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Proclamation - the treaty of Vontor [Dominion of Klatooine]


Self-Imposed Exiled
With a light smile the Hutt nodded solemnly towards [member="Cecily de Demici"] and would return the courtesy with a bow. After being offered the seat beside her, he would happily take it and with a snap of his fingers have beverages sat beside the pair.

"Yes it would be best to know one another, I consider myself the educated type that revels in the battlefield. The battlefield of politics, where the words are bullets and so on, and so forth."

Picking up the drink Shettai would sip and chuckle to himself.


Cecily raised her glass in agreement with the Hutt and smiled. She liked this one already, he was clearly among the more reasonable sort. She considered Sempra reasonable to a point. He was still a bit of a bully sometimes, but she always pushed back and that had thus far led to compromises. She was glad to be dealing with a true diplomat at last. "Yes, well I certainly hope this deal is one both of our people may prosper from," she took a healthy drink and glanced around the room, giving a side-long glare to Ursa, "I say, my lord, when exactly do you think the Supreme Mogul might have a draft of his terms ready to present to the Senate?"

Cecily was eager to push through this treaty for fear of the impending Sith attacks that would likely continue to assail them. As she was taking another sip she noticed the little blue boy. "Who is he?" she acknowledged the Primeval representative with the point of a jeweled finger, suddenly quite suspicious of his presence. Little did she know how thoroughly displeased she would be.

[member="Shettai The Hutt"]


Self-Imposed Exiled
Clearing his throat, the Hutt would take a moment to think at the question regarding the treaty and with it, he would notice the look towards Ursa but simply sigh that off, as he was used to such remarks and one to Ursa was something he would think normal to happen.

"My cousin assures me that it will be finished in due time, he has never let family down prior and I doubt it will happen."

Once answered Shettai would sip at his beverage once more but now his eyes upon the blue boy in which [member="Cecily de Demici"] had pointed to and once the question was posed, took in a deep breath before considering answering the question.

"I do not recall the child's name, though I am under the belief that he is a representative. One representing an apparent ally of my cousin's though, to send a child, it seems almost like an insult."

Cecily noted the avoidance of a direct answer and gave Shettai a curious glance, and a smile as she took a healthy drink. She tapped the edge of her cup gently with her delicate fingers as she considered how best to respond. She decided on directness. "Which ally?" she flashed her eyebrows, a subtle indication that she had sunk her teeth into the subject and was not inclined to release.

[member="Shettai The Hutt"]


Self-Imposed Exiled
Once again, the Hutt would clear his throat and lick along his fat lips. For a moment he would look directly into [member="Cecily de Demici"]'s eyes and with a deep sigh would begin to speak.

"An ally that didn't allow our family to sink into extinction, the Primeval."

Shettai would take a sip, his piercing blue eyes scanning the young lady for any sort of reaction to the matter at hand.

Cecily's face was expressionless, but her eyes told an endless story. They would tell Shettai how difficult this revelation was to accept and how much more complicated the situation would become. She closed her eyes for a moment and smiled. "Ah...," she paused briefly and nodded, "I think I would very much like to meet this young ambassador, my lord, would you summon him?"

May as well get this over with, I think, she thought to herself and looked out over the crowd to the young man, before glancing back at Shettai expectantly.

[member="Shettai The Hutt"]


Self-Imposed Exiled
Nodding to [member="Cecily de Demici"], the Hutt would sit up straight and speak aloud, facing the direction of the child, [member="Boo Chiyo"].

"Representative, come over here child. There is someone who would very much like to meet with you."

And with that, Shettai would wave the boy over once he looked in the direction and settle back into his chair, clapping for more drinks and immediately receiving some for both himself and his two guests.

Post 10 of 20
Tag: [member="Shettai The Hutt"] [member="Cecily de Demici"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"]

The young Pantoran had just finished describing the S&R swoop to Sempra, when another Hutt summoned him over.

The great Hutt was near a human woman, neither of whom he was familiar with. Excusing himself from Sempra's company, the young monk made his way toward the pair as requested. He stopped a respectful distance away, bowing in turn toward the Hutt and his companion. "How may I be of service, honored Hutt?"

Cecily nodded her thanks to the Hutt ambassador and sat forward as the young Pantoran boy approached them. Shettai was quick to dismiss his presence here as a disgrace, an insult to the Cartel, but she doubted the Primeval made appointments lightly. She would not be so willing to underestimate his abilities. "Ambassador," she said gently, but with no uncertain measure of respect and extended her hand to him, "Cecily Demici, of the Galactic Republic."

"And I hear you are here on behalf of the Primeval," she was not so much posing a question as she was stating a fact, in her opinion, "for one so young, that must be a daunting task."

[member="Boo Chiyo"][member="Shettai The Hutt"]
I’ll be farkled.

Faith wearing a simple gown thinking that she would be part of a small gathering of peers of Sempra’s found herself part of something much larger
She looked back at [member="Marev Priest"], “This is not good and will give many the wrong impression at home and in the Senate” She said the words quickly each syllable accented showing how upset she was.

