Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Rains of Contruumere [One Sith vs GR Invasion of Contruum]

Objective B: Hangar 23
Location: Contruum
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Crap, crap, crap!

"Come on Arr-Four!" a whistle and a hoot came right behind her, the astromech droid rolling on his little wheels to catch up. They were going to have to find a way off world quick. But how?! Fate is a curious thing. So is the Force. What would happen next would have Chloe say that it was the Will of the Gods - she was a true believer of the Corellian Old Traditions. Her Master, Jannik, would likely say otherwise, but nothing is ever what it seems. Or maybe it was just her sheer clumsiness. Either way, she had her tool kit on one hand and her satchel on the other. With how crowded it was with the alarms blaring and evacuation procedures ongoing, it was bound to happen.

She ended up crashing against [member="Kurt Meyer"]'s back as a panicked spacer behind her shoved her forward.
Location: Killing Field
Objective: A
Allies: One Sith!
Enemies: [member="Ella Nova"]

Feeling the jerk progress him towards his new opponent, which he then enhanced by pushing off the ground. In doing so, he sailed clear over the swipe that aimed for the death blow already. Flipping elegantly, Nerius spun when feet touched dirt, and used the momentum to carry his legs upward into a potentially devastating roundhouse kick towards his opponents temple.

Ella would soon see that his strengths lay in close quarters, and like a savage animal, he would be upon her the majority of the fight.

Activating his lightsabers as he allowed himself to continue the velocity of his spin, he dropped low to sweep a kick at the back of her legs while simultaneously thrusting both plasma blades at the midsection of the human. He had allowed her to begin as she felt need be, but now he would work to maintain control of the battle.

His already battle oriented mind, affected by the Robes, would calculate each move and its equal opposite as quickly as possible. The aid in his connection the Force could help, if he was more of a Force based being. As is, it would simply be an aid for utilizing Force Speed.
Location: Deep Republic space
Objective: Prepare (Soon to be C)
Allies: [member="Commander Lusk"], The Republic
Enemies: N/A (OS)
NPC template will come after landing on Contruum. Gear in signature.

Mere seconds after the lights began to flash Keira opened her eyes, not bothering to stifle a string of curses in Old Corellian once the announcement was made. It wasn't that she was upset over losing sleep - being an insomniac and suffering from PTSD, she never got much of that anyway - but the Sith themselves were another matter altogether. It was they she had clashed with on countless occasions, never quite being able to escape the realm of their influence throughout the galaxy, for better or worse. Now once again she had been snared within that spider's web, but this time she wasn't alone. This time, perhaps, she would be able to make a difference. They would. Together.

As he informed her of just what was currently transpiring she strapped on her armor piece-by-piece, checking that every strap was secure, every plate resting precisely where it was intended. The drums of war had begun to beat near-tangibly within the cargo hold, everyone already turning their attention to the inevitable war ahead of them. It may have been an entirely unexpected call, but they were ready, many already armored and going about what tasks they had been assigned. Soon enough they would join the fight already beginning for the planet, each throwing their lot in to drive the Sith out. They hadn't even touched down, and already it was do or die.

Contruum. Invasion. The planet wasn't familiar, but then again, they never were. That wasn't important. What was began with landing dirtside. An exact strategy would be sussed out once they were fully en route. As if in afterthought her saber flew into her grasp, and she clipped the weapon at her waist. Everything was as it should be. This was when she was most at peace, when preparing for another battle, another fight that would no doubt add a new scar to her already impressive repertoire. This was where she belonged. Her gaze traveled over the clones momentarily before she looked to Lusk, the barest hints of a smile on her lips. "Let's move out."
Location: Killing Fields
Objective: Destroy Sith
Allies: GR
Enemies: OS [member="Iziz Vei"]
Gear in Bio.

James walked through the field of battle, blood soaked sands and bodies beneath his feet. He was by no means a saint in the eyes of the Jedi Council, but he fought for freedom, and the One Sith were oppressors who sank to any level of indecency to satisfy their bloodlust. And today, the Knight of a Thousand Teachings was going to squash the Sith, their ways and their hopes.

