Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ready...Set... Dance until your feet fall off. [SJO Dominion of Lianna]

Location: City on Lianna
Objective:Meeting make sure no funny cloning business takes place.
Enemy:Money and Time
Posts: 5/20
Allies and Friends: | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"] | @Maya Whitelight | [member="Mantic Dorn"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] |[member="Moira Skaldi"] [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

As she bow to Coci. "Yes I will join you afterwards.", not knowing what been done or not done for the little ones health care. Call it what it was after which time the last shuttle came down from the main ship bring down the rest of the medical supplies that had been inbound for this place. Even so it wouldn't take long to get the supplies unloaded. Knowing that medical supplies for a common thieves could only go so far. So on the shuttle also showed up some of the medical personal. This team that came to the house where of the basic skills of that of healers, and medial techs. All had the promise in their fields.

After which time she went to cheek in on her Padawn bring a smile to his lips. "Padawn Dorn , I see you have made a friend.", with that it warmed her that he would make a great jedi one with compassion. "Please help the tech, with there work of taking simple of each children here, to see what if they have any disease or ill. Even then if one could keep something like this under control it would spread like wild fire through a place such as this.

"I have a meeting to go to, if you want you may come to listen.", as she let herself look around for a another aid worker. Giving them another few instructions on if they found any force sensitive ones to report it to her. Even so she couldn't help but give a pat on the shoulder of Dorn. Now see about this meeting this she felt it was strange to have a meeting like this during an aid run. Still her own interesting she would keep in cheek for now.

Entering into the room seeing others was already there giving a smile and bow to Connor always on the look out he was to keep all around him safe. After which she came to find her own resting prech near enough to hear. Even was before sitting she place a basket where all could see the fruit.

"Some sweet juicy fruit from one of our many gardens, would do a good start for the meeting, ladies and Gents, I"m Master Whitelight", as if reach out she floated one to Coci then to Connor. Remembering when they first met it was by the Peach of Peace tree.

Then passing one two knowing it might not look go if used the force for some it might be frowned upon. Getting up she reach into her basket and pulled out one of the yellowish looking peaces for Marek and other one as she thought she caught her name when she came in as, "Miss Alderana."


Location: Surface of Lianna | Exact Location Unknown
Objective: Aid the Silver Jedi [ Ally of Objective ? ]
Allies: The Silver Jedi Order, Allies of the Silver Jedi Order
Enemies: Enemies of the Silver Jedi Order
Post: [ 03/20 ]

As the taxi took the girl to the centre, or at least where she wanted to go, Lilin paid for the drive and left. She took a moment to look around the park, then nodded and started walking towards the middle of the park. She actually had time -- she'd arrived fifty minutes too early for the meeting.

She slowly progressed through the park, trying to look at the people who had the potential to be the one she was supposed to meet. But when she got to the exact middle of the place, she saw a person headed towards her; somebody who had his eyes attached on her. Whether it was the man or not, she was intrigued by his well kept look, even though he looked slightly off to her.

"It looks like coming an hour early was a good idea," the man with purple hair and slightly too bright blue eyes said as he made it very close to the girl.

"You have to be thankful I took a taxi -- otherwise you would have waited an entire hour."

The man smirked and then took a locked little chest out of his left pocket.

"So, the deal is simple. You take this package to the person in a white leather jacket who has got bright blue hair and purple eyes. But you don't give it to him."

"Then what's the purpose of doing that?"

"Listen, please."

He sighed.

"You don't give it to him; when he demands to have it, you take your lightsaber out. If he still insists to get it, you ignite the blade. He has the key to this package. Due to having made out of lightsaber- and blaster-resistant material, this chest can't be opened with anything else. You have to get the key and not give him the package."

"Umm, and what do I get as a reward for doing that?"

"You get three quarters of what's inside. I get a quarter and the chest. Is that OK?"

"You've got a deal."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Lianna
Objective: Pass things out
Allies: Silver Jedi
Enemies: ?