But it was too late to back out now, his simple generosity to fix her ship and get her on her way was now to look as if she supported his…..what was he doing here. She listened to those around her as she walked slowly.


She took another breath she had to be in control she could not lose her temper she however did not smile, she was rigid as she moved. She was not happy.

Anyone who could see she hoped could read her body language and know her displeasure.

“Sempra” Faith spoke softly knowing that soft words were heard more clearly than the harshest shout she drew nearer to him.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
The celebration had continued for some time now and Sempra was pleased. He allowed his loyal subjects the time of their lives. Many if said ones would be short lived and life deserved a little extra. Within certain boundraries of course.

"Sempra" the female voice carried a certain sting to it.

The hutt turned his attention toward [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] and her bodyguard @marek priest

"Ah, senator, what a display of beauty." he greeted with a regal nod of the head.


I expected nothing less from a hutt. Wheels within wheels, there was always a plan and an agenda. Hutts were crafty that way, always thinking about profit and how any one event could profit them. It was a testament to their species, and why one hardly ever met an idiot hutt.

I followed Faith as she came to the 'party'. She was regal ,as she always seemed to be, catching nearly every eye. The hutt was no different. I think she honestly expected things to go smoothly since the, ehhh, rescue but things were never so cut and dried.

Nothing is ever free in this galaxy. There's always a price and we pay it whether we want to or not.

So I stand close to her in my beskar'gam, fully armed as they never required me to hand over weapons or equipment of any kind. But I'm not here to fight hutts or anyone else. I'm here to protect Faith.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Marev Priest"]

"Sempra, this is a whole lot more than I expected it to be, Seems you are celebrating something big" Faith turned to Marev and touched her family crest, an indication she wanted him to do something.

She turned and looked back at Sempra and walked cautiously closer, she looked out something in her felt heavy, hurt. She did not smile she could only look about taking in what was happening.
There was a hurt expression in Sempras eyes, perhaps played but still there.

"Honorered. Senator, I offer you my appologizes if you prefer smaller crowds. I have no insight on your worlds prefered size of parties. I have heard the courts of alderaan were some of the most grandeous in the galaxy, hence I dared nothing smaller then this." he gestured around them.

"Now allow me to introduce you to [member="Shettai The Hutt"] - my cousin and chosen one to initiate a connection with the republic.

"You will also find a fellow senator here."
sempra turned his head and nodded toward [member="Cecily de Demici"] and [member="Boo Chiyo"] who were talking with [member="Shettai The Hutt"] near by.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Marev Priest"]
Post 11 of 20
Location: The White Palace
Tag: [member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Shettai The Hutt"], [member="Cecily de Demici"]

A daunting task?

The remark brought a cryptic smile to the youth's face. When he spoke, he did so quietly. Meekly. And in the oldest of traditions, answered a question with a parable. "A prophet of Sargon came upon a farmer and said to him, 'your plowshed shall become a sword.'" Holding out both arms, the boy seemed to adopt a confused expression as he then turned the story from the other perspective. "The farmer was surprised. But he believed, and in his faith answered, 'I am only a farmer, and my plow hardly fit to turn the soil at your feet. But, if you will it, my plow is yours.'"

Dropping his arms by his side, the boy solemnly continued the tale. "The prophet looked at the man and said to him, 'you were created by Halrormalenth, the Broken Creator. Flaws and mortality await you, but pick up your plow and follow me, and you shall be a light as a star unto the heavens.'" Clasping his hands down in front of himself, the boy bowed his head as he concluded the story on a sobering note. "When the farmer later came upon a battle, he walked unflinching to his death on the widowing field. Not for his farm or the life he left behind, but because he believed."

Glancing back up at the moment, the boy's amber eyes shone vibrantly as he uttered the teachings he had learned -- recalled the lessons of spirituality which he now related, as they had once been related to him. "I am merely a servant. And a servant does not choose the manner in which they serve, or even their own position."

Having said that, the boy extended both hands out toward the Republican. "Do you find your duties to be daunting, my lady?"


I stand to the side and watch and listen. It seems that things weren't going as smooth as the senator had hoped. But with hutts it rarely did. They always had a plan, a game, and he was playing his role well. Faith was unhappy with recent events and it was clear to see why. Watching the others in the room I sigh loudly in my buy'ce, no sound escaping as I realize that situations like this is why mandalorians get paid the money they do. Hard situations call for hard men and women. And there were none harder then his vode.

I catch Faith's movement, a signal prearranged from the beginning of the job. Understanding I give no outward sign that I received it and got to work. Keeping an eye on events transpiring around me my HUD brought up my recent recordings, which I ensure to record everything, and I began to snip pieces of footage and data. Nothing that, if intercepted, could be considered espionage but rather several key events and conversations that got the senator in the position she now found herself in. A small message was included with the data and I compressed the file several times before monitoring multiple data streams that left the room, the planet, and the solar system.

