Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Rains of Contruumere [One Sith vs GR Invasion of Contruum]

Location: Space Station
Objective: Arrive
Allies: [member="Ameli Trahir"]
Enemies: [member="Micah Talith"]

...~A hand reached out from underneath the covers to fetch the rest of the discarded items. Patting away at the floor it sought out the last remaining piece of the puzzle. A black pair of pants that was more than likely still covered in sand. Grasping at the pockets the hand raised the pants above the young woman and a leg rose up from underneath the cover to slide right into the one pant leg before rapidly descending towards the cold metal floors of the dynamic duo’s ship. A shiver ran down the girl’s spine as for a moment she had to face the cold.

With the gentle turn of her head Sena looked over at the ungraceful shape of her friend. Undressed, tossed across the bed like a murder victim. A smile began tugging at her lips before the Sword got out of bed in her fully-dressed glory. All except the socks, but really, it wasn’t a detail she needed to take care of just yet.

“Wake up, Ameli.” Sena whispered as she knelt down by the side of the bed. “Goddess number one needs our help, remember the message?”

Sena wouldn’t blame her friend if she didn’t. It would be hard to remember anything spoken during what had ensued after their argument on Muunilinst. About ‘nothing can hurt us here’ and in return that ‘you really need to lighten up still, Sena.’ The two Vahla, half or not, had a special connection between one another, there was no arguing that. Sena felt what her friend felt, her friend felt what she felt. They just clicked in the most awesomest of ways and despite all this Sena kept it all hidden from the rest of the world, unlike some.

It was all in the balance of subtlety and passion. The two women loved each other, but they didn’t make it the part that defined who they were. Ameli was still free to be her own person and so was Sena. No matter what happened and no matter where, they always had each other. It wasn’t the most sith-like of approaches to life. They were letting each other get bound down to someone. They were chaining themselves to one another, but did they care? Hell no, but at least they knew how to keep it under control. Besides, one of the foundations were “Life is short, so fark it.” It had served them well enough and if anything, just maybe, it was what kept them so close.

In any case.

The ship was in rapid approach to Contruum. The message Sena had spoken of was the call to arms that had roared throughout the Ember’s channels for all members to partake should they have the ability to do so. It was only natural that the Sword and her apprentice would be there as well.

Having left the room to do whatever it was that was important to do (like get dressed properly) Sena finally called out into the bedroom once more.

“Get your gear ready, we’re breaching in ten.”

Breaching the blockades. Duh. They had a hot date with a young Jedi Master on that space station. Obviously, they didn’t know that yet, but they did.
Objective A: The Killing Fields
Location: Contruum
Allies: [member="Aston Jacobs"] / GR
Enemies: The One Sith

Battle was not something that he longed for. To fight in such a mess was a terrible waste of life and he'd always strove to help his House to dissuade such things on their homeworld. In some cases it had worked, and in others it was out of his hands. Now here he was, on Contruum with another Padawan, waiting to fight against Sith and their armies as the enemy attempted to wipe the Republic from the world. Barrien could not let this happen, but nor would he be there to take lives. One time had been enough for him. One time was too many.

"We must stand strong," he said to Aston. "We must be better than our enemies."

It was a tough task, fighting against the ruthless, but he would see them defeated whilst sparing their lives. That was, probably, more than they deserved, but it was the honorable way to approach battle. He ignited the green lightsaber he held in his hand, his new tool that he'd constructed with his Master, the crystal from Ilum. It hummed to life and he looked on, prepared to do what must be done.
Objective A
Location: Killing Fields, searching for a Jedi to test himself against
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Jedi and Republic

The landscape around the young Sith apprentice darkened. Thunder began to roll and shake the earth beneath his boots as blaster fire began to erupt. Mullarus could not quite make out where the blasts were coming from, but they came in his direction. [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]' lessons on Form III exploded in his head suddenly, his emerald green-bladed lightsaber igniting with a hiss as he held the blade close to him, deflecting bolts of red energy across the war-torn field.

The blaster fire ceased for a brief moment. Mullarus quickly jumped down and went prone to avoid being caught by another shooter, deactivating his lightsaber for a bit. He shut his eyes, taking a deep breath and looking outward with the Force. The field was dark, almost too dark to see with his mortal eyes. The Force would show him where his enemy lay.


A small number of unrecognized auras too Mullarus' gaze through his Force Sight. He quietly took his comlink in hand and activated it. Into it, he whispered, "Bellringer mortars at x341, y733...Republic soldiers."

Mullarus got no message back. What he did recieve cane around a few moments later. A single, massive bolt of energy fell seemingly from the sky and straight into the general area that Mullarus felt the Republic soldiers firing from.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Mullarus examined the small crater created by the Sith artillery. Indeed, four Republic soldiers lay dead and mutilated by the force of the attack. He trudged over to the edge of the crater and looked out toward the rest of the Killing Field, various piles of bones strewn throughout the landscape. A spire of lightning fell and struck thr field a few dozen meters away.

