Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Rager Teenager


Theme: We Will Rock You
Equipment: Clothing | Face Paint
Primary Tags: Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano
Secondary Tags: Gavin Vel Gavin Vel | Kivah Kivah | Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro | Leshanna Leshanna | Haro Aven Haro Aven

Naami managed to stop his forward moment with a back swing towards her leg knocking it away which caused her balance to wobble and shift not being able to get her leg fully up in the air. Her hands danced on the ground for a bit as she tried to adjust her tumble to come to her feet from her cartwheel. Her feet ending up landing back on the ground with her back to Naami as she came back up to standing.

His foot catching just as after she landed but with her back to him now, she couldn't see it coming. As soon as she found her footing, she was off them again as the kick swept them out from under her and she went crashing towards the ground of the roof top. She landed hard on her right-side hip and shoulder first. "Ughoof." She grunted air escaping her lungs.

Then he came down with his hammer fist right into her left side rib cage the rest of the wind knocked out of her. She was gasping for air trying to catch her breath as she laid there on the ground. She was in pain but that was something she knew how to bury and not let them see it. Her golden eyes looked up out towards the those gathered all cheering Naami, anger and spite entered her eyes.

Her left fist balled up tight, the fight might have looked like it was over, but it wasn't. She growled through the pain and rolled towards her opponent her legs pulled inward towards her stomach and then she attempted to wrap both of them around Naami's right leg in attempt to pull him to the ground with her as her balled up left fist struck out for the young boys groin. Her ribs hurt and it was painful to breath but she wasn't going to go down like this.


Intense satisfaction flooded him as his leg sweep did its work and his fist connected solidly. His triumph was short lived however as Maiza landed a similar staggering set of moves in quick succession.

She didn't quite have the leverage to pull him to the ground entirely and the weight advantage he held was significant, but she managed to make him fumble his footing. Her hold dragged his right leg wide which meant he was even more vulnerable to her punch below the belt. Naami grunted and doubled over with an excruciating pain he couldn't ignore.

Though he'd remained standing, she'd effectively stunned him for a round and all he could manage to do was guard from another strike like that while he fought off the nausea and ache deep in his core. The boy scowled down at her as he tried to regain his breath through gritted teeth, fists clenched in readiness for retaliation.

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The impassive stare Kivah had been analyzing the fight with turned into a grimace of sympathy with that blow. Groin attacks may have been completely legal, but in most arenas were frowned upon and seldom used. They were too good at losing the crowd, which meant smaller pools on you, which meant less pay out. Crotch and other such 'dirty strikes' also told the other fighter that anything really did go, and they'd start returning the favor if they didn't go down. Still, it was the fastest route to victory and from the ground Maiza didn't have a lot of options available to her.

In Kivah's opinion, Maiza had given up her equal footing and put herself there. That handstand kick had left her way too open for a low-power, highly telegraphed, and blind kick. Naamino was also to blame. He'd let her get away with it rather than kick out her arms or stepping into it to grab her legs. Then he could have stomped her hands or kneed her repeatedly. Kicking the head would also have been on the table, but Kivah wouldn't have trusted the balance of that while holding up an opponent. Really, they were both very enthusiastic fighters that knew some moves, but not when to use them or how to control a fight.

Which made sense, she mused as she rotated around the two scrappers to keep a good eye on things. They were both lacking in experience. Not like her own first few fights had been disasters. Kivah could hardly blame them. Instead, she looked to what Maiza would do next, comparing what was likely to what she would do in this situation.


Viers happily went along with anything and everything Lucy wanted. There was nothing better than feeling the girl's hand in hers. It was until the beautiful and wonderful girl that Viers found to be perfect said the most ideal thing she had ever said to her.


They were going to a fight that wasn't supposed to happen. History was to be made, and Viers's eyes burned with a different sort of passion. The Corellian loved nothing as much as she loved fighting. Viers marched along happily beside Lucy as they walked, and she listened to the woman continue to explain the situation. There was nothing like this at Jutrand, and Viers felt giddy. "Do we get to fight too?" Viers asked as she followed Lucy, heading up to the place where they were going to watch the fight. As much as she understood the other girl's viewpoint, Viers wanted to be ground-level to take in all the fighting.

Although she wanted to fight, standing next to Lucy as they looked out to the fighting area - her blood lust quieted. Viers watched as Lucy easily found her place, legs crossed, and her hand held her head. It was always interesting for Viers to watch the other girl move; she was so delicate and precise - she wondered if martial arts was also part of her training while growing up. Lost in her thoughts, the Corellian found a sheepish little grin spreading across her face as she remembered the girl's singing when she had snuck over to her castle. She'd never forget it, and Viers forever dreamed of it.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Viers situated herself next to Lucy. She did her best to keep their hands clasped together. It was comforting and calming, but Viers enjoyed the butterflies she felt while holding her Princess's hand. An odd, familiar feeling tickled at the back of her neck. Looking over her shoulder slightly, the brunette saw Kai's sullen face. The boy is typically always sullen-looking, but he was particularly sullen this time. This concerned Viers; she wondered if he had eaten something bad again - which would potentially make Lucy leave early.

Turning away from Kai, Viers wrestled with telling Lucy and with not telling Lucy. The little monk was terrible at channeling emotions she wasn't used to feeling; in her fit of frustration, she dragged Lucy's hand to her mouth. Gently, Viers nibbled on the back of the girl's hand and along the back of her fingers. Each nibble helped the girl try and figure out the feelings she was having. Huffing, Viers looked to Lucy and groaned. "Kai is sad." being so eloquent with words, she expressed what she had seen.

Viers had done her due diligence, so instantly, her mind bounced around an idea. She smiled widely and lofted her brows as she asked the following question: "When are we going to wrestle and fight, Princess?" She had always wanted to know the abilities that came with being a Princess. She knew that the animals liking her was a skill she had, but other than that, she was curious about other things Lucy could do.


Theme: We Will Rock You
Equipment: Clothing | Face Paint
Primary Tags: Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano
Secondary Tags: Gavin Vel Gavin Vel | Kivah Kivah | Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro | Leshanna Leshanna | Haro Aven Haro Aven

Her leg wrap didn't topple him as planned, or else she would have rolled him into a leg lock. Yet her strike to the groin hit him hard enough that he buckled and got stun locked. Without stopping she use her legs to push off his leg and twist her body on the ground. Spinning so her back was to the ground and her body was beneath his spread legs.