Twin blades in his hands, he marched towards a target he could feel. Delving into the Force he swallowed his image into nothingness, cloaking his appearance and presence, it would be difficult to see the man who'd spent his life in the shadows. A warrior for knowledge, James walked, invisible to naked eye and to the Force.

Blades unignited, to prevent giving himself away, it was a battle he was sure to enjoy. A learning experience along with a chance to test his learned skills. The Sith appeared to be a Jawa, strange to see one of them here and under the Banner of Oppression.
Location: Hyperspace, en route to Contruum
Objective: The Killing Fields
Allies: [member="Vengeance"]
Enemies: [member="Corvus Raaf"]

Vaulkhar turned away from the vast expanse of space as the ship began to descend towards the planet. At hearing the words of [member="Vengeance"] he turned towards him and nodded. He strode towards the other side of the room he was currently in, lifting his small pack and fitting it over his shoulder. He then lifted his lightsaber from it's place on the table and clipped it to his belt before turning from the table and striding towards the cockpit of the ship. There he waited beside Vengeance, nodding here and there to both the captain and his master as they spoke to him.

The young man's gut began to tighten and he squinted his eyes to look at the battlefield. It was an open expanse of space, one that sent butterflies through his very being. It was open, way too open. Many would die this day and the dirt will run red with rivers of blood, of that the acolyte was sure. He himself did not know many of the One Sith, but he did know those who fell this day would be remembered by he himself, even if others did not.

As the ship dipped lower towards the surface, Vaulkhar moved towards the lowering ramp after his master. He grabbed his lightsaber and held it tight before leaping after him. He plummeted the thirty feet to the floor below quickly, his bun whipping through the air as the wind tore at him. He bent his knees and lowered himself into a roll upon making contact with the floor. A short spasm of ran through his legs up to his knees, but he shrugged it off and straightened. He turned towards Vengeance and ignited his lightsaber, a bile-colored yellow beam of energy shot out of the hilt.

"I suppose it is time."
Objective A: The Killing Fields
Location: Contruum
Allies: Galactic Republic
Enemies: The One Sith-[member="Revy Khai"]

Aston feet moved apart,together and apart again as he moved to his side amidst the the thunder that rumbled overhead and a streak of lightning that pierced and lit up the darkened clouds bringing out a shape and malice that he couldn't describe. Aston however stood firm, his lightsaber at his side and his left palm steady as he held the barrier up and that was when he was hit with a bang and a noise the sound of a mortar shell going off it seemed. The Padawan was knocked back a few, more so by the resulting break of his barrier as it lessened the damage that the high pitched moved would have done. However it still brought about a strong pain to the side of his head as he steadied himself for a moment, he had few precious seconds, if that.

Aston's hand moved forward however still slightly disoriented from the wave. A wave of force energy was directed towards that particular spot where the attack came from. As it where, were his senses were directed. If it was correct he wasn't too sure, she had few precious seconds to make a call. Aston's mind was becoming focused again, and with another second or two be up and charged for battle.

Revy Khai

Objective A
Location: Killing Fields, gonna get this Jai Maleling and capture him for a breeding mate
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="Aston Jacobs"]

The mass of Force energy would hit the Nightsister head on. A grunt fell from her lips, sending her stumbling back, scattering dirt, pebbles, and leaving a trail that would announce her location. Her ribs hurt. So he was powerful in the Force.

Yes, he was a good choice.

However, she would not stay there long. A metallic tang filled her mouth, blood from a cut, and she spat it out with a sneer. The shell of her palm would sound latch upon her lightsaber, and with the rush of the Force, the woman would speed through to lunge at an angle towards the Jai.

It was the Speed of the Toocha, making her an invisible blur. As she drew near, a snaphiss would ignite a bright magenta blade. It would swing at the Jai from left hip to right shoulder in a feint with her right hand. Were that successful, a sudden surge of Force lightning would shoot out at his torso from her left. She didn't want to wound him.

