Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Manifests

Question stated: Why do a lot of factions not have one set up?

Answer I have: If you can't find it, then make one for yourself, post it up for the faction, and earn some brownie points for taking the time to do it instead of complaining on here.

Xander out! *drop mic*


My point was that you're not the only one who has a similar opinion, and while it's been said more times than I can count to just join the open faction and look for it, then others will complain about spying and the like. I've been here for over a year and have been in several factions, and I have seen it happen more consistently that I care for.

Anyways, rant over. Nothing is likely to result of this subject.
Romeo Sin said:
That kinda sounds like you're saying its okay if its not in the manifest then..and that its okay to break this rule because its being posted with a link in its RP thread....if that's the case..remove the rule...????? Cause I mean....I do that too, I post links to what I am using. BUT thee rule is there and I try my best to follow it, and yes I have been a little lazy with the manifest.
I feel like you're looking for something that isn't there, at least not from my end.
I feel like you're looking for something that isn't there, at least not from my end.

No sir, Im not looking for anything but a hug.

Liminal said:
I've been here for over a year and have been in several factions, and I have seen it happen more consistently that I care for.
That's what she said.

I THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The manifest rule is kinda old, and should be updated as we have need for updated rules to keep up with the times...faction manifests/personal manifests...etc etc....
Spying is going to happen...there is no way to stop it from happening unless its one of those Factions that approve members for membership....and that's the factions right to do so. Also, Admin has access to every FACTION and they can see who has a manifest and who doesn't.
*picks up mic*

Secondary question: What if there is spying on ma stuffz?

My Answer: Have a list of things that your faction would be know to have publicly, and have a separate list that it hidden from other factions, people, or the like, where it has everything, including the stuff you don't want others to see, and have the thread on a hidden forum labled "Members Only"

Dat wayz, only twusted mwembers swee dis stuffz.

Xander (maybe) OUT! *drop mic (again)*
[member="Xander Carrick"]

I like your idea and theory of "Members Only" but there will always be someone to complain about THAT.

Another issue people have is PC have NPC armies and individual NPC to use for dominions/invasions. Again, submissions are made for those, there are strict rules for getting them approved, and people that have worked hard for their toys have the right to hide those or put them in their Character sheets. And again, I HAVE NO ISSUES with that either.

The world, fantasy or not, is not adapt and sally forth into the invasion/dominion threads.
This honestly sounds like less of an issue with the Factory or the Manifesto rule and more of an issue with individual factions going to war with each other. The Manifesto is there to help you get a general knowledge of what sort of weaponry and forces your enemy posses and in what quantity, ranging from specialized units to armadas and armies. As a character, especially one in a high position IC that being a Faction Leader can grant you, you should be able to tell what the brunt of your enemies arsenal looks like but shouldn't be able to peer into every nook and cranny and see what kind of stuff they can pull out of their sleeve from an IC perspective.

It is up to the individual faction leaders to discuss their armies during the round table negotiations of an invasion. It should be stated clearly by each side what their main forces look like, what sort of technology they have, and what their specialized units / tech is and looks like. If one side wishes to use a new unit or new technology for a surprise attack / counter-attack and there is no concrete past IC example where said unit / tech was used, it should be common courtesy to allow them the surprise with them. If however, said unit / tech has been used 20 times in the past month in large scale invasions, it should be a pretty safe bet that word has traveled to all other factions and counter-measures can be enabled. It's up to you guys, the faction admins, to properly regulate the battlefield. And don't give me any silliness about "gameyness" or something like that. You either put in the extra effort during planning or you can continue to whine, complain, and queen at each other until you end up with OOC hatred of each other.

Just as well, it's the Faction Admins responsibility to properly keep their members under a leash during an invasion. Speak with them, tell them what will happen and how it will happen and give them creative freedom to mold the event to their liking as long as they keep certain tenets in mind, don't let them go balls to the walls.

Long story short, put in the extra effort during talks and planning to make sure silly shite like this doesn't happen.
[member="Darth Venefica"],

As you said, they worked for it. They put the effort into it. They deserve to have it hidden if they want. And by things hidden, I mean like giant flagships that are not seen before, or unique items/creatures/weapons/armor.

The ONLY reason why I have my stuff listed in my sig, is cus if I put down that I am using my hammer in a thread, I don't have to link it every time. *shrugs shoulders*

Use your submissions however you want.
Spencer Jacobs said:
As much as its in the rules like what sarge said if you're curious you can alway go into the approved section and click on the factions tab. Probably easier that way anyways.

Still trying to figure out why this is still a thing. I mean its really not that hard to click approved tech - heck if you have a question communication isn't that hard. Making a manifest is insane especially with how quickly a lot of the Tech turns over for factions. Take some initiative since you're demanding so much from the FAs.

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