He felt the presence of Jedi nearby. He just could not...see them. Not yet.
Location: En Route to Republic Garrison (through the Forest)
Controller: Ciara Jeknaker
Forces: 5,000 Sisterhood Troops, x20 Behemoth 1313, x30 Uada Somnia, x24 BR-Devastators, and x32 Black Talon Starfighters
Objective: C
Opponents: OS

Personal gear

War, as the old tales preach, never changes only the chess pieces on the field. Each one, a pawn in their own right, has to strategically think and rethink every small step they take toward the maws of glory; or failed satisfaction. Heroes and villains from both sides take long, single breaths as they smooth out their costumes before taking centre stage; to speak their lines with perfection until all Acts have been played out. Regardless of those sitting in the seats to watch and criticize the actors and actresses as they go through their routines after many painstaking hours of practice, the play is never about pleasing the crowd, but pleasing themselves until they can rest and bask in the applause once the grand finale concludes; and the curtain drops for the night.

Taking a ripped page from the book of one of the greatest military minds she ever had the honour to study under, she walked out in front of her entire battle force, while the flying machines of death circled overhead like angels on their backs. Her commanders, all in agreement, thought it was foolish for her to take the lead; but she wanted to show those that had volunteered their lives to her supreme command that fear and death held no place in hearts and minds of warriors. CJ, a one time believer that she was a failure, led the way through the forest toward the Republic garrison; no longer a failure but a true believer in her new calling. You only live once....death is not the end.

"Yes, Corporal Roland," the tall Vahla girl said into her wrist com link.

"We are picking up mixed transmissions. Shall I sent scouts?"

"Negative, Corporal. The GR have our number and they know how to contact us if we need to adjust our current orders. For now, just monitor the transmissions and have the US use their jamming capabilities."

"Yes, Commander. Roland out."

The greatest threat to any large, massed army was allowing faux transmissions to force your hand before the dealer has laid down the final card. Jump to early, and that elaborate pot of chips you fought desperately for would be pushed to the front of one of your competitors; and you will find yourself watching the remaining game played out as a spectator. CJ maybe young, but she was no stranger to this game including the side bets cast by more seasoned players. However, no amount of experience could ever prepare them for the trump card. And that's what I am....a trump card.
Location: Killing fields
Objective: A
Allies: GR
Enemies: OS, [member="Asajj"]

The heavy boot of Mantic crushed the sickly looking leftover from what appeared to be a long dead piece of skin from one of those grotesque vong creatures that had roamed this place all those years ago. Mantic smirked and looked down on it. What could possibly be so appealing to sith about these things? He sighed and turned his head looking around the area. Regardless, the sith were here and they had brough their vongified technology with them to Contruum once more.
The air was heavy with one heavy theme all to familiar with the planet.


The jedi had scrambled to these fields to counter the oncoming storm. It was a dark tiding on the horizon and they all felt it. Blood would be spilt, pain and loss would be felt and and at the end of the day contruums fate would be decided. Some even argued it was the fate of the entire Republic at stake here. There was no telling but Mantic feared not a lost battle but the dark threads of the never resting sith was tearing them apart from within. Jedi had turned their back on the order for years now. Claiming their own paths, convincing themselves that it was for a greater good that they left the order. they thought their action was that of the light.
Mantic knew they were wrong. It was a painful realization to be aware of the wicked grin of the siths silently spreading across their cruel features as more and more jedi had left the ranks of the republic jedi order. This was, in Mantics mind, what in the end might prove its downfall.

But, there was still hope. Mantic had served his life in the order and he had never faltered, never acted on anything but loyalty and the jedi code of old. No single man was greater then the collective wisdom of the past masters - and he certainly would not be tempted to back down from his duty to protect the jedi order or the Republic it had sworn to serve.

Taking another step Mantic surveyed the surroundings, the darkness was approaching. Now the challenge was to point out individuals in that haze. A challenge that would take an effort for sure. The jedi looked up at the dark clouds above, a fitting symbol for what was to come. A lightning struck the land and for a moment the area was bathed in light...


Equipment: Lightsaber, Guardian armor
Location: Deep Republic Space
Objective: Prepare
Allies: [member="Keira Ticon"]
Enemies: None

A red light flashed in the cargo hold of the republic Command Carrier, a brightness that caused Lusk to raise his hand over his eyes that immediately widened no less than a fraction of a second later. Shooting up from his sleeping sack the clone dressed in his PT/slumber gear quickly grabbed his rifle located next to his pack and started banging down on the ground with it sending metallic bangs that began to echo out through the cargo area.

"EVERYONE UP!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL PEOPLE!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!" He said loudly to everyone in the massive cargo hold.

Sleeping bodies began to quickly rise up and awake from their slumber, some groaning and others springing up much like Lusk had done. Once everyone was most up Lusk checked his comm link and heard the news about Contruum. Looking over to find [member="Keira Ticon"] where he has laid a pack out for her he began to brief her on the situation.

"This just in five minutes ago, Contruum is under attack by the zone Sith. I'll mobilize the men and get them ready sir. I strongly suggest you prepare yourself as well and get dressed, we will be diverting a good portion of forces to assist." Lusk said he began to face the clones again.


