Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Quindaline

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Factory Judge


  • Age: Unknown, Estimated over 200
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Energy Vampire
  • Appearance: Upon first glance, Quin does not look at all like a lady who has been living well since the Gulag plague. Standing just around average height for a human, she carries with herself a lean curvy figure. Dressing mostly in a rather revealing set of robes, and generally carries about her a Spell/Sith Tome that she can draw incantations from.
  • Name: Quindaline, Quin, Q,
  • Loyalties: The Family, Shaun Castantic, Ember Carrick,
  • Wealth: Fairly wealthy
  • Notable Possessions: A Sith Tome holding incantations for various Magic/Force abilities. A set of robes, and a ritualistic dagger.
  • Skills:
  • Nightsister Magic
  • Telekinesis
  • Beast/Animal Friendship
  • Sith Magic

[*]Personality: A loose canon, Quin over her life span has quite literally lost her mind. While someone who does not know her true age could feasibly blame the attitude of her due to her "younger age" when in truth, It is an Energy Vampire who has lived for such a long time, that an ego has become of her thinking she cannot die. Therefore, she would have actions that are very much forward, obtrusive, or otherwise blunt with a side of Snarky comebacks and comments. Quin can act childish most of the time, but is far from it. Using her features, and lack of modest clothing to her advantage. Allowing for those who are "Thirsty" get close to her and either become a Dreg to her Vampiric nature, or become a healthy meal.
  • Weapon of Choice: The Force, Persuasion/Tactical Advantage, Vampiric Strength, Vampiric Drain.
  • Combat Function: Combat is a last resort for Quin. Most often when in a full fledged battle, she would be a supporter of the main fighters, or use her abilities within the force to turn the tide of war more into the favor of whichever side she chooses. Using more so her ability to control the force as her weapon, rather than the "disgusting" weaponry of blasters, Lightsabers, sword, or otherwise. She lacks any kind of physical training for defensive or offensive use. In fact, she has such a lack of any kind of training for hand to hand or weaponry combat, that she is physically weaker from a dependence upon the force and its abilities.
The chance to become biologically immortal? The chance to become all that I wanted? I couldn't say no. With my rebirth into the galaxy, I took leave from my sisters and their coven of witches. Moving around the galaxy perfecting my talents with the abilities many called as "The Force." Learning all I could from my newly appointed Sith Master. While his real name has been lost to the ages. Known only to me as, "Athrize" the man taught me much about the Galaxy, and its secrets. Many I learned on my own with his help, others he had to show me.

He was an amazing master of the force, but not so much as a being. His goals were not that of his own. He desired much for his Empire. A Sith Empire to become stronger and grow. Yet, all factions, all empires, kingdoms and republics fell. Every one would fall to ashes and be replaced by something else. No, the goal he should have gone after, was one of his own design.

He failed where I succeeded. His power waned over much time. Age reached him in a way that it could not to me. For this, for his failure, I ended his life after he proved to be no longer a use to me. I drained him of all the life he had. Taking with it more power and strength.

That was years ago. I have spent generations searching for the perfect life. One where my goal of becoming not a Queen, not an Empress, but a silent ruler to tear down everything that began. How will I do this? Through the corruption of many. Pressing on the right buttons, pulling the correct strings, and leaving agents that work for me in my wake.

No one knows of my intentions so long as I keep myself as some young child girl fawning over the strongest man, or a rich clueless maleling. However, I may need to change the attitude over time to match whatever I am doing. An immortal being stuck with the body and the mind of a child might just do the trick.

To leave my mark upon the galaxy, is only the beginning with the birth of my line.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Loyalties: The Family, Shaun Castantic, Ember Carrick
Provide a link for Ember Carrick's character sheet.

Weapon of Choice: The Force, Feminine "Assets", Vampiric Strength, Vampiric Drain.
If it means what I think it means, then I suggest you remove "Feminine Assets" as part of the options available because I do not believe it is suitable at all.

[member="Shaun Castanic"]
[member="Shaun Castanic"]

Over all this looks good. Can I just have you add in a link to the Energy Vampire please? There is the canon but also numerous chaos canon vampires, so I want to make sure folks are getting steered right in this one.
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