Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Rager Teenager


Student At Kor'ethyr Academy


Tags: Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano // Haro Aven Haro Aven

Leshanna didn’t notice Haro flinch when she wrapped her arms around him, and he only hesitated for a moment before he wrapped her in an embrace too. She knew she was probably making him uncomfortable, being this close to him, but all she wanted in the moment was for someone to be there to help bring her back from that dark fog that had draped itself over her. Haro was a grounding presence that allowed her to gather her wits about her so she could think more clearly.

She heard Naamino’s voice carry across the ruins, his declaration that he and Maiza were now blood bonded and any who challenged her, challenged him too. That helped ease some of Lesh’s concerns, as hearing him speak in such a solemn manner told her that he was no longer lost in his own fit of rage and had come to his senses.

Haro took that moment to assure Lesh that Maiza was going to be okay, and she felt relief seep through her. Yes, they were all expected to be Sith and to act as such but she really didn’t want to see one of her best friends accidentally kill someone whom he didn’t intend to kill. She had a feeling that such a thing would devastate Naamino.

After a few more moments of their close embrace, Haro settled his hands on her shoulders and stepped back enough to catch her gaze. He told her that the other boy who had triggered her anger was gone, and suggested they go to Naami - something Lesh eagerly nodded her head to.

Yeah - good idea.

Pink flooded her cheeks once more as Haro took her hand in his and guided their way down and towards the ring where their friend stood. Once closer to her Zabrak friend, Lesh was able to get a better look at him - and her breath caught in her throat at the sight of her warrior compatriot being smeared and splattered with blood, blooming bruises, drying sweat and sand. She blinked for a moment, feeling her chest tighten in a strange manner as she looked upon him.

Haro let her go ahead of him to meet with Naami, and she approached her friend with a mixture of caution, worry, and growing admiration. For a brief moment, the girl’s eyes drifted to the figure beyond Naami, and she recognized Gavin. She’d interacted with the giant acolyte boy before, though she still didn’t know him too well. Not like she did Haro and Naami. She turned her attention back to her friend and gingerly reached out a hand to rest it briefly on the corded muscles of his exposed arm to let him know that she and Haro were there now.

Hey…Naami…you alright?” Leshanna asked him in an uncharacteristically soft and almost shy voice. Internally, she cringed at the unmistakable sound of concern she expressed. She glanced over at Haro briefly before giving the Zabrak boy an encouraging smile, or at least one she hoped was encouraging. “Haro and I wanted to check up on you. That was quite the fight.

She took a step back from him and looked him over, a frown creasing her brow as she tried to make sure he wasn’t bleeding from any unnoticed wound, and wasn’t impaled by anything. When she noticed nothing else amiss, she felt another wave of relief wash over her. He was going to be okay, and Maiza was going to be okay.

Lesh glanced around, looking for the other girl but didn’t see her anywhere. She also realized that the blond boy who had triggered her rage by threatening her best friend’s life wasn’t around either anymore. Fine by her, she mused darkly to herself. She wasn’t sure she could see the boy again so soon after what happened.

The girl sighed sharply, releasing more of her anxieties in doing so. “So, what now?” She asked her friends. “We uh…gonna hang out for a bit or we heading back? I thought I heard there was going to be a party or something after the fight. I think we should all hang out!” She paused as she gave Naamino another look over, a bit more noticeably this time however. "Uhhh...maybe after you clean up a bit though...unless you want to be covered and sweat and blood all night." Lesh gave her warrior friend a small and playful half smirk, her usual self returning to her a bit more as she leaned in to whisper: "Though I won't is a good look on you..."


Despite the raw emotions storming within the young human, Naami perceived Gavin Vel Gavin Vel as a beacon of solidarity in a moment of his own turmoil. It was the steadfast and resolute picture his battle brother painted that had encouraged the zabrak to see the tradition through to the end. Likewise, the bolstering presence of other familiar faces seemed to pull him from the daze of waning adrenaline and faint shock setting in from injuries which were technically superficial but still hurt like hells. Specifically it was Leshanna Leshanna that broke through haze with a touch. He hadn't noticed their hand holding, hadn't even registered Haro really because of the way that everyone and everything outside of his personal bubble seemed to be a noisy blur. But Lesh was able to bring him back.