Without stopping she open hand slapped at his face with her right hand for his left cheek from left to right. As she jolted up into the sit up position her head moving forward the thick skull of Zabrak driving for Naami's abdomen. The sit up hurt like hell as she was still out of air if she wasn't careful, she was going to run out of gas but she saw an opportunity even if the ground wasn't the most advantageous spot to be in. She wanted to make him regret taking her to the ground.



The loud pop of her open palm making firm contact filled the air. Naami's head whipped from the movement, but it also served to snap him out of the stun a bit. Before he could act on it, Maiza Vex Maiza Vex threw her head into his torso. He grunted in pain, the nausea compounding from her earlier strike. Small though her horns may be, they still left angry red gashes where she connected solidly with the headbutt.

Enraged past the point of decorum or focusing on body shots, which previously felt more "fair" than going for the girl's face, Naami finally let loose. One hand reached with cruel strength to shove against Maiza's collarbone and neck while he dropped to his knees to pin her hips beneath the full force of his superior weight.

He aimed to pin her shoulders and torso, leaving little room for her lithe tricks, and cranked one powerful arm back to rain brutal blows down toward her head. The teen was no longer calm and collected; his eyes were full of a cold fury, and his face was twisted in a grimace. The slight sheen of sweat across his neck and shoulders started to steam faintly in the cold night air, and torchlight flickered across the increasingly frenzied scene.

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Theme: We Will Rock You
Equipment: Clothing | Face Paint
Primary Tags: Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano
Secondary Tags: Gavin Vel Gavin Vel | Kivah Kivah | Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro | Leshanna Leshanna | Haro Aven Haro Aven

The head butt connected with his abdomen skin touching skin and she heard him grunt heavily as she her head pulled back. The gas in her tank ran dry as he snapped into a full rage she fell a heavy hand shove into her collar bone pushing her her to the ground. The back of her head slammed against the ground as the weight of his body dropped on her stomach as he dropped to his knees. The last bit of air in her lungs expelled and started gasping and cough trying to fight for air.

Her eyes blurry unable to breath her shoulders unable to move as he pinned her there, she was completely immobile. She had no defense and no play to fight back. The first heavy punch slammed into her face causing her left eye to go black and her cheek bone to crack. Then a second blow broke teeth and nose, blood pouring from them. Her head turned though she could barely see him through one blurred eye she sneered up at him definitely.

She heard the other kids all cheering him on screaming his name, she could feel his hate and anger. She could feel all the need for bloodlust in the air. All that negative emotion for brutal violence, they all got their show. Blood dripping from her lips she spoke in Zabraki it was a bit broken as speaking was hard in the moment. "Just a half breed, just a mutt." As a third blow came in for her face in his rage.

Before it slammed into her to land what clearly would have been the killing blow to finish the fight. Her pheromones released into the air, her defense mechanism kicked in to defend her something she hated doing, she would have much rather just let him finish her off. She was weak not worthy of being a sith, that was the way, the weak got culled and she deserved it. She couldn't beat a jedi master and now she couldn't even beat one of her fellow acolytes.

The Pheromones flooded the air around them over stimulating the senses sending out a sense of peace and tranquility accepting of one's fate. "Let go." The words of command to let his rage die. "Just a mutt." There was no honor in killing one not worthy to call themselves Zabrak.


"Dank Farrik," Kivah swore even as she was moving. Maiza had gone down fast and Naamino was right atop her even as Kivah heard the girl's head hit the stones below, and he wasn't stopping. In two long strides, she was grabbing Naamino, one hand pulled his neck to unbalance him and pull him away from being able to hit Maiza in the head, her other reached down to hoist him up by the seat of his pants. The Zabrak weighed almost seventy kilos, but found himself tossed through the air in short order as Kivah moved to take a spot over her head.

Kivah patted either side of the red-head's face as she leaned over her. "Maiza? Come on, look at me girl." She kept her voice low, trying to not sound worried or anxious so those watching wouldn't get upset. The nose and teeth looked bad, but she was more worried about the possibility of a concussion and whipped out a pen light to shine into her eyes. "Follow the light if you can." She said and moved it about, checking not only to see if her pupils dilated like they should, but if Maiza could follow the light or turn away. Even under the light, the blood looked dark, hyper oxygenated and thick across her face even as bruises formed. The nose was an ugly purple from the break, and Kivah knew Maiza would need some dental work. Silently, she cursed herself for not adding face-shots to the list of things not to do. Something like this just hadn't entered her mind as a possible outcome, she'd through them more evenly matched.

Fishing in one of her coat's big pockets with her free hand, Kivah pulled out a bacta spray and let Maiza have a good long dose of it, aiming it up her nose and across her mouth before gently lifting her head and trying to get at the back of it through all her hair too. That should do her until she got to what passed for student care here on Korriban. "Stay down for a bit, just take it easy. How do you feel other than hurt?" She didn't want the girl to try and get up only to fall over from a bout of dizziness. And she still wasn't sure if she was concussed or not. "I'll set your nose in a moment, so just relax."

Maiza Vex Maiza Vex Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano

Location: Ancient Sandstone Castle - Korriban
Tag: Adean Castor Adean Castor Kyorra Pavanos Kyorra Pavanos

Chasianna offered Adean a grateful nod before setting herself down on the blanket and pouring herself a cup of tea in turn.

“I am called Chasianna.” Chasianna spoke up as her eyes appraised the other newcomer before offering her the tea thermos. In that regard, her eyelashes fluttered in response to the redheaded teenager’s perceived attitude regarding the datapad, but she otherwise expressed no comment.

"prom person, right?"

“Prom Queen, actually.” Chasianna answered in a tone that was equal parts corrective and ever so slightly pretentious, her lips upturning in a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes as the words left her lips.

At that point, the fight fell underway, during which the picnic party fell into relative silence. And indeed, the bout was as violent and bloody as Chasianna had anticipated. Maiza had put up a good display in utilizing her athleticism and speed to land strong initial blows, but the duel quickly devolved into a blood sport as Naamino leveraged his superior size and strength to bring her down to the ground.

And by that point, it was all but over.

Fortunately, the fight was quickly broken up. However, blood had already been spilled, which Chasianna noted with a slightly elevated eyebrow as she took a sip of her tea.

