Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Ready Player Cresh

"I've Seen with more than just my eyes..." Daiya muttered indignantly, but SJ's other comment drew her attention outside the train. Denon around them slowed down, passing behind a wall as their train entered another station. The girl's mouth opened a little as she realized it was a stop past the club she had suggested, her expression turning sour at the missed chance to crash a high-roller party today.

"We'd have to go back to hit the club. This is one of the stops for the spaceport, anyway." Beckoning to the others, Daiya ushered them forward towards the doors and out onto the station. The teen decided to wait for SJ to pass before dropping in behind him, watching him from the back. Juniper was right, he did look Human. But the galaxy was full of look-alike Humans with distinctions that made them special. The boy had already proven himself weird, why not special?

"If you're not Human, then what?" Daiya had to admit, he felt a lot more than weird to her. Something more...unsettling.



Juniper held no love loss for the club, not after the one Jamie had found her in all those moons ago. A spark of relief hit her as they stepped out for the space port stop, her eyes already peeled for sight of her blond-haired master. Even if Juniper wasn't actually at the port yet. She was soooooooooorry okay?

Don't leave without her!

She shot SJ, and his comment, a flickering glance. Her face pulled into a crinkle, her distaste clear on her face. "Ewwwwwwwwww, don't tell me you like meditation tooooo? No way, nu uh. I'm not doing it. You can't make me. You're human, you just want to be special."

She yanked on his shirt, playful yet insistent as she drove her point home.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Just wanted to be special?

"And what could be more special than a Jedi padawan?" the boy inquired, adopting the same playful tone. "Many younglings are tested. Few are chosen," he noted. Though, that might be dating him. Truth be told, he knew very little about how the Jedi Orders of the day filled their ranks. Did they seek out Force Sensitive younglings to raise them as Jedi? Did they take in older individuals in the galaxy, such as Daiya? Was it a mix? A lottery?

Part of him felt that he ought to know. The other part was already resigned to the fact that such things were no longer part of his life.

Glancing back at Daiya, the boy noted, "To answer your question, I am an Anzat."

They should talk of being species. Both of them seemed talented individuals. They just didn't know how to use their talents yet. Or maybe they just didn't trust in those talents yet. There was a difference there.
There went SJ with the Jedi thing again. The way he said it almost made Daiya think he was one, making fun of himself the way some people did. Or maybe a failed one.

No, that wasn't right, Juniper was the Jedi. Could SJ be a Force Wizard, too?

Daiya closed her eyes, only to open them up to a blue pair looking back at her. SJ seemed more serious now, willing to be straightforward. But if the girl was expecting a spontaneous revelation by his confession, she was greatly disappointed.

"Oh, she just said. There was no recognition in her voice, and her slender shoulders shrugged to show the same. "I guess that isn't Human."

It didn't explain how he was decades old, or why he was so weird. The girl couldn't remember the last time she had heard of an Anzat, or if she had. There was probably something peculiar about them, she just couldn't remember it.

Taking longer strides as they made their way through the crowd out of the station, the girl caught up with her new Jedi friend. If Juniper could be called a friend. "So, you're really just going to leave now? Head to the spaceport and climb back on another ship?"


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