"Sir, early intelligence reads it's an invasion scale attack, we are ready to move on your word." He said as he began the early stages of putting his armor on.
Location: Contruum system
Objective: Repel sith assault force and engage Sith fleet
Allies:Galactic Republic and Allied fleeters
Enemies: One Sith and allied fleeters

Skywalker-class Star Destroyer - Independence
Resistance-class heavy assault cruiser - Discord
Rieekan-class Defense Frigate - Virtue
Antilles-class blockaid runner - Long Shot

"Wheres my pants?" Ray ask as he turned and hung his legs off the side of his bunk. A sharp chill ran over him as he planted his feet on the cold deck plating. It had been a long and very exciting night of debriefing the two intelligence officers he had meet the day before while on the surface of Contruum. Now here in his Quarters aboard the Independence, play time was over and he had to get to work. "Ladies, please see yourselves out, I am required on the command deck." The two women giggled then waved as Raymond Mosses fastened his belt and straightened his tunic.

Command was not a new prospect for Mosses but he had never had so many people under his command. He was Anaxes breed and trained but he had cut ties with that life long ago. Here he was back in the navy life, wouldn't his father be proud. Not that that meant anything to him, his dad was a pompous ass and he was not here to make that man feel anything about him. In fact it was possible his father would have to one day fight him and when that day come he would as his father would surly be fervent in their attempt to kill the other.

The walk to the bridge of the massive destroyer gave him time to reflect on how flexible the young intelligence agents were. They would surly be getting his recommendation for promotion. They were very bendy he thought to himself as he approached the blast door to the command deck. The door slide open and the light intensity immediately caused Rays eyes to attempt to adjust, blinding him for a second. His vision returned as his eyes made sense of the lights in the room. He walked in and took his position at the command podium.

"Officer of the Deck, I have the Con, you are dismissed"

A man who had moved to allow Ray the podium saluted then smiled "Yes sir Captain,"

The officer turned and walked off to the rear of the command deck to a secondary station. Mosses looked over the display of the podium which ran through the nights reports and any relevant information regarding the days scheduled tasks. He scrolled over the list seeing two readiness drills and what seemed to be a diner for some dignitary from Contruum. He hated his dress uniform and as such grumbled under his breath about having to wear it for some idiot politician.

"Commander, Run through the station readiness drill once before we get too far along."

An officer standing to rays left nodded then began barking orders to the command crew. These officer then continued the chain of grumpy order barking to their team leaders who then grumpily barked at their subordinates. Ray smiled knowing that his general mood had spread through out the entire ship. Now every one was grumpy but they were ready and in record time which was all that mattered.

"Captain, all action stations report green sir." The officer saluted and awaited Mosses to reply. He cracked a smile and nodded to his XO.

"Very good Commander, lets stand down and set action yellow. We have a second drill later today and there is no need in the crew getting too rowdy between then and now."

The XO nodded and laughed a bit as he relayed the order which again spread through out the ship. He then looked around the command deck at his crew. Pride could not help but fill his heart. He took a moment to soak that in then moved onto his most important chore of the day, contacting Leviathan. he pressed in a code on his console then spoke.

"Comms, open me a channel. This station only, encoded priority zeta zero, voice only."

The communications officer set up the channel then sent it to Raymond's console. Ray pressed the button them spoke.

"Sir, Mosses here. I have been down to the planet and report fortifications are coming along well. For now I will remain in orbit until we are scheduled to meet at Sluis Van."

A gruff voice came over the com channel in reply.

"Very well mister mosses, You have your orders, I will be com silent until the rendezvous."

The voice channel closed and Mosses went back to looking over the reports from the readiness drill the Independence had just preformed. The numbers were excellent, now to get through the rest of the day and try not to drive himself mad thinking about this damn dinner. It had not been half an hour when a commotion at the sensor officers console caught his eye.

"Commander, Whats going on?" Mosses waited till his XO turned around from the tactical console to reply. It seemed like the man took forever to speak then with an odd tremble in his voice he spoke.

"Sir, Multiple contacts entering from hyperspace. IFF is not getting transponder codes on most of them, and they seem to be heading for the surface without replying to queries. I think we have hostile bogies inbound sir."

Mosses grimaced then looked at the information now scrolling on his consoles display.

"All crew to action stations Xo, set condition red."

Mosses looked back at the display now showing the trajectory of the ships moving towards Contruum. He slammed his fist on the console cursing under his breath at the realization hes group was out of position to engage the forces before they could made landfall on Contruum. That ship had sailed but he was in position to engage the few ships now moving in on the shipyard.

"Tactical, Target those transports approaching the shipyards. Ops, ready all fighters and await my orders. Helm, move us into orbit above the station. Coms, issue orders to the Discord, Longshot and Virtue to move into position to our starboard flank and move to engage hostile attack craft engaging the shipyard. Coms, Jamm all coms. Close down transceiver relays and enable dark nexus protocol. Laser communication from here on out only. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a drill. Lets lock em and drop em."

Mosses barked out his orders then stood quietly as his crew hurried to their positions and carried out his orders. The Alliance was here to party after all and Mosses could think of no better party than the battle ahead.
Allies: The One Sith and their assorted candies minions
Enemies: The Repooblic and Lord Beard ([member="Carn Dista"])

The warship Ruination emerged from hyperspace alongside the Imperial invasion flotilla, dozens upon dozens of lumbering vessels blotting out the light from the nearby star as they moved with blasphemous purpose to devour all life on Contruum. Battle was soon joined with a thunderous boom of belching turbolasers and screeching proton torpedoes and concussion missiles, hundreds dying in the span of a couple sparse seconds as the vanguard of each side was torn apart by the ruthless opening volley of the other. Swarms of starfighters clashed in the dead zone between the two navies, a free-for-all that resounded with dying screams and the rending of metal followed shortly by explosions coupled with the blinding light of a supernova. Things would eventually devolve from an orderly line of conflict into a brawl between ships as the edged closer and closer.

