The Bounteous Hunt
Thrill of the Hunt
Hello all!
As you may not know, this character belongs to Fatty (A.K.A. Darth Voracitos [A.K.A. Darth Doritos]), and although she didn't last very long (because after that I went on to one of my extended LOAs and have been unable to get back to any of my characters since) but she had this really neat concept in my opinion.
She had superior clairvoyance than should be allowed for a padawan, but with a catch: She has amnesia with short-term memory loss... or in other words no sense of the past at all beyond a couple of minutes. I planned her to be a dedicated Oracle whose loyalty is to no one or anything because she doesn't remember who she is, and that (at least initially) she had the distinct ineptitude to use the force other than Clairvoyance or Clairvoyant related abilities.
But just recently I got thinking: If one hypothetically has perfect clarity of the future (or as perfect as clarity into the future can be allowed), could one be able to send the force through time? Like say my little Oracle Sybil knows distinctly that someone will try to shoot them in exactly three hours: could she a direct a force push at them before it's immediately needed?
Just some food for thought
TL;DR: If I innately know what's going to happen within a given amount of time, can I send a preemptive force push before it's needed?
As you may not know, this character belongs to Fatty (A.K.A. Darth Voracitos [A.K.A. Darth Doritos]), and although she didn't last very long (because after that I went on to one of my extended LOAs and have been unable to get back to any of my characters since) but she had this really neat concept in my opinion.
She had superior clairvoyance than should be allowed for a padawan, but with a catch: She has amnesia with short-term memory loss... or in other words no sense of the past at all beyond a couple of minutes. I planned her to be a dedicated Oracle whose loyalty is to no one or anything because she doesn't remember who she is, and that (at least initially) she had the distinct ineptitude to use the force other than Clairvoyance or Clairvoyant related abilities.
But just recently I got thinking: If one hypothetically has perfect clarity of the future (or as perfect as clarity into the future can be allowed), could one be able to send the force through time? Like say my little Oracle Sybil knows distinctly that someone will try to shoot them in exactly three hours: could she a direct a force push at them before it's immediately needed?
Just some food for thought
TL;DR: If I innately know what's going to happen within a given amount of time, can I send a preemptive force push before it's needed?