Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebel Alliance Sign Ups

Kodiak Mosthal

If you want to be an official dedicated member of the New Rebel Alliance please post here saying so.
yes i know about that. becasue equa wants the "Pure force" faction while kodiak wants the "Rebel alliance" faction. It will be hard to merge them, but i have an idea. we could have a chaste(taking this from the Vong) where we have indivdual sections on a faction that gree to work together. equa and the other person would would be the leaders of that portion and kodaik and who ever he choses will be th leaders of that chaste. but all of them have one goal in mind. Stop the Sith and/or Jedi.

Ava Solborne

Well, the Rebel Alliance wants to stop, destroy both Sith Empire and the Republic. Equality Order would never destroy them, because their belief says, that both sides are equal and have to exist. Destroying them would destroy the balance in the Force and bad things would happen.
"Now if someone did a revolution against the plutocrats and aristocrats of the Galaxy...I'd be interested."

That would be so...awesome. Alas, Star Wars is absent of any sort of class struggle! Even the Republic is packed with aristos. Up the people's revolution!

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