Deep within the bowels of the Ruination a Sith Lord knelt in silent meditation, the Dark Side flowing freely through his body like a dark electrical current. He was completely bereft of clothing and a dull light shone over his scarred flesh and hairless scalp. From the gloom came forth hooded servitors, their tattooed flesh covered by thin (almost translucent) black vestments, carrying ornate bowls of a sickly-smelling clear liquid. The dipped their hands and fingers into the ointment and began to smear it across the Sith Lord's tattered flesh, the smell clinging to his skin and slathering it with a thick slime-like sheen. They would leave no part of him untouched, and within a few moments the entirety of his body would be covered with the blessed oil. Another pair of servants would come bearing segments of dark armor on plush pillows of violet silk, and would meticulously clothe him in the armor all the while the ship shuddered as it's shields were hit by distant enemy fire.

Finally they would affix his augmented battle helmet to his head, concealing his ruined visage with a mask that snapped into place with the back-half of the helmet with a hiss. He rose and reached for the final pillow brought before him by his damned servant, and plucked his Sith lightsaber from it's plush resting place. Hooking the weapon to his hip he banished his servants from his immediate vicinity, and after a moment of silent contemplation he made his way for the warship's hanger bay. Across the expanse were a vast number of assembled Blackblade warriors, their bodies rigid yet tense with murderous anticipation and a weapon held firmly in their armored hands. He stood before them, their unholy God of Death with his hands upraised in jubilation, and he spoke:

"My brothers, my sisters... We have been unleashed once more upon the realms of men."
Every warrior heeded his words with a zealously that bordered on blind devotion, which wasn't far from the truth to be honest. Beneath their macabre battle helmets their eyes shone with malice and their mouths curled into a murderous smile, hungry for another battle.

"Again we fight the Republic, their warriors weak but their leaders stubborn. We have shattered them time and time again, but this will be the blow that breaks them. To arms, my butchers, it's time for war."
The roared a glorious cheer, more than a thousand hands punching the air as they chanted their same chant over and over again. Then like a river they flooded into the assembled armored transports and gunships that were arranged behind them, each one filled to the brim before blasted out into the darkness of space towards Contruum. They would be sent to fight and to die for the glory of their Lord whom would join them on the battlefield shortly as his transport was always the very last to leave. Darth Vornskr boarded the Imperial transport and made his descent to the planet below, but would be harassed by constant anti-air fire that demolished several other Blackblade transports as they entered the atmosphere. His own transport would be broadsided by flak and would veer far off of it's original trajectory, coming to a crash several klicks off of the intended target.

The transport had landed on it's side, but with a flourish of his lightsaber Vornskr cut a hole through the metal and emerged to find himself in a thick forest. The sounds of distant battle could be heard wafting over the trees, and that is the direction Vornskr started to head towards.

Revy Khai

Objective A
Location: Killing Fields, searching for a Jedi Maleling to capture for a breeding mate
Allies: One Sith [member="Mullarus"]
Enemies: Jedi and Republic [member="Barrien Siegfried"] [member="Aston Jacobs"]

Illusion was her forte.

The Nightsister was hidden under the use of spirit ichor via the water of life, a substance that would make her invisible from sight. Traveling as a single person already as a scout gave her a notable edge. She was geared with a nightsister energy bow and arrows, to include her lightsaber and lightwhip. Her armor was a mix of spidersilk and flexible, durable Tikiuni leather. As the storm would stir up over head, the One Sith Forces would start to spread across the vast killing fields.

Stealth would draw her closer to a quarry, the magic of the Nightsisters spurring her onward. The Totem of the Gaping spider was tucked neatly along a leather pouch at her waist, while the talisman of the same creature would cling to her ring finger in a bone ring. A smile would curve as the other One Sith forces would surge forward.

Now which little maleling would she claim for herself today?

Allies: One Sith Fleet
Enemies: Republic Fleet

With the stars stretched as thin as knives, white pinpricks blurring straight, 'X-Ray's hangar was naught but a pair of steel jaws; Valkyrie Squadron were its teeth, twelve durasteel fangs ready to breathe fire. But for now the beast stalked its prey, it seemed. Valkyrie 9 sat poised upon the wing of her interceptor, listening to the low thrum of slow-burn engines and charging lasers. Torpedos whisked by, astromechs screaming. She wondered if she'd ever see these men again, these walls and their steel.

Staring through the interstellar hunter's jaws, she hated the stars. She hated their doubt, their angst, their forked concerns; cut off one fear, and two grew back, fiercer than ever. Death's cold touch could seal that wound, that was true- but for now, she waited. Preparing, anticipating, second-guessing.