Standing there as one of the crowd departed, Matsu felt her stomach growl while she sat down with the HRD that was looking at her with a small bar of food and some father. "Thank you Harmony." She sat there having a bite to eat but brought up the information on her tacpad while the holoemitters were working for the room they were in. The images she was bringing up while adjusting the hologram to be more a solid state that could operate within the room. A few more people coming in here and there as stragglers for things she gave it to them and was slowly testing it while she spoke. "Access systems." The jedi watched a display come up for herself and brought it to her hands to work on while reviewing it. "Access Sasori report logs from Kanna." Matsu watched the stream from offworld teams that were coming on a special thing while she started reading through incidents.
Location: Starrunner Cantina, outer street.
Objective: 1
Allies: The Silver Jedi and Friends
Enemies: Local Crime Lords
Nearby: [member="Bellatrix Celvina"] [member="Kuryr"]
Post: 7/20

"Cool whip you go there... you know there was this man, a highly skilled pyrokinesis user named [member="Romeo Sin"]. He used on me once a creation of fire and air that was as solid as stone yet burned hotter than a furnace. Not quite sure what he called it but i affectionately have named it Helios' python. Do you want to see how it works?" He smiled and closed his eyes completely and surrendered his body to the force as his veins grew ebony black, his features thinned and his eyes behind their lids became the golden amber that signified the use of the darkside. His arms twitched for a second before final two strands of flames erupted around them and then started to move off them into two physical, snake shaped, trails of flames. The core of these snakes was a telekinetic tendril while the outer part of it was all superheated air.

"It so deserves something fun to snack on... A Taung that uses a whip as a weapon is surely something of a feast for these two, don't you think?" The snakes were about a meter in length, twisting still before him in the air as he smiled at the Taung and would let it have its whip back and the first move.


Location: Surface of Lianna | Exact Location Unknown
Objective: Aid the Silver Jedi [ Ally of Objective ? ]
Allies: The Silver Jedi Order, Allies of the Silver Jedi Order
Enemies: Enemies of the Silver Jedi Order
Post: [ 04/20 ]

A few minutes later, the deal having been agreed on and the address of the person being told to the girl, Lilin made her way to a cantina nearby. It was a difficult job she had, actually. The man she had to get the key from was a member of personnel in a security company and had been trained to fight and make sure everybody was secured.

But she thought with the Force's aid, she would succeed easily.

Her steps were fast -- she really wanted to know what was inside the chest and she actually had no intention to fight. But she had to, and the nervousness made her walk in a really quick motion.

As soon as she made it to the cantina, a group of people were already waiting for. The rest of the cantina was empty; no music, no people, no fun. Only the man in a white leather jacket who had got purple eyes and bright blue eyes and a few more people.

"Huh, so you think you are clever? So come and try to take the key from me. To steal something from me and then come back, rub it under my nose and just steal the key to the chest? I know who you work for and who gave you the job."

The girl was speechless. Adrenaline pumped up inside her and all she could think of was the desperate wish to run away.

"Please give me the chest or things'll get really ugly."
Location: City on Lianna
Objective: Learn and help
Enemy: ?
Posts: 3/20
Allies: the silvery jedi

Mantic tried to look unnerved. But the entire situation did feel a bit too grand to grasp for him. His master was meeting with leasing members of the Silver jedi order. She herself a member had never brought the topic to him. But he had studied present politics and knew that this was a sort of brnch of the traditional jedi order. He had not see the full difference but understood that even jedi were creatures trapped in modern society. Thus what was the right and what was the wrong interpretation of the code was most likely harder then ever before.
Mantic had read about this and he had heard lessons about it as well. The chism.
But with [member="Maya Whitelight"] he had seen more. Barely scratching the surface of real life he had come to terms with that it was hard to follow the code outside of the protective walls of the academy.

there is no ignorance...

As his master then spoke he took a bow.

"Yes master. I will do my very best to help." he answered.

As she left to attend the meeting Mantic turned bewildred. What was he supposed to do now..?
Lianna City

Allies: [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="San-Ji Yan"]


“Hmph.” Javek muttered as he lowered his arm. She didn’t seem too interested in joining them, or even acknowledging them to a certain degree. So he turned his attention back to Karen as they wondered into the entrance to the mall.

