Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Rains of Contruumere [One Sith vs GR Invasion of Contruum]

Objective: A
Location: Killing fields
Allies: [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Veles"]
Gear: 1x MKI bolter, 1x bolt pistol, 1x sonic shotgun, wrist-worn flamethrower, vibroknife, grenades, lightsabre, beskar'gam

It was time for battle. Siobhan had just met Coci and given her a nod of acknowledgement - words were not really needed at this point - when her eyes narrowed and she felt the presence from earlier getting closer. Siobhan was the exact opposite of a stealth specialist, but she happened to be friends with a master illusionist and possessed all her memories. This did not mean that she automatically knew where he was or could trace him with pinpoint accuracy. But it gave her a bit of a headsup when Veles, still shrouded by the mystical power of the Force, approached them, before she heard the footsteps and the Mon Cal dissipated the illusion of his own accord.

Maybe this was the point where Jedi and Sith were supposed to spend a few minutes exchanging witty banter, perhaps also debate the pros and cons of their respective Force philosophies before duelling. However, Siobhan, to put it bluntly, did not see the point in that. After all, at heart she was a soldier and there was a battle going on.

Rather than attacking them, the Mon Cal talked to them. While very polite of him, this was a tactical error, for talking was not a free action in battle. One Siobhan had no scruples about exploiting. So the moment he was in her line of sight, the Dark Jedi acted, even while he was still speaking. While there was still some distance between them, the Sith was too close for explosives to be a viable option without endangering herself or Coci, but she had options beyond that.

The sonic shotgun, held in her strong grip, emitted a high-intensity sonic blast towards his chest. Powerful enough to shatter most unarmoured objects and cause terrible injuries. It was on the maximum setting, meaning the blast could shatter solid objects. Well, in theory at least!

Power writhed inside her as she focused her telekinetic willpower upon the man's tibias. These are the load-bearing bones in the calf. Getting them broken is most unpleasant. Her telekinetic prowess crunched down upon the Mon Cal's legs amid a surge of dark side might, as she wielded the Force like a massive invisible hammer that could crush and splinter bone as if it were dry wood. Presumably his legs would not be totally smashed since he was a Master and stuff, but it ought to be very painful!
Objective: A - Crush the Jedi
Location: The Killing Fields
Allies: OS
Enemies: GR, [member="Mantic Dorn"]

The scent of blood graced Asajj's senses, filling her with sinister joy. A bleeding Jedi was always a good sight, and in this case she had marked him for death. "So serious, Jedi..." Her mouth twisted into a cruel smirk, piercing purple eyes locking onto him. "So weak." She had finished her words just in time, as a sharp force ripped her up into the air against her will. By the time she was descending her opponent was closing in for a strike, and so her actions had to be swift. Asajj pulled her sword across, taking the strike blunt on the side of her blade whilst using her momentum to change the trajectory of her fall; slightly aside from where he intended. As their weapons slammed together, a distinct shattering filled the air. Shards of Phrik fell to where she was supposed to, and a few meters to the Jedi's left was where she actually fell. A hard, rough thud onto the ground, leaving her dazed but eager to get back up.

Once she was standing again she let out a short laugh from her nostrils, regaining her posture whilst ignoring the fact she had no phrik blade. Instead she picked up an axe, crude and rusty due to it's initial design and it's years of laying on the battlefield. It's weight made little difference to her, the force would allow her to wield it just fine. There was no way it would be able to clash with his saber, but a smash into his armor or a cut to his skin would do the damage she needed. With her face and hands muddy and grazed she stepped forward. "You only delay the inevitable." A sharp hiss now resounded in her voice, a sign of annoyance at his small victory. Nonetheless, she proceeded with a brutal yet thought-out attack. Channeling the dark side through her, she formed an illusion around herself; specifically the arm holding her axe. With a quick lunge forward, the illusion would portray her axe swinging from left to right, aiming for his right. However in truth she had merely aimed to bash it against his left side, against the man's armor but, thanks to the force, with enough power to knock him down. Should he be knocked down, her mind was then set on an overhead strike right down on his chest.

It all depended on the illusion working.
Location: Killing Field
Objective: A
Allies: [member="Mullarus"]
Enemies: [member="Ella Nova"]

(Lol I'm confused. You mentioned being under Nerius force powers, but so far he only used them on himself to fly higher. Oh also, Nerius' sabers are Pink and lol blue met blue!)

Nerius landed in a roll of his own, ending in a sliding crouch that spun him around 180 degrees so he was facing back towards Ella again. But just then, his mind went blank...

Not as if he lost all cognitive ability. Simply his senses shut down for a moment. Fear began to slowly tingle up his spine, but it was then his mind began to realize this was some form of Force based attack. Fighting against it, he moved his eyes back and forth, willing them to see something - anything.

It took a moment, but he was then looking at Ella about to be cut from the back by the man he had fought in his first tournament.
Objective A: The Killing Fields
Location: On Contruum
Allies: [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Enemies: [member="Vaulkhar"] | [member="Vengeance"]

His enemy saluted him. He'd thought that was only a tradition among the people of his world, but it seemed that others practiced it as well. In return, he brought his blade around and pointed the business end towards the ground. Clasping both hands at the top, he bent forward ever so slightly while looking down, and keeping his mind aware of the battlefield. This was his salute.