The cockpit sealed shut with a hiss, and the stars were darker than ever through its anti-glare glass.
Objective: A
Location: The Killing Fields
Allies: OS
Enemies: The Republic and their Allies.
The Path of a Conqueror could never truly be easy... The first forces of the One Sith had already began the invasion and Mythos had landed on one of the Many Gunships on the Killing fields as nothing more than another Grunt.... Interesting Considering he was a self proclaimed King of Atrisia, Will of the Emperor and Knight, one would Think he would come backing with three hundred of his Jar'Kai Guards, a fighting force so Elite Each one was a match for even the most experienced Force User...

However Mythos wanted to fight as a Warrior this day and only a Handful of the Jar'kai were behind him, Twenty Elite Soldiers, and as soon as they stepped onto the fields of War Artillery got a bead on them and everything went to hell quick as explosions left and right started detonating as well as a very well armed enemy firing at their position... Insects...

Mythos stepped out of the Gunship and he was not a subtle Target even if his entrance was subtle. Wearing the Golden Armor of the Emperors of Atrisia and the Axe of Adas in his back his image was that of a War Lord, his steps were that of a Titan in confidence and his eyes were motlen Amber Orbs that blazed with the desire to spill blood and bring destruction. As the War-fields grew bigger and bigger and the blaster shots and carbine fire grew loud enough to hear the distinctive clanking of the metals inside Mythos un-clipped the Axe from his back and his Durasteel Plated Gauntlets clenched the handle, The Force began to funnel through it giving the edge of it's blade a red hue that glowed with Magic and Darkside energy before the Arc of the Bladestorm flew from it destroying men and weapons alike, followed by a war-cry that was quickly drowned out the Death cries of the Republic defenders that stood in the of the Arc from the Axe.

"You Will die By My Axe Insects!"
His voice was amplified with the Force and the Unholy aura of the Axe that was a toxic whirlwind of Dark Energies.

Charging through the bodies of the Republic defenders and over the blaster fire that erupted from his back as the defenders were bushed back Mythos sent a clear message through the force to Any friend or Foe that was in range of hearing it, a Trick he learned from [member="Draco Vereen"] to bring the Enemy to him... he was in the mood for a true Test and he could only Hope that somewhere in this battlefield was an opponent that was Equal in strength and power to fit the Expectations Mythos had since facing the Dragon of Mandalore. Anything Less would disappoint him, Mythos was always searching to face greater and greater challenges and it was hard to expect a greater challenge than what he had faced in Naboo.... a Fighter with No Equal... He wanted another like that...
His Axe met flesh and Trooper Armor time and time again with large massive swiped that either dismembered or outright decapitated Defenders, the Vong War-field again tasted blood and bone... and would do so for much of the remainder of this invasion...

<<The Halls of the Republic Will lay shattered, Your senate shall bleed by my Axe and your Cities and soldiers will be broken together. Face Your Inevitable Doom Jedi, You only Prolong your suffering>>
Location: Shipyards.
Objective: B
Allies: [member="Lassiter"]
Enemies: [member="Micah Talith"]
NPC: One soon-to-dead droid pilot.

"Will you be having another drink, miss Trahir?" the servant said, dress in a silk short, flowery shorts, and a pink tie. He was carrying a tray of drinks, handing it out to the people on the beach. Today was not a busy day for him, as it was only Ameli and Sena, alone, beside the ocean underneath two warm sun. Just like N'zoth, Ameli was getting her tan on. "Most certainly. Leave the tray." the servant hesitated at first, but the look in her eye told him not to protest. He put the trey down, leaving them an unhealthy amount of alcohol, and left them be. "Ahh, this is life! Told you it'd be fine. I told you, didn't I?" Ameli said with a smirk, reaching out to gently cling her glass against Sena's. Not every location they dropped down to had to be a battle. For once, they were having some nice and quiet, a well deserved vacation. "Cheers" she said, looking over at her friend. Sena simply looked at her with an empty expression, replying "Wake up." Ameli didn't understand. Was this going to be another drawn out 'peace is a lie' lesson? "Wake up, Ameli"

She felt a sudden gust of wind wash over her. Despite the suns, she was cold. Her hand reached for the edge of her sheet and pulled it over her. That was better... Wait. She... She was in bed? Wasn't she on a sunny beach-oh for feth's sake... Ameli slowly opened her eyes, confirming that she was indeed not enjoying the warm weather with a drink in hand, but rather, was laying in bed inside of that cold ship. Motherfething kath hound. Her head sunk deep into the pillow, pulling the sheets over her to cover her completely. Nope! Not dealing with this. Nopenopenope. Feth no. Ameli groaned loudly into the pillow.

"I don't wanna" she complained, before finally turning over to look at Sena. "She'll be fiiine. She's like, the Eye. She can just stare them to death. Sheee wiiilll beeee fiiiiine. We'll call in sick." Of course, she knew that was not really an option. Eventually, she would have to get out of bed. Eventually, she would have to tend to the mission they had been given. But after that, she was getting a fething drink.

She pretended not to hear about the breaching in ten part. If they were breaching in ten, that meant she still had five. Of course, Ameli couldn't simply have it her way. Before barely three minutes had passed, the sound of explosions was coming closer. It would seem that they had not managed to simply sneak in undetected, so they could do their thing and get out. Nope, of course, they were flying straight into a warzone. Typical.