Selecting over a dozen I piggy backed my data file To GRIM. Surely one would be found, it was the way of things. But all of them? I had learned to hedge my bets so I merged my message with private streams, local ships, departing ships, and public signals. It would get out. And hopefully the senator's position would not be as precarious as it was nor would her reputation and support be affected by recent affiliations and presence in such a compromising situation.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
[SIZE=12pt]Faith looked at Sempra, “Perhaps at one time but not now, not for a long time” Her mother did not open House Organa often, and now…who would come fear of what lay in what in the darkness kept many away.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith nodded kept her calm and moved to where she could see who Sempra wished her to meet, “Your cousin will be coming to the Republic have she been there before?” She was only making small talk.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]A fellow Senator Faith’s dark eyes looked upon the highly recognizable blonde locks of the Senator from Onderon. Faith looked over to where Marev was she wanted to be sure he was close by. She felt overwhelmed by circumstances, this was where experience would have held her together. On the job training now, as she learned to control her facial expressions, and still be a good guest.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Sempra you certainly do surround yourself with a wide variety of people” It was very much like the court of a royal house.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Will you be sending your cousin alone to the Republic?” Why ask this? She wasn’t sure, to calm her own insecurity. Perhaps.[/SIZE]

[member="Marev Priest"] [member="Boo Chiyo"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Cecily de Demici"]
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

Jaster approched the Supreme Mongel, Jaster was a shadow in the corners of the palace. His spies and reach were unknown to all, but he had hand in nearly all things profitable. He of course was no match for those who were the corporate powerhouses of the galaxy, but considered a newcomer to the galactic, he was doing quite well for himself.

He was approaching the Hutt to inform him of the buisness that was just finished, and it was done quickly and discreetly by the Pirates. The Rioteers were being transported to the Slave Reeducation Camps, but he over heard the senator talk about the the assemlbly about the treaty. Jaster was a political man as much as he was a Buinsessman, in this galaxy, someone could not be one without he other.

He passed a datapad to one of Sempras Protacal Droids, who then proceeded to pass it along to Sempra.

The datapad stated: "The Pirates have secured the planet, resistance is now suppressed and the treaty signing will no longer be interrupted, UTC ships are now transporting the captured individuals to the Slave Camps, media outlets were payed off and no story of the conflict was leaked, my officers are now making the site looked like a internal conflict between the tribes, glory to the Supreme Mongel."
Sempra burst into a smile.

"Honored senator," he adressed [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] "You are not mistaken, this is a court of regal ancestry surpassing the republic and most other known modern societies. My lineage is as old as the known history and extends itself back to a time when the hutts ruled the galaxy as Emperors." he said, not without pride in his voice.

"But alas, all things come to an end and we must adapt, hum?" he sighed with an unassuming smile.

Turning to recieve a datapad from one of his droids he gazed upon it and his nostalgic face relaxed into a more comfortable one. [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] s information was reassuring that things had indeed been played well. the treaty was sealed.

Then he returned his attention to the senator and her bodyguard.

"It is my wish that you and senator [member="Cecily de Demici"]e meet and discuss the matter of the treaty that the republic has proposed to me. I assure you that [member="Shettai The Hutt"] is an honorable and generous friend to you and the republic. We merely seek a way for us to dodge ... misunderstandings you see."

[member="Marev Priest"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

Cecily looked on with suspicious awe at [member="Boo Chiyo"] as he illustrated his words to vividly. She saw now that he was quite proficient in the art of oration and poetry. If words were weapons, this young man was a weapons expert to rival some of her most well spoken colleagues. However, Cecily was not swayed to believe that he surpassed her own skill in the art of diplomacy. "Forgive me, Ambassador," she bowed her head in a display of respect, "truly you have been well taught in the art of diplomacy, for you are truly a gifted communicator."

"I share your convictions," she did not embellish here, but was genuine, "I, like you, am a humble servant of the people."

"Though, I wonder if you might tell me more about the Primeval, as I am unfamiliar with your beliefs... and, shall we say affiliations?" This was partially true. She knew the basics about the Primeval, but her every thought about them seemed to be called into question by the very existence of such a peace-loving and well spoken young ambassador. Were they not puppet of the Sith? She wondered, as her eye caught [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] standing with [member="Sempra the Hutt"] and she nearly yelped with surprise. Had Faith also been duped into attending?

"Excuse me Ambassadors," she stood frantically, nodding to both [member="Boo Chiyo"] and [member="Shettai The Hutt"] before hurrying to her fellow Senator's side.

"Senator Balor-Organa," she said breathlessly when she had spanned the distance between them, "I was not aware you would be here!" Her tone was careful to convey happiness and surprise, but her eyes were full of concern and pleaded for some sign that she was unharmed. Meanwhile, her pale blue eyes flitted to Sempra, hoping she conveyed her displeasure at being surprised in such a manner.

"What our gracious host means to say is that, we have been collaborating on a possible treaty between our two peoples, to be presented to the Senate once the Prime Minister has given her approval," her comments were pointed and well enunciated to make sure neither of them missed a word.

"But perhaps we should discuss this with Shettai, no?" she said again to Faith.

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