5/5. Nice and clean. Looks like somewhere I'd like to visit.
Eryn Like Sweet-Tarts Without The Sweet Part Character Bio Mar 29, 2016 #3,421 5/5. Nice and clean. Looks like somewhere I'd like to visit.
Ignatius A N A R C H Y Character Bio Mar 29, 2016 #3,422 5/5 good choice of words. face seems conflicted on running though. I feel as though the words were lyrics?
5/5 good choice of words. face seems conflicted on running though. I feel as though the words were lyrics?
Garza Father of Titans Character Bio Mar 30, 2016 #3,424 4/5 you can do better than that girl. [member="Freyia Whitelight"]
Freyia Whitelight-Carrick Mother's daughter Character Bio Mar 30, 2016 #3,425 Oh really now [member="Xander Carrick"] care to help me with that maybe...
Judah Lesan :: HERO of KORRIBAN :: Moderator Character Bio Mar 30, 2016 #3,426 4/5 love the gif! Be honest... I really appreciate feedback to make my craft better
sabrina Well-Known Member Mar 30, 2016 #3,427 3/5 prefer clean shaven and less tattoos, though that is just me.
Judah Lesan :: HERO of KORRIBAN :: Moderator Character Bio Mar 30, 2016 #3,428 1/5 it's funny but I'm a grammar guy
Jack Mirrikh The Jack Of Blades Character Bio Mar 30, 2016 #3,430 4/5 I feel like I'm reading the world's most complicated poster.
Helios Elegant and depraved. Character Bio Mar 30, 2016 #3,431 lol its a nice rhyme, and the picture itself looks nice. have a 5/5
Judah Lesan :: HERO of KORRIBAN :: Moderator Character Bio Apr 1, 2016 #3,436 4/5 I like it better than your old one. Only reason for not being a full 5 is the fact the Lightning hides her face. But I LOVE how simple it is!
4/5 I like it better than your old one. Only reason for not being a full 5 is the fact the Lightning hides her face. But I LOVE how simple it is!
Avo Guest A Apr 1, 2016 #3,437 Simple, striking! It's like he's just sitting there on my page, on his own accord. o-o 5/5