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Proclamation - the treaty of Vontor [Dominion of Klatooine]

White palace
Post 13/20

While the heat of the room had risen due to Sempras agressive talk to [member="Kuryr"] many were dissapointed at the fact that the hutt had decided to spare him. Lives were nothing more then a few credits to the supreme mogul but this particular life had saved itself by displaying a possibilty of even further credits, and to in the long run an extension of cartel power.

As Kyrur left Sempra did take note of his second insult to one of the few loyalists of the court. [member="Alkah'Kahtel"] had not yet earned Sempras blessing as one of his inner circle, but it was clear that he aspired for such a position. For now though Sempra did not intervene any further with the pirate that strode away from the throne.

He glanced to his left side where [member="Boo Chiyo"] and some of his associates had gathered. He placed the pipe in his mouth, adjusted his seat and beckoned the boy with his free arm.

"Ambassador," he began with a booming voice.

"Tell us what you think of our evening together, and why the species of the treaty are truly in debt to my legacy." sempra puffed as his eyelids grew thin lines over his reptilian eyes.

"I hear you are an educated man, despite your youth." Sempra had no doubt the boy would manage to explain the treaty of vontor. This was not a test of knowledge for the boy but yet another show directed by sempra to give his claim to the treaty even further legicamy even outside the borders of the cartel.
White palace bar area
Post 14

The pounding of the heart, the sweat breaking. The crowd was to denze. It would take forever to go around. Ka-Aver hissed as he threw his weight toward the massive body of a gamoren guard. The green monster flexed his belly and Ka-Avers tackle was diverted into a left angled dive.
He tumbled to the floor, barely suceeding in avoiding hitting a table filled with roughnecks and cutthroats. With a sweeping leg movement he passed them and rolled up to his feet, anew facing the grointing gamorean.

Ka-Aver wet his lips, was it possible? Could he do it? He had to try!

With a roar he rushed forward gripping the shaft of his double bladed glaive on the lower end with both of his hands. The gamorean laughed and raised his hammer of a fist. He welcomed the opportunity to smash yet another face. He usually did smash one face per day but this recent week had been dry. Time to correct that he figured and swung his fist from behind his own head, forcing it downward to crush the tniy weequay, to press him into his booths. The fists, however, only hit hard cold stone. Pieces of it flew apart and with a confused expression the gamorean realised that his opponent had used his stick as a pole jump extension, catapulting himself over the gamoreans back.

Ka-Aver laughed mid air. He let his feet take another leap from the green monsters neck and he landed several meters behind him. With another roll he hit his head into the bar with a sound wacking noise. He stopped laughing and got to his feet. There to his right sat [member="Thraxis"] - guarding the seats. Clearly he had made it safely to the objective.

"Youz... Howz the hellz did you... rrr nevermind..."

Ka-Aver threw himself on the seat next to the drunkard grabbing another Ale.

"Zo... wherez were wez... cheerz!" he tried between heavy breaths. As with any hard won battles, they deserved something to drink for sure...
Thraixs looked to him, he saw that impressive feat, though as dazed as it was, "Ye knew, arf jew cen do tat, yoer net drank enough. Barkeepz, mare boze!" Thraxis yelled, slamming his hand on the table to further his point, he wanted booze, and damn sure he was getting some more, for both himself, and his drinking pal.

After a few minutes the man came out with a whole barrel of booze, this barkeep knew how to keep his customers happy. Thraxis yees widened, as he stared into the large brown barrel, almost hesitant to touch, was this filled with booze? If not, could I handle the emotional turmoil of it not being filled with booze? These questions Thraxis had to ponder over before he decided. He had to know. Quickly he pulled the barrel of the bench and onto the floor, gripping the barrel with both his arms he started to heave and pull at the lid, it was a difficult task, especially since he was half drunk, though with fierce determination he succeed in tearing of the lid,and sure enough. Their was booze. He looked to [member="Ka-Aver"], no words were spoken, though his eyes were filled with joy, and his mouth almost watering from the booze he had been gifted with. Quickly, he stated to fill his cups up with the brown swill and pour it down his throat. THis was gonna be a goo day indeed.
Post 9 of 20
Location: The White Palace
Tag: [member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Bellatrix Celvina"], [member="Sempra the Hutt"]


Well, so much for being the dumb swoop jockey.