"Thou honorest me with this battle, but beest warned: I wilt not taketh thee lightly, and I doth not plan to loseth."

In the moment he switched to the language of his home, a simple archaic form of basic. As he lifted his head again, he saw the Sith moving towards him. Lifting his blade, he flicked it once to the side and then hefted it up in a two handed hold. This would allow greater control of his blade. Feet slid a bit apart, giving him a solid base with one leg slightly back. Then he waited. A Jedi did not make the first move. It was not about aggression it was about a quick resolution to the situation and non-escalation of growing problems. He would force the Sith to make the first move.
Objective: A
Location: The Killing Fields
Allies: GR
Enemies: OS, [member="Asajj"]

In mid air Mantic realized that she was going to escape his attack. their blades clashed and as the sith landed, she rolled off, her blade scattered. Quickly she seemed to improvise and she picked up a crude axe instead. It appeared huge for a girl of her size, but apparently she was using the force to empower herself and so she coped with the task.

Upon landing Mantic himself spun around, raising his sword to face her once more.​
He wiped some blood of his face and down into his beard coloring it in the red shade of death.
Jumping down from the rock he had landed on and strode toward her.
The sith, in her place used the pause to conjure power to invoke an illusion, an attempt to knock him over for a final kill. Mantic was however not inexperienced in this field. He had faced sith illusions on many occasions and learnt to build up defenses and thwart even mighty attempts to shatter his mind. [member="Asajj"] was also attempting to divide her actions and concentration. While moving and upholding her physical strength she also attempted to throw the illusion at Mantic. she was overestimating her powers, a trait he also recognized among many sith. Never the less, if she had not been facing a trained jedi she might have been successful and the idea was a dangerous one. she had merely not estimated her opponent correctly.

The sith spoke as they fought. Her words trying to cause doubt in him. He knew he was far from perfect, but he was a jedi of the old ways. Having been brought up since the age of four in jedi training Mantic had never shifted focus. He had never turned from the light, nor gone astray from the order. His mind was most likely the closest to what the sith joked about when they spoke of jedi without passion or a will of their own. Naturally it was not true, but here, on the field of battle the walls surrounding his mind was constructed from a life time of training. If she confused him with any of those many force users out there who had issues with what to believe in or where to use their powers she was gravely mistaken. She gave no sign of hesitation or having light in her. Not as close to the surface as mercy at this time would require.
The jedi's mind instead only focused on one thing - he wasted no words on it. Instead his whole effort was set upon the task at hand - being an efficient killing machine to end her existence here and now.

Foreseeing the illusion trick Mantic therefore slashed down toward the hilt of the axe, most likely cutting it off
The force guided his hand and mind as the coming attacks were sharp and faster then those before. Right after the parry he followed suit with a straight attack directed into her stomach, while a hit might be lethal and might impale her on his saber. While that could end the fight he did only expect it to create a distance between them followed by his real attack as he with speed empowered by the force took one foot backward, followed by his second swinging his entire body around in a one quick flowing motion to have his saber swing around and with force, strike against her neck. The strike was meant to cut off her head should it land where intended.
Location: Northwest Mountain Region ---> Republic Garrison
Controller: Ciara Jeknaker
Forces: 5,000 Sisterhood Troops, x20 Behemoth 1313, x30 Uada Somnia, x24 BR-Devastators, and x32 Black Talon Starfighters
Objective: C
Opponents: [member="Draco Vereen"] / [member="Cryax Bane"] / [member="Isamu Baelor"]

Personal gear

The first sounds of battle echoed off the mountain walls, just as an influx of reports began flooding the datapads. CJ read intently with her commanders arrayed all around her. She calculated from the reports where the biggest threats were stationed. One of her allies [member="Ali Hadrix"] was on the verge of being hit by two Mythosaurs, under the command of [member="Draco Vereen"]. Let's see how they like my greeting!

"Commander Frost, get ten Behemoths up and target those Mythosaurs," she said to the commander of the 1313 Behemoths.

Commander Frost relayed the order. Two Behemoths released there 25 rounds, via their 200mm Plasma Railgun, toward the mighty machines of war. CJ knew all about her Behemoths, and had planned to counter the railguns cool down rate. Every two minutes, two more Behemoths would fire at the Mythosaurs; staging the attack to keep up a steady rate of fire. She didn't just want to cripple the machines, she wanted them out of the game.

"Commander Jones, you're up."

Commander Jones, without hesitation, gave her orders to the fighters and bombers. 20 Black Talon starfighters shot to the sky with a two-prong role. The first was to cover the BR-Devastators on their route to the Mythos. The other role was to target the legs of the beasts using their proton torpedoes, attempting to sideline them from the game. On the heels of the starfighters came 12 BR-Devastator bombers, whose sole purpose was to make a single pass over the Mythos and release their disruptor bombs on top of the Mythos.

