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Question: Can you send the force into the Future?

Hello all!

As you may not know, this character belongs to Fatty (A.K.A. Darth Voracitos [A.K.A. Darth Doritos]), and although she didn't last very long (because after that I went on to one of my extended LOAs and have been unable to get back to any of my characters since) but she had this really neat concept in my opinion.

She had superior clairvoyance than should be allowed for a padawan, but with a catch: She has amnesia with short-term memory loss... or in other words no sense of the past at all beyond a couple of minutes. I planned her to be a dedicated Oracle whose loyalty is to no one or anything because she doesn't remember who she is, and that (at least initially) she had the distinct ineptitude to use the force other than Clairvoyance or Clairvoyant related abilities.

But just recently I got thinking: If one hypothetically has perfect clarity of the future (or as perfect as clarity into the future can be allowed), could one be able to send the force through time? Like say my little Oracle Sybil knows distinctly that someone will try to shoot them in exactly three hours: could she a direct a force push at them before it's immediately needed?

Just some food for thought :p

TL;DR: If I innately know what's going to happen within a given amount of time, can I send a preemptive force push before it's needed?

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!

Not a physical-effect Force power, no; telekinesis is generally line of sight or line of control, but it's also instant. Mind tricks can be set to go off in the future, but you need to be in range of the person to implant it the first time, like a ticking time bomb.

You would have to be directly controlling the power at the time of use in order to achieve anything in this case.
Hmm, even if its in a state similar to the Aing-Tii Flow Walking? Or how about Fighting-Sight which has little to no description other than a its an advanced form of precognition similar to flow walking during battle?

Because there is an ability known as Time Shift, that is essentially a HYPER Advanced nigh-unreachable form of Flow Walking where it said "minor" influence can be exerted on the past/future, though it may only be an illusion I'm not sure.

I guess it makes sense that non-physical force powers wouldn't be able to translate through time, but do powers like force lightning count as physical?

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
Lightning is very literally a physical manifestation of the dark side, Fatty ;)

When it comes to Aing-tii stuff, think about this - it's mind-to-mind, to influence the past. You become the point of reference in the past for mental abilities (and thus influencing other minds) to happen. That's different entirely. Still not gonna Push a queen.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
Theoretically? Far more doable.

> Know what's going to happen
> Mind Control a Force-sensitive target, tell them what's going to happen and where to go, and what to do
> Hope your effect doesn't wear off
> Let them get into position at the specified time and do your bidding

The problem is, the longer the effect sits and the more specific it is, the more chance it has of wearing off before it happens.

[member="Sybil Manneseh"]
The future is unpredictable. The only thing you can do, involving the future, is see one of the many possible outcomes. The more experienced with this (farsight, force visions) the more accurate and often these things occur. Palpatine, for example, with all his gifts with force visions, was never able to see his own death. This could simply because it is impossible to foresee via visions, but seeing something that is going to happen and influencing it are completely different things.

Now, by acting on farsight, you can actually do sort of what you're asking. Speaking as someone who uses Farsight often, and as someone who has read quite a bit about farseeing in Star Wars, it is very much different to Force Visions in that you are feeling/seeing/experiencing things as they occur, or right before they occur, much like precognition, but at a higher degree.

Example of Farsight in combat:

It is similar to Battle Precognition in that you can use it similarly, and it works vaguely similarly, but it is different in that you can sense someone else, say an apprentice or something, being in danger from light years away (Example being Luke feeling the danger on Bespin).

An example of acting on this pre-emptively would be as follows (and I will refer to this canon precedence to answer your question):
Palpatine used this skill to discover that Darth Vader was in danger after his fight with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.[2] He also used it to set his traps for the Jedi, keeping himself several steps ahead.
So yes. You can actually do that.

Now you can't literally affect the future before it happens, such as mindwalking into the future (You can mindwalk into the future, but it's a BAD IDEA, you also can't effect it as you can the past) and trying to "alter" it. The future is not one giant pre-destined timeline, and if it were then you acting on it would be a contradiction as you would be creating a time paradox by doing so ( assuming you were capable of altering the envisioned future). You can, however, time things accordingly and act in ways to take advantage of these visions and farseeing.
[member="Kolai Onolz"]

Magic, but not magic, but magic. I hope this settles things for you and you silly questions. : D

[member="Sybil Manneseh"] [member="Silara Vantai"]

I think this would be the correct assumption. Trying to affect things in the future while staying in the past is just paradox inducing. What you did then won't hold. If you physically go to the future (There are a few tricks to do so but are very dangerous), acting on something you glimpsed through a vision, perhaps you can change that outcome. It would seem quite trivial to do so though, as you'd probably best stay in the present and work against the future to change it.

Affect the past to alter the present, affect the present to alter the future. Affecting the future to alter nothing. (Except maybe karking things up for that timeline)
[member="Qae Shena"], noted :p

[member="Silara Vantai"], very interesting post, if I could like it a couple more times I would. Alas I can't :p Though you are on the right track of what I'm thinking, it isn't quite aligned. I'm unfamiliar with that particular technique and its specifics (I get the gist of it), but some of the ones that I were referring to were Aing-Tii, and one of them (time drifting [not shifting as I mistakenly called it earlier]) allows one to go into an advanced form of flow walking, so much delved into the "vision" that if you are seen it might very minorly affect the timeframe that you are in (it does not specify a restriction on the past only being affected [which to me, only being able to change the past doesn't make much sense when the future is in such fluid motion; to me it makes WAY more sense to be able to change the future rather than something as concrete as the past]). Having not read any of the books involving the Aing-Tii (my level of information is wookieepedia for most things), I am more than likely not qualified for this kind of hypothetical thinking.

So then this leads me down the path to think that you all are telling me that only information can be transferred through time, or information influencing techniques. However, the information transfer through time is unreliable due to the fluid nature of the future. But consider a moment, an individual that ONLY has a concept of the future? Beyond a few minutes, the past is completely barred to them, and their "Force Visions" never actually stop. Then the present from their perspective becomes the past, and the future becomes their present. That then solves (I think) a dilemma that [member="Rayl Wilded"] attempted to address to me. If what [member="Qae Shena"] says is accurate, in that these "travels" through time only affect it due to the nature of the technique being "mind to mind", than someone so well tuned into the variable changes of the future should be able to touch many minds in a variety of ways... possibly including their own.

So then would be safe to say that at least mental "Buff powers" could be preemptively deployed by the influence of a past version of yourself?

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
[member="Sybil Manneseh"] - Not by an Apprentice. Ever. It'd take a dedicated specialist Master who focused on flow-walking/etc.
[member="Qae Shena"] Well yes obviously not an apprentice, lol

This is all hypothetical thinking. I don't think this character will ever be revamped. I just had an idea, wanted to share it, and wanted to see what you guys thought :p

I had a "vision" (pun intended) of a Jedi Master or something, going through the motions of a battle that hasn't happened yet, leaving, and then when the battle happens people start flying everywhere because the Jedi was there before (and might enter the battle as it happens too to have an ever greater edge.)

That of course seems unlikely and farfetched and stuff :p
I think looking into quantum superposition and collapse of multiple potential realities into one might help you realize that this wouldn't really work. Especially with the notion that each moment is built upon an infinite superposition, each of which could be impacted by outside forces that could favor one potential reality over the countless others. On the phone, so I won't explain more... Might later though.

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