“Oh. It’s never good when they bring out the light.”
Lucette adjusted her posture slightly, allowing herself to settle more gracefully on the elevated perch. She regarded Viers with an amused tilt of her head, her free hand delicately brushing a stray strand of hair back into place. Her voice, soft but with a clear note of playful exasperation, carried easily in the space between them.

"We are not fighting, Viers," she began, her tone a mix of patience and humor. "We're here to observe, not join in. There's a difference between appreciating the art of combat and turning every opportunity into a brawl." Not that Lucy couldn't hold her own, she could at least with her sisters so she suspected that might help here.

The nibbling on her fingers earned a raised brow and a faint flush of color to her cheeks, but Lucy didn't pull away. Instead, she gave Viers an indulgent smile, her fingers lightly squeezing Viers' in return. "And what exactly do you think nibbling on me will achieve, hmm?" she teased, her voice laced with affectionate curiosity. Lucy leaned over toward Viers, just as she had seen her own mothers do on occassion, "because if you're trying to get my attention, you have it, fully." She lingered there a moment longer, her nose touching Viers' before she withdrew to look back at the fight that was becoming more brutal by the second.

When Viers brought up Kai, Lucy sighed, her gaze flicking toward her cousin. "Kai's always brooding about something," she said softly, though there was an undertone of concern in her voice. "He'll say what's on his mind when he's ready." Her expression softened further as she turned her attention back to Viers. "It's best to let him be, besides, we can't exactly convince him to give you desserts when he's brooding anyway."

"As for wrestling, darling, I think you'd be disappointed. A Princess' power lies more in the ability to negotiate, inspire, and, when needed, outmaneuver. Though…" Her lips curved into a sly grin. "If you're so eager to test me, perhaps we'll spar sometime. You might even surprise me." Lucy looked at Viers in a, I Dare You, tone. However she leaned toward Viers again, and again was in Viers' little bubble. "Or, I might surprise you."

Her gaze lingered on Viers, a quiet warmth in her eyes. "But for now, let's focus on this spectacle. There's plenty to learn just by watching, and I'd hate for us to miss anything important." Once more she settled back down and looked over at the fight, it was over so fast, and then she saw Iskendyr. "Shite."

Lucy cursed under her breath, "Viers we need to go."

"You see that boy down there, the one in the very posh looking suit," She pointed to the blonde boy, "that is my other cousin, Iskendyr. I don't know who among these Zabraks was important to him, but from the way he's walking. I do not want to be here to find out what he has on his mind."


The crowd's cheers and jeers had turned into a cacophony, an oppressive noise that pressed against Iskendyr's chest. He had held back, his arms crossed, his jaw set, his golden eyes watching the fight unfold with a semblance of calm. A semblance. Every fiber of his being had screamed to step in as Maiza hit the ground, her ribs crushed beneath Naami's relentless hammering. But this was tradition, and he had tried to respect it.

But then the third strike landed, the sound of bone cracking splitting the air. Maiza's head snapped to the side, her blood staining the rooftop's rough surface like a smear of accusation. That was when the world narrowed. Iskendyr's nostrils flared his upper lip curled into a snarl. The sounds around him faded, his breathing slowed, his focus sharpened to a singular point: Naami.

How dare he stand over Maiza like a beast savoring a kill. As Iskendyr drew closer to the pair, he could hear Maze. Her voice so clear to him, the way her voice broke, even in its defiance. Through the haze of it all, her words cut through Iskendyr like a dagger to his heart. Just a mutt.

The air around him grew colder, the fury in his eyes could be seen he wanted to snap. His hazel honeyed eyes darkened. He chewed on the inside of his lower lip. He couldn't lose control, he couldn't but he could not tear his gaze away from the site of Maze on the ground, with the way her face was bloodied.

He looked between Maze and Naami, and so he took another step further. Each one carried weight of his unspoken fury. His pristine, regal uniform gleamed under the firelights. The crimson lining of his cape flickered with the movement. Students parted instictively whispering as he passed them by. The mask of Imperial discipline still there, but it was his eyes, his eyes betrayed him. Beneath the surface, a storm raged- anger, grief, and the deep, unshakeable sense of honor that he had been instilled in him.

Iskendyr's fists balled up tightly, he couldn't lose control. Not here, not now, he breathed, steadily as he approached them. An unknown woman tending to Maze, and Naami having been tossed away. Without a word, the shards of metal scattered across the rooftops began to hum and vibrate, rising into the air as if drawn to some invisible core. The loose fragmets formed a protective ring around Iskendyr as he stepped forward.

Each piece shimmered with latent energy. Iskendyr barked toward Naami, "you have done quite enough. Naamino." His voice boomed, it was darker, deeper than what Naami would know of. Iskendyr looked at Naami and watched him, Iskendyr's breathing was rapid, his teeth gnashed against each other, and a cloud darkened above him as the air grew heavy. Static electricity crackled around Iskendyr his electrokinesis bleeding into the air as blue arcs of lightning danced across his hands.

Iskendyr looked around at the crowd of students, with a flick of his hand he sent one of the larger shards flying past Naami. Just missing the boy. It was a warning shot, it embedded itself int he stone wall behind the Zabrak with a resounding clang. It quivered from the force of the throw. Iskendyr raised the same hand toward the sky sending a controlled but brilliant arc of electricity crackling into the air above their heads, silencing the crowd.

He wanted to go after Naami, he wanted to hunt him down, to make Naami feel the weight of his wrath, to have Naami feel what a prey might feel when a predator cornered its prey. Instead, Iskendyr steadied his powers stretching the protective metal shield around himself, Kivah and Maze. The Imperial Knight knelt beside Maze.

The lightning and magnetic barrier dimmed and finally began to collapse as he placed his hand lightly over her ribs. His voice became soft, softer than he anticipated it being. Iskendyr trembled as anger still coarsed through his body. The teen delicately rested his head against Maze's. "You are not weak, Maiza," his voice rough, as his anger subsided as his hazel eyes gazed at her. With the back of the same hand he brushed her cheek, and gently pushed stray hairs away from her face.

The storm began to subside, metal fragments clattered around him.

His knees dug into the surface beneath him, as he placed his hands over her wounds. Iskendyr drew on the force, his body trembled he had used so much of his anger to shield her. He had to draw on further powers to heal her, his nose began to bleed from both nostrils. He could do this, Iskendyr pushed himself he had to do this.