"What about the US, ma'am?"

"Hold them in reserve for now Commander. No sense throwing the whole shebang at them at once. Keep their jamming capabilities up though," she replied.

Summary of Attack
* Ten Behemoths firing at the Two Mythos closest to Ali Hadrix, two minute staging
* 20 Black Talons targeting the legs of the Mythos
* 12 BR-Devastators dropping bombs on their heads
Location: Killing Fields
Objective: A - Understand the issue
Allies: None Nearby
Enemies: [member="Braith Achlys"]
What was that? A laugh. The noise escaped from clenched teeth, the crack of lightning in the backdrop of the canvas, the work of art soon to be painted. Teeth clench in a devilish smile, he couldn't seem to contain himself. "You can do more harm to me than what has already occurred? Not likely." He shook his head confidently. He had known the pain of flesh ripped from the muscle, being torn from the fibers of the force. Whatever death she could provide him, this day, he would welcome it for the silence that would follow. But even as suicidal and complacent he was with the inevitability of such a destiny, he was inwardly driven by a hidden purpose. One he couldn't quite understand or grasp.

Gripping his fist into a tight ball, the amphistaff swirled down his left arm, it's mouth breaching from the robe as he held his hand out to his side. Looking up towards the sky, he felt the change in the moisture and mimicked the skyward gaze she had, putting two and two together. Having been but a babe disconnected from such powers, he couldn't feel it's swell. But this world was tumultuous, boisterous to a fault. He wondered if she were the cause of the raucous, perhaps it was his responsibility to silence her. "We are all slaves. I acknowledge my chains, foolhardy and without pause..." His gaze drifted down from the sky to this armored figure before him.

"Can you say the same?" He was unshackled and shackled at the same time. But where the universe had grown so fond of depending on the force, he had been freed of that tightening noose. "I am Maalik." The Chom-Huun, not yet ignited, found his right hand as he gripped it tightly and began to walk to his right, circling who he only assumed would be his opponent. "And I will afford you the same respect you have shown me. Leave this place, forever, and no harm will come to you by my hand. Remain here and you make my choice for me." A proposition he was more than happy to accept. He had no desire to kill her, in this place, but in the same vein, he was indifferent to her survival. In a wash of apathy and hatred, he would do what he must.
Location: 3km behind Sith front lines
Objective: C
Allies: [member="Commander Lusk"], [member="Alva Calvarona"], [member="Ali Hadrix"], [member="SC-4486"]
Enemies: [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Draco Vereen"], [member="Kerstas"]
Gear: In signature
NPC Gear

"Your mom wanted me here to lead you, not give speeches." The retort was made over the roar of the engines, no other words spoken for the remainder of the trip dirtside. There was nothing to say and nothing to think about other than the battle ahead. The winds buffeting the ship and the noise of the engines made it impossible to think clearly, let alone hold civil conversation. In that moment each of them truly were isolated to their own thoughts, a tense, battle-ready silence the only thing that united them. Here it was again with the waiting, though this time a sense of urgency accompanied it. They needed to be on the ground, and soon at that. None of them were doing any good up here.

The dropships settled onto the ground with a low metallic thud, everything remaining entirely still for those first few seconds. Before any of them became too anxious the doors slid open, that quiet replaced almost immediately with the sound of thousands of armored feet marching in unison. It was a breathtaking sight to behold for any outsider looking in, and Keira knew that this was the turning point not just in this battle, but the war as a whole. Just as in ages past, this army represented a new beginning for everyone within the Republic and all those allied with them. It was past time to demonstrate to the Sith just what retaliation manifested itself as. Those that appear the most peaceful are oftentimes the most dangerous, after all.

Artillery-fire from fights already raging cracked through the air, and she did nothing more than attune herself entirely to their surroundings, gauging their position in regards to others both friend and foe. They were close enough to the main event, meaning that it wouldn't take much time at all for their own attacks to be coordinated. First, however, they needed to establish themselves as a friendly entity to all Republic-affiliated individuals nearby. "We need to establish communications with any nearby allies." It wouldn't do any good to get shot at by both sides.

Carefully she scrutinized the battlefield, reaching out once more through the ethereal in order to determine just who they were facing. A singular familiar presence touched on her senses, and at that she cracked a smile, speaking to the individual telepathically, "I didn't think you'd have the guts, Cryax." His being here gave them a beginning strategy, at least. "Get slicing safeguards up and keep any eye out for any technological warfare. Counter-slicing maneuvers are going to be a necessity." It was a start, though how much of one she wasn't sure.

Hell hath no fury.

Location: Killing Fields
Objective: Destroy Sith

Allies: OS
Enemies: GR [member="James Mathison"]

The creature within the head of his opponent felt like it had made the impression that it had needed to make, doubting that the mentalist would make another attempt on his hosts' mind, though he hadn't expected the Jedi to roll with the corruption in his heart and literally convert to the dark side there and then, subconsciously as a defense mechanism. The Toxic force aura would have a vastly less effect as the Jedi fought fire with fire and darkness with darkness and to be honest, the specter was impressed. If his brother had been so grand hundreds of years prior, he may have survived their final encounter... A malevolent snicker would echo throughout the recesses of Jame's mind as the creature of primordial nuclear chaos crackled like fire struck by lightning, its voice hoarse and spoken with tongues of poison coupled with the murderous intent of glorious eyes.