“Wouldn’t that be a sight? A lowly Padawan guarding a Master, not that anyone around here would care…”

Whether or not she was serious, a good fight might be enough to knock some of the rust off of him. He’d been training for what it seems as an eternity since he’s joined the Order. Everything he’s learned from his late Master was tossed in the trash compactor, which meant he had a lot of catching up to do.

As they reached the mall Javek took a deep breath as the cool air splashed against his face. He couldn’t help but to squint, it was brighter than usual. As Karen brought up food, Javek had a sudden knick of nausea, he for some reason didn’t find eating appealing at the moment. Maybe some fresh cold water would relax him.

“I could use some water actually. Eh…wait, what? Adventurous? Well, fine. But I’m not touching any Bantha meat.” Javek has heard horror stories of the stench and taste of Bantha’s that are cooked as a meal. He didn’t want to be the next victim of poisoning or something worse.

“But sure. Why not? This is actually my first time on the planet itself. It certainly would be a waste, wouldn't it”
Location: Tabaqui, Veydascee System
Objective: Paying his respects
Allies: Family
Enemies: Grief
The Grandmaster was not present at Lianna. No, he was back home on Tabaqui looking over the little ones. Nina and Théo had both taken their first steps, however small, on their journey to become Jedi Knights. This meant they often stayed on Voss to train alongside the other younglings, but today was a special occasion. Less-so for them, admittedly, and not a pleasant one: Today marked the day that she died.

The day was spent enjoying himself with his two children, taking them out on excursions and fishing in the lake. He was happy knowing they were happy, but as the sun began its descent and the sky turned to orange a sense of loss welled up inside of him. Once Nina and Théo were both in bed and soundly asleep, Thurion ventured outside during the final stages of daylight. What few clouds remained had now turned to a faint pink and stars were shining through the darkening sky.

It wasn't far from his home. In fact, he had a perfect vantage point from where he stood atop the waterfall. It was a carefully selected spot, but not meant for him. It was meant for her, to watch over his family when he was not around to do so himself. Kneeling down before the simple headstone carved by his own hand, Thurion extinguished the lantern he'd brought to illuminate the way and instead lit a single candle before placing it at the foot of the stone. There were no markings save for one:

The Sith word for 'victory'.

"Hello, Asha," he began.



Location: Surface of Lianna | Exact Location Unknown
Objective: Aid the Silver Jedi [ Ally of Objective ? ]
Allies: The Silver Jedi Order, Allies of the Silver Jedi Order
Enemies: Enemies of the Silver Jedi Order
Post: [ 05/20 ]

"What's going on?" Lilin asked, clearly confused and with no idea of what to do next. Her mind raced, but after every thought, she had the instinctive pump of 'I have to run'. She would have wanted to do that, but that would have meant she would have turned into a criminal and a wanted by two different forces.

Which was never a good thing.

The men of this person started walking closer to Lilin, to which she automatically took her lightsaber's hilt out and say, "I won't give you anything."

The target grumped, but didn't want to lose to the girl. He made a gesture which Lilin thought meant 'grab her' or something along these lines. And she guessed she was correct, seeing how the group of men all tried to catch her.

But she had already ignited her blade and was ready to attack.

"You will not get the chest."


Disney's Princess
Lianna City
w [member="Javek Tysis"]

Good. Javek was the adventurous type. Roberts loved fellow Force Users with a sense for daring and adventure. Especially when they applied it in all aspects of their lives. Food, fun, romance, and even sporting events. That was where the Gray part of Karen seemed to take over the most. She was often too busy living a normal life and out soldiering the galaxy to ever aspire to be real Jedi Master. Which was truly sad sometimes because of all the spiritual learnings she so often overlooked and all the bad habits that the galaxy can teach you. But the Force was ever mindful. Every situation can teach you something, if your open enough to embrace it.