Blood trickled to his pristine uniform. The warm glow emanated from his hands as he channeled his limited Force healing abiltiies. It wasn't much but it would ease her pain hopefully, and buy her time. Gingerly though, Iskendyr scooped her into his arms and as he got to his feelt, albeit with a slight stumble. He held her in his arms as a prince might hold his princess. "I've got you Maze, I've got you." He told her, though his voice shook he took his steps with purpose. "You there, if your purpose is to aid her, then follow me."

Maze's blood added to the stains on his uniform, his hands trembled, and blood from his nose began to slow.

As Iskendyr began to move with Maze in his arms, he looked toward Naami. He was both disappointed, and still angry, though the latter had subsided considerably. "You wanted to prove your strength, didn't you? Are you happy then? Hmm?" Iskendyr looked at Maze and then back to Naami. "Know this Naamino, consider your strength proven, and noted. For strength without control is nothing but ruin."

Clutching Maze close, he said one final thing, "because we are friends, as you so eloquently said, know that today I have let you live because of this friendship. However my mercy is finite, Naamino."

With that he continued to depart, students moving out of his way.


One moment he was seeing red, every fiber of his being channeled into violence, then several things happened at once. It was like soft cotton or synthsilk was laid over his senses and his mind went a bit fuzzy. Kivah was there then, hauling him away with immense skill and strength, tossing him like a misbehaving kit so he landed with a huff on his back. The teen blinked rapidly, shaking his head to clear that strange fog from before as he sat up and suddenly the scene became clear to him.

He was back on his feet in a moment, running toward his belongings at the edge of the ring where he all but slid to a stop to retrieve the med kit he'd thought to bring. Previously unaware of Iskey's wrath, it became apparent all at once as his words boomed like thunder. Naami turned just in time to watch the projectile fly past him and lodge itself into the stone of the ancient castle. The zabrak froze there for a long moment, chest heaving as icy blue eyes surveyed the scene. He faced Iskey's display with renewed stoicism, despite his hammering pulse and adrenaline-fueled body.

Once again he felt a sense of gratitude that Maiza had Iskey in her corner, thinking little in that moment about the consequences for himself. He glanced over at Gavin Vel Gavin Vel briefly, giving the man a small nod and realizing the immensity of his gratitude that he was there was well. Naami could only hope his battle brother understood the way of things… that he and Maiza had agreed to this fight and things had merely gotten out of hand. He'd have to face his regret for that later, in the moment it felt only right to close the duel with acknowledgements befitting a true zabrak warrior.

Medpac grasped in one bloody hand, Naamino approached Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro calmly but cautiously so that he faced his peer's disappointment head-on. Like one predator approaching another and leaving ample room out of respect for the other's space, he circled so he could see Maiza's face. He merely nodded to Iskey, wincing as he looked at her in his arms and blue eyes softening a bit with sad understanding. If the positions were reversed and Naami had witnessed someone he cared for so deeply getting hurt, he doubted he would have the same composure. But he'd approached to hail Maiza Vex Maiza Vex so his words were for her.

"You fight with the Spirit, warrior" came the formal acknowledgment in Zabraki as the boy bowed to her.

It was akin to saying one possesses the Spirit of the Motherland, that a warrior fights with the greatest power possible. It went deeper even than the Force or was interwoven with it perhaps.

"You have honored me with this fight, Maiza. Your strength will soon return and our enemies tremble."

He trimmed down the formal acknowledgment a bit and in truth he wasn't sure how much she knew of the old ways, but wished to pay her the respect she was due regardless. With one last solemn look, he offered the medpac to Kivah Kivah and backed away. Iskey had so helpfully silenced the crowd with his display so Naamino turned to address the faintly murmuring audience. His voice was still strong from the rush of the fight and though he bore the marks and pains of the contest, he stood with spine straight and horns held high.

"We are bonded now in blood," he declared in basic, "Let it be known that any who challenges Maiza Vex, challenges me as well."

Naamino meant every word, steam rising from his mouth as he made the vow. The war paint on his chest and torso now accentuated by the bloody marks carved in by Maiza's horns. He pounded his chest twice then raised that fist into the air, nonverbally declaring the fight over.


Viers found herself forgetting where they were. Every time Lucy drew close to her, the young Corellian's brain would pause to try and process the events unfolding. Her eyes watched every movement of the Princess's lips as she formed words, speaking in a hushed manner that only they could hear. Blood rushed to the Monk's brain to help the smooth organ function better. The closer Lucy's face got to hers, the wider Viers' eyes grew.

There was a moment when she could feel the heat of the Dosuunian's breath gently caressing her lips. A knot formed thick in her throat as she listened to everything the girl said. As Lucy moved away, Viers thanked the Force but also cursed it. She enjoyed the closeness and desired more as she could drown the smell of the planet with the sweetness of her Lucette.

The girl broke her dreamlike state when Lucy brought up the potential of a spar. Viers grinned as she lowered her date's hand from her mouth, "Nah, I'd win." She lofted her brows and continued to grin. "Though I think you'd give me a run for my money, I'd still win - I'm really good at wrestling." The girl nodded proudly, knowing she had pinned people bigger than her in minutes. Before Viers could ask if they could do the sparring now, Lucy's shift in her attention stopped the single train of thought for the Monk. Viers followed Lucy's gaze, seeing the man she claimed to be her cousin.

The older boy was different than Kai. It was an interesting dynamic between the two boys. Viers was suddenly aware of how many Commonwealth youth had joined the group. She wondered how long they had all been there, but the Corellian figured with her attention all on Lucy - she just didn't notice.

Viers moved away from Lucy, letting her hand go and instantly regretting the coolness that brushed her hand caused by the Princess's absence. Looking at how they had gotten here, she knew it would take too long to get down to the developing conflict. As her brain worked over the possibilities, Viers tuned out Lucy. She couldn't focus on both working out a solution and the woman. Her voice was distracting to the point Viers often forgot what she was doing.

Returning to where they were sitting, Viers let her brain do the mental gymnastics that told her this was the best idea. "Okay, we go." Turning, Viers knelt down quickly and placed a hand on Lucy's back while her other arm scooped Lucy up from behind the knees. In the aptly named 'Princess carry' the Corellian let the Force flow through her to make Lucy feel weightless. The soft glow of the kyber tattoos hummed behind her as she stepped up and quickly climbed the ledge.