"Impressive, Jedi... Stay clear of the mind of my thrall, and I'll no longer disturb your thoughts."

With the single compliment the corrupted shadow vacated, the power it was building up faded to the winds, not performing the mental force scream it had been planning to deliver directly to the mind of his opponent. Instead, the shadow returned to its host, not to be heard from again unless invited with another trespass.


Meanwhile Iziz took note as his opponent launched himself for Iziz, one of his light-sabers smashing in a direct collision with the Jawa's spin as James' second hand coiled for a mid-air thrust for his chest. But without missing a heart-beat, rather than have his momentum crumple and come to a collapsing halt against the Jedi's colossal force, the Jawa pushed down on his saber, lifting himself up. Twisting his body while moving over and past the strike in a rapid vault, pinning the right handed blade of the Jedi down for but a moment... but creating a gigantic blind-spot the Jawa would be a fool not to capitalize on.

There would be a sudden thrust and a flourish as the coiled mechanical tail would unravel with Iziz's continued barrel roll, thrusting for the shoulder and back of the Jedi as the shoto blade at the tip of the tail would ignite, revealing a third light-saber blade. The stinger-like action would be lethally quick, like the sting of a scorpion as the Jawa attempted to give the Shadow little recourse. The Tail of the Jawa had already claimed a few opponents on its initial surprise attack. Usually left for a prime opportune moment such as this...

Iziz was confident there would be another prize to his collection.
Location: Space, Entering Space Dock
Objective: Objective B
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: [member="Sirus"], Soon

(nsfw language)
A kickoff from the step of the slayer ship, Gabriel cast himself into the brief threshold between space and space station. Within a singular moment, he drifted hard and fast through the shielding, with the aid of the dovin basal on the slayer ship to whisk away the blue glow. Clinging to the side of the station, the vessel awaited it's time to shine once more.

Diving through the temporary hole created, he came to a rolling and sliding stop, sparks kicking up against the reflective surface beneath his feet as he clawed for a stop. Three republic soldiers came from the stairs in a running formation with blasters aimed. Beneath Vonduun shell, a smile crawled across flesh as he charged. Orange and red, the saber and Chom-huun ignited, flicking backwards with a twist as the bolts jumped into the blue shimmer of a shielding. With the enhancement of the suit and the speed, momentarily provided by the force, he would be upon them quickly. Flinging the extinguished red lightsaber back against the feeler legs on his side, Gabriel approached with an animosity that could only be matched with dutiful tribute.

An orange saber swung upward, the first soldier to his left found a trigger finger and the attached hand fall to the ground. Blasters on fire, it skittered across the floor swirling as Gabriel gripped the man by the base of the jaw and crunched what helmet was there with the power of the Voxyn Al'do and power armor. Dropping to his right arm, he swirled a kick to his right, knocking the feet out from the one in the middle. Using the inertia, he twisted and pushed upward, kicking with the other foot hard into the chest of the soldier. He took flight, Gabriel followed as he dragged the orange beam across the floor and chest of the felled soldier. As the other landed, he found Gabriel there to catch him. And with a twist of the spine, back broken, Gabriel stepped hard and flung the rag doll body into the shielding. He bounced and smacked against the floor, twitching and spasms added ambiance to this muted display.

He tilted the ruby eyes of the helmet towards the innards of the space station, the sound of alarms heralding the already occurring attack. Through the mouthpiece of the helmet, one might hear the Wrath whistling, as he began his push into the space station.
Objective: A.
Location: Contruum, Killing Fields.
Allies: OS love <3
Enemies: [member="Kira Talith"]
Gear: Standard lightsabre, armour, Nagajj, Tsaisibola.

War; Darth Ophidia was no soldier, but she revelled in the splendid cacophony of death and destruction that was battle. Her heart skipped in her chest as her red eyes set on the fields. In her ears drummed the relentless thump and scream of turbolasers making impact with soil. Dust and smoke arose as she placed her helmet on her head and drew the hood up before attaching the magnet that would keep it fixed to her head. She performed her actions with an uncanny precision and fluidity of motion. Then, just as the magnet took and her HUD systems had perfectly adjusted to the conditions, she disappeared.

Flicking a switch hidden in her beskar cuirass, she turned on the stealth field system and fell in step behind an Acolyte. Her Presence shrunk to the size of an atom as she copied his gait. Her boots trod in his footsteps; the dust that swirled around him as he marched across the field of battle, swirled round her. She was his shadow and that nameless warrior, seeking to prove himself, was her shield. The Acolyte’s lightsabre sprang into action in his hand. Only a hopeful, he had obviously not yet been fitted with a lightsabre. Yet, he had a vicious-looking vibroblade, and held it over his head and charged, screaming at [member="Kira Talith"] . Though he was a little late, he had heard her insult, her challenge, and he dubbed himself the instrument of death. If only he knew who followed in his wake. The instrument of death roared furiously at the diminutive Jedi Master long before he was in reach.