Suddenly, the ship did a flip, and Ameli tumbled out of bed, wrapped within the sheets. "What the kark! I just wanted five more minutes! Is that too much too ask?!" Yes, the ship responded, and flung Ameli forwards. She slid across the floor, almost going all the way through the door and out into the hall. This might be a good time to find some clothes. The alarms rung, and the entire ship erupted into noise. It was quite clear that had happened. They had been hit.

"We are approaching target destination. Prepare for landing" a robotic voice sounded over the comms. So they were not completely taken out of operation yet. By now, Ameli was half falling over, trying to get into her robes. The style was Sith black. Dull. But she didn't exactly have time to carefully select her outfit. She had imagined that for an operation like this, she would look way better than she did now. Nope, Not having it. Ameli, and presumably Sena too, made their way towards the cockpit.

"How soon before we-oh..." To say that they were going in for a landing was putting it gently. In the category of things being put down gently, this ship was nowhere to be found. Ameli strapped herself in. This was indeed going to be a bumpy ride. Land 'ho. Shipyards ahead.
Location: Objective A - The Killing Fields
Objective: Defeat Nerius
Allies: -
Enemies: Nerius


Ella held her Lightsaber in front of her, ready to use it for her defense. There was no time to try and reason with this being- for every second that was wasted, meant more lives were lost- and by this day, she intended to bring about the defeat of every Sith she met. The Jedi Knight would endeavor not to lose the duel that was about to occur between herself and this person.

If he would not engage her first, then she would engage him. Lifting her palm towards the Sith, Ella pulled on the Force to lift him off his feet towards her. In one sudden lift of her Lightsaber, she was aiming to sever his upper body from his torso, with a slash to the mid-drift.

Location: Republic Garrison, Contruum
Objective: C
Allies: [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="SC-4486"]
Enemies: [member="Draco Vereen"] @Cyrax Bane

Gear: Dragoon Class Combat Armor, Crinan Energy Blade, Slicewire, E-11 Blaster Rifle

NPC Forces:
NPC Equipment for Infantry:
E-11 Blaster Rifles, E-11 Sniper Variant, Plex Launchers, Baradium Thermal Detonators. WW-47 Cryoban Grenade, E-Web Cannon, Mines, Equipment as outlined Here basically. [Totally didn't get lazy listing it out again]

The Empire certainly wasn't going to sit aside on matters anymore, not after establishing a formal alliance with the Republic to settle on Carida in exchange for support in lashing out against the One Sith. Contruum was a key location, one that couldn't be allowed to fall to the One SIth's advance, and for that reason, Alva Calvarona was going to ensure the battle was a Republic Victory no matter what the cost. Considering that each faction's roles were reversed from Ord Mirit, she was going to enjoy things oh so much. A wicked grin on the crinan woman's face as she switched over her comms to the Empire's frequency for just her officers, the wind screaming past her as she turned her speeder bike to check one of her forces positions. Having followed the Republic's orders to setup defensive measures along several of the mountain sides leading to the main garrison.

As the Republic Garrison was settled in the large valley in the center of the mountain range, Alva deployed her arrayed forces in the forward positions along the ridges and forests of the smaller passages leading through the mountains the Sith would have to cross through. As her speeder made the rise up the passage, the Imperial Commander looked over the AT-FATs in motion with the AT-STs beside them, waiting at the end of the routes along the forest where they could fit, a few soldiers moving to setup a few small holes with their entrenching tools for added cover later. However, up in the passes themselves was where Alva was most pleased. Setup in the crags and along the ridges of parts of the pass, Imperial Stormtrooper Squads set themselves up for the coming storm.

Using the rock face as natural cover where the pass had optimal cover, the Imperial soldiers placed squads with E-Web Cannons and Plex Launchers up along the sides of the pass, ready for when Sith forces would climb through, where they could fire down on the enemy forced to travel those routes, who could only spread out as much as the pass allowed them. The troopers busy finishing up their preparations as the Sith forces were reportedly landing further north according to orbital reports tracking the downward shuttles. "Captain Nim, status report." Pulling her speeder bike to a halt, the crinan woman looked toward the trooper in charge of the pass, the soldier inspecting the chain of E-Webs and Plex Launchers that the Stormtroopers were manning every fifteen meters. Their secure transmissions were on a different frequency and decryption than the Republic's, whose of course were handled separately from local and civilian channels as well.

"Commander, the troops are in position along the vantage points in the pass where the Republic marked for us. As for the other matter you requested, its almost done too." Alva could see that too, the few troopers in the pass who hadn't climbed up the ridges yet were putting the final touches on burying a few mines into the pass, and making sure they were going to be hard to see until the enemy infantry was on top of them, which of course would hopefully be too late as they would already be under cannon, sniper, rocket, and blaster fire to keep them focused on other matters when their squads and heavy vehicles passed over them for explosive results. Some were even being placed along the ridges themselves, the troopers on their grapple launcher lines embedding them on the rock face where they could collapse small ridges to slow down the enemy advance or inflict casualties. "Understood, Lieutenant Jervor and Altrix have completed their preparations in similar measure?"

