Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unfortunately, i am too lazy to set up literally every single asset of the faction right off the bat. This means that certain key elements are missing. An Intelligence Agency is one of those things. It's assumed that we have one, but because we haven't had anyone show interest in it, i haven't bothered to create a write up for it. If you would like, i can do this and add it to the Military subforum where NFU stuff goes. Its where our Army and Navy units are listed after all.

This faction has room for almost every kind of character. Intelligence Operatives, Interrogators, Bounty Hunters, mercenaries, Soldiers, heck even administrators. [member="Natasi Fortan"] Is attempting to become Governor of Coruscant and perhaps set up a Moff Council in the future.

I am however not Omniscient. I can't read minds to what you guys want, so if you would like to see something in the faction, tell me and i'll make it happen.
[member="Darth Mierin"]

Would I be, by the faction's rules, allowed to join another faction in conjuction to this for the sake of being involved in the government/ruling class of a planet which is being submitted?

Basically, I wish to join a faction that runs a planet (and is a minor faction) and want to make sure I won't be hung at the gallows for doing so, as I still very much wish to stick around here as well. (Would also provide a good cover for Silara.)


[member="Silara Vantai"]

Yes you can, many people do. As long as your loyalty remains to us, you're fine.

If we find out your a traitor however, it won't be pleasant!

Stephanie Swail

As I want to get started with the OS - is it best to create a specific "intro" RP thread here in the Faction or on the Main Board do you feel?

Not sure yet what it will be, but just want to get a feel for the people and the way the OS rule now I've been brought on board so need to meet people and see the Academy etc.


Depends on what you want to accomplish. If you want most of the faction to show up? The Board. If you want just one or two, then in the forum.


Carlos Castillo

[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]

That owl is probably dyslexic, which also means it probably read my question as 'tootsie poop'.

Case closed.

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