Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ready...Set... Dance until your feet fall off. [SJO Dominion of Lianna]


Well, this was unexpected. Elpsis gave the newcomer a good one-over. There was something...odd about her. Something that made it seem there was more to her than met the eye, but she could not quite place it, though she suspected she had the Force.

Great. Ah, well, she did not look Jedi. For some reason despite her dislike of Jedi Elpsis had ended up on a planet that was right now crawling with them. On the bright side she was kind of cute. "Name's Elpsis. What do you wanna talk about?" In his haste, the thug did not notice that he had dropped his purse, which Elpsis soon appropriated. After all, she still needed to pay for her next bottle!

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Objective: Meet with Silver Jedi Delegates
Location: Meeting Room
Allies: Business and the Jedi, supposedly
Enemies: Poverty and the people who don’t work for a living.

There was something freeing about working with people like the representative written as [member="Moira Skaldi"]. He enjoyed the unit, they were effective, they broke down the bantha poodoo of these meetings and it made it a lot more tolerable. Especially when words like ‘speechifying’ were being used. He figured that’d be what would happen. The Tion Hegemony was build on good old fashioned Sith tenats.

He knew there were others at the meeting, from [member="Coci Heavenshield"] to [member="Maya Whitelight"]. Sure he did. Did he recognize most? No. He knew the ones that [member="Sasha Santhe"] had mentioned to him during some pillow talk event or another. But Coci wa the one he knew, so he greeted her first.

“And the rest of the Master Jedi in attendance.” Was that what they liked to be called? “I’m, obviously.” Because his reputation points and stuff. “Marek Starchaser of Bright Star and the Tion Hegemony. I’d like to just reiterate a welcome to Lianna. And am mainly meeting with you to ensure that the Treaty” of Who-Cares-Istan “That was worked out between your representatives and ours is still valid and enforced.” And to really work on things in the Hegemony’s favor if they were working to change it.

Lianna was the Tionese homeworld, after all.

As for bringing the food to the children? These were tapas and champagne, very expensive dishes. The food would be lost on the children. He nodded, though, when it was proposed. After the meeting. He was going to eat though. Shame that Nalia was a droid.
[member="Marek Starchaser"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Maya Whitelight"], [member="Connor Harrison"]

Think of the children! Since she was secretly a droid, Nalia had no interest in the expensive dishes and champagne. Her line of HRD was capable of eating and drinking, which was obviously useful for blending in. Her scanners told her that the tapas and liquor were what organics considered to be exquisite and tasty, but they would obviously have no effect on her.

Anyhow, on to negotiations and speechifying. "As Mr Starchaser has said, we are desirious that the Treaty is upheld. You may have noticed the anti-Jedi demonstrations that have rocked the capital. Rightly or wrongly, a substantial portion of the Tionese population fears the Jedi come here as foreign overlords and recent galactic events have only increased their hostility. They are a proud, independent people." Said galactic events being the fact that the Sith kept beating Jedi at every opportunity. It was only logical for people to fear that a Jedi presence would only bring the war to their doorstep.

Of course, so far the Silvers had sat out the Sith wars, but it was only a matter of time before it affected them as well. Truth be told, Nalia did not consider the one-sided curbstomp at the hand of 'Team Dark Side' that the war had been so far to be in her interests. A protracted conflict with significant losses on both sides would be far more useful when it came to reducing the number of organics and causing carnage, but she could adjust.

"Our security forces have the situation under control and we do not expect violent outbreaks, but assurance that Lianna will remain self-governing will go a long way to preserving order. There is also much the companies of the Tion Hegemony can offer the Silver Jedi, especially with war looming on the horizon."
Objective: Meeting and understanding
Location: Meeting Room
Allies: All those on the same page
Enemies: Time

[member="Moira Skaldi"] @Marek Starchaser [member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Corey's OOC"] o_O

Coci looked up for her momentary pause and only offered a small smile. Firstly she would address the subject of the 'treaty', the first of the round of talks started with Tion Hegemony.

"Mister Starchaser, Miss Alderana", she looked at them both pointedly. "The first meeting we had with Tion Hegemony, talked about this treaty, and in that meeting Grand Master [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] and myself, had told the representitives that we would put the terms of the treaty to the Silver Jedi Council. Which we did, and I will say that after the briefing that the Council was less than amused. Some vocing their concerns and others not in agreeance with the treaty and I had told the members of Tion Hegemony that we will convene and discuss it within the chambers of the council and that we, The Silver Jedi would send word of their decission. Which, and you will have to forgive my lack of communication of this, have not done as yet. Therefore there is no treaty. So we can clear that up here and now".

