anyone up there. Just Kaili. Did we fare ok back a ways?” She had run off to save find her friend. “Controls seemed to be fine, I dunno what it was that got us down.” Maybe once they got outside, she could search the ship, see what the problem was.

Turning to Liam, the boy who thought she was an alien, Kaia grinned. “Yeah. Some bang up” haha “glide work.” They should find a nickname for her off of that.

[member="Liam Quez"]
[member="Micah Talith"]
[member="Kaili Talith"]
[member="Vassara Raxis"]
Sharp inhale, sharp exhale.

“Thanks, Liam.” Kaili said as she passed the boy by in a limp. “So that’s Vexen, which means Micah is nearby.”

She wasn’t saying much else. A lot of things can happen when you leave, short moments can be the difference between life and death. At least in situations such as the one that Kaili currently found herself in. Micah wasn’t dead, she forbade it, but a lot of others could have gone down that alley and she sure as hell didn’t want anymore blood on her hands.

Especially not when the people she thought to be alive only a few minutes ago were all dead. The entire bridge crew just decimated. Were they torn out too, or was it the crash itself? Kaili didn’t want to know.

“We push ahead.” The usual glee was gone. “Micah needs us.”

No, Kaili needed Micah. Didn’t matter.

“MICAAAAAH!” Her throat punished her. Kaili’s voice broke. “MIC-AAaaaAh!”

The limping Talith pushed ahead towards her brother. Wherever he was.

“MIC-” Her voice gave in. The girl got into a coughing fit. “Micah.”

Wait, that was a rasped whisper, not a shout.


Great. Just great.

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