As a pair of AT-STs came into the pass to setup to face the Sith Forces that would either be coming through or taking an extremely long way around, the Imperial Captain stood from their work approving the condition of the E-Web cannons near his position as he responded. "Yes Commander, though Altrix is a bit displeased his formation is back further than ours, she's upset if the Sith take that route she'll be engaged after we already begin." That was fine so long as the mines were prepped and the squads were deployed with their E-Webs, Plex Launchers, and snipers along the sides of the pass. If worse came to worse her forces could use their grapple lines to climb over the mountain side and climb down the other end away from enemy fire, though falling back from there to the garrison would be slow going unless the Republic sent a dropship for them. "Right, keep long range comms to a minimum to report engagement status, and I doubt anyone is dumb enough to use the local comms or open channels. Let's hope the second wave of reinforcements makes swift haste."

Turning her speeder bike around, Alva pressed for speed to return to the AT-FAT at the valley edge before the pass. It was still moving into position and she wanted to be in their to coordinate things further. It bothered her to be so close to getting most of the Imperial forces to Carida only for the Sith to strike. Unsteathily so since they made a mad dash for Contruum clear through Republic space. Did they honestly think something like that was going to go unnoticed?

  • Alva checks Imperial forces status
  • Stormtroopers setting up E-Web/Plex Launcher/Sniper positions along the ridges of the mountain passes
  • Troopers setting up mines in the passes, along with some on the rock face to create rockslides for delays and enemy casualties
  • Walkers moving into position from the forested valley
  • Unsure of numbers until Sith and Republic coordinate on that (tens of thousands though what?)


Location: Hyperspace enrote to Cardia
Objective: B, Engage Sith fleet
Allies: Galactic Republic and Rebel Alliance fleeters
Enemies: Sith fleeters


Lash sat watching the brilliant light show of hyperspace as the last of the Ships from SIrat Wen made their way to Cardia. Leaving yet another world behind was hard for the Empire. But with their new alliance with the Galactic Republic and their New Home on Cardia, giving up the Sirat Wen system did not sting so bad. He had left many Chiss behind on the fringe worlds but he would one day return, that he was sure of.

Now he found himself Head of Defensive operations for the Galactic Empire and with it the Command of of the few Destroyers the Empire maintained. More would be built but for now they were a rare site as most were kept in secret locations as not to give the Empires enemies a change to strike at them. They were too expensive to leave open to sabotage or attack.

The ship shuttered and the blurred lines of hyperspace fell off into darkness. IN the distance tiny spots began to appear as the light from stars of the galaxy found their way to the eyes of Stela'shlit'nuruodo and his crews. The deep space near the Tanaab system was darker then most areas. the transitory mist in the distance blanked out the light from so many stars leaving large black areas in the distance where no stars could be seen. Lash sat in his command throne quietly as his crew went about preparing for their jump to Chazwa and then on to Cardia. His peace was disturbed as his executive officer stood and walked to his thrown.

"Sir, We have intercepted a distress call from a lieutenant nightfall on Contruum on the Galactic Republics Channel. It seems they have fallen under attack from Sith forces."

Lash took a drink of his port and sat the glass sin its spot on is seat. Sith attack this far into Republic space was unimaginable, yet Bold. These Sith certainly had a flair for Bold.

"Captain, Set a course for Contruum, We have forces there assisting the Republic with their defensive measures. We must see to it our forces get off the world safe."

Lash nodded and watched the captain walk off and make the changed to the course. Soon as the four ships had turned and moved into formation they jumped into hyperspace en route for Contruum. The Sith had time to do a lot of damage before his force could get there. He prayed that the Republic had forces enough to hold until his arrival.

Location: Objective B - On the Shipyards
Objective: Go to the hanger! Currently by hanger 18
Allies: Mum and Aela are at A
Enemies: [member="Ameli Trahir"] [member="Lassiter"]

So far, no Sithly surprises. That was good. It meant getting to his ship faster.

"Vex?!" He called out through his wrist comm again. "How is that preflight?!" he asked her. While he waited for her answer, he would quickly tap through a message to send down to his mother. Both she and Aela were very well capable of taking care of themselves and getting off world; that is, if their mother didn't get dragged into fighting. Once that happened, well... odds were they were all going to be staying on Contruum longer than they would wish. His mother had a kind heart, and she wasn't one to let an innocent stay behind. If she could evacuate people and get as many out of the dangerzone as possible, then she considered that a win.

Personally, Micah rather just make sure the Sith got a quick kick in the shebs and a stun bolt or two.

Aela, well Aela wouldn't be so forgiving.

Micah ran down the corridor, he was close to Hanger 18 now. The mass of civilians were quickly attempting to get into shuttles. Yeah, evacuation procedures were on high alert. So far, no trouble. The Republic fleet could hold off the advance during the evacuations right?

That's when the sound of blaster fire from a volley of Sith starfighters struck one side of the Shipyards. The battle had begun.
"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."

Sun Tzu​

Location: Hyperspace, en route to Contruum
Objective: The Killing Fields
Allies: [member="Vengeance"]
Enemies: [member="Corvus Raaf"]

Vaulkhar stood off to himself, several feet away from his master. He stared out from a window and watched the stars of space speed by as they flew through hyperspace. This was the young man's first true battle against the Galactic Republic. Nothing before this point could hold a candle up against the atrocities and hardships he shall face this day, and he knew that without a doubt. The force this day was thick with emotion, it clung to those around him like a sheet of ice upon a frozen lake. As he turned away from the window and looked upon [member="Vengeance"], he could see the worry in his master's eyes. Vaulkhar knew the man would never say it, but Vengeance feared the thought of losing his apprentice, just as Vaulkhar feared the thought of losing his master.

