Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ralize Darkfeather

  • Thread starter Ralize Darkfeather
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Ralize Darkfeather

*smacks @[member="Kad Tor"] on the shoulder* You didn't even click your comm off? :p

*hides her face* Great....this is great...

Ralize Darkfeather

@[member="Briika Tor"] - *smiles brightly* It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Briika. Yep! I'm the mechanic...someone has to go save his shebs...might as well be me *grins* Ba'gedet'ye :)

Ralize Darkfeather

Yeah...I'll go start a thread in the Mando forum so I can stop clogging up my own profile thread *lol* glad I at least reserved the first few posts!

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