3/5, font makes it difficult to read
Kellyn Muir Dirge of the Sun Character Bio Mar 20, 2016 #3,406 4/5, the character render leaves a bit to be desired, but that's just me being picky now
Jamie Pyne Delicate Character Bio Mar 22, 2016 #3,407 3/5. It's very small and the lack of a clean loop always bothers me with GIF sigs.
Juggerduck Just another avatar for Cyttorak Mar 23, 2016 #3,413 2/5. It looks like a blurry picture of Kylo Ren.
Helios Elegant and depraved. Character Bio Mar 23, 2016 #3,414 5/5 for you, you ugly, beautiful beast you.
Garza Father of Titans Character Bio Mar 25, 2016 #3,417 3/5, like the detail, but what kills it for me is the reuse of the avi picture
Juggerduck Just another avatar for Cyttorak Mar 25, 2016 #3,418 3/5. I like the swirly bits, but the "Taken" quote combined the NYC street scene pulls me out of anything that resembles Star Wars.
3/5. I like the swirly bits, but the "Taken" quote combined the NYC street scene pulls me out of anything that resembles Star Wars.
Nyx Insert Hilarious Title Here Character Bio Mar 29, 2016 #3,419 3/5 It's kinda hard for me to tell exactly what it is I'm looking at, to be honest. The lighting's a bit too dark for me.
3/5 It's kinda hard for me to tell exactly what it is I'm looking at, to be honest. The lighting's a bit too dark for me.
Léon The King's Buccaneer Character Bio Mar 29, 2016 #3,420 [member="The Black Hat"] Simplicity is beauty. 4/5