She wanted to knock him out to breed him.
Objective A: The Killing Fields
Location: Contruum
Allies: Galactic Republic and friends
Enemies: One Sith and [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] (eventually)
Gear: Robes Lightsaber Second Lightsaber

Studying the old battlefield pleased her inner archaeologist greatly, but what didn't was the fact that Sith forces were attacking. Honestly, this was a place of history and now people would have to dig deeper to actually study the ancient battlefield from the Yuuzhan Vong Wars. Still, she was sitting in her Shade robes with her lightsabers, just waiting for an opponent to come to her. Maybe it would be someone she never met, that would be interesting. Possibly fun.

She could sense her sister was here somewhere, so that was nice at least. Well, time to wait and see. She started pulling the light side to her, keeping herself nice and calm and collected and observant.
Location: Killing Fields
Objective: Destroy Sith

Allies: GR
Enemies: GR [member="James Mathison"]

Iziz had undertaken a duty, though, he had begun to question if that duty was really worth-while, as Darth Yannis, he had been at the center of a couple of scandals in recent days, the disappearence of Darth Ferus being one of them, after the duel with the Shadow of the Dark Lord, it was seen that Iziz had backed the Dark Lords' personal assassin into a corner for some time, managing to wound the Sith Lord repeatedly before running out of energy and having his arm broken by a single blow which the Jawa was forced to block. The battlefield Iziz observed was a mess, people fighting, dying, everywhere, it was up to him to smoke out Jedi amidst the combat, the process was hard, but the young Sith knight felt like he was up to the arduous task.

Iziz came equipped with his basic gear, his tail hidden, wrapped around his waist, hidden under the cloak of his assassins armour, his two single handed light-saber blades and a thermal detonator of B grade at his hips which were also concealed by the cloak. His double ended saber pike in his hands as he bolted across the battlefield at a speed which a frilled lizard would have been proud of. The Jawa was a ghost amidst the combat, an assassin for the One Sith, and he was good at what he did...

And as he saw his target walking across the battle-field... the Jawa knew exactly what he had to do.

The first of all the attacks would be a head on one, gripping his saber-staff in one hand the Jawa would activate the Stygium stealth Generator on his belt in order to hide him from the eyes of his opponent as the Jawa would charge him head-on. Not yet erecting the blades of his saber-pike, knowing that the Jedi would be easily able to hear the buzzing blades humming through the air as the Jawa approached at speed. Instead, as the Jawa came within range, his soft feet not making a register-able sound as he approached.

Rolling to the left of his opponent as he got within a couple of meters, Iziz would swing his weapon with all of the force he had, hitting the switch on the blade to extend the super-heated plasma edge of the saber pike only a fraction of a moment before the blow would land to give the Jedi as little time to react as the Jawa possible could... the sudden movement of his attack, breaking the calm fluid movement would cause the stygium cloaking field to shimmer, giving some inclination and visual cue to the strike...

But not much...
Objective A
Location: Killing Fields, still searching for an opponent
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Jedi and Republic


The sounds of blaster fire and lightsaber clashes began to overpower the sound of the falling rain and rolling thunder. The air already reeked of death. Blood of Jedi and Sith alike stained the already war-scarred surface of Contruum, and it had only just begun. Still unable to find an opponent, Mullarus wandered the killing fields. Half-decayed skeletal remains from wars already suffered centuries ago crunched under Mullarus' boots as his dark gaze wandered the landscape. The rain fell from the heavens above, from the same heavens the Sith fell from to bring destruction to this Republic world from. It soaked Mullarus' robes to the point where even pulling the hood on made it mat to his head.

The young man's mind wandered. Only about a year had passed since he had first arrived at the Sith Academy on Coruscant. Since then, his life had changed so much more than he could have prepared for. He himself was almost a completely different person...was he a better one, or worse? Did it matter? He was Sith. Sith could do whatever they wanted...


