Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pride and Wrath, Together At Last


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Her spirit fell as he sadistically let the torture continue. She wouldn't last much longer, that was for certain. This was a hell unlike any she had ever experienced, even Mordred was straight forward with her pain, this was much more than that. Nyx writhed as the other joined in, much more skilled in her administrations than the others.
She begged to let it end, knowing her pleading was falling on deaf ears. But there was little else she could do but beg and plead.
"Please! I'll do anything! Anything!"
Whether she meant her promise or not would remain to be seen, as the voice in the back of her mind whispered to her, telling her to do whatever it took to end her torment, to make the pain go away.
"Just make it stop!"
[member="Lord Mythos"]
Mythos stood impatient for the coming minutes, after enough time had passed and he thought himself leniant he shrugged and raised his right fist, slowly opening it as the metal and bonds that tied her did so with it. "I will hold you to that, unlike you i keep my promises" He snapped his fingers and the maidens stopped.

They slowly scurried away one by one and made their way to pick up their utensils bow and leave, slow and very meticulous. He stepped from his small seat and nodded to the guards. She would be shown to a new room, this one not completely destroyed that had an indoor shower with new clothes, the force choker however, stayed on.

Mythos sighed before he left, knowing the talk with Martha was coming up next, he could already sense the fire in that woman yet he knew what he could imagine would pale in comparison to the truth that was yet to come. Shaking his head and lighting another death stick, this one accompanied with a glass of wine he made his way out and back to his chambers, where his daughter slept, probably, not even he knew where in the palace she could be.



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She was alone now.
They had taken her to a new room, one with much less destruction. They helped her slip on new clothes, and left her alone.
She stood in the middle of the room, fists clenched, breathing hard. She knew trying to call on the Darkness was fruitless, but still tried, anyway.
After that futile effort, Nyx sighed and sat on the bed, wondering what she should do.
She now knew that her escape attempts should be much more subtle, not quite as overt.
She definitely wouldn't be going through that hell again.
Her mind made up, she began occupying herself.
She ripped the clothing into more exercise friendly clothing, and jumped up, grabbing the chandolier, beginning to do pull-ups.​
Afterwards came push-ups, then crunches, and so on and so forth.​
She once more did not sleep that night, so when morning came, she was practicing her fighting style, filled with jabs and uppercuts.​
She didn't know what would come next, but she was making sure that her body was prepared.
[member="Lord Mythos"]

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