Grinning, Viers looked to Lucy as she adjusted her grip slightly, making sure Lucy was secure. "Hold on, please." Before Lucy could protest, Viers stepped off and ran down the edge of the ruins. As the ledge ended, she'd jump, bouncing from different ledges until she landed near the group.

Forgetting to put Lucy down, she watched as the conflict unfolded. Her grip on Lucy tightened softly, seeing energy flow around her cousin. A slight regret; despite knowing that Lucy wanted to come down here, Viers didn't want to put Lucy in danger if the boy couldn't control the electrokinesis. She could feel the tension, but the Monk remained where she stood, protectively for her Princess.
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Student of Kor'ethyr Academy

"I'm so excited to be here! Thanks for inviting me to tag along with you, Haro. Sure beats studying for that stupid quiz. Besides… I'd rather hang out with you anyway…"

Leshanna met his enthusiasm with her own, her genuine smile plumping her rosy cheeks as she looked up at him, and Haro was suddenly aware of how stunning her blue eyes looked, reflecting the firelight and accentuated by her dark makeup as they were. He couldn't help but grin back at her, feeling like the luckiest guy at the party to have her by his side.
"Thank you for tagging along," he began with genuine gratitude, before his expression turned mischievous, "and I'm glad riding off into the sunset with me beats studying for a quiz. I'd 've been pretty bummed if it didn't."

He had leaned in close while they shared in their hushed excitement and he stayed like that a moment longer, looking as though he might say something else but the words seemed to catch on a sudden and inconvenient bout of nerves.
"You, uh… you look–"

Kivah's booming voice drew the crowd's attention, including Haro's, as she kicked off the fight with the confidence of someone well-practiced in the art of working a crowd. Haro grabbed Lesh by the hand again and wove them through the crowd to get closer to the action, then he guided her by the shoulders to stand in front of him so she could see better. It also allowed him to keep an eye on the rowdy crowd around them in case anyone got any funny ideas.

The moment Kivah called the fight to start and leaped out of the way, the scrappy little redhead moved in. Haro watched with wide eyes as the two zabrak traded blows and occasionally squeezed Lesh's shoulder or vocally reacting to the violence playing out before them. Maiza's acrobatic hand-stand move certainly looked cool but her landing opened her up to being knocked to the ground by Naami's superior strength. Haro winced empathetically with a pained "oof" along with many others in the crowd when Maiza slammed her fist into Naami's groin. For a moment, he wondered if Kivah would step in but he supposed it wasn't technically against the rules. Much to Haro's surprise, Naami didn't even take a knee. Sure, he seemed momentarily stunned as he no doubt fought down the excruciating pain and nausea that resulted from such a hit, but he remained standing–tensed and hunkered down but still standing.

The fierce little redhead wasted no time following up with an open slap across his face and a vicious headbutt to the gut but Haro caught sight of Naami's face, the fury burning behind those icy blue eyes, and went cold. All at once, the energy shifted as Naami bore down on the girl with cold unbridled rage, pinning her to the ground. Swept up in the riotous spirit of such visceral violence, the crowd cheered as Naami smashed his fist into her face, once, twice… but something stopped him before the third strike, before Kivah grabbed him and tossed him away.

Haro spared a glance down as a piece of scrap metal near his foot began to tremble then sped toward the blond guy he'd spotted earlier who was now stalking into the ring. Haro suddenly felt way out of his weight class and far too exposed at the edge of the ring as metal from all over the rooftop began to gather around the boy and electricity crackled over his hands. He pulled Lesh in and away from the edge protectively, keeping his eyes on the enraged Sith student. Haro's heart leaped in his chest when the metal shard shot toward Naami, and he felt Lesh startle in his grasp too, but it had just missed their zabrak friend who didn't even flinch–just returned the gesture with that stoic gaze of his. Haro finally released the breath he'd been holding when the blonde boy knelt beside Maiza, hopeful that whoever this was had decided not to impale Naami or anyone else in the crowd, but the exhale came out in a puff of mist and he realized how cold he suddenly was. He glanced down at Lesh and realized that coldness was coming from her. He recognized that dangerous darkness roiling behind her eyes, felt the tension in her body, and his anxiety spiked again. The last thing he wanted was for her to go running out there and pick a fight with this super powerful and obviously volatile maniac Sith kid with flying shrapnel daggers and lightning fingers.
"Hey, Lesh," he began, trying his best to keep the anxiety from his tone as he tightened his grip on her shoulders and tried to get her to look at him.​
"Hey, look at me. Naami's got this. Getting in between them right now will probably just make things worse."


Theme: Give My All
Equipment: Clothing | Face Paint
Primary Tags: Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro | Kivah Kivah | Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano
Secondary Tags: Gavin Vel Gavin Vel | Leshanna Leshanna | Haro Aven Haro Aven | Viers Connory Viers Connory

She didn't really know what was going on in a daze as the weight lifted off her waiste and stomach and air pushed back into her lungs. She coughed blood and chunkcs of teeth coming out of her mouth as she did so. Then she felt someone cradling her head and tapped her on the cheek softly. Her eye lulled as she looked up through her blurred right eye, the left having swollen shut. Her ears rang but she could hear them ask her to look at them. It was a cat person she could tell by the vague shape of the head.

Then a bright light shined in her face. She just gazed up at it not blinking or flinching to it. It hurt though causing her head to pound even worse than it had been already. It was clear she was concussed and was out of it. She could breathe easier now though but all that meant was she was starting to feel the pain in her body and face. As it flooded over her, she just mentally asked herself why was she still here.

Then she felt the spray of bacta on her face, wet with a horrible taste as it he lips. She wanted to spit but her mouth hurt too damn much with the jagged chunks of teeth still in her gums. She was a damn mess, and she felt everything, it was the pavement of the race all over again. She was angry but broken, not able to do anything about it.

She couldn't really see what was going on but she heard Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro voice, and she could feel it to his anger. She wasn't sure what was going on but then she felt her body being lifted from the ground scoped up into Pretty boys arms, she knew it was him she could feel it was him. His strong arms scoping her up and pulling her in, she leaned her head in against his shoulder.