Out here, they couldn't... The Sith were the butchers. They killed any and all life for the sake of spilling the blood of the innocent. If you were weak in their eyes, you deserved to die. That was the end of it. Right? There was no in-between out here. Kill or die.

No...that's just war, and that never changes.

Mullarus' indigo eyes searched for those of one that he might do battle with out here. He would not enter the duel of someone else. That was their battle to fight. He did not care if he was still an apprentice. He would find his own enemy to duel. Honorably. There would be no deception, no cheap tricks, and no surrender. Two duelists. One winner, determined by either one's death or one's mercy.

Mullarus craved the feeling of crossing blades with one who valued honor as he did. As time went on and Mullarus grew and learned...he almost began to forget about how much he wanted to avenge his fallen parents. It almost did not matter anymore. He only wanted to advance in the ranks of the Sith and prove to his fellow Sith and the Jedi that he was a force to be reckoned with...
Location: Deep Republic Space
Objective: Prepare
Allies: [member="Keira Ticon"]
Enemies: None

"Yes sir, we'll be ready soon. I'll send word to FleetCom to put us into hyper space. Should take us an hour to arrive, maybe two if we run into complications." Lusk reached down and began to strap on his armor and prepare for what was to come.

"If you can sir I need you to send a message to FleetCom and tell them to start fueling and preparing all D Twenty Fives, we'll be needing them." Lusk said as he quickly strapped on his armor and loaded his helmet on his head in less than two minutes.

"I'll see you in the hanger in one hour, be ready to drop." Lusk quickly saluted his commander then ran off to handle other business.

Taking out his Comm unit he quickly held it up to his mouth and started to speak into it loudly. The fleet carrying the clone army was absolutely massive in size, consisting of hundreds of ships all traveling at once under the secretive orders of Genevieve to get the clones on republic ground.

"FleetCom FleetCom this is Commander Lusk, break off nine Justicar Command Carriers from the main convoy and reroute to Contruum over." He said waiting for a response as he helped one of the more younger clones strap on a nutrient frame.

"Negative Commander, we are under strict orders to return each Justicar to its proper post" A uptight near British voice said back to lusk.

Cursing in Mandoa the clone finished slapping on his buddies pack as he grabbed his own Pulse Rifle and slammed a magazine into it.

"How many Justicars are in route to Contruum after the drop has been made?" Lusk said in a very upset tone.

"About three, counting your vessel Commander. However Commander I need to inform you that these ships were barely pulled off the line and lack most of their gun batteries." The voice said back to lusk.

"I don't care! I just need them to give us a ride! Get your clones aboard the other carriers and have them load up on your d twenty fives. The other carriers can keep moving up we need those ships admiral!" Lusk barked at the stuff old man and soon after waited tensely for a response.

"Can do commander, we are making corrections to your vessels hyper space coordinates now." With that Lusk jogged over to go ensure the clones were arming themselves up to the teeth.

OBJECTIVE: A- Defeat The Sith
LOCATION: The Killing Fields
ALLIES: GR Folks + Allies
ENEMIES: OS Bubs {[member="Darth Ferus"]}
Her boots hit the ground hard. Quickly she glanced around, the HUD on her helm distracting her as much as it helped her. This was the first real battle that she had been in for some time. What had been the last one before this?... Coruscant? No, that couldn't be it. That had been over six years ago, back when she was still a beast roped into fighting for the Horde. The Horde was gone now. Nothing remained of them. Nothing besides her memories, Circe's memories, and ashes left lying on worlds. It's all gone, she told herself, trying to focus on the hell that the fight would become. Maybe this was her first invasion in some time, but it was far from her first ever.

Rule 1 of Combat: Don't let things get to your head.