“Karking sleemo! You don’t know my mother!”

Subtlety was clearly not his path. In one way, he reminded her of her old apprentice, [member="Darth Mythos"]. Inside the helmet, Ophidia smirked at the thought. The Rattataki unclipped her lightsabre and watched the blonde Jedi Master from over her Rodian meat-shield’s shoulder. She kept shrouded by the invisibility-field and the art of the small, observing and biding her time. Around her waist, the Baton of Silence tightened, and inside her she could feel her familiar churning in anticipation, thirsting for blood and soon to be sated.
Location: 3km behind Sith front lines
Objective: C
Allies: [member="Keira Ticon"] Republic
Enemies: One Sith Cryax Bane [member="Kerstas"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Isamu Baelor"]
Gear: Same as the NPC clones
Forces: x3300 Spaarti Clone Trooper
x3300 Spaarti Combat Engineer
x700 Spaarti Combat Medics
x700 Spaarti Communication Operators
x500 Spaarti Snipers
x500 Spaarti Naval Personnel (Air support)
x50 Redeemer Battle Tank
x30 Mobile Artillery Cannon

As lusk touched down to the ground first thing was first, establish communications with the Republic Garrison of Contruum. So for his comm link he attempted to get through to them but was met with resistance due to a cyber warfare attack on the planet. Which meant that the enemy was somehow accessing their systems either remotely or in their base.

"Justicar Justicar this is Lusk over, what are comm operators saying right now?" He said using the Justicar's communication array that had not been effected by the cyber attack.

"We're looking at a hack on the Satt Comm near our location." The voice of a cloned [member="Willa Isard"] said in response.

"Bring it down and reestablish Satt Comm with the encrypted network! Afterwards I want those droids we saw flying in out of the picture! Engage enemy slicers!" Lusk said as the massive behemoth of a walker stepped over his head.


"TAKE IT OUT!!" A clone of [member="Preliat Mantis"] dressed in officer garb pointed at the communications satellite of the planet.

"Targeting Sir!" Another mantis clone said in response.

What little turbo lasers the Justicar had leveled on the satellite ahead of them and soon after shot out giant blue spears of light to blow the object out of the sky in a massive explosion that would effectively end the cyber attack that [member="Cryax Bane"] had launched.

"Target hit sir!" The Mantis clone said informing the officer on deck.

"Get Comm operators Unit Alpha to reestablish communications from our positions comm array." The mantis clone growled to his men and soon it was set into motion.

The comm operators doing what they did best reestablished communications on the ships encrypted comms array to target republic and ally IFFs and frequencies.

"Communications resolved, sir." The officer said to Lusk from orbit.


"Thanks Vigo!" Lusk let his rifle sling down as he approached Keira.

"Communications are up sir, troops on the ground with more on the way." Lusk cocked back his rifle and chambered a round as he spoke to her.

"GET THE BLOODY TANKS UP!! ADVANCE AND GIVE THEM HELL BOYS AND GIRLS!!" With his rifle now at the ready position the man and Keira would have to advance on the Sith's current position.

"Fly boys fly boys locations on enemy positions?" Lusk asked as the MACs were being placed down.

"Spotted and marked, sending coordinates now." A pilot retorted and soon after information was being fed to the artillery units that were on the ground.

The sounds of artillery fire opened up and shells being sent directly towards enemy troops to attack with a vengeance. And while that was happening Lusk brought up his Comm link to make communications with [member="Ali Hadrix"]

"Galactic Republic Command! This is Commander Lusk of the Spaarti Clone Army Program, we were purchased and contracted by your supreme chancellor to help! We are friendly I repeat we are friendly! Pincer movement is a go!" With that Lusk and his men had some walking to do. Three kilometers or less before they could make enemy contact.

The artillery would help soften them up for now but they had to get in the thick of combat to make a huge difference.

"DOUBLE TIME!! FOLLOW THE COMMANDER!!" Lusk and his men spread out over a few kilometers total began to run towards the enemy so they could put pressure on both fronts. If they were pushing hard against the enemies rear it would give the republic enough time to recover and launch a counter attack.

Destroyed compromised comm satellite
Reestablished communications and holonet using command carrier
Beginning artillery barrage on enemy
Charging forward to apply pressure on the enemies rear
Location:The Killing Fields: Contruumere.
Objective: A.
Enemies: [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Veles"] One Sith and allies.
Allies: [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] and GR.
Gear: Lightsaber, Armour, “Gorgon” Web Rifle. Her wits and cunning. :p

Time does not exist anymore, only the moment in which one stands before a foe. The dirt already corrupted by blood drawn from both sides stinks the air with it metallic aroma. Burning flesh blackened with lazer precision cuts leave bodies writing in pain or worse .. dead. Or are those that are dead the lucky ones.