Dilated ice blue eyes fell to her and Naami blinked a couple of times, belatedly reaching out to touch her elbow in response to the girl's hand on his arm. It was a brief thing but later he'd realize how much that meant. How good it felt to know she wasn't afraid to be near him even after what he'd just done. She even smiled at him.

Haro and I wanted to check up on you. That was quite the fight.

His eyes softened as he watched her looking him over, studying her face passively as she fretted over him a bit. Then that cool gaze slid over to Haro Aven Haro Aven , considering the teen briefly. The markings of fear were there, but subtly so and frankly he'd be even more suspicious of the guy if they weren't.

"Thank you," he said to both of them in a low earnest voice.

Lesh looked around, perhaps searching for Maiza Vex Maiza Vex since the aftermath of their fight had been a little hectic. Naami wanted to say he hoped she was ok... Almost said that Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro clearly aimed to warn and not to kill. But he couldn't find the words and he was still keenly aware of how public it all was. That had been the point of course, and tradition called for it. In hindsight though, Naami would surely engage in such a duel again only if absolutely necessary. Silent appreciation for Kivah Kivah settled over him once more and he mused that he'd need to follow up with her when they both had the chance.

So, what now?” She asked her friends. “We uh…gonna hang out for a bit or we heading back? I thought I heard there was going to be a party or something after the fight. I think we should all hang out!” She paused as she gave Naamino another look over, a bit more noticeably this time however. "Uhhh...maybe after you clean up a bit though...unless you want to be covered and sweat and blood all night." Lesh gave her warrior friend a small and playful half smirk, her usual self returning to her a bit more as she leaned in to whisper: "Though I won't is a good look on you..."

Her words caught him by surprise and the zabrak's posture tightened a bit. A snort of breath escaped him in a plume of steam and his eyes went a little wide. Her words, the chill of the night air and again, just how public the scene was all seemed to catch up to him at once. As if on cue to her words, a slender aloxian hollered about a game of dueling dice they were setting up. The music started to pick up, whether it was Kivah's or if some other student had taken over was a mystery. Sith students moved on quickly from bloodshed it seemed, and the party in question seemed to be picking up. Though pointedly, everyone gave a wide berth to the bloody center of the ring.

Stunned and speechless for a few long moments, Naami blinked and took a huge breath that made his chest swell and caused his frame to look larger for a moment. Then he seemed to come back to his senses as he realized he was making a total fool out of himself letting a simple compliment totally blueline him.

"Uhm, yeah?" he managed, then his eyes fell to her outfit for the night where he finally registered how awesome she looked and that he recognized her band shirt.
"Oh kark yeah, you like star metal? I love Tuk'ata Tears, so good!"

Naami seemed to realize what he'd said, awkwardly unable to reconcile so much going on in his mind all at once. He nodded bruskly and gestured for them to follow, walking over to Gavin Vel Gavin Vel and his belongings. Naami clapped the big man on the shoulder in a brotherly gesture, turning to Lesh and Haro so he could introduce them.

"Gav, think You've met before briefly but this is Lesh. And that's the new kid, Haro. I uh- hey I'm really glad you all came."

The teen still felt a bit awkward and in truth he was eager to clean off so he could cover himself back up properly. So he quickly stooped toscoop up a towel he'd stuffed in the satchel he brought. Dusting himself off and clenching his teeth through the urge to wince, Naami quickly cleaned as best as he could, then sat briefly to pull boots and socks back on. Once done, the teen shrugged back into his outer robe, choosing to wait for his sweat to dry a bit more before puting all his layers back on. '

Once introductions were made and niceties seen to, Naami gave Gav a bit of a look. Neither of them were particularly genius guys but they shared a kind of nonverbal connection where sometimes a look was worth more than one hundred words. They needed to talk later, in a day or two, more specifically Naami would need to process what had just transpired in the ring and Gavin was one of his most trusted confidants. But for now? It seemed the party was really starting to pick up. Somewhere the hiss of spray paint could be heard where students were adding their own flair to the ancient ruins and more than a few people were breaking out various containers of intoxicants to share.

