Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rank Titles Here!

A tonne of new Tags added here:


There are probably more not mentioned in this thread yet, but you can find them all in the Composite thread!
Could i get 3? Pretty please?

  • Savant (blues / whites?)
  • Son (whites / golds?)
  • Blood Knight (Oranges / reds?)
Creative licence goes to you, if you could make them match or blend into each other that would be awesome though :) You're the expert though, so, i wont be too specific >.<

They're for my three slicer persona's Savant is his call-sign as a good guy, blood-knight as a baddie, and Son as, well, jeebus.

It's difficult to have them match when the color scheme is different.

The colors are usually what make them seem unified


If you want any changes, yell at me. Alternatively, if you find one color scheme I can make them unified.
Maybe for son, something a little more... angelic with the golds? Can i get a halo maybe? (I don't know if im being too specific XD)

I really like the Savant one <3 It's fantastic, the only thing i could possibly think of changing was if it was a little more techy. Something maybe similar to what you did for the shien one further up?

Similar for the blood knight one but with a red theme? so, a tad more techy for the evil slicer :3

[member="Jyn Sol"]

Sorry again (i feel like im being a bother)
[member="Jyn Sol"]

Any chance you'd tell me what font you're using for these? If that's been asked and answered in here already feel free to tell me to go look for it but no harm in asking I figure.


Princess of Baalia and Senator to the Galactic Sen
[member="Jyn Sol"]

I respectfully ask the following.

May I have a Senator title for Karrie's signiture?

She is not only a Princess of Baalia but also a Galactic Republic Senator.

Thank you much for your help.

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