So Roberts strolled right into the court atrium and marveled at it's grand size. Two whole floors of booths, tables, bars, and restaurants greeted her. There were indoor gardens and whole planted trees. High ceilings and green branches that offered shade. There were floating decorations and holographic signs. There were even portions of the court floor that were cut away into transparasteel rivers. So that even as you walked across the floor you would notice blue rushing waters beneath your feet. ...And fish. Haha. There were fish in those man-made rivers. Orange, red, and green fish. Swimming up and down between the tables as people ate their sizzling lunches. Oh my goodness. How did she enjoy Lianna already!

It was a busy day and many of the tables were full with people. A hovering pink ball-droid floated about just waiting to clean the tables,

"Let's try the bottom level and grab us some grub. Keep an eye out for a good table would ya Silver? Place is busy today."

Roberts wandered off to the Red Roasting section to grab some grub. Sure enough too. There in big bold letters it read: Lianna Banzai Burger Special. Pineapple and smoked bacon burger on a toasted wheat bun. Endless fries included. Oh bby. Move over diet. Momma was coming through. Ouch. Hehe. She quickly hoped in line and wondered what kind of food Tysis would select to peruse. He certainly had choices.

"And what a grand presentation it is indeed."

High up in the ceilings above, the cool air breezed on through. Hovering under the skylights and and fluttering over the flickering flying lanterns. Causing the dozens upon dozens of colorful banners to sway in the artificial wind. Colorful banners that were adorned and decorated with pictures of the greatest events in the history of this great Lianna Nation. Shining proudly above and flowing for every Silver Jedi to see. Marking this whole planet as a marvelous modern marvel. And making the sizzling air of sweets and tempting desserts all the boyishly merrier too.

*ooc: zomgad! post 90 already. This Dom is go-go-gadget fast. Whop whop. :p
Location: City on Lianna
Objective: Learn and help

Enemy: ?
Posts: 4/20
Allies: the silvery jedi

There was definitely something interesting going on as he moved among the children. He was slowly realizing that what he actually was feeling was not his own feelings. No he felt what these children felt. Somehow his master had lured him into this - or so he thought.
He moved through the room with a slow motion. He was a bit dazzled at this but he remembered the basic theoretical teachings on how to handle this. One would heve to turn inwards in order to sort all the emotions and feelings that was in the room. Now and then he even felt something stronger, almost a deafening surge of power.

It had to be from the masters who where having their meeting in the next room. But Mantic never searched for this. He merely kept on doing what master [member="Maya Whitelight"] had told him. He walked around to each child, scraping their skins for some samples and handed it over to the "tech" as he was instructed.

the process was not a long one, but for Mantic it had been a life long sensation that finally was unwrapped. It had been an experience of great insight to him.

As he finished he gave some thought on if he should join the meeting as his master had offered. But he instead chose to remain outside, by the door until his master was finished.
Location: Outside Starrunner cantina
Objective: Distract the wimp
People: [member="Bellatrix Celvina"] [member="Solan Charr"]

Fire snakes... that was a new one, even for him. He tilted his head as he watched the snakes dance. He was definitely outclassed in this fight, but the goal had been achieved, even if he wasn't sending this guy home in a body bag. He wondered where Bellatrix had wandered off to, probably somewhere to get high as usual. He hoped she hadn't sold the case yet, there might be something useful in it, or at least expensive enough to cover the loss of the gear his waste of a gang of thugs were going to lose him when he broke off this fight. "You're right, a whip seems sort of silly when you think about it." He shrugged " Can't just be a thug with a pistol, can I?"

Not waiting for a reply he aimed and pulled the trigger on his pistol three more times, He aimed center mass on the strange man and while wasn't afraid of losing, neither was he going to let the man use his crazy fire snakes to full effect. With caution, he took more than a few steps backwards. He didn't want to end up getting eaten by some weird fire worm when he could have retreated smarter. Sometimes you had to know when you were outclassed. He would remember this moment and the face of the man he had met, and he would make sure they met again. But the next time would be different, he would make sure the other man was nothing but a bad memory for the galaxy.
Location: City on Lianna
Objective: Meeting and No Cloning Coci!
Enemy: Hungry bellies. A longing to be somewhere else.
Posts: 5/20
Allies and Friends: | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"] | [member="Mantic Dorn"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Moira Skaldi"] | [member="Nima Tann"]

The Silver Jedi and Tion Hegemony delegation gathered. Coci greeted each one of the Jedi as they entered the small would-be meeting room before only moments later, Mister Starchaser had entered with what appeared to be people providing exquisite food and drinks. “Mister Starchaser, it is a pleasure to you”, turning to a very business-like woman standing next to him, Coci bowed equal respect. “Likewise Nalia Alderana, the pleasure is mine”. She stood aside to allow the Silver Jedi to form their introductions before she commenced with the reason for the meeting.

