Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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r/Roast the Person Above You

"Doesn't truly care for anyone or anything. Only cares about getting the mission completed. He will sacrifice anything to get the mission done, no matter the cost."

The fact this is your biographies only weakness roasts you more than I ever possibly could.
Cant seem to stand out, so RPs as a giant red Kaiju and tugs around massive weapons. Speaks gibberish and calls it a language and finger paints with blood some abstract scribbles. Calls it his species alphabet.

Conclusion....Clifford the big red dog
[member="Darth Immortuos"], that's probably the best one yet.

But you're still not using any 28 Weeks Later footage for this guy, and Storm Lord? Come on, big failure. Also doesn't help your case that half of your characters are just big idiots who, even then don't stand out. Must be why you go through characters like I go through laundry.

Darth Koaaon

The fact that this guys bio has at least 10 different strengths and none of them have anything to do with social skills is probably why he is so terrible at social interaction.

This dude looks like the guy they send to burn the regiments pile of crap.

He looks the guy who has a coat on when its 80 degrees outside because it holds the outfit together.

He looks like the guy the guy who gets an A on a group project when everyone else did the work.

He looks like he has the eyesight of someone who spends 10 hours a day in front of a TV.

He looks like the guy who grocery shops at dollar tree.

Sorry I have bad roasts! :mellow:

Darth Koaaon

Quick question: Did you lose all your credibility before or after you became a gruesomely mutilated mannequin. Or was it before you decided that wearing a sweater made from your horrible decisions about what to look for in a guy or in your case your dad.

But still I have to give you some kudos on your impressive ability to continuously represent everything we strive to avoid as a society. Its people like you with their incessant amount of make up that burn a hole in our ozone layer but you'll survive considering your 90% plastic its probably why you dont get led poisoning from the pole you are licking in your profile pic.

No wait that was the Operation you had done to give you the stomach of Henry stick man. And even he cant compete with least he was born that way.

[member="Marina DeVoe"]

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Well, at least my makeup comes off, unlike the heavy metal pigments embedded in her skin...haha. And...and...she'll never have to worry about getting lost or buried under rubble too long, as she could easily be found with a metal detector.

Oh wait..this round is about the person above huh? Hmm... actually, i have nothing. Sorry. :p

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