And so the force-dead warrior held her rifle in her hands, grip tight, and rushed into the fray. No single opponent stuck out to her. No target that she immediately wanted to go for. Instead she simply fired at those she saw, careful to avoid firing at allies. Something told her that she'd find a duel partner soon... One never waited long in war.
Objective A: The Killing Fields
Location: Contruum-Witch ain't gonna get none of this good stuff!
Allies: Galactic Republic
Enemies: The One Sith-[member="Revy Khai"]

Aston shook his head a bit as he stood up and regained his posture and his stance taking a deep breath as he then hold on to his lightsaber with both hands as she looked up towards him. That look in her eyes, it was something he hadn't seen before, Aston did know something though. She was a woman of Dathomir, or at least it appeared that way. She spat out and Aston took another deep breath taking a step back, and just like that she charged forward, like a flash Aston barely saw her as then the magenta blade appeared and the Jedi brought up his blade to defend the attack. As he was doing so in those last moments a surge of lightning was shown and soon emitted, and shot the padawan at his center and he was blasted back several feet landing on his back. Sure, it hurt like hell, but the Jedi padawan wasn't down for the count. Yet he in itself was feinting defeat, for a few precious seconds.

Aston waited a few moments, his breathing steady as he felt her presence through the force, his senses aware to her scent, her smell and what she could now do. And he would take full advantage of that. Small pockets of smoke could be seen shifting off the Jedi.

The force was with him.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
Objective B: Hangar 23
Location: Contruum
[member="Choli Vyn"]

He stumbled slightly as something struck him.

Kurt hadn't really been watching where he was going, in fact he had been standing aimlessly in the center of the hangar watching the mechanic work on his ship. To be truthful, he had almost entirely ignored the warning klaxons that had gone off. The Mechanic hadn't heard them either, his face being deeply hidden in the mechanics of the VCS-820

"Hey!" Kurt said as he half turned to face the girl. "Watch it!"

His eyes set on the girl, eyebrows raising slightly as he realized the look on her face made her seem like she had seen a ghost. "Are you okay?"

The pilot was still unaware of the coming invasion, even with the bright red flaring sirens that seemed to be going off all across the station now, resounding loudly. It was that exact moment that Kurt seemed to notice them, his head shifting around as though he were trying to figure out exactly what that blasted noise was.
Location: Objective A - The Killing Fields
Objective: Defeat Nerius
Allies: -
Enemies: Nerius


Ella followed Nerius as he pushed into the ground. She span her body, following where he would drop after her swipe missed. Moving her lightsaber back into position to continue, she was met by a swift kick to the face. Stars span along with her body off the impact. Her temple would be bruised by the end of the fight, that was for sure.

Staggering, the Jedi Knight attempted to regain her footing, only to find herself up in the air. Swept off her feet, Ella Nova rolled across the floor instinctively, her reactions guided by the Force. She felt the heat of Nerius' lightsabers as they closed in for the kill, missing her by centimeters as her use of her Force senses allowed her to dodge the would be fatal blow.

Rolling across the ground, the Jedi Knight rolled across her shoulders, along the back of her neck and back onto her feet. Tapping into a Force Valor, Ella lifted the blue light of her lightsaber into the path of the Sith Acolyte's blades. Saber locking, sparks flew off the blue and red beams as the two clashed.

Regaining her composure, Ella released one hand off her lightsaber. Nerius' strength threatened to break her hold on her lightsaber, making the her weapon hand strain against him. Before she was disarmed, however, Ella broke her concentration on her Force Valor and instead threw forwards a Force Push into the stomach of Nerius, to create separation and with hope, the breakage of a rib or two.

Revy Khai

Objective A
Location: Killing Fields, gonna get this Jai Maleling and capture him for a breeding mate
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="Aston Jacobs"]

There was a satisfied curl of Revy's upper lip. The smoldering body of the Jai now lay on the ground, still but breathing. Good. It was with this rather over confident aura of satisfaction that the woman would slowly saunter over towards her prey. Left foot slung over the right, and back again. The snap hiss of her saber would announce it's deactivation, where it would soon find the clip at her hip. His saber had fallen, now all she had to do was claim it.

Three meters between them. Two. A wave of her hand would attempt to summon the hilt towards her. She fully expected it to, but if the man was conscious, he could very well prevent that. A pair of AEL cuffs soon slung from her belt upon her right hand.