Revealed is the one that came for them. Siobhan, immediately draws her power to match the darkness that walks the soil. Coci's mind and body shield the effects of the darkness of any intrusion of the mind, interesting this 'coupling' of friends, Jedi and Dark Jedi, and all Coci would think, was thank the Force she fights for us. Sio's strength and will is almost overpowering alone. She will deal with the Mon Cal Sith Lord.

Coci enters her own mediation for the battle.

Centered, Coci clears all thought, closes her eyes to pull the lightside around her, intoxicating it is and as she opens her eyes once more, they are black as any night sky, pupils dilated to pin point and she sees more. She searches through the force, her tendrils work different to most, no ripples but curling fluid motion of the wind. As she search across the killing field, she finds something in the near distance, an evil of old. A man pure in his darkness, equal to her purity of light. She makes her presence known by allowing her tendrils to lick against him. Her head turns, black eyes piercing the air to find him. [member="Darth Vornskr"] is here, oh how he is know to all Jedi, and since Ziost, this Jedi has a bone to pick with him. His obsession will be his undoing...
Location: "The Killing Fields"
Objective: A
Allies: [member="Darth Azurea"]
Enemies: [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Gear: Lightsaber x2, Vonduun Skerr Kyrric, Amphistaff, Razor bugs

They were getting close. The presence was growing stronger, as was the feeling that there was something different about this particular Jedi. He had not yet identified her as someone he knew. Given time, he likely would. Their paths had indeed crossed before, although briefly. This was however not the case for [member="Darth Azurea"], who probably knew this one better. This would not be some ordinary encounter.

"Today, we show the Jedi the power of the Dark Side. This is the beginning of an era. The age of Sith has arrived." he declared, looking over to Azurea. His tone implied there would be little mercy going around. He entered the war zone hungry, and he would not go unfed. His foul mood had prevented him from noticing Azurea's own internal conflict, and her purposefully avoiding him. His fuse was short, but none of his anger seemed directed at her. To him, nothing had changed between them. She was still very much the empress of his dreams. While he lusted for power, as was typical within the ranks of the Sith, he did so for more than just himself. In a sense, he included her into the definition of 'himself'. There was a plural somewhere in there that he had not previously been used to, but one that he found he enjoyed the presence of.

"Are you ready to turn the blade on your former oppressors?" Oppressors in the shape of a cult he personally felt restricted knowledge, rather than embraced it.

He clung to his internal torrent of dark emotions, breathing them like oxygen. There was little subtlety about his presence. He was no assassin. Rather than a hidden blade, he was like a beacon of malice, an open challenge, daring anyone to come closer simultaneously as it prepared to consume that individual whole. Peace was, indeed, a lie. There was only passion.

Finally, their opponent to-be would come within view. It would seem the battlefield was set, in an arena that favoured both, and therefore neither. It was time to get this show on the road.
Location: The Killing Fields
Objective: Objective A
Allies: -
Enemies: Nerius & Mullarus

[I was probably describing the way you dodged and flew over me, I think. Regardless, it doesn't really matter because of Mullarus' introduction to the duel. Welcome Mullarus, glad to write with you. :D]

| [member="Nerius"] | [member="Mullarus"] |

As Ella closed in to disarm Nerius, she heard the snap hiss of a nearby lightsaber. Guided by the Force, she pulled out of disarming Nerius to protect herself. As the hum of her blue light glided through the pouring rain to intercept the dark green of Mullarus, Ella felt pain in her mid-drift.

She had reacted too late and the parry had been inconsequential. Lifted off her feet, Ella felt the searing pain of where Mullarus' slash had impacted. She knew that her lightsaber had blocked the Sith Acolyte's sneak attack, meaning that Mullarus hadn't gained a full blow. However, the damage had been done and now the Jedi Knight was at an disadvantage.

Skidding through the mud and water that was gathering at their feet, Ella stood back up and instantly grimaced in pain. Her right hip had been cauterized by Mullarus' slash, after his lightsaber had been deflected into her path. It was not a deep wound, but it would affect her performance from this point on wards. However, it was better than being torn in two or suffering a larger injury, Ella decided.

Wrapping both hands around the cylinder hilt of her weapon, Ella whipped her fringe out of her eyes to concentrate. Her maneuverability was going to be affected now, she knew. Soothing her aching body with the Force, the Jedi Knight endeavored to remain calm, centered and in the moment.

She had dictated the earlier pace of the duel, but now it was the turn of the Sith Acolytes to takeover the offensive.

Allies: The One Sith, their assorted candies minions, and Lord Fish ( [member="Darth Veles"] )
Enemies: The Repooblic, Lady Gon' Get Broke ( [member="Coci Heavenshield"] ), and Mistress Lung Crusher McRood >:L ( [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] )

I, son ov perdition
From sheer nothingness transgressed
Unto the highest self, to utmost freedom
To explore the starry nature ov my rage

The Dark Side clung to him like a foul shadow, wreathing him in darkness as he strode like a triumphant War God across the killing fields. Men and women died around him to droves, but he paid their dying screams no mind as he advanced. Blaster bolts and slugthrower shells bounced off of his armor like pebbles as a troop of Republic soldiers turned and opened fire on the advancing Sith Lord, but with a mere extension of his hand he discharged blue veins of Sith Lightning which caught each and every one of them square in the chest. The blast lifted them off of their feet and sent them flying deeper into the carnage, but they were long dead before their broken bodies hit the blood-soaked ground. The fighting grew heavy and claustrophobic around him, but with a quick activation of his lightsaber followed by several simple crosscuts he cleared the path leaving only dismembered corpses in his wake.