“Mister Starchaser, I do believe you contacted us wishing to speak?”, as far as Coci was concerned the previous meeting had addressed some points of issue and now wondered if there was more. Lianna for the most part, is in a healthy state of being, with less than most societies, where the needy are concerned. But the Silver Jedi would soon see to providing for those that have been unfortunate.

“Before we do however, I would like to thank you for this fare that you offer, the food is indeed plentiful and delicious. Would you mind if your people instead of serving us, serve the food to the children?”.

There was a moment pause, as Coci felt sadness. She allowed her eyes to closed just for a moment, to connect through the force to the man she loves with all her heart, soul and body. She would not contact him, would not disturb him as he wishes to be alone. But through their force bond, he would know she is there for him when he needs her.

Coci looked down into her hands, rolling over the peach that Maya had given to her, and she smiled. She would go home soon.
Lianna City

Allies: Karen Roberts San-Ji Yan


“Oh, my. This is rather tempting.” Javek said as the addicting aroma hit his nose. All the foods surrounding him made him feel like a Hutt at Klatooine Paddy Frog buffet. He eagerly strolled over to one of the selection menus and eyed the almost unlimited amount of meals to choose from.

“Alright. Maybe I will get something…” he crossed his arms in thought. He’s never heard of half the selections on the menu which made it mighty difficult to come down to a conclusion. He shifted legs and continued to scan the menu. And finally, something caught his eye. A Nerf sausage flatbread special. It sounded like a light or average sized dish nothing too heavy, and Nerf sausage was usually of Corellian tradition as a meal. Javek’s never had Corellian food before.

Javek pressed down on his robe as he turned his head back toward Karen. “How about Corellian? Ever had that?” The likely hood she has is probably high, but Javek was just trying to make easy conversation.

Connor Harrison

Location: Lianna City; TH Building
Objective: 2 - Oversee ‘The Helping Hands’
Allies: [member="Chastity Lunelle"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Mantic Dorn"] | [member="Moira Skaldi"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] |
Enemies: Poverty / Famine etc

Connor rose as the others did to greet the new faces for this meeting – he nodded and introduced himself as a fellow Master of the Silver Jedi. He was here to represent the Order and to support the Master of it, distracted and lacking that spark she carried inside. Connor would listen, and understand, and be the pillar of support he would always try to be.

Flashing a smile to Maya, rolling the peach back and forward in his hand as he leant forward on the crate, he gave her a wink. It was nice to be on the same wavelength again, as he always had time for the Zeltron healer but never HAD time it seemed.

Coci spoke wise words, and it was more than generous for their refreshments to go to the children in need of such bounties. The Masquerade Ball was a welcome treat to look forward to for them after the job had been done here, so anything that could be spared for others would, and should be.



Disney's Princess
Lianna City
w [member="Javek Tysis"] p10

"Sure sure. Distasteful name though these days. You'd think they'd be more mindful."

Roberts frowned at the name. Since Akala, she hated that Corellian culture was still so prominent commercially. But, I suppose it was better than renaming everything Old Corellia. Or worse. Brokellia. Even should it be more accurate.

"Personally I prefer bison or meirson myself. Nerf is too fatty for my tastes. Though the price difference is considerable. Meh. With enough spices you can really do wonders to any meat though. You'll enjoy it. It's pretty good stuff. Especially with honey mustard. Mm."

