Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darth Naomi

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Okay so I'm new. I'm not exactly well versed in SW lore and stuff, according to my character's bio she is now on Korriban, where she got recruited. From what I've seen around here, I gather Korriban is not exactly part of the order, more like part of the previous Sith empire. Well, I think it's about time I started my first RP thread here, but I'd like to know more about the situation. After all, you guys have been here for some time and from what I gathered, a lot has transpired.
So, well, at the very least I'd like to learn if the order has any planets it is in control off. Maybe some systems I should stay away from, or factions I should keep an eye out.
I would also appreciate if there was somebody who could give my character some sort of direction, maybe give an assignment (IC, ofc)


Prakith is generally the world that we gather on. It's in the inner most core of the galaxy and its where the Dark lord is seated, its also where i say most of the One Sith who were gathered at Birth are trained. Thats really the only place we hang out, otherwise we just have our sectors that are run by people.

If you want to make a thread via training or mission or something, posting something in our training forum and tag that you need a master in it(i'de do it but i'm waaaayy too overloaded with threads right now).

Darth Naomi

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The training forum of this faction... I understand that's mostly hidden from pretty much everyone who isn't part of One Sith. Does it even count as an IC thread, if it's hidden?
Another thing, I wanted to ask is timelines. I've read some people saying they are dead IC, but they could do a topic before they get dead... Does that mean that you could screw with the timelines like that? Say start doing a mission and only half way through it make a thread where you get the actual mission details, which would have happened weeks before, IC time?


What She said XD Timelines are somewhat fluid here so we can do small stuff like you mentioned.
I have a question.....I have a dark side user that she is currently working with and in time will allow him to refer to himself as Sith....when he becomes her apprentice officially, should I have him apply to the faction...or wait?


When he is Sith he can join. We don't allow anyone that is not Sith in the faction, if he is your student he'll be brought into the fold as One Sith so yeah :)


Yes, thats what i would do. Keep it extremely vague as well. Unfortunately many people have a tendency to take OOC knowledge and use it IC, to this keeps that from happening.

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