He would not go as far as to say Vengeance has become a father-figure in the young man's life, but he has been a strong male figure that he had needed. The young man's father had never been there, and while he was being raised by the Miraluka people, he had only a mother; sort of. Vengeance had taught him the truth behind combat, he taught him how to truly wield his lightsaber, and he taught him what honor meant in the face of combat. This was a man who Vaulkhar looked upon with pride, and he had no intention of letting his master fall this day. And surely he would not fall either.

As Vengeance spoke, the blind man listened to his words and responded with a nod.

"Yes Vengeance, I will be by your side."

He turned away as the Captain's voice appeared, notifying them of their exit from hyperspace. Once more he turned his attention to that of outside of the window, peering out through blind eyes. Space was cold and devoid of the force. It was the only time the young man truly felt blind. It was his only reminder why he would not die. The life beyond was cold and devoid of senses; something he would not face this day.

Vaulkhar peered down at his armor, gifted to him from [member="Darth Ferus"] upon entering and taking part in a mission with the Sith Assassins. The armor was light, well fitting, and protected his vital spots. Not only that, but it allowed him quick movements and various other forms of protection that could not simply be ignored. It gave him an edge that not many others outside of the Sith could afford. Though it was not perfect, nor would it alone keep him safe, it aided him greatly in battle and it was something the young man was more than thankful for.
Objective A: The Killing Fields
Location: Contruum
Allies: Galactic Republic
Enemies: The One Sith-[member="Revy Khai"]

Aston nodded his his brother in arms as he gripped his blade with both hands the light from the blue blade gleaming brightly. And yes as the terror and dark was around them, he could feel them approaching Aston took another step back. They were their Aston just couldn't see them, as he closed his eyes for another brief moment to remember his teachings not just here but from [member="Satara Hawk"]

Aston's force sense picking up the presence of on and possibly another. "Show yourself." Aston said with a small glance of determination as he steadies himself again. He wouldn't allow himself to be picked apart like this. It wouldn't happen.

Aston closed his eyes again and he held his lightsaber out to his side and using the force steadying himself a barrier was made around him, just almost skimming above the surface of his whole body. A light defense, yet he needed to be ready for this, they would spring out in force. Or so he thought.

Revy Khai

Objective A
Location: Killing Fields, searching for a Jai Maleling to capture for a breeding mate
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="Aston Jacobs"]

Revy would spot her quarry soon enough.

There was something about him. Something primal. Familiar. The huntress took a deep breath, using the Force to heighten her scent. Yesssss.... Like a predator catching the first whiff of blood, the Nightsister of the Spider Clan would give a wolfish grin. Darting forward, she would follow the trail, tracking the aura of the Force that would hum and vibrate down the length of her mental web.

She found him soon enough. A boy. Blonde. Young. Well made. Certainly had the look of a good breeder, but she would have to test his merit. Would he be strong? Could she reign him in, lock him down and make him admit dominance? Only one way to find out....

He made a demand to 'Show yourself.' Ahh, so he was touched by Allya? How else could he sense her through the magic of the ichor?

Crouching low, she carefully made her way closer... closer still. Until finally, she stood a mere five meters away, hidden within the field as the storm grew overhead. That's when she acted. Words fell from her lips, a somatic chant, a weave of a spell uttered under breath. Her jaw fell and the magic of the Nightsister rose in a cresting wave out from her delicate throat. With a deep thrumming vibration akin of the Ssurian's hunting call, she let out an earth splitting shriek of its territorial warning, directed at full blast at the Jai with a wave of sound that could potentially shatter teeth and pop eardrums. His disorientation was her intention, allowing her to hopefully attack in the next instant to strike first blood.
Objective: A the killing fields (aka ruin Jedi Grandmaster's Day)
Location: Enroute to the Killing fields
Allies: [member="Vaulkhar"]
Enemies: [member="Corvus Raaf"]

Vengeance sighed and stood. He looked Vaulkhar over giving the man a nod. He used to stare out into the emptiness of space in the beginning. Not any more know he used every spare moment preparing for what was to come. He smiled.

"Make your final preparations while we descend to the surface." "I will be in the cockpit."

Vengeance turned heading over to talk to the pilot. He took a deep breath.

"How long until we reach the objective."

The pilots turned looking at Vengeance.

"15 minutes to LZ Sir."

Vengeance nodded watching the scene in front of him. They were dipping into into a large field in front of him. Vengeance didn't like it at all they were to exposed. The only thing that comforted him were the other ships landing in various sections of the battlefield. When they were five minutes out he turned back towards the back calling to Vaulkhar.

"Five minutes out." "There is not a lot of protection around so the pilot is not going to land." "When we get there we are jumping the last 30 feet to the ground."

Vengeance made his last few checks before moving over to the exit as the ramp lowered. He took a quick look back for he jumped landing in a crouch to cushion the landing. Once the pilot took off Vengeance would look around for his first target that uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach getting worse.

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