Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Quitting SWRP

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Definitely Not Tefka

Totally A New Member
this place is not what it was when i started here

total sham, nobody wanted to roleplay with me and the new invasion rules are total garbage

i leave my factory submissions to [member="Night Lord"]

i leave my homestead on Demonsgate (hell of a view) to [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

i leave my ascii middle finger to [member="Jorus Merrill"]

and finally, my cat/human/worm/lesbian virus codex species goes to [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

good riddance
[member="Definitely Not Tefka"]

To be honest, you did this to yourself. You never tried to reach out and never put out any LFG threads or tried to interact with anyone. Only a couple of Codex entries and no further effort.

Plus, you never even tried to join one of the cool cliques that we have floating around, instead allowing yourself to be an outsider. If you ever return, you might try doing something original, or maybe trying to interact with people.
I mean seriously, guy didn't even try to join the Bluehawks. I hear they're pretty rad.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
Our time together was short​
But I will treasure it forever.​
While we never RPed together, your posts inspired me to be a better person. I think I speak for the whole community when I say, please re-think this knee jerk reaction to haters. [member="Definitely Not Tefka"]

Please don't go!


Get outta here ya worthless piece of #*#$
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