Then she caressed his darkness, the pure light of a Jedi Master whom he despised greatly (although not as greatly as her husband). His mouth curled into an angry snarl, and his eyes blazed with indignation as he sprinted across the battlefield and rose atop a high hill overlooking a decline across the otherwise flat battleground. Down below the Mon Cal known as Darth Veles stared down both Jedi Master Coci Heavenshield and the Rogue warrior Siobhan Kerrigan. The mere sight of the latter curled his hands into balled fists, the armor nearly cracking from the pressure as his body tensed with pure hate. But, she was preoccupied with the other, and Coci was ripe for the taking. The sun hung in the sky behind him and cast an ominous shadow across their fight.

A darkness blocking out the light from the sun of a dying world.

He lunged from his elevated position upon the ridge and the red line of his weapon cutting through the air down towards Coci with lethal intent, signaling the start of the true battle.
Location: Northwest
Controller: Draco
Forces: Unleash the First Wave
Clan Vereen Mercenaries
4 Mythosaur Walkers (Fitted with MOIP) Aurek, Besh, Cresh, and Dorn
Titans (Aurek, Besh, Cresh, and Dorn)
Aliit’Drahr (Aurek, Besh, Cresh, Dorn, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta)

Aliit’Drahr (Aurek, Besh, Cresh, and Dorn)
Bes’uliik War Droids
1 Observer/1 Protector/1 YVH

Aliit’Drahr (Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel)
1 Observer/1 Protector/1 YVH

Avenger-Class Starfighters (Just to keep off air support)

Objective: C (KILL THEM ALL)
Allies: [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Isamu Baelor"] [member="Darth Rapax"]
Opponents: [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Commander Lusk"]​

Shells streaked through the sky, hammering the mythosaurs, both under my command and the command of my enemy. The might machines would take time to die. That was their purpose after all, to stand firm against the onslaught of the enemy and remain standing. Flashes of electricity danced across the shields of the mighty Mythosaur as they clambered down the mountain, the earth rumbling beneath the tremor of their bulk. The four behemoths concentrated their direct fire weapons into the enemy’s mythosaur walkers, miraculously surviving their deployment on Ord Mirit. Those were battle worn and had been maintained, but not the ones under my command, new and fully functional. I didn’t know the condition of the others, but even if they were in excellent condition it took a seasoned commander to properly utilize the monsters. “Fire half of our complement of missiles at the midsection of their Imperial allies. Rain hell down upon them.”

Like great fireworks sixteen massive missiles erupted from the back hatches of the Mythosaur streaking skyward and breaking east at incredible speeds.

In the mountains the Mandalorians of Clan Vereen, the dreaded Aliit’Drahr engaged the rear guard of the Imperials in close combat, where they could make the most use of their power armor, beskads, and crush gaunts, along with the myriad of wrist weapons designed for this type of fighting, such as acid throwers, cryoban guns, and flame throwers. Butchering lightly armored scouts and turning them to heaps of flesh and bone was easy. Now came the really bad part for the Imperials.

As the missiles streaked overhead the little observer probes pointed a little laser, not meant to directly harm the massive AT-FAT’s, but instead designed for something much worse. The missiles broke in pairs upon the laser designators going active, each pair aimed for a different AT-FAT, eight total being targeted with assistance from the little droids. Even if the droids were destroyed now that they were more easily detected, the missiles were on the right path and they would strike near, if not actually hit their targets. The warheads were meant to be deployed on capital ships, so a single AT-FAT and the troops around it will be in serious trouble against a pair of the missiles.

Following the firestorm the Bes’Uliik Riders would fly in, accompanied by hundreds of heavily armed YVH Probe Droids. These would sow chaos and destruction through the Imperial Ranks, using Shatter Missiles against enemy armor, a plethora of anti-infantry weapons against enemy infantry, and filling the passes with incendiary grenades. The smoke would rise, and the ashes would settle and the Drahr of clan Vereen would eat well tonight.

The Infantry prepared to assist, pressing their assault from the rear moving. Once the missiles detonate the Imperial Forces will be faced with the chaos of battle, and it is in chaos that Mandalore and its children thrive. Beskads dripped with blood and shone in the sunlight, waiting for the fires to ignite and signal them forward, into the haze of battle. They would be supported by their own probes, YVH and Protector models to get them into the fight and then to break the enemy the same way the Bes’Uliik Riders do.