She heard him call out to Naami and berate him for what he had done. Her one good eye looking up at him, she could see the fury in his eyes. She had never seen the well composed man like this before, there was a rage and darkness behind his composed exterior. Her head against his shoulder she could hear the man's heartbeat, feel it pounding in his chest. She reached up with her hand all the strength she could muster at that moment and put her hand on his chest as he said she wasn't weak. He pushed the stray hair from her battered face, and she gave him a faint broken smile.

Her vision slowly correcting she could see the blood around his nose, she hadn't really seen what he had done so her mind wondered had he attacked Naami for her. He yelled to what now she could vaguely tell was Kivah Kivah . But Isky stopped and yelled at Naami again. She turned her head slightly so she could look towards his direction, and she realized that Isky hadn't at least gotten into a physical altercation with Naami.

"For strength without control is nothing but ruin."

Those words rang even in Maiza's ears, had she been in a wise cracking mood she might have said not just a pretty face but wisdom too. Though she had fought in this fight she hadn't let into her rage like Naami had. Not that it was his fault, but a blind rage was itself a weakness once exposed. Even if the rest of the people here thought Maiza weak in that moment, she had proven one thing she was damn hard to kill.

"because we are friends, as you so eloquently said, know that today I have let you live because of this friendship. However, my mercy is finite, Naamino."

Those words sent a chill down her spine, because she could feel just how raw and true they were. Iskendyr guise broken in that moment showing just how ruthless he could be if he had to be. She already loved his wit and charm but this new side she was seeing was frighteningly exciting, how man facets did this pretty boy have?

Before she could be lost to her wonderment Naami retorted and spoke directly to her in the native tongue. She heard his words, part of her wanted to spit back an insult the side of her that wanted to keep fighting and make him finish the job. Yet the other side knew she wouldn't last another second, maybe that would be for the best? Then she saw Iskendyr and how her stubborn pride might break him and as much as she could punish herself, she could not punish him, he did not deserve it. "Our fight is finished." That was all she said to Naami which meant the grudge was settled but did not say whether she accept his words or not. "Take me home, please. Pretty boy." She said looking up at Iskendyr.



Student At Kor'ethyr Academy


Direct Tags: Haro Aven Haro Aven // Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano
Others mentioned: Kivah Kivah // Maiza Vex Maiza Vex // Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro

For a small moment, Leshanna’s attention was captured by Haro as they stared at one another, smiles playing across both their faces. He thanked her for tagging along with him, and even in the flickering lights scattered across the ruins, a rosy blush could be seen coloring her freckled cheeks. He had leaned in closer to her, as if to share some secret with her, but he seemed to hesitate. The girl didn’t push him to say what he looked like he wanted to say, but her curiosity filled her eyes.

He had just started to speak, to say something, when Kivah’s voice boomed over the sandy ruins and broke the delicate bubble of closeness that they had been sharing.

Dammit. Maybe he’ll tell me after the fight…

Lesh thought to herself as Haro grabbed her hand once more and guided them both through the crowd to a better viewing area. A silly smile and the blush across her cheeks was still there as the boy gently guided her to stand in front of him so she could see the conflict better.

Leshanna watched the fight carefully, tensely, as the redhead girl Maiza was the first to move in. Her blue eyes were glued to the two as they traded blows, the sounds of the impacts echoing through the ruins. Before long, cheers and jeers could be heard amongst the crowd - further adding to the growing tensions that fueled the fight. A sense of unease began to drift through the girl; she’d seen beatdowns before at the orphanage - many of them had transpired exactly like this, without the overseer's knowledge. But this was to honor tradition between the two Zabraks, and so she was here to support her friend.

As the fight progressed, however, the girl began to feel a growing respect for the fiery redhead in the fight below. She was outclassed by Naamino in size and weight, but she was a scrappy and gutsy fighter nonetheless. Leshanna knew that size and weight differences were not everything though; even a small person could take down a larger and better trained one, if they knew what to do. But…they were just kids, just like everyone else.

Lesh winced as Maiza went for a low blow, her fist connecting with Naami’s groin area. That didn’t seem like a fair move in Leshanna’s opinion but…a fight was a fight. She didn’t know all the details, what was okay and what wasn’t okay. But it appeared that, for the moment, it gave Maiza the upper hand against Naami as he doubled over from the pain she had delivered him but the stubborn Zabrak stayed on his feet, despite the blow.

Damn, tough boy.

Maiza struck the boy across the face before headbutting him, and from her vantage point Lesh could see a change had come over Naamino. He looked very angry now, his usual stoic if a bit surly composure cracked to reveal an infuriated warrior beneath.

Her sense of unease grew deeper as her friend took Maiza down to the ground, and her entire body grew tense as she watched Naami rain blow after blow down…

Someone needs to stop him. This is too far.” Lesh whispered in a tight voice as her gaze shifted to the crowd to see if anyone was moving in to pull her friend off the girl. Then…the boy froze as if something stopped him, and a moment later the Zabrak was practically flung off of Maiza as Kivah stepped in to bring the fight to an end.

The crowd had gone quiet as tension coiled in the air. Naamino, now back to his senses, seemed to register what had happened and bolted for the edge of the makeshift ring to grab something from his bag before turning to head back to Maiza and Kivah, who was now checking the redhead girl and taking stock of her injuries. Lesh could see that Maiza’s face was a mess and there was dark blood on the sand and on the other girl. Her lips drew into a fine and tight line as she felt a wave of sickness wash over her.

Then, the atmosphere shifted further, and objects around the area began to tremor and shift and across the way, a blond boy made his appearance as he started to stalk forwards, and his fury was palpable and power seemed to grow and shift around him. Leshanna didn’t exactly know who this was, but the boy had his enraged focus on Naamino now as various objects and projectiles flew towards the blond boy and began to circle around him as electrical charges began to form around his hands.

This…was getting out of hand.

Haro pulled Leshanna back from the ledge out of caution, but she was stiff in his hand, her eyes glued to the boy in the ring who was now interfering in the fight. What the kark did he think he was doing?? Naami was clearly done, he was trying to render aid…

The blond boy’s voice boomed across, telling Naami that ‘he’d done quite enough’, and then proceeded to send a projectile towards her best friend, narrowly missing the Zabrak.

In an instant, red tinged the edges of the girl’s vision as, to her, she had nearly watched her best friend die. A coldness unlike anything she had felt before washed through her and wrapped itself around her heart, and the redness in her vision turned dark. Rage and the need to defend her own flooded through her; for a moment, all she saw before her once again was that flying demon at the Ozzuk Trial, and she seriously considered hurling a block of the ruined structure towards the boy, to utterly flatten him so he couldn’t threaten what was hers ever again.