At the summons, the boy inclined his head politely toward the Chiss-Balosar pirate-dancer. "Duty calls, my lady," the young witch-boy intoned casually. As he stepped toward the Hutt's dais, the youth shoot a look over at the Umbaran agent. He would trust that the man would hold his peace this time, but also that Catalys had his back in case either of them drew the ire of the Hutt.

Arriving closer to the great Hutt, the blue-skinned youth genuflected toward the figure on the platform. The Treaty of Vontor? He'd had to write an essay about it as part of his Military History class at the Levantine Academy, during a module which had examined Xim's Empire and the Hutt-Xim series of conflicts that had precipitated the treaty that Sempra now referred. Which, it wasn't that hard to explain. The Hutts proved to be the singular force capable of handing Xim his arse, and repelling him from out of the Si'Klaata Cluster -- which then immediately became part of Hutt Space.

Owing to the fact that they'd just had a front-row seat for a viewing of the end of the world, the races of the Si'Klaata Cluster immediately did a preemptive surrender to the Hutts in order to avoid being next.

Not much to explain on that one. It was really rather simplistic. The challenge behind Sempra's question was to answer in such a way that was tactful rather than honest.

Holding the bow, the boy said, "Great Sempra, I fear what we learn in books is inadequate for answering your question." A rote reply, one which bought him time with which to formulate an answer, while pandering to the classic Hutt ego. "And I am a poor student, lacking of your experience and wisdom. But if you would ask this of me, I will do my best to answer -- and hope to learn from your great fountain of knowledge."

As he straightened back up, the boy worked to try and recall the details of his essay. Putting just the slightest amount of political spin as he called them to mind and uttered aloud, "It was twenty-five thousand years ago. The scourge of Xim's Empire, that great human expansion, threatened to devour the races of the Si'Klaata Cluster under the wheel of an unstoppable war machine." There was a singular bitterness to how he uttered the word 'human'. Growing up on Coruscant as he had, the boy had no shortage of reason to dislike many of their societal practices. But they were innumerable across the galaxy. It was said that there were as many humans as there were stars in the sky, which made it even more bitter to be referred to as a Near-Human. The Hutts proved themselves the saviors of the Outer Rim. Their strategy unmatched, their technology superior. That human despot had no alternative but to run before the glory of the Hutts."

As he concluded the tale, the boy remarked, "As a result, the Hutts have long been the protectors of the Si'Klaatan races. The job creators. The architects of their societies and cultures." Genuflecting toward the dais, the boy bowed as he concluded, "That is your legacy, Great Sempra. That is why they need this treaty, to benefit from your rule and wisdom."

Here's hoping those Levantine textbooks were worth the credits he paid in the school bookstore.

Catalys listened to the mouthful of words that spewed forth from his fellow Exemplar's mouth. It was fascinating, really, to hear the Pantoran speak so graciously in the presence of a Hutt. The race was well known for formalities and respect, they were Hutts after all and saw themselves as higher beings above all others. Perhaps the delusions of grandeur aren't so far off anymore, with the backing of The Primeval such a Cartel could benefit from zealots willing to sacrifice themselves for whatever cause they're told to follow. It made the Umbaran think... How effective would fearless zealots be at supporting racketeering, black markets, and drug trade?

Of course in the end, such arrangements were for the Host Lord to decide upon. He and Boo were merely representatives but certain entities within The Primeval may very well be making their own deals too. Truly fascinating, the man shook his head slowly in amusement.

[member="Boo Chiyo"] | [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
Post 15

Sempra listened to the boy, the primevil ambassador called [member="Boo Chiyo"]
While he nodded in agreement with the words spoken the hutt puffed his pipe letting a small white cloud surround the corner of his large mouth.

"You bring honor to your master young one," Sempra replied as [member="Boo Chiyo"] completed his speech.