One meter separated them now. All she had to do was cuff him; then he would be hers...

Or would he?
Location: Traveling DownTo A Slaughter​
Objective: ---> Killing Fields​
Allies: Who Cares?​
Enemies: [member="Nubica Felidae"]​
Zaria was a virgin, a newcomer to the ways of war - politics. The little blue skinned girl was caught between her loyalty to the One Sith - where her Master had once walked like a God for them and her loyalty to the Black Rose - where her Master had fled but found understanding. Confused, the One Sith had deemed anyone supporting the traitor Darth Venefica would suffer death- yet she supported her and still walked. Daring any little skirt to challenge her. Yet when the terrible news of war was pushed through the channels Zaria knew two things.
The first truth of fighting along side the Jedi - where their teachings and beliefs did not extend to the superior race of the Chiss - screamed heresy to those smurfs that saw the boys and girls with colorful glowsticks understand their flaws The second was a simple case of friendship betrayed. Ciara Jevnaker - a fellow Sister and friend had chose to align herself with the do-all-good-boys and girls of the Republic. Zaria couldn't blame her friend anymore for her narrowed views than she could her own loving heart. One day they would sit upon a drowning sunset - with many boring stories to sell each other.
Zaria understood that friendship was a two way street. If her best friend decided to aid the Jedi and the Republic - then she would kill as many as she could to bring the tall queen under the belief that she was wrong for thinking they would ever accept a Vahla in their ranks - to prove that her own confusion of herself was her downfall. That would be another tale to weave. Right now the smurf had a job to do.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
Objective A: The Killing Fields
Location: On Contruum
Allies: Talith Family and Jedi
Enemies: FIGHT ME!
Music: Zombie

Well, things were going rather slow.

To be frank, it was a bit anti climatic. For the briefest of moments, with the storm wailing and the field silent for few precious seconds, the Lorrdian would lift her head up towards the sky. A gust of wind would shift her blonde hair away from her face, kiss it much like a long lost lover, caressing her as it would float on past. A wonder would come to her then. A brief surge of remembrance.

Of Metalorn.

Her mind would then drift to her husband. Her lover. Her friend. Of the many years that they experienced together. Of the children that they raised. How they were now grown. Everything had been a learning experience for them. Every tear, laugh, and crazy joyful experience. But at the very least, they had done it together.

A hand would lift, fingers curling around the necklace at her throat. The Jedi Master knew very well that her time was short in the universe compared to Soliael. They both knew this well. She was but a blink in time for the Garhoon hybrid; but that blink would be filled with joy for as long as she held breath.

It was that thought process that made her smile. Gave her strength. Come what may, she had every intention of returning to her beloved.

One way or another.
Location: Northwest
Controller: Draco
Forces: Unleash the First Wave
4 Mythosaur Walkers (Fitted with MOIP) Aurek, Besh, Cresh, and Dorn
Titans (Aurek, Besh, Cresh, and Dorn)
Aliit’Drahr (Aurek, Besh, Cresh, Dorn, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta)

Aliit’Drahr (Aurek, Besh, Cresh, and Dorn)
Bes’uliik War Droids
1 Observer/1 Protector/1 YVH

Aliit’Drahr (Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel)
1 Observer/1 Protector/1 YVH

Avenger-Class Starfighters (Just to keep off air support)

Objective: C (KILL THEM ALL)
Allies: [member="Darth Rapax"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
Opponents: [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Commander Lusk"]​

There was a ship that sat above Contruum, boldly and proudly wearing the Mythosaur of Mandalore and the Dragon insignia on its flank. The hold of the ship was open, its payload ready to be deployed. No missiles or warheads pointed down at the planet, but much worse was prepared.

Inside the ship, the might of Mandalore stood waiting in the main bay. Hundreds of armored Warriors were arrayed, weapons checked and good to go, hearing the last words of their master before the drop. There were no neat rows, no military professionalism. Only warriors, ready to give their all in battle.

