4/5. Not bad
Yaadri Osi-Yyn Perfectionist Character Bio Jul 24, 2017 #9,042 Really like the dark vibe, and the eyes are great. 5/5
Lauri Törni The Finnish Commenori Character Bio Jul 24, 2017 #9,043 4/5, really reminds me of Nyx from MTG Therabos, mixed with the returned.
Lewis The Gentleman Character Bio Jul 24, 2017 #9,044 3/5 would like to see a border on it but not bad.
Edward Vyperion The Crashing Loony Character Bio Jul 25, 2017 #9,046 4/5 almost perfect, but it looks small.
Edward Vyperion The Crashing Loony Character Bio Jul 25, 2017 #9,048 Hmm. Good avi, as what looks like a youth, and is ranked as a youth, might be a youth. lol 5/5
Eri'anya Forr IGBC Character Bio Jul 25, 2017 #9,049 4/5 Like the picture, but the border seems to be covering just a bit too much of it. Just my opinion.
4/5 Like the picture, but the border seems to be covering just a bit too much of it. Just my opinion.
Carona Totsari It takes true strengh to turn the other cheek Character Bio Jul 25, 2017 #9,050 4.5/5! Really cool!
Kaalia Pavanos A Simpler Life Character Bio Jul 26, 2017 #9,052 It's got femme fatale vibes written all over it. That alone makes it perfect. 5/5.
Edward Vyperion The Crashing Loony Character Bio Jul 26, 2017 #9,054 3/5 Get a border and something that is bigger, and I'll raise this next we meet xD
Zaiden Dean The Stealth Master Character Bio Jul 26, 2017 #9,055 Meh. 3.5/5 I can't tell exactly what it is
Middenface McNulty Chicks dig giants robots. Character Bio Jul 27, 2017 #9,056 5/5 deffo would feed in to my thresher.
Kaalia Pavanos A Simpler Life Character Bio Jul 27, 2017 #9,060 Handing out those 5/5s like I'm Oprah.