Power swelled through her as she began to stretch out her senses, looking for anything she could use. If there was nothing, then she would use that power that she felt ripping through her in another way. Whispers and violent thoughts began to fill her mind, seeking to overwhelm and consume her as the darkness wrapped further around her.

And then…a voice broke through the haze.

Hey, look at me. Naami's got this. Getting in between them right now will probably just make things worse."

Leshanna’s gaze snapped in the direction of the voice - and golden hued sapphires met with beautiful, crystalline green - and she blinked once, then twice. The violent whispers told her to strike him down too for trying to stop her from helping one of her boys, and she saw violent images in her mind that suddenly seemed too real that made her blood run cold before she realized the voice talking to her was one of her boys.

It was Haro.

Oh chit…

In an instant, the intense and violent darkness within her drained away as if someone had pulled the plug on it, and she suddenly felt very sick and very faint as she wasn’t entirely sure if those images had been real or not…she hoped they had not been real.

Leshanna blinked back the haze that had descended over her and looked around herself, and saw that Haro was still in one piece, still alive, and he was still looking at her with clear concern written all over his face and eyes. Relief flooded through her as she realized that the images in her head had been just that - but then she remembered what had happened in the ring.

She was tempted to look back, but something warned her not to. She didn’t want to lose control again, and actually do something she would regret for the rest of her life. So instead she threw herself into Haro’s chest, and wrapped her arms around him tightly - hoping that feeling his physical presence there with her would help keep her grounded and sane.

Sorry… If I look back into that ring and see that boy again, I don’t know what I will do. Just…tell me when it is safe to look or go check on Naami, and please tell me that Maiza is okay...” she muttered to Haro, trying to explain why she had suddenly gotten into his personal space in such a manner. It totally wasn’t because she needed comfort in that moment…not at all. Especially after seeing the images in her mind of what she had done to those standing in her way…

Kyorra stood near the edge of the dias, her arms crossed as her sharp hazel eyes locked onto the combatants below. The air around the arena crackled with tension, thick with the crowd's anticipation. Zabrak pride was at stake, and if there was one thing Kyorra had learned about her peers, it was that pride had a way of making things messy.

She hadn't responded to Tavis's comment about scouting the competition, though her smirk had said plenty. Scouting? Observing? Call it whatever you wanted. Kyorra wasn't about to admit out loud that she came here for more than just the spectacle. Watching how her peers fought, how they moved, and where their weaknesses lay—that was valuable. It didn't hurt that she had little faith in the Academy's so-called "impartial" teachings.

"Prom queen," she muttered to herself after Chasianna's remark, her voice barely audible as the fight began in earnest. She accepted the thermos from Chasianna with a quick nod but didn't take a sip. Her focus was entirely on the two fighters. Kyorra looked back at the 'prom queen,' and turned away so she could roll her eyes without judgment. She looked over at the fight and arched a brow, it was clear Naami being the bigger of the two who had the advantage. "Sure they didn't just wanna call this target practice?" Kyorra quipped, she didn't know any of the kids personally and by the looks of things maybe she didn't want to.

"She's quick, but she's pushing it," Kyorra remarked to no one in particular. "This isn't going to end well if she keeps dancing around like that."

As the fight devolved into raw brutality, Kyorra felt her stomach churn—not at the violence itself but at the unevenness of it. Naami's size and strength overwhelmed Maiza, and the girl's attempts to recover began to look more like desperation than strategy. The slap, the headbutt—it was gutsy, but Kyorra could see it wasn't enough.

Her knuckles tightened against her arms as the fight reached its bloody climax. The sickening crack of Maiza's head against the stone made Kyorra wince, though she quickly masked it with a neutral expression.

"You'd think someone would've stepped in sooner," she muttered, her voice low.

Then there was Tavis, pleasant and neutral as ever. Kyorra couldn't help but feel an edge of suspicion toward her, though she hid it well.

"Tavis, huh?" Kyorra said, her tone light but faintly challenging. "Right, Tav, uh, sure scouting the competition if that's what you wanna call it." Kyorra knew it was a Sith Academy so nobody played fair. Kyorra narrowed her gaze on Tavis when they asked for her name so she gave them a name, "Hurrem."

Her attention snapped back to the arena as Kivah intervened, yanking Naami off Maiza with almost shocking ease. Relief flickered through Kyorra, though she masked it behind her usual smirk.

"Guess the show's over," she said, glancing at her companions. "Looks like they're not letting this one end in a body bag. Probably for the best. Don't need the Academy making more ghosts on Korriban."

As Iskendyr stepped forward, his regal bearing unmistakable, Kyorra's eyebrows lifted slightly. His controlled fury, the storm of metal fragments and lightning—it was a display of power that even she couldn't dismiss. The warning shot, the shield, the care he showed toward Maiza—it all painted a complex picture.

"Now that is interesting," she muttered under her breath, her gaze narrowing. "Dramatic, much?" She scoffed, "guess it wouldn't be Sith without some sort of side show."

The fight was over, but the fallout was just beginning. Kyorra leaned back, her posture relaxed but her mind already turning. She glanced between Tavis and Chasianna, her smirk returning.

The energy in the air was electric, crackling with tension as the fight escalated between Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano and Maiza Vex Maiza Vex . Gavin, standing on the outskirts, felt the familiar, intoxicating pull of bloodlust coursing through him. The cheers and jeers of the gathered students fueled the primal urge that simmered beneath his surface, that darker part of him he rarely let out but could never quite suppress.

"Yeah, just like that!" Gavin roared as Naamino landed another brutal strike. For a moment, the Academy, the crowd, and even the stakes of the fight faded away. In his mind, this wasn’t a spar or a proving ground—it was a battle for survival. Gavin knew this feeling well. He had lived it, breathed it, bled for it. Back then, mercy had been weakness, and survival meant making sure the other person couldn’t rise again.

He fed on Naamino’s growing rage as if it were his own. Every hit Naamino landed on Maiza felt like vindication—not just for Naamino, but for himself. It was proof that power was everything. It was a warning to everyone watching. Disrespect Naamino, disrespect Gavin, and this is what happens. Gavin’s fists clenched at his sides, his breaths coming faster as his imagination filled with images of Maiza broken on the ground, a testament to their strength.