"I have understood that apart from being skilled in diplomacy, you have a taste for podracing. Is that correct? And if so, describe your vehicle please. I have to confess, I very much enjoy the sport and at times sponsor a competition." he teased.

In fact Sempra was making a move to control the entire pod racing industry in the outer rim. The betting subdiary was a very lucrutive affair and combined with his personal interest it made sense.


The hooded man listened, lips unexpressive beneath the hood. The nigh incomprehensible brogue of the alien needed a certain degree of mental processing before a reply could be issued. But the cowled figure knew well how his own speech might sound, an adder's rasp, the coarse rustle of shifting sand.

"Sempra will not care, so long as Sempra gets his dues. So, twenty thousand to kill a Hutt. Go to Mos Espa the day before Boonta Eve. Meet me at the Laughing Krayt."

[member="Thrukk Gulpdar"]

Flora was flying around in her new corvette, she was putting through tests. Though the higher ups where making, some sort of deal down stairs on the planet. She was happy with her ship up and down and looping around, getting use to it. This was glorious, commanding a ship whilst drinking rum. Her crew obeying every word she said, well so she thought most of them made sure she was not going o ram an asteroid or something. As she was just finishing her first bottle, and that was quite enough.
"Thank you for your time Sempra."

"[member="Thraxis"]." he addressed, the round pointed digits running the length of his coat before striking togeather with a mettallic 'click' to try and gain his attention. "I've been meaning to ask, what happened on that raid. The one with Tiali." reaching out to straighten [member="Cadan Tazi"], and help him to a seat. "Godamn it Cadan, that dust ain't good for you. Someone get him some water."
After the conversation with Nyx winded down, Ashalah dismissed herself with a polite bow, then took her leave. Taking a moment to glance over at Sempra, she was happy to note that discussions were going well. Since she didn't seem needed at the moment, she begun to wander aimlessly around the room. She just passed by the bar when she heard someone call out for water. Glancing over, her eyes widened at the sight of the Major Domo. This was her chance; get close to the Major, and have a better chance at a promotion itself. It would help to have someone speak on her behalf.

Calmly, as to not show too much excitement or anxiousness, she ordered a cup of water from the bar tender droid. Taking the goblet, the woman would calmly walk over to [member="Flannigan Mcnash"], cup in hand. "Here you are, sir." She handed him the glass, her grey lips forming a kind smile. "Is everything alright with your friend there?" She tilted her head, gesturing slightly at [member="Cadan Tazi"].


Self-Imposed Exiled
The Hutt would quickly make his way in, shaking his head and bowing a little to his cousin, [member="Sempra the Hutt"]. The look on his face would be that of apology but quickly disappearing as he notices everyone looking at his direction, with a soft cough he would put on a large smile and wave to everyone.

"Lovely get together Cousin, you always impress and will continue to do so."

Overhearing his mission, he gives several more nods.

"Yes, I shall be escorting you miss."

His neck moving to face [member="Cecily de Demici"].

Cadan was about to attack the three legged, one armed, creature that stole his lightsaber, but though it wise not to.

A Twi'lek, or well what Cadan thought to be a Twi'lek, but was actually a Togrutan approached him. "well 'ello, you gorgeous looking Twi'lek." Cadan said as he went to kiss Ashalah.

Then Cadan couldn't help but laugh, which probably saved Ashalah from his lips, a strange octopus was asking for some water. "I don't not need water!" Cadan shouted as he sprinted back to where Ka-Aver was sitting. But in Cadan's mind Ka was shaped a lot like a Hutt.

"My lord Hu-" The Duros got no further before he collapsed onto the floor. The drugs taking control of his minds and body now.

[member="Ka-Aver"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Ashalah Ky"]
Post 16

Sempra inclined his large head to [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] as the cyborg commander left his side. There was no question about it, his major domo had an eye for subtle diplomacy as well, despite what many thought. But above all, the cyborg was an unquestioned king regarding the cartel fleet movements. Sempra did not want this to be threatened by petty arguements, and he had endured.