Brothers and sisters. We are Mandalorians! We kill where we wish! We fight who we wish! And we take what we please.” A roar erupted from the gathered warriors. Battle was near, and they longed for it to arrive.

The fields will run red with the blood of the weak and they will be lost in the annals of history.” I paused only for a moment, “But the stars will forever ring with the deeds of the brave. May our names be etched into history this day!

The roar became deafening to all of those without a helmet and with weapons raised the Mandalorian warriors took to the drop pods that awaited them like a flood, the bay of the quickly emptied and I took up my own arms to my own drop pod. There was much to be done and many lives to end before the day was done.

The pods were cramped, holding eight warriors each or a lone scout walker, but these would be few and far between. Oh, the full wrath of Mandalore was poised to be unleashed upon the planet of Contruum. As the hold emptied the air locks opened, and the cargo hold released the first of its evils upon the world. The mighty Mythosaur, given wings, descended from the bay, racing towards the planet’s surface. It was followed by brother, then another, then another. Finally these four monsters brought with them a swarm. Starfighters from the complement moved to protect the envoy of destruction to the ground, but behind it a swarm of beskar and weapons followed in the form of the Aliit’Drahr riding upon the ancient and venerable Bes’Uliik War Droids, reminiscent of the old era Clan Vereen embraced.

The drop pods filled the sky around them, tearing through the atmosphere and towards the ground. Many of these popped open upon reaching the lower atmosphere, dispersing their devastating payload into the air to free fall and paratroop the rest of the way to the ground.

There were no formations among the Mandalorians as they descended to the ground that awaited them, followed by the droids of their cavalry and the might of their vehicles. The Sith had paid for a war, and the Sith would have it.

The comm channel opened at the blink of an eye, and across the open channel I roared, driven by adrenaline, by rage, by the desire, no, the need for combat.


The sky roared with the sound of thrusters burning as Mandalorians dropped, just to the north west of their opposition. Those on foot howling like wild dogs and tearing forwards weapons primed. Those riding droids, swooped low to the ground and pushed forward, towards the enemy lines. Thunder clapped and the sky roiled as the clouds burst away from the path of the Mythosaurs, engines burning to slow their descent to drop them safely to the earth. As the feet of the first monster struck the ground, it trembled beneath the power of the metal beast-machine, and the second sent up a cloud of dust and rock as it landed beside its brother. In short order the troops inside began to disembark, adding their own howls to those of their brothers.

The mighty Titans, took their leave of their ride and took to the field. The steel of their hammers and the shimmer of their shields taking to the front center of the mandalorian line.

OYA!” came the reply, roared by hundreds, heard for miles.

Death is near, time to face the Reaper.
Location: Objective C Republic Garrison
Controller: Colonel [member="SC-4486"]
8x AT-FATs
12x AT-ST/As
1x Legion of Stormtroopers (10,240)
2x Squad of Storm Commandos (20)
Objective: Defend the Garrison against invading force.
Opponents: The One Sith

Newly appointed Colonel Arthan Corvax was sitting in the command pod of an AT-FAT Walker, which was currently in a formation with atleast seven other walkers, with a dozen smaller walkers below them in a line formation, ten thousand two hundred and fourty individual Stormtroopers were divided evenly into the AT-FATs with the rest outside in a neat formation while two squads of Storm Commandos were operating within a nearby cave system, waiting for the signal to start wrecking havoc on the One Sith forces that were landing on Contruum.

'Another invasion, but this time I'm the one defending, hell, of all places, atleast it's not Ord Mirit.' SC-4486 thought to himself, Contruum was a pretty lovely place, as long as you weren't being shot at most of the time. SC-4486 opened a comm frequency to [member="Ali Hadrix"] and spoke "This is Colonel Arthan Corvax, requesting orders, positioning and whatnot, I just want to get this bloody battle over with already.", It had literally, LITERALLY, been his second invasion in a short nick of time.

And as usual, with a feeling of absolute dread in his stomach, SC-4486 prepared for a Star Wars Battlefront TM battle that would be hell like usual,

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