But then Kivah Kivah stepped in.

Gavin’s body moved instinctively, a step forward before his mind caught up. He burned with anger at the intervention. How dare Kivah interfere in a fight that wasn’t his? This was not his place. His lips curled in a snarl, and for a brief moment, Gavin was ready to challenge Kivah himself. Let the fight continue. Let Naamino finish it. Let the others see what strength truly meant.

And yet, as the anger boiled over, something unexpected happened. He looked around and saw the faces of the other students—shocked, uneasy, and even disapproving. Naamino’s rage was fading now, replaced by regret, and Gavin felt the sharp sting of reality crashing in on him. Maiza wasn’t an outsider or an enemy. She was one of them, a fellow Acolyte enduring the same brutal trials they all faced. The thought of Naamino killing her suddenly felt hollow and wrong. The bloodlust in Gavin’s chest twisted into something bitter.

For a moment, he was back on Nar Shaddaa, fists bloodied, standing over someone who couldn’t fight back anymore. Reign’s words echoed in his mind, sermons of control and poise, of channeling strength into something greater than destruction. Gavin had let all of that slip away in an instant. He felt exposed, stripped bare of the confidence and swagger he so often wielded like armor. The shame was suffocating.

Naamino’s face, raw with regret, pierced Gavin deeply. He wanted to step forward, to say something, to offer the comfort he wished someone had offered him in those moments of despair. But he couldn’t. The words wouldn’t come. Instead, he stood rooted in place, his broad shoulders tense and his face carefully stoic. The usual bravado that carried him through moments like this felt hollow now.

Inside, he was a storm of conflict. Shame, regret, and the ever-present pull of his darker instincts battled for dominance. On the outside, though, Gavin simply stood, silent and motionless, the picture of stoic restraint. And yet, he felt naked under the weight of his emotions, unsure of where to go from here.

TAG: Chasianna Chasianna | Kyorra Pavanos Kyorra Pavanos | Open

Adean's ears prickled a fraction at the pretension in Chasianna's voice when she corrected her title. In the other academy, a similar level of pretension would be almost required for one of her borrowed name's stature. It was a relief not to care such pomp and circumstance on her shoulders, though a part of her missed the privilege that came with it.

When Kyorra's eyes narrowed, Adean made a point to keep her face blank save for one raised brow. The girl seemed to have picked up on something, it would be prudent not to give her a loose thread to pull. "Hurrem," she echoed, testing the syllables on her tongue. A name she'd have to look up later. "A pleasure."

For one who brought a veritable spread to a duel, Adean hardly picked at it. Perhaps she'd anticipated a bit more chit talking and a lot less brutality. Both combatants had their moments, Naami bringing the girl - Maiza, if Adean had heard correctly - into the sand, Maiza stunning Naami with an unfortunately well-placed fist.

The brutality that an enraged Naami possessed was a surprised, one that manifested in a furrowed brow on an otherwise blank face. Below the surface, abject horror washed over her. To think such an otherwise welcoming acolyte was capable of this when pushed...

Something to take advantage of later.

The way in which such a thought was calming would've been disturbing to the Epicanthix not so long ago. In the moment, however, she let the calm override her internal panic before letting herself react to another curiosity. Maiza had done...something, she wasn't quite sure. Whatever it was, it stilled the berserker rage long enough for Kivah to separate them.

"Better late than never, I suppose," she mused to her companions in a hushed tone, watching the Cathar administer first aid. Emerald gaze snapped up as Iskendyr, another who wore pompous status like a tailored coat, spoke up. Adean wasn't certain if it was keen interest or intense dislike that tugged at her senses as he barked commands and conjured a warning shit for Naami.

"That was definitely something," she agreed, only now remembering her tea. The food was promptly forgotten, for fear of her stomach not being able to handle it after witnessing such a display. "I am curious to see the fallout of this."

Student of Kor'ethyr Academy

For a terrifying moment, Lesh's murderous gaze turned on Haro and he recoiled slightly but he didn't pull away. He almost didn't recognize the eyes that stared back at him, tainted by hatred manifested in a golden hue as they were. He'd seen her angry before but never quite like this, and never directed at him. Fortunately, whatever had come over her seemed to pass as quickly as it came—her features softened into a sort of despondent shock and her irises bled back into sapphire as the color similarly bled from her face.
"Oh chit…"
"… Lesh?" He squeezed her shoulder, his voice barely audible and pregnant with concern.​

She suddenly moved in close and Haro flinched despite himself, but he soon registered her intention and relaxed into the embrace. Reeling from the rollercoaster of a situation, Haro only hesitated a moment before he wrapped his arms around her.
"It's ok."
"If I look back into that ring and see that boy again, I don't know what I will do. Just…tell me when it is safe to look or go check on Naami, and please tell me that Maiza is okay..."

He just held her close, protectively, watching the blonde boy pick up Maiza and carry her away. Naami stepped up and addressed the crowd with a formal declaration of his new blood bond with the zabrak girl and what that meant for anyone else who dared challenge her. The solemn confidence Naami displayed in that moment seemed to dissipate some of the anxiety in those gathered and remind everyone what this whole thing was really about. The authenticity behind his words made it clear he wanted to honor Maiza and the gravity of what had just transpired as well as what it meant to him and their culture.

"I think Maiza's gunna be ok," Haro murmured softly to Lesh, watching the blonde boy disappear out of sight. He held her there a moment longer while the crowd broke around them, her soft warm embrace a comfort to him, and he hoped she felt safer there with him like that too. Finally, he gently took her by the shoulders and stepped back just enough so he could look her in the eyes.

"That guy's gone. Let's go get Naami." He smiled warmly, studying her face a moment to make sure she was ready. He took her by the hand and together they made their way over to their zabrak friend. Naami hadn't moved from where he'd made his final address, still standing there like a gallaze in the headlights despite looking decidedly fierce–decorated with bruises, dirt, blood and sweat. Haro stepped up to him but clearly gave priority to Lesh to interact with him first, assuming she probably needed that. Haro wore a friendly smile but there was a subtle caution behind his eyes as he studied the other boy and tried to get a read on him. He glanced at the hulking form of Gavin standing close by, extending an amiable smile and a nod to him as well if he caught his eye.​
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