Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question: Can you send the force into the Future?

[member="Sybil Manneseh"]
The reason flow-walking into the future and altering its events is nigh-impossible, so incredibly difficult I would recommend not doing so or trying, is that the flow-walker must be familiar with the events transpiring, the location, and those involved in order to arrive at such a place during flow-walking. Now, couple this with a force vision and the deduction of who, what, where, and when said vision takes place and a little help from farsight while flow-walking, and you could theoretically access this sort of ability. Flow walking was a tricky ability in that you never truly altered the past, or future, only altered the perception of it by those who experienced it. Flow-walking into the past is easier because it is concrete, flow-walking into the future is extremely difficult for the sole reason of it being so fluid and effervescent. The danger of flow-walking is losing one's self to the flow of time and separating their consciousness from the real world - effectively becoming brain-dead - and this is quite easier to cause by going into the future, though it is wholly possible to do so, but altering the effects of it would be ridiculously difficult. I suppose there would be a method to do so, but I do not believe it would be worth your time to discuss it - I've thought about it multiple times, as I'm very aware of the abilities of flow-walking, force visions, and farsight, but found that trying to force my development in that direction becomes boring and stagnant.
[member="Alask Diruno"]
Force visions are something that occur regardless of rank, though the frequency and details may be greater as you move up, and depend solely on your connection to the force. Farsight, used a little less like a real-time force vision and more like battle precognition, could be logically used by apprentices within reason. Psychometry is something many people use without realizing it, at least on the most basic of levels; an example being touching an old lightsaber and getting the impression that it was used by someone deep in the dark side of the force. Flow-walking is something I would never suggest an adept would be capable of performing, even as a specialty - or especially as such, even. It requires discipline, training, and knowledge of the force that an adept would usually be unable to access - and if they could, they should contact the right people to vouch for a rank increase to Knight.
[member="Silara Vantai"]

Let's say this guy knows psychic force abilities.(telepathy, force vision, far sight, psychometry, flow walking) If he uses flow walking "responsibly"(knows the past and future are not the present and stays in the real world) would that still be bad without a teacher? Or a guide?

I really like the idea of creating a psychic character and I'd think it'd be cool. But knowledge is needed first right? My intention of this character is to not be a fighter or a force user who knows a lot of basic abilities. He would have a back story of being born with these powers unless that's not allowed. Its still cool though either way.
[member="Alask Diruno"]
Flow-walking is an extremely difficult task, regardless of knowledge on the subject of the ability - the knowledge of which is not generally available to the vast majority of the galaxy - and is a skill known almost exclusively to the Aing-Tii, a secluded race of force sensitives.
[member="Silara Vantai"]

I was thinking of making that the species but they're not that appealing. The character would be helping others no matter their role or alignment. Are they secluded or do some tend to go into the public since they are indeed sentient?
[member="Alask Diruno"]
They are extremely secluded, and avoid others. They are so secluded that there is little to no information on them in public sources, and those that do know of them generally are not the type to speak of them. At some point in the past the Jedi Order, and possibly the Sith, learned of them, but that information was likely lost after the collapse of the Republic and the proceeding collapse of the Galactic Empire - and that is coupled by the 400 years of darkness following the Gulag Plague.

Link: Aing-Tii
[member="Silara Vantai"]

What if you find them or maybe a group or maybe you find an ancestor and he/she teaches you. Would I need to do a dev thread about finding them and teaching me the skill or could I put that in the bio? And sorry if I'm keeping you from all the questions.
[member="Alask Diruno"]
I would suggest doing some sort of quest that would involve incidentally meeting one/them on accident/happenstance. You can then do however many threads you want of learning this from them and training with them - at least that's how I would do it, if I were interested at the moment in learning how to flow-walk. I suggest posting a Looking-For-Group thread in the discussion forum and seeing if anyone else is interested in this, that way you can help others develop their characters as well - who knows, maybe Fatty will suddenly wind up coming back from his LOA and joining up with you.
Man, Shatterpoint never gets no love...

Outside force applied to a moment of superposition, pushing it in favor of one outcome over the other, are the essential fault lines often described for the use of Shatterpoint. Think for a moment that you are stepping out out of a building. In that very second, there is an infinite number of environmental and internal potential possibilities. You could be hit by a falling acorn, a bird could crap on you, a plane could crash into you...or you could continue walking, thinking about what you're going to have for dinner. The user of Shatterpoint can discern these possibilities and apply force in a manner that favors one of these potential abilities over the other. The 'fault line' of that person, or more specifically, their life. Now it's even more complicated because, say the plane scenario, is not dictated by a single moment but a string of them, numerous fault lines with the appropriate pressure applied in the appropriate place. Pilot's food is poisoned, causing a different pilot to take over. That pilot is delayed because of a car accident, leading to the third string pilot being called in. Third string pilot has it out with one of the mechanics doing daily inspection and in that guys anger, he forgot to check a critical component that led to the crash.

But it takes a powerful mind, discipline, and training, and talent, and outside understanding of the mechanics of it, to be able to use it. Not recommended, in true form, without master/lord level. That's my take on it, anyway. I'm sure there are multiple ways to write it. But, I think it has it's place in this discussion.
I was under the impression it was an instinctual ability anyways, and I preferred not to be the character whom had an ability that put them at an unfair advantage. It also doesn't go with my character just yet, so it wouldn't fit.
[member="Silara Vantai"] No, it's marked as being one of immense talent or immense focus and concentration. And it's only an unfair advantage if used improperly. I have yet to use it directly against someone and wouldn't do so without their consent.

"Shatterpoints were a complex Force phenomenon, perceivable only by an unknown innate talent or immense focus and concentration on the part of the force-user."

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