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Gavin stood nearby, leaning slightly against a shattered pillar, observing the scene as Naamino began to come back to himself. He hadn't moved much since the end of the fight, his expression mostly unreadable, but there was a simmering tension beneath his exterior. When Naami's eyes met his, Gavin gave him a brief, understanding nod, his version of reassurance without needing to say anything. Actions often spoke louder, and Gavin's presence was meant to remind Naami he wasn't alone.

As Naami walked over and clapped Gavin on the shoulder, the larger man smirked faintly and straightened up. He nodded in greeting to Leshanna and Haro, his tone carrying a hint of warmth that contrasted with his usual gruff demeanor. "Uhhh great to meet you, Lesh.... Haro." Gavin was still not used to being friendly so it felt a bit out of place. "Stick close to Naamino; you'll learn a lot from him. Might even survive this place." There was an edge of dry humor in his voice, but it was laced with sincerity. "Stick close to me if you want to learn how to kick some ass." He chuckled and then smashed his fist into an open palm.

Gavin watched as Naami cleaned up, his movements still marked by the stiffness of freshly bruised pride and body. He could see the weight of what had happened in his friend's body language, and he knew better than to press it now. Instead, he offered a hand to steady Naami as he pulled on his boots, a small gesture of camaraderie.

When Naami met his gaze with that familiar, unspoken look, Gavin’s expression softened slightly. It was the kind of understanding forged in battles and shared hardships, a silent agreement to handle the fallout together when the time was right. He gave Naami a slight nod, signaling that he was there when he was ready.

As the atmosphere shifted around them—music picking up, students moving on with the party—Gavin took a moment to absorb the chaos. Spray paint hissed in the background, and the scent of burned ozone from the earlier fight still lingered. He glanced back at Naami, his voice low enough for only him to hear. "You fought with everything you had, but remember what Reign said—control is what sets us apart. Strength without purpose is just destruction. Think on it." The irony of Gavin being the one to give advice was completely lost on him.

With that, Gavin let the moment hang before giving Naami a solid pat on the back. Turning his attention to the others, he gestured toward the growing gathering. "C'mon, let's see what kind of trouble we can keep out of tonight, yeah?" His smirk returned, though his eyes carried a watchful intensity as he surveyed the crowd. He wasn’t quite ready to let his guard down, but he could at least pretend. For now.

Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano Leshanna Leshanna Haro Aven Haro Aven

Grinding her teeth as she followed Iskendyr away from the others, Kivah resisted the temptation to lay into him. Her first instinct had been to push him away when he'd bent to pick up Maiza, but hadn't wanted to risk the fight his very hit headed highness' temper would have had coming her way right over the injured girl. At least he was supporting her head. Once he karked off back to wherever, she wouldn't even have that. And that showy display had just put a target on Maiza for anyone wanting to hurt him. Whole thing was probably a disaster, from how fast the fight happened to its ending and Naamino declaring, what? That they were family? Battle bound or some chit? Yeah, they'd see how Maiza felt about that once she was talking and not concussed. At least she wasn't dead.

She stopped rubbing the bridge of her nose as Maiza asked to be taken home. "Okay, Iskendair, right?" She asked, getting his name slightly wrong. "She needs rest and to see A'Mia in the morning. You get her home and into bed. You don't get in bed with her. She needs rest and to see medical about her teeth, not more cardio or whatever. Give the bacta some time to work" She held the boy's gaze for a long moment before turning away to rejoin the others. "I'll be checking on her in the morning." That last bit was called out over her shoulder as she passed under one of the stone archways leading back to the roof and the others. Wasn't like her bike could take two.

