Onrai noticed the frown from Sasmay. "No reason to frown. Kaine can consider you whatever it is he likes, but that doesn't change the reality of what you are. You are as I am. As the Old Ones were, and as the ones who came before them were. The Major Gods, so they were called by the primitive civilizations of the galaxy. A primordial entity that Kaine could not match up to in strength were he to try. Even if he were to become as you are and I am, he would merely be stalemated for all eternity, unable to ever mess with the material domain of the universe."
She thought back to the Mandalorians once more. "They descend from the Taung, once natives of Notron, which we now know as Coruscant. The original Onrai, before she became El'Shuddem the Soulworm, was the one who guided President Zhell, the human she had chosen to lead his kind in conquest, and his Battalions in a victory over them. So it was that they became the Mandalorians, after the world which they escaped to in order to survive and thrive anew. The ideology of the Mandalorians - the true Mandalorians, forged in response to their ancient conquest at humanity's hands - arises every now and then, only to be pacified by those who prefer the lives of peace or mercenary work."
At the end, she found herself nodding in agreement. "The spawn of the Soulworm and Kopa Kahn were as diverse as one can imagine - the bulbous tentacled face and wings of Typhojem, the effervescent shadow and insect-legged oddity of Gorog, the crystalline-scaled flesh-cube of Ooradryl, and the amorphous ever-shifting slimeform of Mnggal-Mnggal. I can only imagine how they will compare - or who their father would even be."
Sasmay Cull