The Titans moved throughout the trees, ceasing their fire. If the enemy wanted to fight walker vs walker very well. The slow methodical Titans would see to other matters.
Objective A
Location: The Killing Fields
Allies: [member="Nerius"]
Enemies: [member="Ella Nova"]

Blood. The young Sith apprentice saw it for just an instant before the wound was instantly cauterized by the immense heat of his lightsaber's emerald-green blade. The jedi's robe tore and melted around the blade before her lightsaber of blue knocked it off of it's path, bound toward slicing the jedi in half.

Thankfully, she was more competant than that. She posed a challenge. No mere 'padawan' could have had the reflexes to parry that...could they?

Mullarus stood and watched the jedi stagger to her feet, now covered in mud and soaking wet from the rain. Like his own, her hair matted to her face. Did she show weakness? No. Wounded, blooded, and outnumbered, the jedi stood back up to keep fighting.

"It really is a shame you walk the path of ignorance, jedi..." Mullarus told her sincerely, "Your persistence is admirable." He did not lie. He did not even lie normally. Not often, anyway. Unlike many Sith, Mullarus held respect for his foes if they showed they deserved it. Was it arrogant of him to decide if one is worth such praise? Probably. Mullarus did not care. It was what he valued. Honor.

He glanced quickly over to the side, seeing the glowing magenta and cobalt blades nearby being held by the small, pink monstrosity that bested him long ago on Ilum. The sithspawn wielded two blades now. Of course he had changed, just as Mullarus had, for the dark green blade of his new lightsaber he did not have during their spar on Ilum was crafted of the green crystal he took that say. He was happy to find his old opponent had grown as much as he.

He took his lightsaber in both hands, watching the jedi woman. She was weakened. Desperate, maybe? Perhaps if he and Nerius continued to whittle her down, they could influence her into falling to the dark side...

She could be an asset in the conquering of Contruum.

Thanks, by the way, Ella and Nerius :)
LOCATION: The Killing Fields
ENEMIES: GR ( [member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"] )

He did not hide.

He did not blend.

Yet he walked like a ghost, moving through the battles and slaughters seamlessly. Never once did he pick up his pace, never once did he stop. It was as if the battles were revolving around him. Simply put though, he was fortunate. The Force worked in odd ways after all. He would be in clear view of the monster dead to the Force, an ever widening grin cracking along his features. Never had he felt so intrigued by something he could not feel or alter.

In his right hand, his lightsaber. The golden blade hummed as a background noise to the war around him, almost soothingly. But it was his left hand that was a true threat. Now he could see the woman and her weaponry. Weaponry he chose to exploit. His left hand came up as if to grip her, but instead he would reach out to activate the grenades attached to her person. Naturally though, this would be easily seen, especially as he was in front of her. But he figured a good probe to her reactions would help him figure out how good of a test subject she could be.


Location: Dropping out of hyperspace in Contruum system.
Objective: B, Engage Sith fleet
Allies: Galactic Republic and Rebel Alliance fleeters
Enemies: Sith fleeters

Imperial Mk III-class Star Destroyer - - "Termgant"
Annihilator-class Fire Support Cruiser - - "Hood"
Ravenous-class Frigate - - "Monarch"
Stalwart-class Corvette - - "ACR-102"

The four ships of the Imperial group dropped out of hyperspace outside the engagement zone and the battle which was raging currently. The ships formed up and began moving slowly towards the battle now raging on the world in the distance.

"Sir, Communications seem to be jammed in system. Were getting nothing but static from the Republic channels."

Lash took a moment to think about what could be the reason. Most likely as per protocol the fleet there had jammed coms as soon as the attack began. That was what he would have done. It was all for the best as he had no intentions of using any form of communications other than optical. And then only as a last resort. His commanders had been briefed, had their orders and knew their missions. There was no need for him to converse with them.

"Very well lieutenant, switch to optical com's only. Monitor the laser emitters of the group for any information. Other than that we adhere to strict communications blackout."

The communications officer nodded and powered down the transceivers and wide band scanners. The four ships began moving slowly towards the engagement zone and the Sith ships now engaging the Rebel Alliance fleet.

"Tactical, time to long range weapons range?" Lash ask as he looked over information scrolling about the ships in the distance."

"Sir, Three minutes till we are in range. All batteries report ready and await your orders."

Lash looked at the ship largest of the Sith ships. He knew the vessel well. Although he had never faced one in battle he had studied the design in depth and knew its capabilities. The ships inched closer and closer to the engagement as the Sith fleet in the distance noticed their arrival. The three minutes past and a warning chimed letting them know they were n range for their long range weapons to engage.

"Tactical Shields double front, Target the large vessel and give her everything we have. CAG, Ready all attack wings and launch the Termagants fighter wing. Hold all other craft."

Fire licked out of the Long Range weapons of the Termgant and the Hood as the two smaller vessels broke off from the formation and began to accelerate towards the world of Contrum.

* exited hyperspace outside engagement zone and out of weapons range.
* disabled communications and enabled optical laser coms
* closed to Long Range weapons range
* Termagant and Hood opened fire on Dark Blade
* Monarch and ARC-102 broke formation and accelerated towards Contruum

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