Kivah was putting the now empty flask away when she rejoined the others gathered around Naamino. She tossed him the partially empty bacta spray. "Here, spritz your balls before you go to bed tonight. Belly too, going to be some nasty bruising and swelling come morning otherwise." Fight commentary could wait at least until someone else brought it up, and she wasn't sure if the others wanted to know about Maiza. Leshanna got a nod before she eyed up the scrawny pale kid with her. How did so many Acolytes look underfed and like they'd never seen the inside of a gym?

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Tags: Open
The demon seemingly quieted in her mind her eyes fixated on the fight at first, the sounds of the crowd around her had seemed to favor one fighter over the other. She did not know this Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano or Maiza Vex, she really didn't know anyone for that matter but Naamino was the clear favorite. She eyed them both as the fight started, the girl was quick and flexible. She was easily evading the strikes of the bigger boy at first.

She watched their dance of battle, the clumsy untrained foot work of both combatants. It was a quick fight but in Tamsin's mind it all played out in slow motion, as she tried to catch every small detail of what was going on. Maiza overplayed her flexibility and put herself in a position, there was no easy way to escape. It might have been smart to go for Naami's legs but in the process she herself ended up on the ground before he was.

As Maiza got herself into a very compromising position after landing a blow to the boys groin, Tamsin thought the girl would have been better of getting herself to her feet but instead she continued to fight from the ground. Then the fight was over as the bigger male dropped on the girls stomach and started to pound in her face.

Tamsin should have looked away or winced, but she didn't, she found herself incapable of doing so. Her sights forced to watch each hard punch land on the girl's face. Her dark eyes wide with horror, unable to turn away from the carnage before her. The demon almost purring in the back of her mind wanting the kill to come that didn't.

"Weakness." The demon spoke as the fight ended and the boy somehow dazed then pulled from the girl by the Cathar.

Tamsin didn't have to ask what the demon meant by that, she knew the demon thought it was weakness not to kill and finish off the opponent. Tamsin disagreed; they were just kids, both of them clearly a little bit younger than herself. They both deserved a chance to become something in this Galaxy.

She continued to watch as more drama unfolded and well-dressed boy entered the fray spinning a storm of electricity and metal. She watched as the boy threaten the male combatant over the girl combatant. Then several members of the crowd began to pour down onto the field. It almost looked like war was about to break out, but it quickly died down and calmer heads prevailed. As it did, the diminutive figure that was Tamsin flipped the hood up on her jacket over her head and watched the little groups of students congregate together into their friend groups.

"They are sith, the hardest lesson they will learn is life is betrayal, and it is all they will know." The demon spoke into her head like it was some damn teacher to her. Tamsin didn't see it like that, they were just kids navigating through the harsh reality of trying to exist in a cruel world, same as she was. She wanted to be one of them, mingled with friends in moments like this. Yet as she watched them from where she had seated herself, she didn't move just watched as the crowds began to disperse to do their things.

"Maybe I should challenge someone to a fight to get noticed." She quipped to herself. The demon laughed in her head at the comment. Tamsin felt a cold shiver go up her spine, the cruel thoughts of the demon seeping telling her such a fight might be too one sided for her liking.

Student of Kor'ethyr Academy

The interaction between Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano and Leshanna Leshanna warmed Haro's heart and actually eased some of the tension he'd been holding. From day one in the Trials of Ozzuk, he'd found their camaraderie and the tenderness they brought out in each other to be unexpectedly endearing, even if neither of them seemed entirely aware of it. Unlike in Ozzuk though, now both of them looked to Haro at different points during the exchange to acknowledge and include him as one of their people.

Haro nodded in enthusiastic agreement when Lesh proposed that the three of them hang out now that the fight was over. He couldn’t help but smirk at the way Lesh commented on Naami’s state, holding back a snicker when she made the Zabrak go rigid with something she’d whispered to him. He hadn’t heard exactly what she’d said over the party noise but he silently enjoyed how uncomfortable it had made Naami. He followed the other boy’s gaze to Lesh’s outfit and was suddenly reminded of what he wanted to tell her earlier before he’d been interrupted. He also made a mental note to look up Tuk'ata Tears later as he was always on the lookout for new music and he was super curious what these two liked listening to. Eager to meet the Gavin Vel Gavin Vel , Haro followed Naami and Lesh over to the edge of the makeshift arena for introductions.
"Uhhh great to meet you, Lesh... Haro."
“Hey, you too, Gav,” Haro responded with a social ease that belied his years, offering a charming smile and a casual two-finger salute.​
"Stick close to Naamino; you'll learn a lot from him. Might even survive this place.”
“Yeah, picked up on that early on,” Haro cast a sidelong glance at their mutual friend, a smirk curling the edge of his lip.​
"Stick close to me if you want to learn how to kick some ass.”
“Hah! Alright!” The teen grinned and mimicked the fist-in-palm gesture. “I might have to take you up on that sometime.”

