Sasmay Cull
EQUIPMENT: Personal Robes
TAGS: Onrai
LOCATION: On Abeloth's Planet
"That is certainly one way of describing the ideology, and while I would find worshippers much more readily. I doubt they would exist long enough to support me as yours have should I pursue that interest." Came the slight tone of humor to her words. Certainly assassins everywhere would loved to have prayed to a deity for a supreme poison to apply to their blades.
Assassins however stopped paying homage when they were found out.
Letters and words filtered through her mind, mixing and jumbling until something from nothing formed. A word with no meaning. A name without a past. Something to forge ahead and spread, perhaps through her own words or actions. An utterance that would perhaps someday mean something to those who heard it. And maybe inspire something worth the time it would take.
"Nimara. I'll step away from the past to become something new. Better than allowing that one the joy of naming a goddess before I've met him." Her lip twitched in annoyance at the refurbished thought of her label. A sigh breaking the irritation she allowed to rankle her features.
"I would rather be known for something admirable than for something feared. It is what I pursued in life to some success, but I wish for nothing more with this form of my existence." Her head titling slightly sideways to accentuate her point.