One thing was for sure. Karen was off her diet today. She'd have to hit the gym double for how badly she'd been eating planetside. Oh well. Such is the nature of vacationing. She couldn't have picked a better planet to cruise for new cuisine on either.
Location: Random bar
Objective: Get drunk

Far away from the Silver Jedi and their 'help the poor' mission or the schemes or Tionese capitalists and insane droids, Elpsis was busy doing important, earth-shattering things. Verily, despite her tender years, for she was only eighteen years of ag and thus barely legal, she was working on a grand scheme.

Her instrument? A bottle of whiskey and a glass. Her lair? A moderately seedy bar on the outskirts of Lianna City. Even a capitalist paradise had areas where the dregs of society, never-do-wells and scoundrels congegrated and this was one of the them. So it had the usual combination of dim lighting, bad music, more or less attractive dancers and a clientele that mostly consisted of members of society who could not be considered respectable by any stretch of the imagination.

The drinks were not that great, the music could use more of an edge and the waitresses were unfriendly. Likewise the table was stained and it seemed that no one had seemed fit to wipe a stain of blood from the floor from the last time when bouncers had kicked an unruly patron out.

News had been running on the screen, reporting about protests against the Silvers, but few in the bar paid any attention, thus proving that no one here had any patriotic feelings. Elpsis was, you might have guessed it, utterly indifferent, and downed her glass of whiskey. Alas, it was not Corellian whiskey but that sort of stuff was hard to come by ever since Corellia had been wrecked. Poor planet. It kind of sucked if you'd lived there. Finding that her glass was empty, Elpsis could not allow this injustice to stand and instead poured herself another one. How many had she had by now? She could not tell.

Alas, it seemed she could not continue her quest uninterrupted, for a thuggish looking fellow with platinum blonde hair and a swagger that seemed typical for never-do-wells, approached her and without permission sat down on a chair next to her. "Hi, hun, you new around here? Haven't see..."

"Piss off," Elpsis snarled. Her words came across as slurred, which meant she had achieved some success in her campaign to become completely inebriated.

"Now, you don't talk to me like that, girl..."

Now Elpsis was completely fed up and so she grabbed him by his hair and slammed him face-first into the table. Even before he could react to that he suddenly experienced even worse pain when his hair was set on fire as she drew upon her power. The man cursed loudly, but alas when his head impacted upon the table her bottle fell down to the floor and shattered into pieces. "Now look what you did. Barkeep, another bottle for me. Your...strongest stuff. He's paying," Elpsis declared, before punching the cursing thug in the face.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
Location: Lianna Maa
Objective: Shop
Allies: Silver Jedi [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Javek Tysis"]
Enemies: ?

The movement through the mall had her looking around more, she had went around looking at some of the shops and found her way towards the food court using what few credits she had while also presenting a large stone that could be traded. The one she got food from was excited while getting it to her as she stood over there looking around with some of them. Her staff opening as she took the top off and the blue jelly appeared on the table shaping itself into a humanoid form that sat there with her. Eliciting a laugh from one of the children watching as he was pointing and the nagai wiped her hands to start eating the food with the creature.


The Eternal Exile
[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]
The thug, scorched, seeing double and very angry, struggled to his feet.
“You wanna play rough,” he slurred, spitting out blood. A vibroknife appeared in his hand.
From behind him another voice coughed. Another woman. “Excuse me, can I have a word?”
Turning, the angry man found himself facing a shorter woman with dark hair. “What you want?”
The woman’s eyes bored into his. Go away,” she said softly.
With something of a strangled scream the man dropped his weapon and fled.

Stepping daintily through the broken glass, the woman sat beside Elpsis. “I see you’re unharmed. Good, my name’s Tamara. If you’re not in the mood to talk I’ll leave you be.”
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Lianna
Objective: Shop
Allies: Silver Jedi
Enemies: ?

Matsu finished up, the area was set up, the warehouse for storage and the building with its machines being set up for them to use and machine parts. Sure they were a huge part of the economy but could be useful as her researchers were working on diagrams and handing things out. Getting want information was needed from the citizens who could provide information and she was working with them. As more information went across the screens from the people and was getting displayed Matsu thanked them. The displays changing as they worked on the codes of the displays before they finished and her hands clasped together. "Thank you very much, your help has been invaluable for my research."

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