It was almost comical how much the man was like a bigger version of Naami in many ways. Haro could certainly see how the two had become fast friends and how the Zabrak boy had adopted aspects of Gavin as someone he looked up to and respected. The two guys seemed to need a moment as Naami cleaned up and dressed so Haro took the opportunity to check in with Leshanna. His impulse to close the distance between them and be close with her again, like they were just moments before during their embrace, caught him off guard and distracted him from whatever he was about to say. He just looked at her contemplatively for a moment, briefly chewing his bottom lip before he stepped closer to her and leaned in to whisper in her ear conspiratorially.

“Hey, I brought a little somethin for the three of us to share, back at the speeder.” He pulled back enough to wink at her, his guise of confidence returning in the form of a mischievous little smirk. His eyes darted down and back up and he looked more serious.​
“Also uh, been meaning to tell you–”
"Here,” it was Kivah Kivah again and Haro turned to see the Cathar re-joining the group as she tossed the bacta spray at Naami, “spritz your balls before you go to bed tonight. Belly too, going to be some nasty bruising and swelling come morning otherwise."

Even Haro blushed a bit at the crude dryness of Kivah’s delivery but not nearly as much as Naami who seemed to light up with pink from his navel all the way to the tips of his slightly tapered ears. Haro couldn’t hold back a snicker this time as he watched his friend struggle with his embarrassment.

"C'mon, let's see what kind of trouble we can keep out of tonight, yeah?" Gavin spoke up, gesturing to the growing gathering. Haro lit up, thrilled that Gavin might want to hang out with them at the party, at least for a while. He hoped Kivah would want to tag along too.​
“Hell yeah!” Haro pumped his fist in the air and bounced on the balls of his feet, his gemstone green eyes glowed faintly in the dim light and glittered with excitement. “There’s a game of dueling dice just starting that we could get in on.”

Haro largely deferred to what the group wanted to do and contributed his infectious energetic enthusiasm to whatever shenanigans they decided to get up to, whether that was a game or two of dice, tagging the ruins with some borrowed spray paint, or joining in on some dancing. He would most certainly sweet talk his way into getting a drink or two from some of the partygoers as well. Eventually though, he would pull aside Naamino and Leshanna and invite them back to his speeder to share in his stollen goods.​


Student At Kor'ethyr Academy

Naamino’s reaction to her concern warmed Leshanna, and she felt a stronger connection build between her and the Zabrak boy as he lightly touched her elbow in response to her touch on his arm. A recognition that went beyond words, and it made the moment special for the girl. He truly was one of her best friends, and she would be so devastated if anything happened to him. Of course, being Sith, she knew that life would be dangerous for them all but that didn’t mean she couldn’t care, right?

Her other comments to Naamino seemed to surprise him and she couldn’t hold back her smirk as his posture went a bit rigid and his eyes widened. She stifled a giggle, thoroughly enjoying his reaction to her words. Naamino seemed to puff up a bit, his toned and muscled frame appearing larger than it normally was - an impressive sight that made the girl quirk an eyebrow at him and wiggle it in a playful manner.

His bright blue eyes returned to her and then dipped as he caught sight of her outfit and her band T.

Oh kark yeah, you like star metal? I love Tuk'ata Tears, so good!"

Leshanna beamed, happily surprised he even knew of the band and the genre. “Bogan yes I like star metal! Only thing I listen to. Been listening to Tuk’ata Tears for a little while now. Hoping one day I can go to a concert. That would be so sick. I hear they have wild mosh pits! I wanna see one sooo bad!