He then watched as [member="Shettai The Hutt"] proceeded toward [member="Cecily de Demici"]

"Let this be my first sign of how serious we are about this cooperation senator. I trust you will take care of my cousin as he will you." Sempra spoke to [member="Cecily de Demici"]

The two had alot to discuss and Sempra wanted it to start before they left so that no unwanted interferences would steer the senators plans away.
Thraxis looked to his captain, still digging his cup into the barrel, "Curtain, I are drenk, mayherpes anyother timer." he would say to [member="Flannigan Mcnash"], his eyes had become a tad too blurred, the whole crew was starting to become blurred blobs in his eyes.

He looked around the cantina trying to identify what was around him, the whole area was starting to blur into one big blob. Cadan was now a blue blob, the Gen'Dai was a giant mass of brown and the captain had become just a metallic blob, nothing was seeming like it once was.
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
post 17

Ka-Aver held his mug of ale high into the air reciting the entire treaty of vontor. Or rather he thought he did as stranges words and hissing osunda escaped his lips.
All the time he had a very serious expression as he looked at [member="Thraxis"]
Clearly the man needed some education on the matter.

[member="Cadan Tazi"] appeared and the weequay made a drunken bow and took a small pause. Then he continued taking a sip ever so often. One had to keep the throat warmed up when there was so much important things that needed to be forwarded.

Hum? what was he speaking about again. He blinked as his legs felt very heavy. He sat down and rested his head toward the comfortable bed... some would have called a floor. Ka-Aver was arguing otherwise...
[member="Seth A'mun"]

"Ah 'at seems fair tae me," Thrukk replied. He wasn't in the business of haggling upward when he knew the price was fair. He found the practise somewhat disrespectful, in fact.

"Knowin' th' hutt, if sempra isnae bothered by thes, 'at probably means we're killin' his brither, hah! Noo fur 'at aam willin' tae clear th' time, but Ah seem tae hae a someain more busy... social calendar 'at Ah used tae, " Thrukk explained, looking back up towards the White Palace. The Hutt paid well, but there was something unnerving about so many I dependant mercenaries, bodyguards and bounty hunters squeezed into a tight space and kept so close to the Hutt.

"Do ye hae a date pencilled in?" he asked in a jovial tone. He kept his mannerisms light, projecting the image of the slow-witted giant. His eyes, however, kept searching the shadows, still suspicious of an ambush. Even if it didn't come from the Tusken, every Hutt had hidden ears in all sorts of nooks and crannies across the Galaxy.
"You embarrass yourself Cadan, and myself."

He took the cup from [member="Ashalah Ky"], his arm would strike out cutting diagonally through the air, prodding the sprawling [member="Cadan Tazi"]. "Get him the medic-droid." he said pouring the water over him, the 'splash' and the subsequent 'ting' throwing the goblet away with the barest flick of his wrist. "And where is that god damn bounty hunter."
Post 18

Sempra watched the guests move on to either becoming truly intoxicated or drift off to other discussions. It had been a goid show and an important mark of the cartels position in the Sri'kla cluster.

He made sure slaves kept working hard to keep each guests individual desire satisfied and was himself content with what was transpiring.
before [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] totally dissapeared into the crowd Sempra decided yo remind him.

"Do not forget to send a destroyer to Klatooine. We must make sure the klatoonians can both see and appreciate our ruling over their planet."

Sempra had planned to visit the planet itself. But time flies and there was already new potential threats and opportunities rising on the horizon.
Tiali Sits at the stool of the bar Half asleep when he hears 'And where is that god damn bounty hunter.' Standing up from his stool he approaches Flannighan "You know I was right there, right?" He chuckled shacking his head "Did you want me or someone else?"

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
Cecily stood as [member="Shettai The Hutt"] approached and introduced himself. She extended her hand to him and looked as Sempra introduced his cousin before turning back to Shettai to curtsey. "My lord Shettai," she said graciously with a warm smile, "how enchanting to meet you, it is good to know that the Hutt Cartel takes this deal quite as seriously as the Republic does."

"Please, sit with me a while and tell me about yourself," she offered the seat next to her.

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