"From my understanding, from that meeting, is that the concerns you have are that the Silver Jedi will interfer with the governments of not only Lianna but others that are part of the Tion Cluster. This is your interests is it not? The Siver Jedi allow the respective governments of all systems and planet under the protection of the Silver Jedi, to govern indepentantly and without intervention from us. We will remain non-political to the best of our ability, however, if there is trouble in whatever form that might take, and they call for our assistance, we will come. We are not overlords, we do not require a form of payment for our protection".

"The galaxy at large is not safe regardless of who has possesion of space, of who governs, or if systems remain outside of any political body. The enemy is always watching and moving to remove freedoms from all peoples of the galaxy. Those that are not protected stand little chance of surviving an invasion if the common enemy arrives on their doorstep, but is they have an alliance with a faction that only has their best interests in their philosphy, .. they do. Yes Jedi groups are targeted, but so are planets and systems that do not have anyone to look out for them. Planets and systems that have a wealth of resources. And in some cases they will invade just to perpetuate their own interests".

"I believe what you are requiring from us, is clear passage through Silver Jedi protected space, so you as Tion Hegemony can travel within the Cluster without the need for permission. You have this ability, you also have the assurance that the Silver Jedi will not place conditions on governments, in the Cluster or not. This I believe is a 'gentlman's agreement'".

"If you have a need for something more formal like a treaty, than by all means write one and if both parties are concur to the conditions it will be enforced. I don't think that a treaty needs to be over complicated".

Coci sat up straight, and reached for a glass of the champagne offered to her on a silver platter.

Marek Starchaser


That was a word for it, for certain. Marek Starchaser was being a representative of the Tion Hegemony for the Silver Jedi. Sure, he might not agree with the Jedi, but he agreed even less with people taking over the Tionese worlds. And beyond that? He didn’t need so start leading people into battle. We all saw how well that one went, didn’t we? He nodded to himself. With the thoughts of kids not even registering, sometimes he wondered if [member="Moira Skaldi"] had already processed him into a droid. He did have an arm that would blast a stun shot, after all.

Nah, he could touch the Force, that was a cyborg.

Unless Archangel had come up with new techniques to make you think you were touching the Force.

That was intense.

The droid, which was not meant to be a disgracing term, maybe he should refer to his coworker as The Droid, with a capital D, had jumped onto the conversation, beginning with what Marek wanted to discuss.

He looked over at [member="Coci Heavenshield"] and nodded. “Keeping our assets protected is important to us. I believe we have what we need from when you met with Miss Santhe. At this point its merely that you’ve pulled in our largest world,” population, production and economically speaking “and we want to ensure that we, as the Tionese are able to keep our sovereignty, without any form of conscription when war does come this way.”
[member="Marek Starchaser"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Coming up with techniques to make you think you were touching the Force...maybe this was something to look into.

Anyhow, she listened while Heavenshield spoke. Truth be told, Nalia was a bit less invested in this whole Tion business simply because Archangel was a good deal less entangled with it. Moreover, they kept their unsavoury affairs very compartmentalised and away from Lianna and other Tionese worlds. So the chance of the Silvers finding out anything suspicious was...very low. Still, Lianna was the most important Tionese world and she had a role to play here.

"That is the security we desire. Self-governance, free commerce and the right to manage our affairs. If we can agree on that, then we have a good basis for a sound working relationship. There is much Lianna can contribute, if it stays sovereign as your Charter promises. The same applies to the corporations that form the Tion Hegemony. Especially since, as you pointed out, war is coming closer. Archangel for one can offer some of the finest Humanoid Replica Droids in the Galaxy. They are elite combat units."
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Moira Skaldi"]​
Listening is what she did best but also keeping herself ever on watch towards those in the room now. Nothing was more then anything to have such a great feast laid before them. Taking in what her eyes could behold. It wasn't with out her scope that the one that spoke the last. Couldn't be felt in the force. It was a void just that couldn't put her finger on it at this time. Maybe after these talks are done, maybe her sister in order could talk about these things.

For now it had to be focus on the hear and now that was on the talk. Giving concern for these last part from her. "I know I don't speak for Master Heavenshield, but I am one that like to not use anything that has to do with droids or what you call Humaniod Repica, to me driods me putting those that need to feed themselves and family from working an good day work.", as she once agian took of one of the tray with a finger food.

"May I say Mr. Starchaser this is very delicious food, and fine wine vintage.", it wasn't that if it was there couldn't enjoy it.

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