Noticing Gavin nearby, Naamino seemed to pull himself together and beckoned Lesh and Haro to follow him over as he made introductions, and Gavin responded in kind. Lesh smiled at Gavin’s attempt at friendliness; she was rather impressed by the young man. He had come a long way since she first had seen him at the Initiation Trials. They hadn’t interacted much at all as he seemed to be doing a lot more interactions with a Sith Lord beyond the Academy proper, but she had seen him hanging out with Naami from time to time.

Hey Gav! Nice to see ya again.

She smirked at the bigger boy’s comments about sticking close to Naamino, and sticking close to him if one wanted to learn how to kick some ass. She glanced at Haro, a playful glint in her eye as her friend seemed to accept the invitation. “Gav’s a badass.” She said to him, propping up Gavin in the eyes of Haro, or so she hoped. “A real warrior; definitely someone I want on my side in a fight.

Lesh gave Naamino some space as he tried to clean up from the fight, and she let her eyes wander around the site. Already, students were splitting off into their own groups, whipping out games and smuggled items to partake in and enjoy. The atmosphere was lively, as laughter and other voices carried over the ruins. She’d never really experienced something like this before, and another thrill of excitement raced through her. Beside her, Haro mentioned that he had brought something along for the afterparty too, but it was back at the speeder currently, and another flush of pink colored her cheeks when he winked at her. No doubt noticing the blush that crept over her face, the handsome and roguish boy smirked at her.

It made her heart flutter in her chest in a way that she’d never experienced before - and this only made her blush deeper.

He started to say something else to her, but movement from the corner of her eye drew her attention and Leshanna spied Kivah walking up towards them. "Here, spritz your balls before you go to bed tonight. Belly too, going to be some nasty bruising and swelling come morning otherwise." The Cathar said, cutting off Haro as she tossed a bottle of what appeared to be bacta spray towards Naamino.

Leshanna clapped a hand over her mouth to stop a snort of laughter coming up, amusement shining bright in her eyes as she watched Naamino to see his reaction to such comments. Lesh appreciated the frankness of Kivah; she didn’t give a chit about decorum or anything and the younger girl just loved it. She wasn’t super close or familiar with Kivah, but the somewhat older gal was like a big sister in a way.

Gavin then piped up, suggesting that they all go find something to do, to which Haro agreed enthusiastically. Leshanna shrugged in a nonchalant manner; she was here to hang out and have fun and with Gavin and Naamino around, there was sure to be some sort of shenanigans abound. She followed the others, tagging along to be involved in whatever, though she was still rather curious as to what Haro had brought with him.

And she was even more curious to know what he had been trying to tell her, each time he’d been interrupted. Maybe she could ask him about it later.


It was in his nature to be drawn back into thought despite the hustle and bustle around him. Despite himself, Naami had a few more fleeting thoughts about Maiza Vex Maiza Vex and Iskendyr Yvarro Iskendyr Yvarro , hoping that everyone was gonna be just fine come the morning light. He snapped from the broody thoughts he was dipping into though when Kivah Kivah reappeared and before he could get a read on her or ask any questions, she interjected.

"Here, spritz your balls before you go to bed tonight. Belly too, going to be some nasty bruising and swelling come morning otherwise."

That instruction forestalled not only any further questions from Naami but it made him blush furiously. He went deep pink from aforementioned belly all the way to the tips of his tapered ears. He couldn't make eye contact with anyone for a bit and cleared his throat as if that would save him from the embarrassment of being put on the spot like that. Eventually he regained his composure and the night moved along. The party picked up speed, he and Gavin Vel Gavin Vel hyped each-other up with a chugging competition that Gav decidedly won but Naami got to show off crushing a can on his exceptionally strong head. The teen managed to sink into the fun thanks to the infectious enthusiasm of his friends and got into his fair share of juvenile delinquency. For better and perhaps for worse in some ways, it would be a night he'd remember the rest of his life.


[OOC exit]​


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