Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebel Alliance Sign Ups

Flint Pherson

Gentlemen. Gentlemen. Can I call you gentlemen? Look. Nobody is replying to your 'Meeting the Republic' Thread until you guys become a real Faction on the Boards. And no Darren, it won't be with me. So drop it. It will be IC with the Chancellor or an Ambassador she's selected represent herself. So cool those jets and take it down a notch.

We'll be in touch.

Flint Pherson

That is an excellent idea. Truthfully I expected a PM from Kodiak to plan a thread further down the line. Maybe in a day or two or something. Seeing you guys post up a thread on the Capital already got me jumping. :D
Invite me. I can represent the Republic. I will come unwashed, pick my nose in front of the cameras, burp in the middle of speeches. Just another day in the Galactic Senate.

Flint Pherson

You guys are using our Symbol too? Ugh. ...Punch me in the gut why don't cha. Sheesh. Now I'm going to have to photoshop us a new one. I can't have copycats running all over the place. :D

EDIT: Aww yeah. Now we rockin' totally original colors. Dat what I'm talking about! Oww! :p

Darren Onyx

They both have the same symbol but I believe they had different colors (the Rebel Alliance was red while the Republic was blue)

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